Court takes custody of biotech executive’s 14-year-old daughter to force jab

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the very mRNA technology, has been called to testify in a forced vaccination case of a 14-year-old child. The girl wants to be vaccinated against the wishes of her parents. The court has since revoked custody in order for her to get vaccinated without their consent.

Malone told Steve Bannon on War Room that the case was unfolding in Boston, MA. “So, I’ve been called to testify as an expert witness in a court in Boston. The child who has been removed from their parents’ custody, is a 14-year-old,” Malone explained. “And the legal system is insisting on vaccinating this 14-year-old.”

Of particular interest in this case, is that the parents happen to be well-informedon vaccines. The mother of the girl in question is a high-level executive at a biotech firm.

“The mother is objecting, and she’s a very senior Biotech executive,” Malone added. “She’s highly informed. She’s made the decision not to vaccinate her child based upon the data. The courts have removed custody and are trying to force the child to accept vaccination. They’re so worked up, the parents have the capital, they’re going to fly me up to Boston to testify in court.”

My troubling COVID vaccine story experiences

By Selwyn Duke

Along with many other commentators, I’ve reported on side-effects associated with the coronavirus vaccines.  Of particular concern are heart problems and, specifically, myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart muscle. 

Now, you’ll hear different stories about how common these heart issues are.  Government officials and the medical establishment will claim they’re rare, while others say differently (and that the feds’ Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, is undercounting vaccine-coincident deaths).  But when your anecdotal experience starts to align, suspiciously, with the warnings of danger, it’s eyebrow-raising.

I haven’t taken any COVID vaccines and have no intention of doing so.  But I learned that a friend of mine had, by way of a complaint he registered: he developed heart inflammation, as he put it, after taking the shot and said he was on medication to treat it.  He’s just one person, however.

Then, approximately a month later, which was also about a month ago, I had a conversation with an employee at a recreational site.  He mentioned that he’d had a coronary two months after taking a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.  Oh, he understood that this didn’t prove cause and effect, but he was suspicious.  He noted that he began experiencing cardiac symptoms after receiving the injections.  Of course, this could have been coincidence.

A few days ago, however, I was at that recreational site again.  I got to talking with a certain fellow, and he mentioned that his doctor had relegated him to engaging in only non-strenuous activity because he’d had a heart attack.  A short time later, a light bulb went off in my head.  I asked him, since my mind had wandered, “Hey, when did you say you had your heart attack?”  “May,” he responded.  “Let me ask you,” I followed up: “Did you receive a COVID vaccine?”  He said yes, so I asked him when.

“April,” he replied.

Admittedly, all these men are older.  My friend is 64, while the two other fellows were, respectively, approximately 70 and 60.  But here’s the thing: working from home and being an alien (as I like to put it), I don’t interact with the humans all that much.  Nor did I conduct any kind of even limited investigation or seek these people out.  Yet that’s three vaccine-coincident heart ailment stories that have come my way.

Now, this has to be interpreted figuratively here, but as James Bond creator Ian Fleming put it, “One time is an accident.  Two times is coincidence.  Three times is enemy action.”  When do these personal experiences relating to curiously congruent COVID vaccine stories stop being coincidence?

I’d never intended to take the shot, and what I’ve learned via research and my anecdotal experience has only stiffened my resolve in that regard.

Everyone has to make his own decisions regarding health matters, as he’ll reap the benefits or suffer the consequences thereof.  But for food for thought, I’ll present an alarming late July interview (video below) with renowned COVID doctor Peter McCullough.  The man has quite the résumé (which you can read here) and said of the vaccine that “at this point in time, I really can’t recommend it to anybody.”

The Rumble video link is here.

Contradicting McCullough, the world’s Faucis and Rochelle Walenskys very much want us to get injected.  And really, this may be the best reason of all to be wary.

Germany and the Netherlands to stop deportation of Afghans

The Netherlands and Germany announced on Wednesday that they would temporarily suspend the deportation of Afghan asylum seekers due to the rapid worsening of the conflict in their homeland. This is a sudden reversal of their current approach.

The decision to stop deportations was announced by German interior ministry spokesman Steve Alter on Twitter. Just a few hours earlier, though, the government said deportations would continue despite the territorial gains of the radical Taliban movement in Afghanistan.

