Berlin police experience a brutal attack by leftists

In Berlin’s Schöneberg district, police were the target of a fierce attack. The officers were saved only thanks to a quick escape, reports the Bild daily. A festival and a left-wing demonstration took place on Sunday in a place called Roten Insel. According to the organizers, it was supposed to be a mix of protest, concert, party, workshop, and theater. In a blink of an eye, this “peaceful” action turned into a drama full of violence.

Police oversaw the smooth running of the event when they were called to a nearby playground on Mansteinstrasse because of someone destroying property. According to the police, the man responsible was detained.

However, the police had to use coercive means because the attacker violently defended himself. Before they could pacify him, they were surrounded by a crowd of about 40 people who attacked and harassed them.

One woman in the crowd knocked a police officer to the ground. When his colleagues tried to detain the woman, one of the men prevented them from doing so. The woman ran away and the man started fighting with the police.

The fights then began to spread – other people attacked the police from behind. Bottles flew through the air and the slogan “Berlin hates the police” was heard being chanted.

Some police officers got hit by glass bottles, and when they fell to the ground, the attackers were still kicking them. They were only brought to the safety of the police van by colleagues who used tear gas on the crowd.

Polizeieinsatz in Schöneberg endet damit, dass die Polizei vom linken Mob attackiert und zurück gedrängt wird. Wenn sich diejenigen, die uns schützen sollen, selbst nicht beschützen können, wer soll es dann tun? Ich habe keine Lust auf solche Zustände in Mahlsdorf oder Kaulsdorf. Daher Polizei stärken – AfD wählen.

Gepostet von Vadim Derksen am Montag, 9. August 2021

However, the footage shows that not all the police officers managed to get into the car, so they ran along the car to flee from the crowd that was chasing them. Three police officers were injured during the incident, and two ended up in the hospital.

“Yesterday’s incident shows how little our colleagues are perceived as human beings and how violence against them appears to be completely legitimate in different parts of society,” said Benjamin Jendro, a spokesman for the Berlin police.

“It’s appalling that they can’t do their job without bottles flying at them and being expelled by a wild crowd,” Jendro added.

Italy: Double vaccinated restaurant workers test positive for Covid, unvaccinated negative

Eleven employees, out of 12, of the Casamaki restaurant in Abruzzo, Italy, tested positive for Covid. Most of them had had a double dose of the vaccine and a health pass. They are all currently in quarantine, including the owner of the restaurant in Piazza Salotto, Gianluca Cruciani.

Cruciani has not yet been vaccinated, but tested negative, suggesting that the vaccines as well as the health pass are totally useless.

On August 16, the fully vaccinated workers will have to repeat the tests. If they are negative, they will be able to return to service in the dining room or in the kitchen. Otherwise, quarantine will continue for some of these fully vaccinated individuals. This paradoxical situation forced Cruciani to close his business, on Thursday at lunchtime, and subject his employees to the test in a private laboratory at his own cost. They all showed positive results, except the owner who wrote a post on Facebook to thank and reassure the customers who had lunch and dinner outdoors over the last few days.

Cruciani explained what happened: “On Wednesday an employee did not feel well, he checked and tested positive. He stayed home with a fever of 39, but he has been vaccinated for four months with a double dose. So I closed the place and took the kids for a swab for everyone’s safety”.

It turns out that those who have the health pass are now infected and those who do not have it, are not. And it appears that the antibodies generated by the virus are much more effective than the vaccines.

The health passport or “Green Pass” as it is known in Italy, is therefore totally useless: The vaccinated can also become infected and spread the disease.

Swiss Police Association members refuse to implement Covid measures

In a letter to the Swiss Police Association, police officers spoke up because they were no longer prepared to implement Corona measures. They have also set up a website dedicated to their cause.

“If there is a risk that measures run counter to the interests of the responsible public and that their basic rights are disproportionately curtailed, many police officers will no longer be willing to implement them.”

On their website it says: “We are an association of police officers from all cantons of Switzerland. In addition, we have committed ourselves to the democratic constitutional state to protect and uphold the fundamental rights of everyone to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, we are increasingly observing negative developments within society, especially in our direct contact with the population.

“We are also affected as private individuals, as fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. We see the restrictions on fundamental rights to this extent and over the previous period in contradiction to proportionality and the greatest good of a democracy: freedom. The question arises as to what justifies these restrictions. These questions need to be answered.”

The police officers have also asked the Association of Swiss Police Officers (VSPB) to answer the Federal Council’s open questions and to speak out clearly against mandatory vaccination for police officers. The VSPB replied as follows: “To consult the Federal Council as a whole on the points listed seems to be going too far here and would also exceed our competencies.”

The Federation is convinced that this group represents a minority of the 26 500 members of the VSBP. “The police are citizens of this country and they have the right to have their own opinion. They are at the service of the population and responsible for its protection and security. But they are also under the orders of their employers, the police forces.” The VSPB underlined the good work carried out by the police officers during this difficult period: “For that, they deserve our thanks.”

The concerned Swiss police officers also addressed the basic rights listed in the Swiss constitution, which they believe have come under attack since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and would be temporarily or permanently restricted. These rights include:

Right to personal freedom, Art. 10 Para. 2 BV
Right to primary education, Art. 19 BV
Freedom of assembly, Art. 22 BV
Freedom of association, Art. 23 BV
Economic freedom, Art. 27 BV
Political rights, Art. 34 BV
Freedom of the media, Art. 17 BV
Protection of privacy, Art. 13 BV

These claims were welcomed by vaccine-skeptics on the Telegram social network. Users hailed their decision with “respect”, “bravo” and “great, we support you”. When contacted, the VSPB distanced itself from any threat of subordination, however.

