New trend in France: Get infected!

According to media reports, more and more people in France want to intentionally become infected with the Coronavirus in order to avoid vaccination. As a convalescent, the “pass sanitaire” or health passport is easier to obtain. The pass will be required for restaurant visits or long-distance travel on trains.

Various French publications have reported on the burgeoning trend in France that seems to be particularly popular with young adults. Instead of relying on a vaccination, these people prefer an infection with SARS-CoV-2 in order to participate in society.

Franceinfo quoted a 20-year-old French woman who said she had little fear of the possible effects of an infection. “In the worst case, I’ll be in bed for a few days, or better still, I won’t have any symptoms at all.”

In the newspaper Le Figaro, a twenty-five-year-old said he was deliberately breaking hygiene rules by not wearing a mask or washing his hands. He said he hoped to get infected in order to get the “pass sanitaire” for which he would otherwise have to wait weeks because of the period between vaccinations.

“In all honesty, if a friend tells me that she has Covid, I might go to her so that she coughs on me,” another admitted.

A similar attitude was also seen among users on social networks. “I would rather have Covid once than to be vaccinated every three months until the end of my life,” wrote a user on Twitter.

Another user said that her husband had gone into quarantine but despite her best efforts, she did not succeed in contracting the virus. “I’ve tried everything to get it. Impossible.”

Bombshell leak: Countries that buy Pfizer’s vaccine undertake to break the law

Leaked information from confidential agreements that vaccine manufacturer Pfizer concluded with a large number of buyer countries, revealed slave contracts that violate legislation in each and every country. Buyers undertake to break all laws that stand in the way of mass vaccination. The buyers also undertake to bear all costs and all responsibility for the experimental jabs and waive the right to breach the agreement.

In history’s largest medical experiment with “vaccines” that have not been approved for use in humans, it is the buyers’ responsibility to defend Pfizer for causing harm, leaked documents showed. Pfizer has escaped all liability and is indemnified, arguing that side effects and the long-term effects of the injections are unknown – to the company as well. Pfizer thus admits that an insufficiently tested product is being pushed in literally billions of doses on the world market.

This means that all responsibility for costs, healthcare, etc. due to vaccine damage – no matter how large and onerous – is passed on to the taxpayers in the countries that have signed the agreements. Since the agreements put each country’s own laws out of play, they have all been signed at government level. The design of the agreements is an important explanation for why the propaganda for mass vaccination is of a totalitarian nature and does not allow for debate or questioning.

In view of the fact that the majority of those now in hospital for Covid-19 are fully vaccinated – a situation that buyers could never have anticipated – the agreements certainly appear to be criminal. The buyer countries have been forced to sign the blank agreements, without knowing what they were actually buying.

On July 28 , NBC Chicago reported that 169 people in Illinois died and 644 were hospitalized for Covid-19. Everyone was fully vaccinated. Israel with 9,3 million inhabitants was among the first to sign an agreement with Pfizer. The vaccination rate in the country is 55 percent, and 11 051 469 vaccine doses have been distributed. On June 30, the alarming news broke that fully vaccinated patients accounted for half of Covid adults hospitalized in Israel. In just over a month, the numbers have increased dramatically.

Albania’s agreement with Pfizer

Even from Iceland, which has a vaccination rate of as much as 71,1 percent, there are worrying reports that the majority of hospitalized Covid-19s have been fully vaccinated. Vaccines that have been presented as “safe” and painted as the only salvation in the pandemic, have turned out to be the opposite. Pfizer had good reason to force binding agreements with buyer countries before the truth about the “vaccines” started emerging. One of the top managers in the WHO, Mariangela Simao, admit that people can not feel safe just because they have taken the jab. Vaccines are not enough to prevent the spread of infection.

It is Israeli cyber security expert, Ehden Biber, who lives in England, that is responsible for the sensational leak regarding the agreements of Pfizer and its customers. Unsurprisingly, the explosive information he recently shared on Twitter on this issue was immediately deleted.