Deportations from Germany will be stopped until the end of October, said German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on Wednesday afternoon. According to him, this decision follows a request from the government in Kabul.

“This decision is right and necessary,” the minister was quoted as saying by Reuters.

Dutch Minister Ankie Broekers-Knol said that the Netherlands would suspend deportations for the same reason.

“The situation is undergoing such changes and developments and is so uncertain for the coming time that I have decided to impose a freeze on decisions and deportations,” Broekers-Knol wrote in a letter to parliament.

The decision contradicts Tuesday’s letter in which six EU member states – Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Denmark, Belgium, and Greece – called on the EU executive to continue deporting unsuccessful Afghan asylum seekers despite the fighting in Afghanistan and territorial gains of Taliban Islamists.

Most applicants come to the EU from Afghanistan

Representatives of six countries, including Horst Seehofer and Ankie Broekers-Knol, stated in the letter that Afghanistan has been the home country to the highest number of people asking for asylum in the EU. They also warned that this trend might intensify due to the unstable situation in the country.

“Stopping returns sends the wrong signal and is likely to motivate even more Afghan citizens to leave their home for the EU,” the letter said.

On behalf of Austria, the initiative was signed by Interior Minister Karl Nehammer. Speaking to the AFP agency, Austria’s Interior Ministry spokesman said that “the actual suspension of deportations is not currently under discussion.”

In response to the decision of Germany and the Netherlands, Greece reiterated that suspending deportations would send the wrong signal and encourage other Afghans to travel to Europe. The European Union is not ready to handle the next wave of migration and does not have the capacity to do so, stressed the Greek minister for migration.

British Medical Journal: ‘Why have so many African leaders died of Covid-19?’

Being an African leader in a Covid pandemic has been perilous since they die “seven times above estimates of the world’s average for a demographic profile of similar sex and age average for the same period,” according to a British study.

The British Medical Journal (BMJ Global Health) published a study in April entitled “Why have so many African leaders died of COVID-19?” Researchers at the University of Edinburgh found that no less than 24 national government ministers and heads of state died of SARS-Cov-2 between February 6, 2020 and February 6, 2021.

At least seventeen of the 24 deaths were African ministers and heads of state. This unusual trend was blamed on various factors, including low-quality healthcare, comorbidities, and higher overall mortality rates across the continent.

But there was also another issue at play, according to the study group: Health policy decisions related to vaccines. “Covid-19-related deaths have been associated with substantial changes in public health policy in cases where the response to the pandemic had initially been contested or minimal. Ministerial deaths may also result in a reconfiguration of political leadership, but we do not expect a wave of younger and more gender representative replacements.”

In July, Madagascar President Andry Rajoelina survived an assassination attempt. Madagascar Minister of Public Security Rodellys Randrianarison confirmed in a statement that authorities arrested six people who were plotting to murder the president. Africa News also reported that authorities were aware of an assassination plot against General Richard Ravalomanana last month. He is described as President Rajoelina’s “right hand man”.

This week, Rajoelina sacked all his ministers, only weeks after the plot to kill the president was uncovered. Rajoelina’s office gave no reason for the dismissals in a statement issued late on Wednesday, reported France24, but two French nationals were among those arrested, diplomatic sources told AFP. The attorney general announced that one was in fact a former member of the French Armed Forces.

Last week, a senior prosecutor said Madagascar had arrested 21 more suspects, including 12 military personnel.

President Rajoelina said in March last year that he did not want to get vaccinated, citing dangerous side effects and the need to protect himself, his family and the citizens of Madagascar. Rojoelina has instead promoted a herbal remedy derived from artemisia – a plant with proven anti-malarial properties – and other indigenous herbs.

Notably, Tanzania had taken delivery of consignments of Covid-Organics or CVO from Madagascar. It’s now-deceased president had also been one of the anti-vaccine leaders on the continent. Other African countries that have been supplied include the Comores, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Congo and the DRC.

An international team of researchers found that extracts of the medicinal plant Artemisia annua are effective against SARS-CoV-2 under laboratory conditions and inhibit infections.

