Jihad murder is having a successful trial run in Nigeria- and the media are ignoring it

by Giulio Meotti

“In Nigeria we are on the verge of genocide”. This is what Bernard-Henry Lévy wrote in his reportage from Nigeria published by Paris Match. A Muslim pastor tells him: “This is our land, whites cannot pass here. Do you want to spy on our women? It is prohibited by the Koran. There are too many [Black} Christians around here, Christians are dogs and children of bitches. They are traitors because they have converted to the religion of the whites, they are friends of the whites, they are unclean. When they all leave, Nigeria will finally be free ”.

Islamic terrorists have just killed Bolanle Ibrahim at the altar while he was saying mass in the village of Maidan, Nigeria. A relative of the cleric told the Daily Post: “Before killing him, they showed him a photo of himself to identify if he was actually the right person they came for.”

The International Christian Concern (ICC) learned that in the early hours of August 2nd, seven Christian communities in Kaduna, also in Nigeria, were attacked by Islamic militants. The bodies of 43 people, including women and children, have so far been recovered from villages in the region.

In the same state of Kaduna, groups of Fulani pastors praising jihad have set fire to houses and churches, killing 33 people.

“I lost my uncle, his wife, their children, eight members of my family,” said a witness to the attack in Warkan. “The Catholic church in the village of Matyei was burned, a catechist and a child died in the attack,” said another witness of the assault in Matyei, where 156 houses were burned and 8 Christians killed.

These are numbers that, according to a new report from Intersociety, are added to the 43,000 Christians killed in twelve years, the 18,000 kidnapped and missing Christians, the 10 million displaced Christians and the 17,500 churches destroyed. The report reads: “The atrocities of the jihadists have targeted Christians and their properties, including homes, centers of worship and learning; massacres, killings, mutilations, torture, kidnappings, hostage-taking, rape, forced marriages, disappearances, extortion, forced conversions … “.

It is a major Islamic religious cleansing project: “Over 500 Christian communities uprooted since 2009, taken over, renamed and Islamized by jihadists since 2009 …”.

From their lands come videos (only for those with strong stomachs) that recall the genocide in Rwanda. Bodies and bodies of Christians. Their heads cut off with machetes.

Archbishop Matthew Man-oso Ndagoso said Christians are being killed “like chickens” in his country. The dramatic situation of persecuted Christians is little addressed or not at all noted by the so-called “big media” worldwide. It is a genocide that affects even the “professionals of international indignation” little or not at all.

Since 52 Muslims were killed by a white supremacist in New Zealand, heinous crime has rightfully become a world event. But absolute silence surrounds the daily slaughter of thousands of Christians by Muslim militants in Africa, the media preferring rhetorical stunts such as the demolition of statues because they would be instruments of “white supremacy”, such as a clock in England and a monument to the Boer war these days, or demonstrations in America for the removal of Confederate statues.

“All the news that’s fit to print”, reads the famous slogan of the New York Times, the manual of all the European mainstream media. The massacre of Christians is never among this news. Why?


Errors by the security authorities made possible the devastating Islamist terrorist attack that cost 12 lives in Berlin, Germany

The Islamist terrorist attack on the Berlin Christmas market in 2016 was only possible due to a multitude of errors by the security authorities. This is the conclusion of the committee of investigation of the Berlin House of Representatives, which handed over its final report on Monday.

The committee chairman Stephan Lenz (CDU) said that “no single person was blamed” and “no individual errors” were uncovered that directly resulted in the attack. However, the committee had found numerous failures, especially on the part of the police and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. “And it is the sum of these errors and omissions that made the attack possible.”

The decisive factor was the misjudgement of the rejected asylum seeker Anis Amri from Tunisia in summer 2016. He was known to be a violent and possibly highly dangerous Islamist. In the summer, however, Amri was no longer monitored and wiretapped because the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) no longer considered his case to be so dangerous for various reasons.