The basis of Biber’s revelation is Albania’s agreement with Pfizer, which was published in the newspaper in January. Curiously, not a single journalist investigated the leak or found it interesting enough to report on.

“They should be ashamed,” said Ehden Biber, who has also leaked Pfizer’s agreements with the EU, Israel, Brazil (signed by Roberto Ferreira Dias, head of the logistics department) and the Dominican Republic. The agreements are designed in the same way, only with different pricing based on what countries could endure. Albania pays $12 per dose, the United States $19,5 per dose and Israel $62 per dose.

“Netanyahu [Israel’s former prime minister] is certainly a magician – he made Israel pay $62 per vaccine dose – five times more than Albania – and got people to worship him for the lousy deal,” noted Biber.

A group of independent investigative journalists in South America has revealed that Pfizer in negotiations with Brazil and Argentina, among others, demanded that the country provide state assets such as embassy buildings and military bases as a guarantee for future costs for possible lawsuits.

The negotiations have been marked by conflicts and delays, and government officials have stated that they were being held hostage by “life-saving vaccines”. After protracted and divisive controversies, Argentina did not sign an agreement until 27 July with Pfizer for about 20 million vaccine doses.

Pfizer has negotiated with more than a hundred countries and signed agreements with a dozen countries in Latin America that have been forced to agree to the company’s outrageous demands. The industry’s greed and abuse are all the clearer in light of the fact that Pfizer and other vaccine manufacturers had received generous grants of hundreds of millions of dollars from several governments throughout the vaccine development process. The German government, for example, gave Pfizer’s business partner BioNTech $445 million.

Sweden has recently obediently agreed to increased prices per vaccine dose in the EU’s latest agreement with Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna. For Pfizer/BioNTech, this is an increase from around SEK 160 to SEK 200 per dose. For Moderna from 190 to about 220 kronor, according to the Financial Times.

The reason for the price increase is that the vaccine has been “updated”. Sweden’s “vaccine coordinator”, pharmacist Richard Bergström (with a long history in the pharmaceutical industry) welcomed the price hike. “It’s well worth the money. I call it an ‘all inclusive’ award.”

There is no way out or any way for the buyers to break the agreement if it turns out that the “vaccine” is harmful and large parts of the population suffer from death or other serious side effects. The buyer must complete the agreement and pay the full amount anyway.

Some samples from the confidential agreements
  • The purchaser is aware that the efficacy and long-term effects of the vaccine are unknown and that side effects may occur which are not currently known.
  • The buyer must pay Pfizer for the ordered doses, regardless of how many you use and regardless of whether Pfizer has the preparation approved by the authorities. ” (This was written before the FDA’s emergency approval of the so-called “vaccines”).
  • The buyer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Pfizer/BioNTech and their subsidiaries indemnified against all claims, documents, claims, losses, damages, debts, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses.
  • The buyer must pay all losses, including and without limitation costs for legal fees and other legal costs.
  • Buyer must indemnify Pfizer for claims and all losses and must implement this through statutory or regulatory requirements.
  • Pfizer has the right to make necessary adjustments to the agreed number of contracted doses and delivery schedule, based on principles decided by Pfizer. The buyer is obliged to agree to any change.
  • The agreement must be kept secret for ten years.
  • However, for the state of Israel’s agreement with Pfizer, signed by the Israeli Ministry of Health on January 6, a full 30 years of secrecy apply. The reason is unclear.

The Covid vaccines were emergency approved (EUA) by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on December 1, 2020 – in violation of the agency’s own rules. Emergency approval can only be granted if there is no other, effective treatment. Such treatments exist – but were eliminated by medical authorities around the world. The reason was simple: if effective drug treatments were available, the FDA’s emergency approval would be invalidated and the “vaccines” would be illegal.

