“Aid money” to Taliban? German Left Party wants to enter into discussions with terrorists

The Taliban Islamist terrorist group captured the 15th of 39 provincial capitals in Afghanistan. Millions of people are currently making the long journey from there to Europe, with asylum applications reaching their highest level since 2017. The spokesperson for the Left Party in German, Gregor Gysi, is now calling for more diplomacy towards the Islamists, as well as for aid to be given to the Taliban with “conditions attached”.

He also wants to ” enter into discussions” with the Islamist terrorist organisation, which wants to establish a Sharia state in Afghanistan, strictly following Islamic law from the 7th century. Under Taliban rule, young children are married off, women are not allowed to leave the house without the husband’s permission, hands or feet are chopped off for theft. Homosexuality is punishable by death by stoning, as is adultery – which, according to the law, is usually the woman’s fault.

“Why can’t we also offer aid to the Taliban, on which they depend, and make these offers conditional?” Gysi told the NGO Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland. After Great Britain, the Soviet Union and now also Nato had failed with war missions in Afghanistan, “it should finally be understood that there is no military solution,” Gysi said. He also disagreed with Social Democratic Party (SPD) Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, who said he would not send “another cent to Afghanistan” if the Taliban seized power. He sees it differently, “that would affect the population first and foremost.” In his opinion, it would be better to send aid money to the Taliban and ” attach certain conditions to it.”The fact that the Taliban have taken over large areas of the country so quickly is not only due to a lack of fighting spirit or the intimidation of the Afghan police and military, whose apparatus has been rendered almost incapable of action by corruption and bad decisions by the government. Also, large parts of the rural population do not necessarily see the Taliban as enemies; in some provinces they are even cheeringly welcomed. The video shows Afghan security forces surrendering to the Taliban without a fight and handing over their weapons. They greet each other in a friendly manner with “Salam Alaikum.


Now that the Taliban has won

by Giulio Meotti

German aid worker Sybille Schnehage predicts that up to 3 million Afghan refugees could arrive in Europe. Schnehage, who has worked with the NGO Katachel in the Kunduz region of Afghanistan for over twenty years, told German broadcaster WDR: “Up to three million Afghans will reach Europe in the near future”, surpassing even the crisis of 2015, when 1.2 million people arrived in Europe in a few weeks, fleeing Syria.

Thousands of Afghans are already fleeing from northern cities captured by the Taliban, such as Kunduz, says France Presse, from which reports of brutal treatment by Islamist insurgents arrive: bodies left in the streets, girls kidnapped to become “Taliban brides”, young forced to fight with the Taliban.

“We saw bodies lying near the prison … there were dogs next to them,” said Friba, a widow who fled Kunduz with her six children as the Taliban took the city. “Three days ago the Taliban killed a barber,” said Mirwais Khan Amiri, also fleeing from Kunduz. “They killed people who worked in the government even though they resigned four or five years ago.” Marwa fled Taloqan as fighting raged across the city, terrified that she would be ordered to marry a Taliban fighter. “My 16-year-old cousin was forcibly taken by the Taliban to marry one of them.”

An anonymous Afghan journalist wrote in the Guardian about what is happening: “Two days ago I had to leave my home and my life in northern Afghanistan after the Taliban took my city. My whole life was erased in a few days. I am not safe because I am a 22 year old woman and I know that the Taliban are forcing families to give their daughters as wives for their fighters. My manager called me and asked me not to answer any unknown numbers. He said we women should hide and escape the city. Most of the girls I know have fled”.

The government of Kabul, which according to US intelligence could now fall into the hands of the Taliban in one to three months, has just notified Brussels of the suspension of readmissions for repatriation from the European Union.

In a month, the Taliban conquered a quarter of the provinces of all of Afghanistan and with the capture of Faizabad, the ninth city fell into their hands in a few days. Now the worst is feared. Also for Europe, where six countries are calling for the repatriation of Afghans to continue. And while Turkey has begun construction of a new 64-kilometer-long concrete wall on the border with Iran (the gateway for the Afghans), Pakistan (the main supporter of the Taliban) has closed its borders to fleeing Afghans.

