Climate change my ass: Forest fires in Greece caused by Afghans!

After the flood disaster in Germany, the next “big fuss about climate change” is now being spread in the media: the blazing forest fires in Southern Europe and Turkey. They are the most recent indication of the fatal consequences of “man-made climate change”, according to the official commentary. In Greece, at least, it was migrants who started the fires.

As several Greek news sites report, at least two Afghan “refugees” (one of them a woman) were caught by the police in the Athens neighbourhood of Pedion tou Areos and convicted of arson. This only happened thanks to hints from the population.

Petrol, matches, lighters and liquid gas were found and seized from the woman with an Afghan passport. It is unclear whether the arsonist could also be a Turkish woman with a forged passport. In any case, the ” ardent lady” is already known to the police and is said to suffer from the usual “psychological problems”.

In addition, Greek police arrested a suspicious-looking 38-year-old Afghan in the Lofos Finopoulou forest in Attica. As it turned out, the migrant had two improvised paper wicks and a small piece of aluminium foil with visible burn marks in his backpack. In addition, a lighter and paper towels were found next to a tree root. Everything points to (attempted) arson here as well.

Sweden’s murder rate rises with immigration

Sweden is at the top of Europe – when it comes to the number of deaths caused by firearms. Sweden’s rate is two and a half times the European average. The vast majority of victims are men between the ages of 20 and 30. In the past, the country did not experience such numbers at all. Immigration is to blame, even though the police do not officially disclose the identity of the victims.

At the end of May, a clash of about a hundred young immigrants from African and Middle Eastern countries broke out on the outskirts of Sweden’s second-largest city, Gothenburg.

A man in a grocery store was killed by a bullet in the back of his head. Then there was the violent death of a police officer in the suburb of Biskopsgarden took place. A few days later, a man was murdered in a hairdressing salon on the outskirts of Frolund.

The Economist adds another event to the list of violence from recent months. Two weeks ago, two young children survived crossfire between quarreling gangs in a suburb of Stockholm.

The last incident is only a few days old. At least three people were seriously injured in a shooting in the town of Kristianstad in Southern Sweden. Two men aged 20 and 30 were injured, as well as a random passer-by, a 60-year-old woman.

Most dead after shooting

According to a recent report by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, Sweden has seen the highest number of deaths caused by firearms in Europe in 15 years. Based on an analysis of data from 22 European countries provided by Eurostat and the World Health Organization (WHO), Council researcher Klara Hradilová-Selinová calculated that Sweden is in the first place. Most of the victims are men between the ages of 20 and 30.

In the infamous Hjällbo suburb of Gothenburg, 70 percent of the inhabitants were born abroad. Some analysts see a decrease in the number of police officers on duty there as the reason for the increase in crime in the area. In the past, however, they were not even needed.

In 1980, police in Gothenburg were able to solve the murders in 80 percent of cases. At present, it is only 20 percent.

Local police do not register crime suspects by ethnic origin. However, it often leaks that the participants in violent crimes are not of Swedish origin. This is reflected in gang wars as well as so-called “honor crimes” aimed at defending the family’s supposed reputation.

The turning point of 1975

Parliament in Stockholm in 1975 decided that Sweden was becoming a multicultural country and fully open to migration, recalls Kyösti Tarvainen, a professor at Aalto University in Helsinki. “At that time, more than 40 percent of the immigrants were my compatriots, the Finns,” he told the Folkbladet newspaper.

“However, the situation has changed since then. In 2019, 88 percent of immigrants were non-Western and 52 percent were Muslim. So there has been a huge cultural shift in the immigrant population, as its largest group has moved from the Finns to the Muslims,“ he added.

If the current Swedish immigration policy remains unchanged, ethnic Swedes will become a minority in 2065, he concluded.

Sweden used to be the country with the lowest crime rate in the world. “Social unrest, burning cars, rescue attacks, and riots keep recurring,” Swedish journalist Paulina Neuding wrote on the Politico website.

Sweden is now a country with a murder rate well above the European average. “Shooting in the country has become so common that it doesn’t even make headlines anymore. News of the attacks is quickly being replaced by headlines about sporting events and celebrities. Readers have lost their feelings about violence,“ she warned.

Primacy in sexual violence as well?

Sweden is also moving towards other unwanted championships. For example, Somali-based essayist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an immigrant herself living in the Netherlands, said in the online magazine Unherd that Sweden had become Europe’s “metropolis” of rape. Ali is a well-known critic of Islam calling for the reform of this religion and evaluates the issue of immigration relatively harshly.

That most of the perpetrators convicted of sexual violence in Sweden in recent years have “immigrant roots” was reported, for example, by the public service station SVT during a migrant wave three years ago.

Cases where the rape victim did not know the perpetrator have been rising in recent years. There are about 80 percent of them. It is a completely inverted situation compared to the past when the perpetrator was almost always a relative or acquaintance of the victim.

Germany: Turkish boxer critical of Erdoğan says he was attacked by a mob

Turkish boxer Ünsal Arık, who lives in Germany’s Berlin and is known to be an opponent of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), was attacked by a mob. 

Arık, in a video he shared on Twitter on Aug. 9, was seen to be suffering from bruises on his face. 

“I don’t know what you’ve been doing is worth these people that are temporary, but it seems that you have no morals,” said Arık, who has been receiving death threats in Germany. 

“The next time I will not only break your chin, but all your bones. May God give you whatever you deserve. You should be ashamed of yourselves,” the boxer noted. 

Saying that he represents the Turkish flag, Arık ended the video by saying that he is genuinely sad. 

“How can calling a sportsperson representing the Turkish flag a traitor, attacking him dastardly be explained? I’m getting genuinely sad,” he said. 

Known for his devotion to the Turkish Republic’s founding father Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the boxer is a staunch opponent of the AKP government. The boxer last year said that Erdoğan supporters would be to blame if he is killed one day. 

President Erdoğan once filed a lawsuit against the boxer for insulting him.

Arık in December 2020 was also subjected to a knife attack in Berlin.

German authorities last month warned several prominent Erdoğan critics about a hit list including the names of 55 people.