US labs not sequencing the ‘4000’ strains of Covid for ‘booster’ shots

People are now told they need booster shots for the next variant of Covid-19, But there are 4000 variants of Covid-19 which could re-arise after vaccination and it appears that most practicing physicians are clueless, even if politicians are not. The public, moreover, has not yet realized that vaccinations are futile.

A preprint study out of Wisconsin has found “[…] no significant differences in Ct values by vaccination status. Notably, 212 of 311 (68 percent) of individuals with infection despite full vaccination had extremely low Ct values <25, consistent with high viral loads.”

There are already some 4000 variants of the Coronavirus that causes Covid-19, according to the UK’s Vaccine Deployment Minister Nadhim Zahawi. He told Britain’s Sky News that it could not be excluded that vaccines were ineffective against the new strains, “especially when it comes to severe illness and hospitalization”. Drug companies have no real-world data on vaccinations.

A Cambridge University microbiologist, Sharon Peacock, told CBS News that it was “very likely” that Covid variants in the US were more widespread than currently known, since there were currently almost no virus samples being sequenced in American labs. Despite that, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Oxford-AstraZeneca and other manufacturers were already “looking at how they can improve their vaccine to make sure that we are ready for any variant,” according to Zahawi.

But how will the manufacturers know which variant to pinpoint if there are still no sequenced samples?

According to a recent study, Covid symptoms are better addressed as a vitamin B1 deficiency.

Taliban flag over Kabul

For the Afghan men and women who for twenty years have known, freedom is over. Haji Badruddin, a Taliban judge who presides over a court in the city of Balkh, speaking to the Times explains what will happen to them: “The punishment for sex outside of marriage is clear. For the unmarried: a hundred lashes. Whoever commits adultery. he must be stoned to death, thieves must have their hands cut off ”.

And what was happening in the West in the meantime?

“Helping the Taliban to help Afghanistan”. This was stated to RND broadcaster Gregor Gysi, the charismatic leader of the German left, Die Linke. And then:

“Why can’t we offer aid to the Taliban, on which women depend, and place conditions on these offers?”

A scholarship for public flogging? A special fund for three million girls kicked out of school? An Islamic NGO that deals with “re-educating” heretics? Making the executions of women who have listened to music more “human” by shooting them instead of stoning them?

There is nothing comical about Gysi’s proposal. Once again, one European diplomat behind the other, the same ones who deserted and abandoned Afghanistan as thieves in the night, will open up to the Taliban, offering dialogue, money, concessions.

While the UN Secretary General Guterres “implored” the Taliban to act with “restraint”, a Western country that was present with its army until February in Afghanistan, New Zealand, on the day of the fall of Kabul, was committed to overthrowing the portrait of Winston Churchill from Parliament. Perfect timing, removing those who warned the West to refrain from appeasement, on the day of defeat.

And Joe Biden, that one of “America’s Back” and who, if we didn’t have a mainstream press that is the Democratic Party orchestra would today be under accusation everywhere?

The US president was locked up in Camp David, while the so-called “orderly evacuation” from Kabul airport turned into a horror film, with American soldiers having to shoot in the air to dissuade Afghans from boarding the last plane. departing – and US Chief of Staff Mark Milley confessing to the Senate that “we will leave behind tens of thousands of people.”

Even the New Yorker, the magazine of the liberal elites, headlined: “It is the end of the American era”.

Meanwhile, the French ambassador was fleeing by helicopter. “This is one of the saddest images ever seen in Afghanistan,” the BBC correspondent tweeted from Kabul, showing Afghans attacking planes. “A desperate and abandoned people. No aid agency, no UN, no government. Nothing”. British Ambassador Nick Kay confessed to the BBC: “I bow my head in shame”. Shame is on the front page of every British newspaper today.

Pope Francis instead asked for “dialogue”. What dialogue, if the Afghan government and the international coalition have just surrendered unconditionally? With the Taliban blowing up a playground in Lahore, killing 70 Christians, many of them children? “The bodies of the children flew through the air”, the witnesses will say.

On the day of the capture of Kabul, can a dialogue be invoked with those who detonated two bombs in Peshawar in front of the church of All Saints at the end of the Mass, killing 106 people? The Hazara community is the target of atrocities by the Taliban. It is the community that has seen the largest number of Afghans convert to Christianity. SAT-7 collected stories of Hazara stopped by the Taliban to see if they had evidence of being Christian on cell phones. In some cases they were killed on the spot.

Just two months ago, the US embassy in Kabul tweeted the rainbow flag. Today that $ 700 million embassy is gone (like its Twitter account) and in its place the Taliban have built the Islamic Emirate. The Twitter account of Taliban spokesman Zabinullah, on the other hand, is fully functional, while that of former US president Donald Trump has been suspended.