For his part, Adrian Gaugler of the Conference of Cantonal Police Commanders noted: “An agent who refuses to apply a law in force is punishable.” He nevertheless said he understood the concerns of the group.

Germany: Migrants riot in old people’s home – urinated and defecated on the floor, couch prepared with knives with the points upwards in the gaps

Youths broke into a building of assisted living on the street Ruhrstraße in Mülheim without permission. There they went on the rampage and threatened tenants.

Last Friday ( August 6), at least two youths entered an apartment building with flats for senior citizens on Ruhrstraße without permission. The residents live there basically without support.

There they got into a common room where they severely damaged two sofas, stole food from the kitchen, ate and left the leftovers. They smoked cigarettes in the living area and threw them down a parapet. It is said that one person was also hit on the head by a cigarette.

The youths allegedly deliberately urinated and defecated next to the toilets, making them very dirty.

The youths prepared the couch with previously stolen cutlery. They stuck the cutlery into the gaps of the sofas with the tips pointing upwards, which could have led to serious injuries.

A female resident (41) encountered the youths, who threatened and insulted her.

One of the youths is said to be between 17 and 22 years old and 1.70 metres tall. He is said to have dark skin and dark eyes. His figure is described as wiry. He has dark, curly hair.

The second man is said to be about 1.80 metres tall, has a chubby figure and a pageboy haircut. His hair is brown.

According to witnesses, this is not the first time the suspects have broken into the old people’s home.

The police are looking for the youths and ask for witnesses.

Austria: The funeral of 13-year-old Leonie, raped and murdered by Afghans, has to be protected by a police detachment because Muslims threaten her family – “It doesn’t matter that she’s dead, she was a bitch anyway” – Leonie’s sister was also the victim of an attack committed by migrants

Pain, grief and anger directed against the killers: Around six weeks after the brutal rape of 13-year-old Leonie in Vienna, her family is trying to deal with the horror of the girl’s death. It is even more difficult for the parents because they are being harassed and blamed on the internet for not having looked after their child. The suspects for the crime are four Afghans aged 16 to 23, who are being held in custody.

Due to the massive threats, police protection for the family was ordered, patrol cars are to provide security at their home, reports oe.24. The funeral is also to be secured with officers. Austria’s Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (34) has also offered support for Leonie’s family, saying they can contact him personally at any time.

From whom the hate comments originate – it is unclear. But the accusations spread on social media are hateful. “Especially because people judge us who don’t even know us,” says mother Manuela in an interview with “The things that are going to circulate – first we are the socially deprived ones who let their child go to seed.Then we are supposedly the ones who go from one medium to another to make money by using our child.

And of course we are supposedly the ones who failed as parents, who did not fulfil their duty of supervision. There’s this pain – and then on top of it all, you’re met with derisive comments.”Now it comes out: Leonie’s older sister was also cowardly attacked once, the mother reports further. At that time, the family was still living in Vienna. Her daughter had been beaten up by Chechens, and the perpetrators had filmed the attack! The attack was the reason why the family moved away from Vienna a few months before Leonie’s death, to Tulln, a small town about 40 kilometres northwest of the capital.

Leonie had gone to Vienna with a friend on June 25 – without the knowledge of her parents. A 16-year-old Afghan, whom she had met on Instagram, allegedly lured Leonie there. At the meeting on Vienna’s party mile, three of his fellow countrymen joined them, who then allegedly made Leonie submissive with drugs.

On the night of June 26, they brought Leonie to the flat of one of the men. There they drugged her with up to eleven Ecstasy tablets. Then began her ordeal, which lasted for hours: the men repeatedly attacked the defenceless girl, beat, strangled and raped her. Later, Leonie was “dumped” on a tree, then found by local residents.

The suspects are refugees from Afghanistan whose asylum applications were rejected. They have been convicted several times for drugs and assault. But they were not deported.

The men blame each other for the girl’s death. There is no trace of sympathy for their victim – instead only contempt: “It doesn’t matter that she is dead, she was a bitch anyway,” said one of the accused according to oe.24.,view=amp.bildMobile.html

Didn’t Obama realize that the photos would go viral?

By Silvio Canto, Jr.

Happy birthday, President Obama.    

Turning 60 is a nice thing and we hope that you had a good time with Michelle and the girls. I do have a couple of questions: Did you have to do it at your mansion and show the word how profitable your post-presidency has been?  Why not hold a party in Chicago and remind the world that you got your start as a community organizer?  Don’t you have a presidential library there? The whole party at the big house reminded me of that scene from “It’s a wonderful life” when a young George Bailey sees a carriage bringing Mr. Potter to the office.    “Is that a king?” or George said something like that. Has any former president held a birthday party like this before?  I don’t recall.   The party itself was an ego trip of egotistical proportions.  How many Americans relate to the photos that they saw or understand a mask less bash at a time that we’re told that Delta is exploding from coast to coast? The New York Post got some photos and it looked like more a movie star having a party than a president:    Gold napkins, masks and backstage passes were emblazoned with 44X60, a reference to the 44th president’s 60th birthday, and bathroom amenities included antiperspirant wipes, a lint roller and Advil, according to the pictures. Beckham, who reportedly performed a version of his hit “Birthday B—h” for the prez — who was also sung to by Alicia Keys and John Legend, later posted about the party. “Had to delete everything due to the rules,” Beckham reportedly explained. “It was epic for sure. If any videos surface it’s going viral. He danced the whole time. Nobody ever seen Obama like this before.” Gold napkins for a birthday party?  I didn’t know that the federal stipend covered that. Where is Dr. Fauci or Chuck Todd when we really need them?  They spoke about the bikers spreading but not a question about the party or the border.  Let’s hope that AOC reminds everyone that there was a “little income distribution problem” at that party.