Germany: Syrian stabbed transvestite

Less than two months after a Syrian man (20) stabbed a Hungarian man (33) in Dresden’s Johannstadt district, the public prosecutor’s office has brought charges of attempted murder against the brutal knifeman.

The victim of the knife attack, Balazs B. (33) could only be saved by emergency surgery. Public prosecutor Steve Schulze-Reinhold (41): “We assume that the accused has carried out the crime with the characteristic of insidiousness.

On May 19, the Syrian Rami al M. had visited his acquaintance and spent the evening with him, then he stabbed him several times and fled the flat.

The victim dragged himself to the street Dürerstraße covered in blood, residents called the emergency doctor – an anti-terror unit later arrested the Syrian.

The victim was wearing a dress at the time of the crime. Acquaintances report that he was a transvestite and that the two had an affair. According to the newspaper BILD, drugs were also involved. Even the Hungarian cannot say what exactly triggered the crime. The accused remains silent about the motive.,view=amp.bildMobile.html

At least 10 passengers stabbed during Tokyo train knife Jihad attack, suspect detained by police

At least 10 people were injured during a knife rampage on a commuter train in the Olympic host city of Tokyo.

One passenger was left seriously wounded while the rest were treated at a nearby hospital, Tokyo’s Fire Department confirmed.

Cops captured the man as he tried fleeing the scene on Friday evening.

Authorities said victims remained conscious throughout the attack and that none suffered life-threatening injuries. One was able to walk away.

A witness at a nearby station where the train eventually halted said he saw panicked passenger bolt of out the carriages.

Another told broadcaster NHK that commuters were smeared with blood and that an announcement was made calling on doctors on board and passengers with towels to help, according to the Independent.

Despite a usually low crime rate, Japan has seen a number of mass-casualty knife attacks in recent years.

In May 2019, a 51-year-old man went on a stabbing spree in the city of Kawasaki, killing a man and 12-year-old school girl and injured 15 other school students.

And in 2016, 19 residents at a care home for people with mental disabilities were stabbed to death by a former employee who confessed to the killing.

Dozens of police and paramedics rushed to the crime scene near Seijogakuen-Mae station, according to the railway operator, Odakyu Electric Railway Company.

The station added the suspect was caught after storming into a convenience store and telling people he was fed up of running away.

The store manager saw the 20-something-year-old covered in blood and called police.

The man left what was believed to be the weapon and a mobile phone on the train, one source told The Japan Times.

Police declined to comment and no other details were immediately available.

Seijogakuen-Mae station is only miles away from the Tokyo 2020 Olympic stadium, where events are still taking place and draw to a close on Sunday/

Medical insanity, as described by an MD

By Matt Bettag, MD

When did the world become insane? What is the reason for it? Big Brother? Depopulation? Or people in love with control? I don’t know and it’s driving me nuts. But I’ve decided I’m tired of complaining about it to my friends and family and I’m willing to put my name on the line. If the woke culture wants to ruin me for speaking the truth, I guess I might as well just get it over with now.

I have been a physician for 24 years, a practicing ENT for 19 years. I have never before seen the medical establishment just stop thinking. Insanity is the new rule, and common sense cannot even be discussed.

From the beginning, 15 days to flatten the curve, I was shocked. We had never done this before, but perhaps this virus was really bad, so I gave the government the benefit of the doubt.

Then came Fauci. He initially said social distancing didn’t work, and masks were largely ineffective. But by late March, he pronounced both masking and social distancing necessary. Weird…red flag. But what really hit me was that he went on to say people should use Tinder and Grindr at their own discretion. What? How do you socially distance that? So now I am alarmed.

I started researching the utility of masks. There were very good articles I found — one out of a respiratory center in Chicago, and another a good dental review. I bookmarked both of them. Less than a month later, the dental website was down, replaced by a text saying basically that their information is now irrelevant because of COVID. The Chicago article also had a disclaimer that previously wasn’t there saying people shouldn’t use their article politically. What? Don’t use a scientifically-derived article to make a scientifically based decision on the utility of masks? What the hell is going on?

Next comes PCR. Let’s conveniently jack up the cycles to 40+, resulting in a 90–97% false-positive rate, then let’s start testing all elective surgery, asymptomatic exposures, and hospitalized patients. In addition, we will reimburse hospitals greatly for COVID admissions and ICU visits. Oxygen doesn’t work; go home until you get worse. Oh, and bring your family and friends with you; they’ll need testing.

