Why are vaccine injuries not disclosed?

Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug, tweeted that an agreement was made between Pfizer and the Israeli government in which the government contractually agreed that no adverse reactions from the Covid-19 were to be disclosed for a minimum of 10 years.

Dr Malone tweeted: “This is key to understanding “what the heck is going on”. Apparently in Israel, I am told by an Israeli scientist, the agreement between Pfizer and the government is that no adverse events from the vax are to be disclosed for a minimum of 10 years.”

Both Moderna and Pfizer’s vaccine trials were also rigged to destroy evidence of vaccine injury, by vaccinating the control group. “It appears to be very intentional and purposeful,” the authors of the Conservative Treehouse noted.

“The Moderna and Pfizer vaccine tests were conducted, as customary, with a control group; a group within the trial who were given a placebo and not the test vaccine. However, during the trial -and after the untested vaccines were given emergency use authorization- the vaccine companies conducting the trial decided to break protocol and notify the control group they were not vaccinated. Almost all the control group were then given the vaccine.

“Purposefully dissolving the placebo group violates the scientific purpose to test whether the vaccine has any efficacy; any actual benefit and/or safety issues. Without a control group there is nothing to compare the vaccinated group against. According to NPR, the doctors lost the control group in the Johnson County Clinicial Trial (Lexena, Kansas) on purpose.”


CDC considers 12 of the 13 most vaccinated countries a travel risk

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its list of the riskiest countries for travel due to increasing cases of Covid-19. Curiously, vaccination has had totally the opposite effect to what had been expected: 12 of the 13 countries on the Johns Hopkins list of the most vaccinated are currently listed by the CDC as “high” or even “very high” SARS-Cov-2 travel risk.

The CDC distinguishes between five risk levels: very high, high, moderate, low, and unknown. On August 2, the CDC stated: “Avoid travel to these destinations. If you must travel to these destinations, make sure you are fully vaccinated before travel”. But these risky countries all have one thing in common: Very high vaccination rates, according to another authoritative Covid source – Johns Hopkins University.

Countries which pose a “very high” risk for travel are Malta, United Arab Emirates, Seychelles, Chile, Uruguay, Bahrain, and Mongolia, among others. Malta happens to be the most vaccinated, with 77,07 percent of the population boasting two jabs. In second spot is the United Arab Emirates with 72,08 percent of its citizens fully vaccinated.

Seychelles registered 70,22 percent while Chile and Uruguay both have just over 65 percent of their people fully vaccinated. Bahrain and Mongolia are just shy of that percentage.

The “high” risk countries for travel are Iceland with 70 percent, Qatar with 62,58 percent, and Belgium, Canada, and Israel with 60 percent of their people fully jabbed.

Not among the risky countries is Singapore where 62,44 percent of the population have received two shots.

The CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO) keep insisting that vaccination is effective against “serious illness and death” but this may be yet another important issue they have gotten wrong. Their notion of “herd immunity” was dead and buried with data coming out of Israel at the end of June already.

“These mRNA vaccines are not Pepto-Bismol. They have profound biological effects. They are encapsulated in fat particles whose long-term effects are unknown. They spread throughout the body (despite the early promise they would not). They hijack cellular machinery in exactly the same way an actual virus does,” according to distinguished science writer Alex Berenson.

“For now, vaccine advocates are clinging to the hope that even if the vaccines do not protect against infection, they still provide some protection against more serious illness and death. I think the jury is still out on that question, but again it is largely irrelevant for this conversation – the Covid wards are filling in Israel, and most people in them are older and vaccinated. If the vaccines do offer any help after a few months against serious illness, it is far less than the 95-99 percent protection that advocates have claimed.” The sick now include those who have had a “booster” shot. Beyond that, the CDC’s mask mandates and lockdowns have also been questioned.

The UK has seen a similar trend as in Israel. Also, the government’s advisors – the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, warned that until more data became available it would advise against routine universal vaccination of children and young people less than 18 years of age. They added that the “the health benefits in this population is small and do not outweigh the potential risks”. This was on the very same day that the website of the ZOE COVID Symptom Study App, with which over four and a half million users in England provide their Corona data for analysis – July 15, 2021 – issued the following prediction: “Since the number of cases in the group of vaccinated continues to rise…”

A few weeks later, on August 4, the committee changed its mind after the UK’s Chief Medical Officers requested that JCVI accelerate its review of advice for jabbing children. The JCVI curiously complied. Apparently, according to Vernon Cole, medical specialist, the JCVI had gotten rid of the members on its board who had issued the earlier warning against jabbing children.

Vaccine manufacturer BioNTech/Pfizer, now valued at $100 billion, actually confirmed the lack of protection in an article in the British Medical Journal at the end of July, while in the same breath pushing the need for a (third) booster shot and increasing the sales prices for Europe. It has become abundantly clear that vaccine marketing is exclusively about profit not health.


Germany: Arab peeks under woman’s skirt and spits in her face several times

Late on Tuesday evening, August 10, at 10.05 p.m., two young women were approached by a male person in Saarbrücken’s street Hafenstraße, opposite the employment agency. During the conversation, the man bent down and looked up the skirt of one of the women, according to the Saarbrücken City Police Department.

When the women asked him not to do so, the man insulted them. He spat twice in the face and in the hair of one of the women. The situation only calmed down when visitors of a nearby pub became aware of the situation and rushed to help the two women.

