The Imam of Gennevilliers, who was dismissed after his sermon, files a complaint against the French Minister of the Interior for “abuse of office”

He has decided to launch a riposte.The imam, who was dismissed after a sermon that Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin called a violation of gender equality and “very discriminatory”, has decided to file a lawsuit against the Interior Minister, according to news channel BFMTV. His lawyer has filed a complaint with the Court of the Republic for “abuse of office” and “violation of the right to free exercise of religion”. The Court, which judges members of the government and their possible crimes, will decide whether or not to open an investigation.

On July 8, the prefecture of the Hauts-de-Seine department summoned Mohamed el Medhi Bouzid, the imam of Gennevilliers, for remarks made during a sermon on June 4, as reported by Valeurs actuelles. In this sermon, he allegedly accused women of “lacking modesty” and that some were “possessed by the devil”. He then took aim at “those who share make-up lessons or outfits on social networks that show off their physique”.

When the Minister of the Interior learned of these remarks, he hurried to contact Laurent Hottieux, the prefect of the department. He instructed the prefecture to “immediately” get rid of the imam “if these remarks are proven”. At first, the president of the Ennour association, which manages the mosque, Mohamed Benali, had denounced the “pressure of the authorities”, BFMTV reports. But he changed his mind and dismissed the imam. “It is the responsibility of the religious association to part with the imam,” the Interior Ministry said at the time. The imam reportedly withdrew on his own decision.According to Le Parisien, this place of worship has also attracted “a growing number of strictly religious visitors for a long time”, of which the minister had been informed. The law against separatism had just been proclaimed and Gérald Darmanin threatened to close the place of worship “in case of recurrence”. According to BFMTV, the imam defended himself against any sexism in a video also aimed at men. His lawyers denounced the “double standards of Darmanin, who debates with Zemmour in public”. On July 23, the imam of the Attakwa mosque in Saint-Chamond (Loire) was also dismissed.

Syrian refugee from Germany and his “boss” arrested with over 500,000 euros in the boot of their limousine – They were allegedly transporting the money for “a famous Syrian physician in Germany”

The case dates back to last spring. On May 18, two men driving a Mercedes were stopped on the A4 motorway near a tollbooth in Seine-et-Marne, reports Le Parisien. In the boot of the car, customs officers discovered (with the help of a sniffer dog) a GPS transmitter and 490,000 euros in small notes hidden in ironing bags. The driver and his passenger then declared that they were on their way home to Germany.

According to our colleagues in journalism, the driver is a Syrian refugee. He lives in Germany with his wife and children and drove with… his boss. According to a source consulted by the newspaper Le Parisien, they were paid 2,000 euros for the transfer of the vehicle and were supposed to hand over the suitcases to another Syrian living in Germany, apparently a ” physician “.The Paris investigatory chamber ruled on the driver’s request for release on Wednesday August 11.According to the Syrian driver, his employer is a simple employee of a cosmetics shop in Saarland. The driver was in financial difficulties and only helped his employer with the transfer by car. Moreover, “it was the first time he had made this trip”, his lawyer explained during the trial. His lawyer added that her client did not know the rules that applied in France, which were “different in Germany”, especially regarding the transport of money. For his part, the boss, whose first name is Mohamed, admitted that he had already made several trips between France and Germany in the past on behalf of the same man, a famous “Syrian physician”.This man could be at the head of a large money laundering operation, as the money was transferred after each transfer by car to bank accounts in countries where there are no fiscal controls, according to Le Parisien. The total amount of money involved was not disclosed, but according to a judge questioned, it could be “a major organised crime operation”. The driver, suspected of criminal activity, was denied a request to be released.

Un réfugié syrien et son patron interpellés avec plus de 500 000 euros dans le coffre de leur berline

Scotland: Children allowed to change gender from age 4 without parental consent

The Scottish government has just released a 70-page document to its teachers, urging them in particular to encourage children from the age of four to change their first name and gender in the classroom if they wish.