Meanwhile, while a wave of migrants prepares to engulf Europe in strategic retreat, a Taliban leader announced on CNN that “Jihad will arrive not only in Afghanistan, but all over the world” , while Al Jaazera, the Qatari broadcaster financier of so much Islamic radicalism in the world including Hamas, obtained the exclusive of the victory speech of the Koranic students from the presidential palace where they carried their white flag with the shahada: “I testify that there is no divinity if not Allah and that Mohammed is His Messenger ”.

While the taking of Kabul will be a tornado for radical Islam around the world, in the West, in the so-called “free world”, there is an unhealthy air of betrayal and exhaustion.

Greens demand that the Afghan murderers of 13-year-old Leonie must remain in Austria

After the end of the NATO mission in July, the Taliban took over large parts of Afghanistan within a short time. President Ashraf Ghani has already fled abroad. If Austrian Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) has his way, criminal Afghans should no longer be deported for this reason. This would also apply to the alleged rapist-murderer of little Leonie (13). Interior Minister Karl Nehammer ( Austrian People’s Party) promises further deportations and a conference on Afghanistan. Freedom Party leader Herbert Kickl says: “Nehammer is fooling the Austrians”.

After the withdrawal of troops in July, the Taliban have more or less taken over the country. Acting President Ashraf Ghani fled abroad and the Taliban occupied the presidential palace. In an interview with ZIB2, Health Minister Mückstein stated that due to the advance of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the issue of deportations “has been settled as of today at the latest”. Deportations there are not covered by the European Convention on Human Rights, reports public broadcaster ORF. The explosive nature of this view in terms of security policy was recently demonstrated by the bestial murder of 13-year-old Leonie, who was allegedly raped to death by four Afghans and then simply dumped like a thing on a grass verge in Vienna.

The crime statistics of the Ministry of the Interior show that Afghans commit 10 times as many rapes as Austrian citizens. Afghans are also 10 times more likely to be found in the statistics for murder offences. Even the newspaper Standard has admitted this fact. Completely absurd: If the Greens have their way, “workshops for boys” should solve the problem. Especially against the background of the cruel murder of Leonie, this can only be seen as a mockery of the victims.

As an internal paper of the Vienna police department showed, deportees who refused a Corona test have not been deported so far. A compulsory test would be contrary to human rights.

It cannot be assumed that the Taliban, who reject Corona vaccinations for religious reasons, will continue to submit to the Western Corona testing compulsion. Accordingly, at least the excuse of the – only applies to deportees! – Corona tests, which violate human rights, is already gone!

Minister of the Interior Karl Nehammer ( Austrian People’s Party) had announced on Sunday that there would be no deportation stop despite the Taliban’s takeover of power. “We have to deport as long as it is possible”, he told a daily newspaper. The Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced an online conference on Afghanistan. The aim was to strengthen the region or the immediate neighbouring states.

Islamist founder of the banned French NGO BarakaCity welcomes victory of the Taliban

While the Taliban have taken power in Kabul and are spreading terror in Afghanistan, some people do not hesitate to clearly show their support for the Islamist insurgents. This is the case of Frenchman Idriss Sihamedi, founder of BarakaCity, a Muslim NGO close to the Muslim Brotherhood, which was disbanded in November 2020. “May Allah give the Afghan people the most beautiful wealth, the most beautiful hospitals, the most beautiful schools and the most beautiful future the country has ever dreamed of. Amin ya Rabb! (Amen in Arabic), he wrote on his Twitter account on Sunday August 15. Then he added a picture of the Afghan people and commented: “For every beginning there is an end. A few hours later, Idriss Sihamedi posted again on his account, this time to express his anger: “Angry Islamophobes get angry at me because the Taliban have taken over and even go so far as to blame the capture of Kabul on BarakaCity! Shame on these Afghan interpreters who served France and were dropped like rags,” he wrote.

Idriss Sihamedi describes himself in his Twitter biography as a “journalist, whistleblower, worker and human rights defender”. A man of many faces who believes he is working for the common good, yet is involved in numerous affairs. If BarakaCity was dissolved, it was because Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin called this NGO an “enemy of the Republic” and a “cradle of radical Islamism”. The activist was also implicated in two cases of cyber harassment against journalist Zineb El Rhazoui and political activist Zohra Bitan. The man who today rejoices in the return of the Taliban has always denied being an Islamist, Salafist or fundamentalist.

The elites sniff up their noses at England’s Freedom Day

By Eric Utter

Screw your freedom,” said Arnold Schwarzenegger to all the “schmucks” out there who are thus far unvaccinated. No wonder they called him “The Terminator.” But he’s not the only one who wants to terminate our freedoms, preferably permanently.

This past July 19 was Freedom Day in England. The day when the English could (but did not have to) throw off their masks, return to their beloved pubs, stop avoiding other human beings as if they were starving and possessed cannibals, and reclaim some of their God-given liberties. A great day, no?