The perpetrator is described as follows: about 18-22 years old, about 170 cm tall, Arabic appearance, short black hair, three-day stubble, bushy eyebrows, spoke with an accent, he was wearing dark three-quarter trousers with a black top and was carrying a black bag, blue bandage on his left wrist.

The police department of Saarbrücken-City is looking for witnesses who can give information about the perpetrator or the crime and asks for information by calling 0681/9321-233.


Brutal clashes between black Africans and Arabs make German city unsafe

Immigrant crime is on the rise in the Mueßer Holz district of Schwerin.

On Sunday evening, three Tunisians and several men from Eritrea started a fight. Witnesses also reported shots being fired. Shortly afterwards, according to the police, six to ten Africans stormed into a kebab shop and threw bottles at three Tunisians and Iraqis. Three immigrants ended up in hospital.

The police are now investigating for assault and breach of the peace. They want to increase their presence in the prefab neighbourhood.

Police spokesman Steffen Salow says: “We have been focusing on this area for a long time because there have been more physical altercations there. Now we will intensify our controls even more!

Due to the high vacancy rate, many immigrants have been accommodated in Mueßer Holz.


Despite Muslim-motivated murders of women and sexual assaults by groups of Arabs, Berlin’s Senator for Social Affairs denies that this violence against women is perpetrated by Muslims

The politician of the Left Party plays down the cultural and religious background of violence against women in Berlin and has done so for many years. Yet she knows exactly how big the problems actually are, writes Gunnar Schupelius in his commentary:

Social Senator Elke Breitenbach (Left Party) has put the murder of 34-year-old Maryam H. from Afghanistan into perspective. She did not want to speak of a murder out of a violated sense of honour, but only of male violence in general.

It was “about patriarchal structures”, she wrote in a press release on Monday, denying the true motive of the perpetrators. Because Maryam H. was killed by her brothers Seyed (22) and Sayed H. (25) because she had taken off her headscarf and chosen a western way of life. The Berlin public prosecutor’s office is convinced of this.

More than “patriarchal structures” were the reason for the crime, it was a fundamentalist Muslim ideology that led to the murder. The social senator knows this, but she obviously does not want to admit that such archaic violence is taking over in Berlin.

This is not the first time that Ms Breitenbach has ignored reality. When catastrophic conditions arose at the asylum reception centre in Reinickendorf in July, she turned a blind eye.

TV channel RBB had used undercover cameras to show evidence of how criminal gangs smuggle in people from Moldova who are not even entitled to asylum. Employees of the “State Office for Refugees” complained internally in an urgent reminder about the intolerable conditions in and outside their offices. “I would like to know where they get this certainty from,” Ms Breitenbach only said.

The violence of men against women, which has become a major problem since 2015, is also not mentioned by the senator. Yet she should be well informed about this too.

As early as April 2016, the Berlin police set up the “hug scammer” investigation group after group violence occurred at the “Carnival of Cultures”: young men had surrounded girls and women, harassed them and blocked all escape routes.

The daily newspaper “taz” spoke of a phenomenon known from Arab countries where it is called “taharrush gamea”, ” joint sexual harassment”. This “perfidious game” has “now apparently come to Berlin”.

On July 30, there was another attack of this kind in Berlin: a 20-year-old woman was surrounded by 15 young men at Warschauer Bridge in the evening and badly harassed. She was only able to free herself when passers-by rushed to help.

A form of violence against women is thus spreading that does not simply spring from “patriarchal structures”, as Ms Breitenbach claims, but has a cultural and religious background that can be clearly described.

As the senator responsible for asylum seekers, Ms Breitenbach is familiar with the background. Her party ( The Left) calls for unrestricted immigration. The problems that go hand in hand with this are concealed in cold silence. This is a slap in the face of the women who are exposed to this violence.


Germany: A Pakistani man allegedly groped children and repeatedly molested girls – Then he raped an 11-year-old boy at the campsite

He allegedly groped children, repeatedly molested girls. Finally he grabbed a boy (11) – and raped him.


The public prosecutor’s office and the police are sure: The kitchen help, who introduced himself to everyone only by the name “Adel”, is the rapist of the child from Dortmund.

The 30-year-old worked in the restaurant at the “Regenbogen” campsite in Ladbergen (Steinfurt district). The abuse took place on Thursday evening in an adjacent wooded area. The little boy had been on holiday at the campsite with his parents.

Senior public prosecutor Martin Botzenhagen: “The employee of the holiday resort allegedly approached the boy and then left the campsite in company with him.”

After the abuse, the boy did not dare to tell his parents what had happened. Only the next morning did he confide in his mother. A short time later, the police arrested the suspect from Pakistan and he has been in custody since Saturday.

A cruel crime against the body and mind of a little boy – could it have been prevented?

At least that’s what many of the campers believe. They reported incidents of assault to the campground manager a fortnight ago. But nothing happened. Sebastian Holtschulte (38) says: “He kept hitting on girls, and he put his hand on my daughter’s thigh.Long-term camper Claudia Quys (45) also reports of being pestered.

Campsite spokesperson Marc Voßhall said that accusations that “the operator of the holiday resort – i.e. us – had not reacted are a severe blow to us” and we refute them.