This is “very very disturbing” news, said Marion Calder, co-director of a Scottish feminist militant group. As the British newspaper The Telegraph reported, the Scottish government has just taken a big step forward in advancing LGBT ideology and its transgender variant.

Specifically, the Ministry of Education released, on Tuesday, August 10, a 70-page document encouraging teachers to let children “come out as transgender” from the age of four. The report, co-written with the very active LGBT association Stonewall, even stipulated that if children expressed the wish to change their first name, pronouns or gender in class, their teachers must not only accept it, but also encourage them in this way. And, the icing on this putrid cake, is that parental consent would no longer be considered necessary, including for very young children.

“These children are now encouraged to pursue medical care, potentially for the rest of their lives. We should not teach children, and especially children in primary schools, that they can change their sex, because they cannot change their sex,” insisted Marion Calder.

The report issued by the government does not stop there. They appear to be fully committed to the cause of transsexualism, and recommended that Scottish schools allow students to use the toilets and changing rooms however they want, adopt gender neutral uniforms, and include trans characters in lessons and homework. “Progress”, it seems, knows no bounds.

Vaccines: What if all the silenced scientists warning against them are right?

By Patricia McCarthy

Is there anyone on the planet who does not know that the media and Big Tech have sought to control the COVID narrative from the outset?

Probably. Just as there are most likely people who do not know that volumes of contrary information about COVID has been suppressed, which includes valuable information about available therapeutics such as ivermectin and HCQ.

Dr. Fauci knew of the efficacy of those drugs years ago but was determined to ensure that the public was deprived of that knowledge. Any mention of these prophylactic treatments has been quashed by the mainstream media, Google, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Anyone posting information in contradiction to the Biden administration’s pandemic porn has likely been banned or canceled. But while one may have to go searching for pertinent information from doctors and scientists other than Fauci, there are plenty of them out there, and they have been sounding various alarms for eighteen months.

There are those the administration has called the “dirty dozen,” who, they say, are guilty of misinformation and so must be silenced, but there are many others who have been writing, have given interviews, and have posted videos in their attempts to apprise the citizenry of the facts they’ve been denied via the mainstream media. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a longtime anti-vaxxer, is among that group, as is Joseph Mercola, who has for years had a massive following.

There are many, many others — doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, biologists, pathologists, et al. who have opposed the CDC and WHO narratives from the outset. They are all routinely banned from social media, their columns suppressed, their videos disappeared into internet neverland. The entirety of the leftmedia mock them and set out to permanently discredit them, all of them. The people running this country, including social media barons Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey, and their cohorts in the media, many of them compromised by the CCP, are deciding for themselves what information we can see and read.

Not one of these self-appointed censors is a medical professional, but all have the effrontery to censor actual medical and science professional experts as if they know better.  There are arrogant censors all over the country who, if in positions of minimal power over small newspapers, print or online, or neighborhood sites that function throughout the country, are suppressing any postings that deviate from the mandated government propaganda.  For example, post a link to an interview with Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA, and you will be canceled.  Dr. Malone has much to say about the long-term safety of the vaccines, especially for children and teens.  His interviews are removed, and now he is getting death threats!  The Atlantic (of course) has a hit piece on him right now.  The writer who accuses him of spreading misinformation is not a doctor but assumes he knows better.

One has to ask: who are these people?

Along with Dr. Malone are many others from around the world, all with impeccable credentials: Dr. Peter McCulloughDr. Vernon Coleman of the U.K.  Dr. Ryan Cole is especially good at communicating the science in lay terms.  Dr. Denis Rancourt of Ontario, Dr. Reiner FuellmichThe Children’s Health Defense EuropeDr. Tom Cowan, the late Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test.  Dr. David Rasnick, a Ph.D. chemist.  Dr. Sucharit BhakdiDr. David MartinGeert Vanden Bossche, DVM.  Dr. Luc MontagnierDr. Simone Gold of Frontline DoctorsDr. Michael Yeadon, formerly of Pfizer.  Sunetra Gupta of the University of OxfordJay Bhattacharya of Stanford University, authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, and Dr. Martin Kuldorff of Harvard.  These are just a few of the doctors and scientists whose expertise has led them to entirely different conclusions regarding the treatment of COVID and the safety of the vaccines.