The report contains 1235 pages. In 4 years and 64 sessions, the committee of enquiry questioned 97 witnesses, including numerous criminal police officers from the Federal Criminal Police Office (LKA), officers of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Verfassungsschutz), public prosecutors and politicians. An investigative committee of the German Parliament had also analysed the role of the Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt, BKA), among other things, and had also found striking misjudgements of the assassin there. Amri had committed the terrorist attack with a truck on December 19, 2016, killing twelve people.


Fourth Saturday of massive protests in France against health pass

A fourth Saturday of massive protests following the decision of the Constitutional Council to force vaccination and the carry of a health pass, was seen in France.

A total of 237 000 people took to the streets on Saturday, according to official information from the French Interior Ministry, but visuals from the marches attest to many more. President Macron could well face a million protesters by early September.

Eyewitnesses already spoke on Saturday evening of “several hundred thousand” demonstrators in the capital Paris alone. The CRS, mobile gendarmes and the Brigade for the Repression of Violent Action (BRAV) were spotted. A large police presence, with nearly 3000 officers and gendarmes alone were mobilized in the capital, similar to the numbers last weekend in Paris.

The Parisian demonstrators had to face difficult weather at the end of the afternoon, but even a hail storm could not dissuade them. Few incidents were noted. At 8 pm, eight people had been taken into police custody in Paris, including a minor.


France: Refugee who set fire to church some time ago now also kills its priest who welcomed him into his parish

Emmanuel Abayisenga, a refugee from Rwanda who came to France in 2012, turned himself in to the gendarmerie of Mortagne-sur-Sèvre in the Vendée on Monday morning. He told police he had cruelly killed a 60-year-old priest. The latter had been hosting him since last year in the Montfortian community of Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre. The man, who was issued with an order to leave French territory (OQTF) in 2019, had already made headlines in July 2020. Emmanuel Abayisenga was indeed the perpetrator behind the terrible fire that ravaged Nantes Cathedral. As a voluntary aide in the community, he was placed under judicial supervision. At the request of Valeurs actuelles, the Ministry of the Interior said that Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin wanted to visit the crime scene.


Denmark abolishes all Corona measures

Danish parliament recently decided in Copenhagen that all Corona measures should be ended from October 1. There will therefore no longer be a mask requirement and the test regime will be abolished. The Danes will then no longer have to provide evidence of whether they are vaccinated or unvaccinated, or whether they have tested positive or negative.

All Corona measures are being discontinued in view of the increasing incidence figures in Denmark, reported RT Deutsch. Since the beginning of July this value has risen from 31 to 107,2 (as of August 8). At the same time, the upper limits of this Corona indicator has increased significantly.

In certain municipalities the incidence limit has risen from 300 to 500, and in some districts the value has even doubled from 500 to 1000. However, the prerequisite is that the hospitals are able to treat the presumably expected increase in the number of Covid-19 patients without any problems, and without bottlenecks in the health system.

Overall, the current vaccination rate is just under 58,4 percent of fully vaccinated people in Denmark. In Germany, this value is only slightly lower at 54,5 percent (as of August 8) but vaccine advocates have been persistent in their fear-mongering and pressure on the unvaccinated.

Tyrolean lawyer Dr. Renate Holzeisen, meanwhile strongly recommended that all employers refrain from vaccination pressure or compulsory vaccination, because most of them were “obviously not even aware of the far-reaching legal consequences associated with it”.

The fact that the so-called Covid-19 vaccines, according to the official approval documents of the EMA and the European Commission were not developed and approved for the prevention of infection with the SARS-COV-2 virus, but solely to prevent a more severe course of the disease, were conditionally approved for this reason alone, Holzeisen underscored.

The official approval documents therefore show that these substances cannot interrupt the chain of infection because the people treated with them can become infected and thus be infectious. Practice also proves that people who are completely “vaccinated” become infected with the virus and even have the same viral load as “unvaccinated people” as the CDC, among others, has admitted. It is therefore clear that any Covid-19 “compulsory vaccination” actually lacks any justification.