Both Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine) and the 2015 Nobel Prize-winning drug Scatol (Ivermectin) have been shown to be effective and safe. they areb also cheap, because the patents have expired. Ivermectin has been used for 35 years and 4 billion doses have been distributed. But on March 31, the corrupt WHO banned Ivermectin from treating Covid-19 with the argument “insufficient safety”, despite studies showing that Ivermectin, if used at an early stage of the disease, reduced mortality by 74 percent and has 85 percent efficiency if used as prophylaxis.

International health authorities, including the Swedish Medicines Agency, have slavishly complied with the WHO’s injunctions.

Pfizer demanded that embassy buildings and military bases be provided as a guarantee for future costs for possible lawsuits

Mainstream media around the world have contributed to denying patients good and tested treatments by not raising any questions or concerns. Ivermectin was called a “veterinary medicine” and “dangerous”. On May 22, the two reputable medical journals The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicinepublished false articles alleging studies of nearly 100 000 Covid-19 patients in 671 hospitals and six continents. The bottom line was that Hydroxychloroquine was ruled out as an effective Covid-19 treatment.

Their scam came down to sheer political and medical terrorism. When the scam was revealed and the authors of the article Surgisphere, an obscure small business in Illinois, could not show the data on which the article was based, both The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine were forced on June 4 to retract the article and apologize to readers. But by then the system media’s journalists were no longer interested, so the public was never informed about the scam. The publication error nevertheless had serious consequences. The Swedish Medicines Agency banned Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine) for indications other than rheumatism. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were thus sacrificed to prepare the market for the vaccine manufacturers’ multi-billion profits. And in addition, millions of patients with Covid were sacrificed. They all might have recovered if they had received the proven medicines.

Why does any country sign such a slave contract at all and agree to break its own laws?

One explanation is the worldwide mass psychosis and the panic and pressure that erupted at the same time as the Corona pandemic in early 2020.

“The globalist entity Pfizer hates nation states and does not recognize their laws and acts as a government that governs other governments in the world. If you look at the complete lawlessness and meltdown of the once stable institutions around the world, you can see that Big Pharma (the multinational pharmaceutical industry) is being used as a massive brick wall to break down national laws and national sovereignty in all countries,” said Ehden Biber.

“Anyone who takes part in the agreements realizes that there are good reasons for Pfizer to keep it a secret and why they make an effort to hide the details of the agreements.”

The FDA thus gave an emergency approval to the so-called “Covid vaccines” on December 1, 2020. Ten days later, TNI (Trusted News Initiative), an association of several of the world’s leading media houses and major online platforms, decided to “pioneer a global vaccine campaign and combat the spread of ‘harmful misinformation’ about vaccines”. It was announced at the World Press Freedom Conference on December 10, 2020.

Business magazine Biz News, reported on the initiative: “In a surprisingly underreported event, many of the world’s biggest media, agreed to promote the global vaccine rollout and focus on combating the spread of harmful vaccine disinformation.”

Thus the world’s most influential media groups have decided to act as megaphones for the interests of the vaccine industry and state pharmaceutical authorities. The agreement explains something that has long been obvious to many media consumers, namely the media’s startling one-sided propaganda for the vaccines.

TNI members are some of the largest and leading media houses and news agencies in the world, including the news agencies AP and AFP, Reuters, British BBC, CBC Canada, European Broadcast Union, Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google, YouTube, The Hindu , Microsoft, Twitter and the Washington Post.

Privately owned online platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Google, due to their extreme profitability, evidently colluded with the established media in their efforts to restrict freedom of expression – something that millions of users have experienced in recent years. In Sweden, a seemingly lobotomized and paralyzed journalist corps has so far acted as the megaphones of the Public Health Agency and the vaccine industry and only delivered one-sided vaccine propaganda. The same shills are seen over and over on media platforms, voicing no criticism, opposing views or even questions.