These people can be found on the internet, in large part thanks to Rumble, but are all banned from the sites too many Americans depend on for information: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, the NYT, WaPo, CNN and MSNBC, and YouTube.  The “fact-checkers” at those sites, again none of them medical professionals, are allowed and have been directed to bury the available opinions and conclusions that differ from the Biden administration’s possibly, potentially dangerously wrong “guidance.”  So America has officially become a facsimile of Orwell’s 1984, in which only the government-sanctioned “facts” and ideas are allowed, tolerated.  All deviations from the party line are forbidden.

The unvaccinated are being threatened with job loss and with being banned from their college and workplace campuses.  Democrats want them on a no-fly list and to see them segregated from the vaccinated, à la Jim Crow. 

Gov. Gavin Newsom, thinking he is king, has just ordered all California teachers to be vaxxed.  That state cannot be rid of him fast enough.

The mystery is that so many Americans have so mindlessly complied with all this nonsense, like masks on children or masks on anyone, for that matter.  The masks do nothing but harm, but Oregon governor Kate Brown has just mandated them for everyone, indoors and out.  If all those who have so willingly submitted to the whims of our tyrannous elites had done a bit of their own research, beyond Facebook and Twitter, CNN and MSNBC, they might have given masks and vaccines a second thought and been better off for it.  If the goal of Big Tech was the thorough indoctrination of 330 million people, they have been wildly successful.  A bit more than half of the population has succumbed to their hypnotic, subliminal inculcation of COVID fear and the propaganda needed to maintain control of the masses. 

Do all of the censors who are operating as if trained by the Soviets know they are part of a massive cover-up, a calculated plan to deny the American people free access to any and all information actually available and which may be valid?

Everyone should know by now that the CDC says and does only what the Biden administration and his union allies tell it to say.  We cannot trust a word that Fauci or CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky says — not one word.  The WHO is under the effective control of the CCP, so is equally untrustworthy.  We should all realize by now that Fauci, Dr. Francis Collins, and the doctors who show up on CNN and the networks are government apparatchiks who say what they are told to say and what benefits them.  Not one of them can utter an anti-vax word.  Fauci owns numerous patents on both viruses and the drugs being pushed, and being a patent man, what we see of it now is that the existing therapeutics are disparaged.  After all, no one would make money on those two old off-patent drugs HCQ and ivermectin.

People can meander through the articles, essays and videos linked above and decide for themselves who and what makes sense and wonder why these voices have all been if not erased, then hidden from the casual news viewer.  Why have non-professional twenty-somethings been ordered to block them from the social media sites, serving as the establishment’s useful idiots?

The most serious question though is, what if a few of them, some of them, or even all of these dissenting doctors are right about the vaccines, COVID treatments, the variants, etc.?  What if they are?

What if the millions of Americans who have masked, rushed to be jabbed, have had their kids vaxxed and masked did so with faulty, insufficient information as to the truth of these experimental injections that are not actually vaccines?

They were not adequately informed as to the possible side-effects or any potential long-term consequences?  If that is the case, if the vaccines are, as some or even all of these shadow-banned doctors believe, exacerbating existing co-morbidities, damaging hearts and other organs, affecting fertility, causing miscarriages, while the TV docs tell us they are safe for pregnant women, then half of the American population is in for a shock if not some serious disappointment and accompanying medical crises.

The people at VaccineTruth2 have made an offer: 

We are willing to enter into a written $1M bet contract w/anyone in the world. We bet $1M that over 10,000 Americans have been killed where the vaccine elevated the primary symptom of their death. Court of law decides if we disagree. $ escrowed both sides. Any takers?

This certainly suggests that, whoever these folks are, they too believe the vaccines have made death more imminent for many.  Let us hope the naysayers are wrong.

But what if they are right? 

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
― George Orwell