All pressure, including moral pressure (alleged act of solidarity with one’s neighbor) is therefore illegal in terms of criminal and liability law based on the official approval documents.

“As a lawyer advising on corporate law, I strongly recommend that every employer stay away from Covid-19 vaccination pressure or compulsory vaccination, because most of them are obviously not even aware of the far-reaching legal consequences associated with it,” she said.


WATCH: Hundreds of Syrians from Belgium cause chaos at a campsite in an idyllic small French town

At a campsite for families in Avèze, a small town in the Gard department, hundreds of Syrians arrived from Belgium a few days ago. Brawls, damage and assaults forced the municipality to close the campsite and urge the French families to continue their holiday elsewhere. The “joys” of multiculturalism put to the test….

Every day France becomes a kind of open-air asylum. In addition to the health terror that has dominated the main news in the country for several weeks, insecurity and the general impoverishment of society against a background of non-European immigration continue to plague the lives of a large part of the French population.

This also affects a quiet family campsite in Avèze, a town of 1,000 inhabitants in the Gard department. At the Pont Vieux campsite, there was much commotion recently after about a hundred people broke through the access barriers on the evening of July 30 and camped without permission on the site, originally intended for about sixty camping spots, which was already fully occupied.

As for the characteristic of this strange group of “tourists” who obviously do not respect the rules, they were Syrian nationals who had arrived in about sixty vehicles registered in Belgium. On the first evening, a mass brawl broke out among this tumultuous group.

To defuse the situation, Martine Volle-Wild, the mayor of Avèze, threatened to resign during the town council meeting on Tuesday evening, August 3. This finally prompted the prefecture to react, because the next morning the gendarmes, accompanied by the sub-prefect of Le Vigan, Saadia Tamelikecht, came to the campsite and closed it for hygiene reasons.

But the end is surprising: the authorities then asked all the campers to leave but allowed the Syrian families to stay… Syrians who then blackmailed the town hall by making their departure conditional on getting a place to stay. This demand was all the more unrealistic as no institution in the region was willing to take them in. In the absence of a solution, the hundred or so troublesome non-European campers left the campsite on their own the next day.

Although tranquillity had returned after their departure, the Pont Vieux campsite had to be closed on August 4 by decision of the municipality in order to repair the damage and restore the sanitary facilities. The customary campers, some of whom have been regulars in Avèze for years, had to find another place to continue their holidays.

Ultimately, this brutal clash of rural Garda with non-European customs symbolises the failure of a multicultural model of society. What quickly becomes a multi-conflict on the ground.

An observation shared by the mayor of Avèze. Martine Volle-Wild declared in the Midi Libre newspaper on August 5: “They don’t have the same way of life as we do”. And the mayor of Cévennes clarified her point: “We asked them to pick up the nappies that were on the floor. Some do, some don’t.”


Switzerland: Judges Reduce Rapist’s Sentence Because Rape Only Lasted 11 Minutes

Hundreds of people protested Sunday in front of a Swiss appeals court that had last month reduced the prison sentence of a rapist, arguing that the rape lasted only 11 minutes and that the victim had not been severely injured, local media reported.

The mainly female protesters in front of the Basel courthouse held up banners and shouted “11 minutes are 11 minutes too much!” They decried the court’s ruling which had lowered the 33-year-old defendant’s prison sentence from 4 years and three months to three years, the online news site 20minuten.ch reported.

In last month’s ruling, the judge also said the female rape victim had sent out “certain signals,” Swiss media reported. A spokeswoman for the court refused to further explain that statement by the judge.

The rape took place last year in February after a visit to a nightclub. The woman was raped by the 33-year-old and his 17-year-old companion, who is currently still being tried in a Swiss juvenile court. Neither the victim’s nor the accused men’s identities were revealed.

A lawyer for the victim said she was shocked by the appeal court’s verdict, which appeared to partially blame the victim for the rape.

The judge had announced the verdict in the courtroom last month but a written ruling will only be published in a few weeks, the court said.