Steroids were advised against early on, which makes no sense because they do decrease inflammation and in ENT have been used widely for viral illness. Next, we find a few weeks later the secret drug to treat COVID: steroids. What?

HCQ, not safe. Has been used for decades worldwide with a great safety profile, but not anymore, because orange man bad. Mention it, and you are a lunatic. The same went for any other proven therapeutic, such as ivermectin and vitamin D.

Vaccines? I wouldn’t trust anything the president made. That was Kamala Harris back in the fall. Now if you don’t get vaccinated, you don’t care about other people, and you wanna watch people die. Oh, and by the way, we should vaccinate everyone, including those who previously had COVID, pregnant women, and small children.

What about VAERS? That’s the open record report system that the CDC has made almost unnavigable. It’s slowly crept up and showed up to 12,000 deaths coincident with the vaccine. Then dropped to 6,000, only to come back up to 10,000 and now back to 12,000. Just a little glitch from our trustworthy government. There are reports that the numbers could be ten times or more as high, and perhaps the CDC is misclassifying deaths to hide them. But let’s trust the government; they’ve been so good thus far.

Now the latest, the delta variant, is surging because of the unvaccinated. Ignore the data from other countries that have very high vaccine rates but high spiking cases, and ignore the data from other countries that have low vaccine rates and almost no COVID. As a matter of fact, let’s not even look at Sweden, which essentially didn’t do lockdowns or masking, has a low vaccination rate, and has almost zero COVID.

I have never lived in a world like this, where open medical dialogue is completely suppressed and there is only one party line. I thought the left was always talking about how we shouldn’t bully people, and we need to have “dialogue.” Well…let’s start. The media and the government need to do their job and start opening dialogue to the other side. If we are crazy, it will come out. If we are right, and the data show that to be the fact, then a large apology is warranted.

France: “She is my wife – I do what I want with her.” Tunisian man sentenced for violence against his pregnant wife

To defend himself in court, he simply claimed that his wife must have been fallen. A 26-year-old Tunisian man was sentenced to four months in prison on Thursday August 5 for beating his pregnant wife in Plaisir (Yvelines), reports The day before the court hearing, police had been called to the scene by witnesses. The man had just dragged his wife by her hair from the street into the hallway, where he then kicked her in the head. “She is my wife. I do what I want with her,” he told eyewitnesses at the scene.

The man then fled on a scooter, but finally returned to his house as if nothing had happened, claiming to have been visiting friends. He was arrested and brought to court in summary proceedings. The victim explained that she had been the target of this violent outburst after accusing her husband of flirting with another woman.

Before the judges, the accused assured that he was not responsible for his wife’s injuries. He claimed that although she was four months pregnant, she drank a lot and therefore sometimes fell. He did not convince the prosecution, which demanded an eight-month prison sentence followed by preventive detention. The judges were less strict and sentenced him to four months in prison, a ban on contact with the victim and a ban on entering the family home, according to

The Spanish judiciary is similarly islamophile as the French one

And I believed that only France was affected by this judicial laxity towards certain criminals.

That only in France was it possible to be robbed, assaulted, beaten and perhaps even raped or killed, but above all not to defend oneself, not even with one’s bare hands, not even with one’s fists and certainly not using a weapon, because that certainly would mean prison for us!

We have witnessed this over and over again in France. There is no need to remind us of the many shopkeepers and private individuals who “dared” to resist a robbery, a burglary of a dwelling or a burglary of a shop and who ended up behind bars as a result.

Not only in France, but also in Spain the population is facing the same perversion of the justice.

Thousands of Spaniards are taking to the streets to defend a 77-year-old “old man” who had “dared” to shoot someone who had broken into his house in the early hours of Sunday morning while he was lying in bed sleeping.

The 35-year-old burglar (whose identity and origin are currently unknown) was killed and the 77-year-old “old man” who woke up in his sleep and reached for his gun out of fear is sent to prison.

This happened in Atalaya, near Ciudad Real, and he is awaiting sentencing for defending his life and property.