“On April 14, the Taliban controlled 73 out of 400 districts. Less than two months later, they had taken 223 out of 400 districts,” recalls Afghanistan expert George Lefeuvre in L’Express.

September 2015. Thousands of Syrian migrants crossing the Balkan route are on their way to Germany. “We are on a plane with no fuel and we don’t know what to do,” a senior security officer told Angela Merkel. The Chancellor is on the phone with the Minister of the Interior, Thomas de Maizière, to evaluate a series of measures to protect the borders, where thousands of policemen were already secretly based together with buses and helicopters. De Maizière turns to Dieter Romann, then chief of police, for advice.

“Can we live with the images that will come out?” Asked de Mazière. “What will happen if 500 refugees with children in their arms run towards the border guards?”. When de Maizière passed on Romann’s response to Merkel, she capitulated and canceled his original commitment. “For historical reasons, the Chancellor feared the images of the German police confronting civilians on our borders,” writes Robin Alexander, the lead journalist of Die Welt, who revealed these details in a book, Die Getriebenen.

According to Die Zeit, “Merkel was convinced that migrants could only be stopped with the help of violence, with fire hydrants, batons and sprays. Merkel feared such images and their political impact, convinced that Germany would not tolerate them ”.

Thus was born the famous motto of Merkel “Wir schaffen das”. We can do it. For Europe, the political, social and cultural consequences will be disastrous. “Rather than leading to fusion, the European migration crisis is leading to fission,” wrote renowned historian and economist Niall Ferguson. “The migration crisis will be seen by future historians as the fatal ingredient that dissolved the EU”.

The security of Europe is “defended also on the Hindu Kush,” the German defense minister Peter Struck said in 2002. Twenty years later we lost the war against the Taliban and now we risk being overwhelmed by the consequences and having to defend ourselves not on the Hindu Kush, but on the European borders. Whether it is the Mediterranean or the Balkan route, we are always on that plane without fuel and we don’t know what to do.


‘The refugee crisis of 2015 threatens to repeat itself’

More and more “asylum seekers” from Africa are flooding into the Canary Islands illegally. Some 192 boats, carrying 23 000 migrants, landed there in 2020 – seven times more than in 2019. At the end of this year, a massive increase will be registered.

According to a report, the Africans that reached Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and El Hierro were either picked up in the waters of the Canary Islands, or even kilometers away by Spanish NGO ships. Curiously, the extent to which the incomers had been in distress at sea was not disclosed.

With the influx, attacks by “people seeking protection” have increased. In some municipalities, the situation is like a “powder keg”, writes the Madrid newspaper El País. But mainstream media have provided no information about the disastrous situation. When reports about mass immigration are presented, journalists are not worried about the welfare of the locals, but only worried about the supposed “right of asylum” of the “refugees”.

NGOs as “escape helpers”

Illegal immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa have travelled to the Spanish archipelago especially in the last quarter of last year. In 2020, the vast majority of “refugees” landed in September, October and November: almost 21 000.

In the first seven months of 2021 alone, around 7500 new African immigrants were registered in the Canary Islands, which is 160 percent more than in the previous year. In mid-July, 223 Africans – most of them Senegalese – set off from Morocco on a sea voyage to the Canary Islands in one day and in a flotilla of five boats. Fuerteventura is about 100 kilometers away from the African continent. Some of the illegals, who mostly start in the southernmost and westernmost cities of Morocco, eventually reached EU territory without the help of the NGO “rescuers”.

A larger proportion of Africans have been picked up in the waters off the Canary Islands by ships of the Spanish coast guard. And tellingly, it is not known how many of the illegals had been ‘in distress at sea”.

Very often ships of NGOs transport those “seeking refuge” into Canarian waters, with old boats being carried in tow. Once in Spanish territorial waters, the NGO refugee helpers tell the “refugees” to transfer to the old vessels again. Then the NGO ship quickly sails away while signalling to the Spanish coastal authorities that shipwrecked people are near the islands. Their expectation that the Spanish coast guard will quickly do everything in their power to rescue the “boat refugees” is always met too. The illegals are then transported to one of the Canary Islands.