Certainly not for those intent on keeping their boot on our necks for perpetuity. The Prophets of Doom, the Dr. Fauci worshippers, elite evangelizers of virtue-signaling and mental masturbation, and assorted other would-be tyrants were anything but happy about the prospect of such a day.    

1,200 “experts” signed a letter predicting that Freedom Day would have a devastating impact on the entire planet. Naturally, the media loved this, championing the missive. For example, the headline in the Guardian was: “England’s Covid unlocking is threat to world, say 1,200 scientists.” In truth, Freedom Day—like freedom itself (for the little people, the rubes in flyover country)—only has a devastating impact on “experts” and elites.

Christina Pagel, of London’s University College, summarily dismissed the impending glee felt by many ordinary English subjects by decreeing that, to her, it all “feels quite shit.” (Terse, if not Churchillian. But turnabout is fair play, Ms. Pagel. People like you have made the rest of us feel crappy for a long time now.) Pagel said of the allegedly surging Delta Variant, “It’s more infectious, it’s more severe and it’s more vaccine-resistant.” (Much like Critical Race Theory, Marxism, and other abhorrent ideas currently in vogue on college campuses and in Silicon Valley.)  She added that Freedom Day is a “terrible plan.”

Pagel was one of 122 supposedly “expert” signatories to a letter describing Freedom Day as a “dangerous and unethical experiment.”

Turns out, the experts and elites were wrong about Freedom Day. Really wrong.

Daily coronavirus cases in formerly Jolly Olde England plummeted from about 42,347 on July 19 itself to around 19,012 on August 3, more than two weeks later. England has experienced a drop in the number of coronavirus infections — and relatively low levels of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths — since its Freedom Day celebration. That is, indeed, cause for celebration. But not for global elitists and “experts.”

To the minds of those who wish to enslave us, freedom is always a “terrible plan,” and a “dangerous and unethical experiment.”

‘Case’: Another semantic Trojan Horse

By Leann Horrocks

In our new world of pandemic panic porn, it is important to remember that the word “case” is not a term of art.  It is not a medical term or a legal term.  It is just another word with a broad meaning that has been commandeered by people who want to control you.

This seemingly innocuous word is being used as a blunt instrument to stampede you into doing what the globalist elites want you to do.  It is widely used when the media, Big Tech, and government experts (the “infomob”) lie by omission.

When you hear that there are x “new cases” in any context, this should immediately prompt you to ask questions about the number:

  • Are these just positive COVID tests?
  • Are these hospitalized people?
  • Are these people who are not sick at all?
  • Are these re-testings of the same people who have to be tested daily to keep their jobs?
  • Are these people with other medical conditions?

The infomob wants you to envision these “cases” as hospitalized people on respirators, gasping for breath.  What if most of these are just positive tests?  If so, were these done with the PCR test?  The fact is, the PCR test is so highly parameterizable that you can set it to find whatever you want.  This is one of the reasons the CDC has quit using it.  

By simply saying “cases,” breathless TV “newspeople” can fill in the blanks for you with angst-ridden, dramatic presentation.  Don’t buy it.  It’s all set up for you to drown in their implications.  The infomob makes sure you are not exposed to any contrary viewpoint without going way out of your way, and they present the party line with maximum drama.  It’s all many people hear, and it’s loud.  Sadly, it has also been very effective.

In addition to merely misrepresenting reality, the numbers may well not be true.  It’s not enough for the globalist left to demonize the “unvaccinated.”  Even with control of all the levers of power and all means of casual information access, the elites are still having to lie.  For example, the Texas Tribune recently claimed that 5,800 children were admitted to pediatric hospitals from COVID in just seven days.  The truth is that 783 children were hospitalized over the course of a month from COVID and other causes.  How many parents were finally convinced by the larger number to subject their child to a radical gene therapy with a far higher risk than the disease itself?  How must they have felt when they saw the retraction?

I saw a Texas congressman, arguing for school masking, saying child hospital cases had doubled in the last week in his district.  Was he relying on this article?  Was he talking about two “cases” rising to four?

It is really important to listen carefully to news reports.  The more emotional they are, the more carefully you have to listen.  When you hear the word “case,” your BS-o-meter should swing to the red zone immediately.

It’s easy for a clear thinker to just throw up his hands and say, “I don’t believe anybody anymore.”  Don’t drop out!  You are playing right into lefty hands when you do that; leftists would love to have you removed from the playing field.  They don’t want you looking around for the truth.  If you are reading this, you know how to look outside the box.  Right now, that ability might be your greatest strength.

The globalist left’s desire to instill fear in one’s fellow countrymen for political gain is an evil goal and ghastly in its scope.  A fig leaf of “concern for those in danger” doesn’t begin to cover its malicious intent.  It’s up to you not to allow yourself or the ones you care about fall victim to it.