The German government financed mosques in Afghanistan where people agitated against the West

Rolf Tophoven is a renowned terrorism expert and has accompanied the Bundeswehr several times on its mission in Afghanistan. In an interview with FOCUS Online, Tophoven talks about the Taliban’s secret guerrilla strategy, the cardinal mistake of Western Afghanistan policy and whether we should now expect more terrorist attacks in Germany again.

Focus: In your opinion, what was the biggest mistake made by the Western states in recent years?

Tophoven: Western politicians never understood the country. For them, it was always just a foreign mission in a far, distant country. They wanted to establish democracy and human rights in this country in a rush. The mentality of the Afghans was not understood. Western values cannot simply be imposed on Afghanistan, especially not overnight. That was a fatal misjudgement.

You were there yourself. How did you perceive this misjudgement on the ground?

Tophoven: A soldier told me that there was a mosque in an Afghan village that had been built with German money. The money came from the Foreign Ministry. We later found out that this mosque was used for incitement against the West. It was a hotspot for Islamist propaganda. This was reported to the responsible personnel from the Foreign Ministry. They knew about it. The answer: “Our money is earmarked.”

What became apparent after this incident was that the ministries involved in the mission in Afghanistan did not communicate with each other. There was no coordination or central office. Everyone had their own projects.

What impact does the current situation now have on international terrorism? Will there be more attacks in Germany again?

Tophoven: Many are now expecting a swelling wave of refugees from Afghanistan. Should this happen, it cannot be ruled out that one or two of them will be so radicalised by their understanding of Islam that acts of violence will occur. But these are only speculations. A Taliban will not come to Germany and carry out an attack here. He is not socialised here, he does not feel comfortable here. Especially not now that the Taliban are in power in Afghanistan.

The much more decisive question will be whether Afghanistan will again become a terrorist biotope like it was before 2001. After all, it was from there that al-Qaida planned the 9/11 attacks.

Germany: Foreigners who should’ve been deported are suspected of having committed 2,500 crimes in Saxony

In the first half of 2021, security authorities in Saxony initiated investigations into around 2,500 criminal offenses committed by foreigners, including a number of serious ones, even though these foreigners had already been ordered to leave Germany but have been allowed to remain under “tolerated” status.

The spokesman for the AfD parliamentary group in the Dresden state parliament, Sebastian Wippel, revealed that security authorities registered 2,459 such cases from the beginning of January to the end of June, Junge Freiheitreported.

“Tolerated foreigners” are those asylum seekers whose application procedures have been completed and who are required to leave the country, but for whom there are obstacles to deportation. According to the police crime statistics for Saxony, the investigators initiated proceedings against “tolerated” persons suspected of more than 640 violent offenses or crimes against personal freedom. The police also investigated foreigners with this residence status in more than 50 sexual offenses cases.

The same was the case for almost 160 thefts with aggravating circumstances, around 440 property and forgery offenses, almost 430 other crimes, and more than 370 offenses against ancillary criminal laws without violations of immigration law. As of the end of 2020, there were more than 230,000 “tolerated foreigners” in Germany.

“The Saxon citizens would have been spared a lot of suffering if the government under CDU Prime Minister [of Saxony] Michael Kretschmer would finally deport asylum seekers who are obliged to leave the country. It is scandalous how negligently the security of the citizens is handled. No more tolerance should be granted to asylum seekers if they throw away their passports and their countries of origin no longer want to take the criminals back,” said Wippel, a member of the AfD party.

Germany: Turk rapes woman and bites off a piece of her ear – Now he is “too tired” for the trial

He raped a woman and bit off a piece of her ear in the process – the prosecution is convinced of this.

The trial at the Berlin Regional Court was to begin on Monday. The charges: rape in a particularly serious case, dangerous bodily harm.

But the accused did not show up: “I am simply too tired,” Orhan A. (58 years old) told the court via his defence lawyer.

On February 25, 2019, he allegedly beat and choked a long-time acquaintance (then 46 years old) in her flat. The Kenyan-born woman had rejected sexual advances, according to the indictment.

Like Mike Tyson once did to his opponent in the boxing ring, the Turk allegedly bit off a piece of the right ear of the woman from Africa. She was threatened with a knife and raped, according to the indictment. Later she managed to escape. The missing piece of the ear, however, was never found.

Nevertheless, the accused is still at large. So far, he has only had to report regularly to the police. Because he was absent from the main hearing without excuse, the arrest warrant was reinstated.

“We had a lot of patience with him,” said the judge. “Then he will just have to wait behind bars. Our next scheduled available trial dates are not until February 2022.”

There is still one last chance for the alleged ear-off rapist: if he lets himself be arrested voluntarily this week, the trial will begin on August 23.

Nordic nations drop mask requirement

In all Nordic countries except Finland, requirements or recommendations for masks in public transport have now been abolished.


As of Saturday, the requirement for masks in public transport in Denmark will be abolished. According to the Minister of Transport Benny Engelbrecht from the Social Democrats, the requirement, which had been in force for a year, is based on the fact that more and more people have now been vaccinated. From now on, masks will only be  required on flights or during doctor’s visits.


In Norway, the national restriction on masks was abolished as early as April. Since then, several local restrictions on masks have been lifted, including in Oslo’s public transport.


In Sweden, masks in public transport have never been a requirement, and they have always only been used to a very small extent. The Swedish Public Health Agency previously recommended protection if distance could not be maintained during rush hour traffic, but this was not really followed.


The only country in the Nordic region that still has a mask requirement or recommendation in public transport is Finland.

“Developments in Finland are in stark contrast to our neighboring countries, and we Finns deserve a proper debate on this. When and where can we abolish the mask? And why do we view the matter so differently than the rest of the Nordic region? ” the Hufvudstadsbladet demanded in an editorial.

“It can hardly be an end in itself to maintain that recommendation forever. Sometimes you have to be able to work and socialize without protection. The mask recommendation must not become a moral duty but must be a necessity, based on facts.”

Eight out of nine Austrian provinces dropped the mask mandate in non-essential shops a few weeks ago. Vienna listened to “the experts” and kept it, one Twitter user noted. A graph of infection rates in the country however, showed that masks made zero difference. Apparently, this fact has escaped Australians too.

The West must accept Afghan refugee quotas, demands Germany’s Green candidate for chancellor after Taliban victory

The pro-migrant German Green Party, which has long advocated for more refugees and immigrants for Germany, is now calling for Germany and other Western countries to take in potentially hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees.

The Green Party’s candidate for German chancellor, Annalena Baerbock, is pushing Europe, the United States, and Canada accept a set amount of refugees from Afghanistan, SAT 1 TV reported on this on Sunday.

According to her, Germany cannot wait for the 27 EU member states to agree. She emphasized the need to work with European countries willing to receive refugees, and “in particular with the Americans and Canadians to agree on clear rules on quotas (for Afghan refugees).”

In the Deutschlandfunk radio, Baerbock warned against repeating the catastrophic mistakes of the civil war in Syria, when in 2015, European countries were extremely unprepared for the influx of refugees.

However, Mathias Middelberg, a spokesman for the conservative CDU/CSU faction in the Bundestag, objected, saying, “The EU must focus primarily on receiving refugees in the region” where they are located.

He added that, as in the case of Syria, Turkey could help this time as well. A joint approach could also be the way.