Fear of foreign infiltration and assault

It is not uncommon for knife fights and mass brawls to occur in the Canaries. “In parts of the municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana on Gran Canaria, the mood when it comes to migration is highly explosive”.

There are obviously not enough police patrols  and the Spanish media report very rarely – if at all – on the violence in which a Spaniard was stabbed to death this year. Several locals were also seriously injured. “The Police warn of the risk of ghettos forming in the Canary Islands: ‘There is a lack of troops,’” reported OK Diario, on January 19, 2021.

In March this year, four young people of Maghreb origin gang-raped a 36-year-old Irish woman in a park in Puerto Rico, in the municipality of Mogán . The victim had approached them to sympathize with their situation in the park area of ​​Agua La Perra.

Residents of El Salobre and the surrounding area are meanwhile trying to “protect their property”, they “are being let down by the state”. Since the migrants moved into a camp there, the local citizens have not been able to sleep. The situation with alleged or actual minors “seeking protection” is often at the root of the problem. “Almost around the clock, some of these Africans roam the streets and climb over the fences of private houses and farms with the intention of stealing,” reported the online portal.

Young immigrants evidently lack respect for the human rights of especially older people and women. The respect seems “to have been forgotten with the passport in Africa”. The same bold formulations are never used in the mainstream media in Spanish.

Germans worry about the “refugees”

The Spiegel reported in June that the number of “refugees” in the Canary Islands had doubled. The German magazine does not, of course, describe the fears expressed by many local Spaniards. Rather, Der Spiegel is very worried about those “seeking protection” while the non-governmental organization Human Rights Watch spoke of “serious concerns” about “whether the right to asylum would be respected” by the locals.

The German public service Deutsche Welle (DW) is also very concerned about black immigrants. It reported that most of the immigrants were eager to reach mainland Spain, which is around 1000 kilometers away from the Canary Islands. The long-term goal of many immigrants is ultimately Germany, where the most attractive social benefits of the state beckon.

Allegedly, according to DW, the Spanish government is trying to prevent African migrants in the Canary Islands from continuing their journey to the Spanish motherland – because “that plays into the hands of smugglers’ networks”. But DW can rest assured because a Spanish court ruled in May that this “blockade” of illegals was unlawful. The government in Madrid has appealed the court ruling. In Spain, as in Germany and France, courts are very often positioned to the left in terms of legal policy.

Not only entering EU from the south

Germany is not only being flooded with illegals making the journey from the south. The two AfD members of the Bundestag Siegbert Droese and Paul Podolay are currently visiting Lithuania to find out about the situation in the Lithuanian-Belarusian border area.

They reported on their findings: “During our visit to the EU’s external border in Lithuania, we discovered that over 4100 migrants, predominantly Iraqi, but also Syrians, were waiting for their asylum procedures to be completed in Lithuania. The local authorities cannot rule out the possibility that there will be more people in Belarus for the purpose of crossing the border.

“After discussions with migrants in a reception center, one thing is certain: the migrants’ destination is Germany in almost all cases. With a view to the crisis in Afghanistan, the failure of the long overdue Dublin reform is currently taking its toll. The refugee crisis of 2015 threatens to repeat itself.”


Migrants attack Hungarian border police

Migrants attempting to enter Hungary illegally from Serbia threw bricks at border police on Wednesday evening, and police responded with tear gas projectiles, repelling them, daily Magyar Nemzet writes.

National Security Advisor József Horváth told the paper that as bad weather approaches and the number of Afghan migrants attempting to enter the European Union rises, the number of violent incidents is likely to increase.

“The latest attack also indicates that illegal migrants, who want to break into Hungary at all costs, are becoming more violent. At the same time, it cannot be ruled out that such an attack, i.e. throwing objects at police officers and soldiers in the territory of another country, is a test of people smugglers, thus testing Hungarian border protection,” Horváth said.

He added that illegal migrants who run out of money are becoming more and more frustrated because they cannot afford to pay the fees of the people smugglers who would bring them to Hungary on the established routes, on the green border. Therefore, they run up to the border ten or fifteen times on their own initiative, but they always bounce back, so the tension in them is increasing. Horváth expects that the number of people who will want to cross the border by force may increase in the near future.