And as if that were not bad enough, one and the same person, James Smith, sits on the board of both Reuters news agency and Pfizer: Two incompatible roles.

He was previously CEO of Reuters and now calls himself Jim Smith. On Pfizer’s board, he was known as James Smith. In an attempt to hide his dual role, he has removed his image from his LinkedIn profile., but it’s the same person. He is also a member of the International Business Council of the globalist body World Economic Forum.

BREAKING: Large-scale deployment of special forces in Gmünd, Germany – Dark-skinned man runs amok with axe

Police and special forces are deployed on a large scale in Schwäbisch Gmünd on Saturday. The task forces searched in the morning and into the early afternoon for a man who was allegedly on the move with an axe in the area of the Rokoko Palace in the City Garden. This was reported to the police by a caller at around 8.30 am.

At around 11.30 a.m., police officers were able to find and seize an axe in the Buchstraße area. Since the police assumed that the wanted man was in an exceptional mental state and that it could not be ruled out that he was a danger to himself and others, the officers asked for information from the public: a 40-year-old man with a dark complexion and a full black beard, about 175 centimetres tall, was wanted.

The flat of the 40-year-old man in the street Bismarckstraße was also searched by special forces. A short time later, the wanted man was spotted in the area of the street Kaspar-Vogt-Straße and arrested. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.

After a witness reported a man shouting loudly and aggressively near the Rococo Palace in the City Garden at around 8.30 a.m., the police immediately initiated a manhunt in the Gmünd city area. Due to the report that the person was carrying an axe, the police were deployed with strong forces.

Shortly after 11 a.m., the special forces arrived with a large contingent in the Gmünd district of Oststadt, and heavily armed police officers with protective gear were also deployed, a journalist reported. According to unconfirmed information from eyewitnesses, the former district military replacement office in the street Bismarckstraße was completely surrounded by the task forces in the morning. At 11.56 a.m. the building was stormed – without success. Four ambulances and an emergency doctor were also on the scene – as well as countless police officers.

BREAKING: Man attacks car drivers with knives and starts an amok drive with the hijacked cars near Düsseldorf, Germany

Amok alert near Düsseldorf!

In the city of Meerbusch, a driver triggered a large-scale operation by police and rescue services because he allegedly caused several accidents on the motorway and in the city area.

First, the young man allegedly tried to cause accidents on the motorway. Then he drove off the motorway A57 to Meerbusch and crashed into at least four cars in a residential area in a distance of only 300 metres. Because his vehicle was so badly damaged, he hijacked the cars he had crashed, threatening the drivers with knives and forcing them out of their cars.

A young geriatric nurse was also attacked, reports in shock that a black compact car crashed into her car, a man jumped out – holding a long knife.

The man had smashed a window of her car and tried to drive away with it. The woman was able to flee. However, because of the damage to her car, the man apparently only got a few metres away.

Afterwards, the man stole a bicycle from a nearby old people’s home and fled with it across a cemetery. He then threw the bicycle into a bush next to the graves, climbed over a fence and then hijacked another car. Shortly afterwards, however, he was stopped and overpowered by the police in this Audi car.

The Düsseldorf police took over the operation and, as a precaution, triggered an amok alert. The motives of the rampage driver are still completely unclear, but the police do not currently assume that the attack had a political background.,view=amp.bildMobile.html

Macron likens unvaccinated to ‘drunken drivers’

In a video posted on social networks, the French president justified the forced health pass by comparing the unvaccinated to drunken drivers, because they “endanger [ others]”.

As part of his proposal to respond directly to all French questions on vaccination from Fort Brégançon, Emmanuel Macron published this fact-free rant on Thursday, August 5 on social networks – including TikTok and Instagram. He even claimed it was to counter “false information” and “rumors”. But there are no scientific foundations or evidence for the president’s notions of the transmission of Covid-19.