Spain is protesting, as it did in Palma de Mallorca, because on this Balearic island, also on Sunday morning at around 5am, on the beach of Can Père Antoni, a migrant of Moroccan origin wanted to grab a backpack that was lying in the sand when he was caught by its owner, who hit him hard in the face, causing him to lose some teeth.

The police were quickly on the scene and arrested the owner of the backpack for ” dangerous bodily harm”.

The migrant perpetrator said he was mistaken when he thought it was his bag”.

Spaniards await the next act… without many illusions!

It is true that we are not in the United States, where the possession of a firearm is allowed by the Constitution, and that same Constitution allows Americans who are attacked in their homes to defend their lives and property against any suspicious intrusion.

In Ceuta, the Spanish enclave on Moroccan territory open to all migrants (hundreds pass through every week!), an 18-year-old young Moroccan tried to cut the throat of a 24-year-old volunteer social worker who worked for an NGO and with whom he had been in a “love affair” for several months.

He smashed her mobile phone, locked her up, beat her and even tried to cut her throat with a knife.

The victim persuaded him to take her to the hospital when she lost a lot of blood and promised to forgive him and not report him to the police, as she had done for many other assaults on her.

The Moroccan attacker is at large for the time being, the only judicial measure is a “ban on approaching his victim at 200 metres”!

All the western countries of the European Union, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Belgium, etc. have a strange idea of justice.

Wouldn’t it be a good idea if they followed the example of some Muslim countries (e.g. Afghanistan, Iran, I can’t name them all, there are too many!), but also China, India, etc… After all, “we’re not savages, are we? ” But at least follow the example of some Eastern European countries where there are far fewer assaults, rapes and even murders, for example Poland, Hungary and Austria, to name just three!

Manuel Gomez

Denmark is closing the door on immigration

Denmark, traditionally hailed as one of the most liberal and tolerant countries in the world, recently passed a strict immigration law. The subsequent debate on it has divided Europe. Brussels and Berlin criticize it, while Vienna wants to draw inspiration from it. In any case, the Danes have offered a significant contribution to the future shape of European immigration policy.

Danish Foreign Minister Mattias Tesfaye, who has an Ethiopian father, explained the new rules simply. “We spend a lot of money on people who do not need protection at all,” the German daily Die Welt quoted him saying.

If the asylum seeker fails, he should travel back to his country. But that usually doesn’t work. Many of them live in departure centers, where the stay of each immigrant costs 40,000 euros a year.

That is quite a lot of money for the Danish Social Democratic government, which has enforced the new law.

The norm envisages that it will be easier to expel unsuccessful applicants. In addition, future applications should be considered outside the European territory.

What is the goal? Only those who need help should travel to Europe by air. That means the needy refugees, who usually lack the financial means for the long journey and the bribes for smugglers. Australia, for example, has been applying similar rules for years.

In Brussels, however, Denmark was not understood. It earned resentment as early as March when it called Syria a safe country and began to expel Syrian migrants. The respected Politico website accused the left-wing cabinet in Copenhagen of a “far-right” political line.

Swedish Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson has now said that the Danish plans are “undermining the core values” that are enshrined in the legal system of the 27-nation bloc in the long run. Under European law, every migrant who enters European territory is entitled to an asylum procedure there.

However, the Danish proposal envisages that entitlement to asylum would be assessed elsewhere, in countries such as Rwanda, with which Copenhagen is trying to co-operate on the plan.

The Danish plan also responds in part to the fact that similar agreements at the European level, such as the agreement on the return of refugees to Turkey, do not work at all even six years after the signing. Ankara uses refugees only as a means of coercing Greek neighbors.

Danish plan receives support from other EU members

That is why the Danish plans received considerable support. In addition to the Visegrad countries, they were also appreciated in Vienna. According to the Austrian People’s Minister of the Interior, Karel Nehammer, the Danish model shows that “migration policy can be managed in a sustainable way“.  

He can imagine bilateral cooperation with third countries, such as Tunisia and Egypt, which would provide space for asylum centers and receive financial support from Europe for it. Currently, the massive immigration wave from Afghanistan is particularly relevant, where after the departure of the Western Allies, the militant Taliban is gaining ground and civilians are fleeing to the West.

The Austrians are watching with concern. “We have one of the largest Afghan communities in all of Europe, we cannot solve Afghanistan’s problems for the whole of the EU,” Minister Nehammer warned.