“This is to be expected when the bad weather approaches, because before the autumn rains or the onset of winter, migrants want to cross the border at all costs in order to enter the European Union. On the other hand, it is also expected when the Taliban is set to occupy most of the country in Afghanistan,” the expert said.

“Due to the situation there, a wave of refugees can also be predicted, and in addition, men who have a significant fighting routine will reach the Hungarian state border. And they can only imagine solving the problems by force, Horváth said.


The Afghans who murdered their sister in Germany justify their crime : “A woman is like a co-worker …”

Her brothers allegedly murdered Maryam H. (34) because she wanted to live freely. Now it is known what one of the men suspected of the crime told the investigators when questioned by the police – and how the other is supposed to have lured the mother of two to him on the day of her disappearance…

The inconceivable case: Maryam H. became acquainted with her husband in Afghanistan. During police interrogation, her brother Sayed H. (25) stated that the two were not in love.

As the newspaper B.Z. learned from police circles, the accused told the officer how an Afghan marriage works: “The thing with women is different in Afghanistan than it is in Germany. A woman is like a co-worker, she does the housework, cooks and takes care of the children.”

The family arrived in Germany in 2013. Maryam H., her husband and the children (the son now 13, the daughter 9) moved into an asylum seekers’ home in Berlin.

Her brother Seyed H. (22) also found accommodation in the capital, only Sayed H. had to stay in Bavaria.

Sayed H. also tried to move to Berlin. However, the authorities sent the unemployed salesman back to the state of Bavaria. In 2015, he got depressed (“I can’t work”), his asylum application was rejected in 2016. After a suicide attempt, he underwent psychological treatment – presumably the reason why he was not deported.

His younger brother Seyed was sentenced to a fine of 600 euros for assault in February 2020. He has no profession, lives on social welfare (420 euros/month).In 2017, Maryam divorced her husband according to German law, but he refused to annul the marriage according to Islamic law.

When her brothers learned that Maryam had fled from her husband in 2019, they continued to monitor her sister. According to B.Z. information, they demanded that Maryam wear a headscarf, forbade her to go outside alone.

“She was scared to death,” says an acquaintance. Because her ex had also threatened her with death. A restraining order was issued against him.

Her brother Sayed came from Bavaria almost every weekend and lived in Hellersdorf asylum seekers’ accommodation near Maryam.

In February, the mother of two suffered a laceration to her eye, claimed she was beaten by a resident. Another acquaintance: “She often had haematomas on her arms and neck, always said she had bumped herself.”

She kept in touch with her social worker, an Iranian. They became a couple and wanted to marry. This may have been her death sentence! The arrest warrant states that the two acted “out of a violated sense of honour”.

Investigators are certain that Seyed lured her to his home on July 13. He had allegedly found a flat for Maryam and the children. What exactly happened then is still unclear. On the same day, Maryam H. was reported missing.

“The autopsy showed that the young woman was killed very brutally by attacks on her head and neck,” says justice spokesman Martin Steltner (60) to B.Z.

Images from surveillance cameras at Südkreuz station show the brothers dragging a suitcase onto the train. They were going to Sayed’s hometown Holzkirchen (Bavaria). Nearby, the buried body was found at the end of July.

Investigators found how the alleged perpetrators stuffed the body into the suitcase to transport it to Bavaria and bury it in a hole in the ground.

A policewoman (1.70 metres tall, weighing 60 kilograms) put herself in an identical piece of luggage for this. The suitcase (model “Wheel Lock Lit”), which the brothers had bought for 60 euros at Primark at Alexanderplatz before the crime, could actually be closed with a body in it!

The brothers suspected of the crime were arrested. Defence lawyer Mirko Röder (56) defends Seyed H.: “The accusations are pronounced investigator’s lyricism, a pre-judgement is taking place here in the election campaign,” he says. His client – like his brother – remains silent on the charges.