The team of scientists from Denmark, Germany and Hong Kong found that several extracts of annual mugwort (Artemisia annua) are active against SARS-CoV-2 pathogens under laboratory conditions. The necessary plant material was provided by ArtmiLife Inc., a company based in the US that specializes in the marketing of products based on Artemisia annua.

Treatment with the Artemisia derivatives is currently part of the standard treatment for malaria worldwide and is even used for newborns. The study published in the journal Scientific Reports, involved the Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, Germany.

The researchers infected the tissue of primates and humans with the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen and then added the plant extracts to the cell cultures and it was shown that various treatment methods were active against the Coronavirus and inhibited the infections.

Ten percent of the world’s annual mugwort production grows in Madagascar. Administered as a herbal tea, the drug is said to have helped numerous Covid-19 patients. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned against its use against Covid-19, as the effectiveness has not been proven by clinical studies. It will be some time before these are completed.

Madagascar received 250 000 doses of AstraZeneca’s Covishield vaccine in May through the COVAX programme — an alliance of international organizations that aims to push vaccines in Africa — but health officials administered only 190 000 of the doses before they expired on 17 June, because not enough people turned up to receive them.

According to government reports, Coronavirus cases across Madagascar have been in decline since late April. By mid-June, 56 percent of hospital beds were available.

Austria strips 24 Austrian-Turks of their citizenship because they had also voted in Turkish elections

Based on a list of the Turkish Election Commission from 2018, which foreign Turks could use to find out whether they were eligible to vote in the presidential election, a determination procedure was initiated against 450 Austro-Turks. 24 of them have now been stripped of their Austrian passports.

24 Viennese of Turkish origin have lost their Austrian citizenship. The basis for this was a determination procedure of the municipal department MA 35 (Immigration and Citizenship), as reported by the newspaper “Kurier” (Thursday edition). In total, such proceedings were initiated against 450 Austro-Turks on the basis of a list of the Turkish electoral commission that was put online in 2018. At the beginning of August, 60 of them had been settled.

With the help of the list, Turks living abroad could find out whether they were eligible to vote in the presidential election in Turkey – which is actually only possible for Turkish citizens. Unlike the alleged Turkish voter registration list provided by the Freedom Party to the Ministry of the Interior and the federal provinces in 2017, the Administrative Court (VwGH) confirmed the usability of the current list last year.

However, the lawyer of about a dozen affected persons, Kazim Yilmaz, doubted this and filed an appeal with the Regional Administrative Court. If the court finds in favour of MA35, Yilmaz wants to appeal to the highest courts. After all, the list had never been confirmed by Turkey.

WATCH: Syrian kills local youth, riots in Ankara, Turkey

Demonstrations and riots broke out in the Turkish capital Ankara last night. Syrian shops were destroyed by an angry crowd, Syrian and Afghan migrants were reportedly chased. The reason: A Syrian migrant had killed a Turkish youth with a knife.

According to Turkish media, a Syrian migrant in Ankara attacked two youths with a knife so brutally that one of them, 18-year-old Emirhan Yalcin, died as a result of his injuries. The other boy is said to be seriously injured in hospital. The news spread like wildfire in the Turkish capital and led thousands of Turks to take to the streets in the Altındağ district. Several Syrian shops were destroyed and refugees prevented from travelling on to Germany or Austria by the agreement with the EU were hounded. Uninvolved women and children were also reportedly injured.

Many Turks no longer want migrants from the Middle East in their country. Local media and opposition activists have repeatedly reported attacks on civilians in the past, despite the “religious bonds” between the migrants, most of whom come from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, and the Turks. For the secular Turks, they are also President Erdoğan’s “fifth column” to promote Islamisation, as the Austrian daily Standard has already reported. Most fear that this trend could intensify with the Afghan refugees. Although the EU only recently sent three billion euros to Ankara to help cope with the influx of refugees, the mood in the cities where particularly large numbers of refugees have been taken in is beginning to tip.

Here, Turks allegedly set fire to Syrian goods in front of a shop.

The Turkish government under Erdogan is resisting becoming the new refugee destination for millions of Syrians and Afghans. A statement from the Turkish Foreign Ministry said: “Turkey will not shoulder the next wave of refugees. We are not the border guard or the refugee camp of Europe.” The agreement with the EU is a thorn in the side of nationalist oppositionists in particular.