In the US, the CDC now admits that the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission even if they believe the jab to be protective against severe disease. If this is true, what purpose would a vaccine passport serve? And why would anyone care if some else is vaccinated if they carry the same viral load as the unvaccinated?

Macron filmed himself, with a French flag and wearing an unusual T-shirt, on the clip from August 2. “It has been accepted that after drinking, I am no longer free to drive because, at that point, my freedom to drive may put you in danger,” the President of the Republic said, trying to justify his controversial measure by the fact that “other countries [have] adopted it” and this was being done, according to him, in order “not to close down everything”.

He then linked forced vaccination to “the freedom of everyone in society”. “I am completely free to drink, one glass, two glasses, three glasses, four glasses of wine. Staying at home and seeing friends is fine. On the other hand, for years we have accepted that after drinking, I am no longer free to drive because, at that point, my freedom to drive can put you in danger.”

Because we have accepted that drinking limits our freedom to drive, he argued, we should accept limits on our freedom for “a lot of other things”.

“In society, because we depend on each other, freedom is not conjugated in the singular. [Our freedom] only holds because we also protect others and respect the freedom of others. It’s the same thing for getting vaccinated, the same thing for the health pass,” continued Macron, before reaching his Orwellian conclusion: “It’s a responsible freedom, the freedom of being a citizen.”

He was vilified on Twitter after his ridiculous comments in which he also suggested he was not a lobbyist for Big Pharma. This last remark resonated with several members of the right-wing opposition. Patriots party chief Florian Philippot, leader of the movement against the health pass, criticized the “influencer” wearing a T-shirt “to shill for Pfizer”, the one of the manufacturers of Covid-19 vaccines.

Pharma lobbyist Leana Wen, a Washington Post contributing columnist, as if on cue, repeated the same nonsensical script. On Friday Wen told MSNBC’s “Deadline” that it was time to equate not getting vaccinated with drunk driving.

According to German magazine Focus, a vaccination certificate will soon be required for shopping for food in the supermarket. The federal government is planning to introduce mandatory vaccination records and tests for purchases in food retailers this autumn. For the unvaccinated, the bill provides for a negative rapid antigen test, but from mid-October, citizens themselves will have to pay for that, as in France.

Supreme Court of Andalusia dismisses health pass requirement

The Supreme Court of Justice of Andalusia has rejected the Covid passport as a requirement to enter entertainment venues at night. Andalusia is the southernmost autonomous community in Peninsular Spain.

The court considered that the measure ignored fundamental rights and it could increase infections since vaccinated people were also transmitters. It also pointed out that the current incidence did not justify this requirement.

The judges directly contradicted the measure approved last Monday by the “Committee of Experts” that advises the administration of Andalucía on the pandemic, even as they announced the entry into force of this requirement for Thursday, August 5. However, a few hours later it backed down, postponed this demand and decided to request the endorsement of the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA) which was then denied.

The purpose of the health pass was to limit access to nightlife establishments (discos and bars) to those people who arev in possession of the Covid certificate or a PCR or negative antigen test from the last 72 hours.

The EU digital Covid certificate, in force since July 1 throughout Spain, includes the vaccination schedule, the recovery certificate or a negative Covid-19 diagnostic test for active infection.

In the opinion of the Andalusian high court, the measure “was not suitable or proportionate to achieve the intended purpose, that is, the protection of life, health and physical integrity, to the extent that, far from avoiding contagion in the interior of the entertainment venues can make them possible, which is why it cannot be ratified by this Chamber”.

Added to this is the fact that “a period of effectiveness of the measure was not established,” with which “the measure is imposed indefinitely and with a vocation of permanence, without knowing what criteria will be followed to render it ineffective or modify it”.

Clearly, the court has understood that if the vaccinated or recovered could be potential transmitters, “it is not possible to understand how the possible contagion of those who have accessed the premises are covered by the presentation of proof”.

The higher courts of the Canary Islands and Cantabría have dismissed similar forced health pass measures.