Throat-cutting gesture by a migrant: Homophobic assault in the tram in Halle, Germany

On Wednesday afternoon, a homophobic assault occurred in a tram on line 2 in the direction of Halle main station. A gay couple was insulted on the tram and death threats were made.

The perpetrator, who made a throat-cutting gesture, is said to be a dark-skinned man / African who was conspicuous by his bright yellow shirt. The incident happened at around 3.45 pm.


COVID vaccines: Where are the autopsies?

By James V. DeLong

In a recent conversation with a retired doctor, I voiced my layman’s understanding that autopsies are a great engine of medical progress, and I asked where I might find reports on autopsies of people who have died after taking COVID vaccines.

He was stumped, so I plunged into the search engine jungle and got my answer: nowhere, because autopsies are not being performed.

A diligent search can find a report on a single case in the U.S., with ambiguous results, and a sobering study from Germany:

Dr. Schirmacher performed autopsies on 40 people who had died within two weeks of receiving a Covid jab. Of those, 30%–40% could be directly attributed to the “vaccines.” He is calling for more autopsies of those who die shortly after getting injected to see if his numbers pan out.

These findings are not free of doubt, which would seem to make additional studies imperative.

But Germany has thus far been reluctant to act. Meanwhile, the report of this highly respected pathologist and pro-vaccine doctor is being suppressed.

The most comprehensive summary of the situation is in a recent presentation by Dr. Ryan Cole, “A Pathologist Summary of What These Jabs Do to the Brain and Other Organs,” at a “White Coat Summit” put on by America’s Frontline Doctors(a much-censored group of skeptics).  He starts by noting that there have been 11,000 or more post-vaccine deaths, but the first autopsy report appears only a month ago.  “Are you kidding me?  Is this science anymore? … How can we do science if we are not looking?  One cannot find that for which they do not look.”

Cole refers to both human and animal studies showing that spike proteins from vaccines are widely distributed throughout the body and shows tissue slides illustrating the toxic effect of these proteins.  

Cole’s conclusion is not that disaster is coming.  It is that we don’t know.  We simply lack knowledge about a wide range of risks.

In a well functioning health care system, the authorities would place high priority on funding autopsies to seek answers.  This is not happening, and, like most other questions surrounding the pandemic, it is increasingly difficult to find non-malevolent explanations for the failure.

The corollary to “one does not find what one does not look for” is “one does not look for what one does not want to find.”  So it is logical conclude that our health authorities, who are obviously perfectly aware of the importance of pathology studies, are scared of what might end up in them.


Illegal Alien Refugee Met With the Pope, Burned a Cathedral, Killed a Priest – Europeans and Americans are paying the price for Pope Francis’ support for illegal migration

Pope Francis concluded the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy by inviting thousands of homeless from across Europe to Rome. Many of those homeless were foreign migrants. Among them was Emmanuel Abayisenga, a Rwandan migrant, the son of a man tried for genocide, who had been in France since 2012, and finally got his chance to briefly meet with the Pope.

While reporters brandished telephoto lenses and stood on chairs to capture the moment, Pope Francis clasped Abayisenga’s arms. The Rwandan, toting a Nike backpack and headphones, appears, as local French clergy would later insist, to be, “fully integrated” into Europe.

He was also the model of the “socially deprived” people whom Pope Francis was looking for.

The Pope had urged convents and monasteries to open their doors to migrants and refugees.

“May every parish, every religious community, every monastery, every sanctuary of Europe, take in one family,” he insisted. Europeans should welcome migrants and Christians should not fear the “differences” of Muslims. He boasted that, “There are two parishes in the Vatican, and every parishioner has welcomed a Syrian family.”

“Those arriving in Europe now are fleeing from war or famine. And we are in some ways responsible, because we strip their lands for profit,” Pope Francis scolded Europeans.

While Pope Francis’ pro-migrant policies have been disastrous in America with illegal aliens spreading the coronavirus across the country, French Catholic institutions have been among the hardest hit by the Pope’s policy of sheltering illegal migrants like Emmanuel Abayisenga.

Last year the Nantes Cathedral, whose cornerstone had been laid in 1434, began to burn. The Grand Organ, over 400 years old, was destroyed along with historic stained glass windows.

Abayisenga had started two fires near the Grand Organ and a third near an electric panel.

The year after meeting with Pope Francis, Abayisenga began volunteering at the Nantes Cathedral. Like many other migrants, his asylum requests had been repeatedly turned down, but the Rwandan migrant continued to stay in the country with the support of the clergy.

“He was even the most protected man in Nantes at the ecclesial level: the parish, the Franciscans, the Secours Catholique supported him. Even the former bishop of the diocese, Jean-Paul James, tried to plead his case with the prefect,” a local churchgoer related.

But before the fire, Abayisenga had sent a threatening email complaining that church officials hadn’t done enough for his asylum petitions to allow him to stay in France and suggesting that the cathedral was possessed by a devil that needed to be driven out. Despite that he was allowed to retain his position as a warden, tasked with locking up and unlocking the cathedral.

After the fire, it didn’t take long to figure out who had done it, for the authorities to set him loose, and for the same system harboring illegal refugees to welcome him back again despite what he had done.

Abayisenga’s lawyer claimed that he “bitterly regretted” setting the fires.

“The citizens of Nantes are still angry with him, but for the most part it is empathy that dominates now,” a Cathedral official explained.

Even though Abayisenga had already been ordered to leave France four times because his asylum requests had been repeatedly denied, he was allowed to stay while awaiting trial.

After spending a month at a mental hospital, the cathedral arsonist was released and placed in an abbey under the supervision of Fr. Olivier Maire of the Montfort Missionaries. The Rwandan spent a few months there before Fr. Maire called the police because he had tried to leave.

A few more months went by and then Abayisenga murdered Fr. Maire. The illegal migrant then turned himself in for this latest horrifying crime against those who had kindly sheltered him.

Reports say that the Rwandan illegal alien refugee beat the 60-year-old priest to death.

Abayisenga is back in a psychiatric hospital and French authorities are claiming that nothing could have been done differently despite the four deportation orders for the illegal refugee.

“I regret the unnecessary controversies,” Gerald Darmanin, the country’s Minister of the Interior, snippily said at a press conference. As if there were no reason for people to wonder how an illegal migrant could have remained in France for nearly a decade, despite four deportation orders, and one of the most infamous arsons in a generation, before he murdered a priest.

But there is plenty of blame to go around.

For once the killer isn’t an Islamic terrorist, but the same broken system welcomed him, harbored him, failed to enforce the law, and gave him every possible opportunity to do harm.

Even after the Nantes Cathedral arson, pro-refugee organizations regaled the media with stories about his difficult childhood growing up during the Rwandan genocide (in which his father appears to have been a perpetrator). Yet despite all that, Abayisenga was apparently able to get a college degree and a good job before deciding to head over to France.

French authorities dismissed his claims to being a refugee, but they also failed to remove him.

And the clergy who sheltered him may have had the noblest motives, but failed to exercise even the most basic common sense no matter how obvious the threat that the migrant represented.

There is a good reason why countries have borders and laws. Abayisenga is a reminder of that.

Mercy and kindness are lovely qualities, but any individual, community, country, and culture must, at the barest minimum, see to its own survival, or its compassion is a suicide pact.

Pope Francis has argued that migrant rights should be prioritized over national security. He has sneered at President Trump and border security in the United States, declaring that, “builders of walls, be they made of razor wire or bricks, will end up becoming prisoners of the walls they build.” But the alternative to living securely within your walls is that your cathedrals will be burned and your priests murdered by the migrants you allowed inside your open borders.

Europeans and Americans are paying the price for Pope Francis’ support for illegal migration.

Too many people of all religions, Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish, have become prisoners of an unbalanced rhetoric of compassion that prioritizes grandiose shows of virtue signaling over the difficult human balance between protecting ourselves and helping others. In the face of such demands, we must remember that we cannot save the world if we cannot even save ourselves.

The story of the Nantes Cathedral, of Fr. Maire, and of Abayisenga is a reminder that the price of giving endlessly to enemies, exploiters, or even the unbalanced may be a butcher’s bill.

And that is a price that no country, no culture, and no civilization can endlessly afford to pay. 
