France: Again a beheading of the statue of the Virgin Mary in the city of Plouay


On Tuesday August 17, a decapitated statue of the Virgin Mary was located in the town of Plouay in the region of Morbihan. As CNews reports, this is not the first time that this statue of the Virgin Mary has been decapitated. In 2013, it had met the same fate, but unlike this Tuesday, the head had been found. ” They can destroy it, we will rebuild it,” the parochial vicar explained, distressed. This incident occurred two days after the feast of the Assumption, traditionally celebrated on August 15. In the parish, 300 people had gathered to attend mass in front of the statue. The community announced that they would file a complaint with the gendarmerie.

The feast of the Assumption on August 15 celebrates “the death, the resurrection, the entrance into paradise and the coronation of the Virgin Mary”, according to the website It is a celebration full of hope. The beheading of a statue of the Blessed Virgin is therefore a very symbolic act of vandalism for Catholics. In 2019, the Ministry of the Interior counted 1,052 anti-Christian acts in its report on anti-religious acts. This compares to 687 anti-Semitic acts and 154 attacks on Muslims.

Germany: Sexually harassing of a 4-year-old girl by an Iraqi on a regional train

A 20-year-old man sexually harassed a 4-year-old child and insulted a 16-year-old girl on a regional train from Ulm to Erbach yesterday evening, August 17.

According to the current state of knowledge of the Federal Police, the two minors, together with several relatives, were probably on a train on their way to Erbach at around 7:45 pm.

When they passed the Iraqi national, who was sitting on the train, as they were apparently looking for a seat, he allegedly first insulted the 16-year-old girl and then kissed the 4-year-old girl on the mouth.

After the parents of the 4-year-old girl allegedly confronted him about the incident, he left the scene inside the train, but did not leave it.

The mother called the police and they were able to arrest the suspect when the train arrived at the station in Biberach on the river Riß. The federal police are now investigating the young man on suspicion of sexual harassment and insult.

Repeated booster jabs may be lethal researcher warns

A researcher has warned that the Covid vaccine spike protein could destroy natural immunity. Immune failure may be due to a buildup of vaccine-induced spike proteins inside the body, said Walter Chesnut of

Chesnut warned that the “robust immune response” triggered by the jabs “may come at a lethal cost,” even at a later stage. In reviewing a peer-reviewed scientific study, he noted that the vaccine recipient’s telomeres became inactivated.

The vaccine “turns off transcription of/depletes AUF1 and WRN deleting telomeres,” Chesnut tweeted. “It is a catastrophe. This is what you are now seeing just the beginning of.”

Telomerase is an enzyme in human DNA that regulates aging. The telomeres that encapsulate DNA, shorten over time as humans age. The study in question was published in the Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology, showing that the vaccine spike proteins have “deleterious effects on telomerase, impairing its synthesis,” Chesnut underscored.

“With this activity is inhibited, it takes time for the inevitable immune cell exhaustion to appear. This may be the signature Trojan Horse ‘gift’ of the spike. Whatever short-lived immune response is fool’s gold replacing the ability of the immune system to replenish itself.”

Spike proteins “may be chronically present” in the injected and “continually suppressing telomerase”.

According to Chesnut, “we are basically seeing the effects of chemotherapy with the spike protein. But in a very unique way. Quickly replicating cells are being exhausted. We can now explain the all too common reports of hair loss, for example.”

Vaccine-induced destruction of telomeres, which is associated with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, ferroptosis, hypothalamus and autophagy, is happening, Chesnut also tweeted. He said it was possible to delete telomeres with “cells lacking WRN”. It is “a form of cell death you may not know of: Synthetic Lethality,” Chesnut added.

Without telomerase, “key cells in the body are unable to replenish themselves and ‘run out’ well before they should in the course of a normal lifespan,” explained researcher Elizabeth Blackburn.

Dr. Richard Fleming, an esteemed American research scientist, has expressed alarm about how the virus continues to mutate due to mass vaccination. The very thing that the media says will end the pandemic is causing it to expand even more, he said. “I’m actually watching the data that’s being done on the changes in these viruses to watch what’s going on, to watch what changes are occurring, what changes are happening naturally, evolutionary-wise to this virus … it’s making changes like living organisms do.”

In the same vein, World Health Organization European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization former Vice President Professor Christian Perronne believes that all vaccinated people pose a greater risk than the unvaccinated. Alluding to the deteriorating situation in Israel and the UK, the infectious disease expert stated: “Vaccinated people should be put in quarantine, and should be isolated from the society.”

Perronne specializes in tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases. He was chairman of the specialized committee on Communicable diseases of the French High Council of Public Health.

He went on to say: “Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others. It’s proven in Israel now – I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel – they’re having big problems, severe cases in the hospitals are among vaccinated people, and in UK also, you have the larger vaccination program and also there are problems.”

The current working group on the Covid-19 pandemic in France is reported to be “utterly panicked” about this development.

President Donald Trump, an early promotor of jabs, has meanwhile shifted his position on vaccine booster shots. Trump criticized the new phase of vaccine marketing as a money-making scheme by Pfizer during an interview Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo. The former US president pointed out that the promises made by the company were empty.

“You wouldn’t think you would need a booster. You know when these first came out they were good for life. Then they were good for a year or two. And I could see the writing on the wall, I could see the dollar signs in their eyes, of that guy that runs Pfizer. You know the guy that announced the day after the election that he had the vaccine.”

Pfizer has repeatedly called the shots “safe and effective” but the pharmaceutical giant will reportedly not be mandating them for its own employees. Images leaked from a “confidential” Pfizer booklet written by Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer Payal Betcher revealed that Pfizer will not be following the recommendations of US President Biden to mandate injections for all employees.

Switzerland: Afghan man was charged with sexual assault of a child (13) – The man, then 22 years old, was acquitted

On Monday, a man from Afghanistan stood before the St Gallen District Court. The charge was sexual acts with a child – the man had sexual intercourse with a then 13-year-old girl in autumn 2019. The two met on Tiktok and had chatted on various social media channels before going on a date. On the first date, there was consensual sexual intercourse between the 13-year-old and the young man, who was of full age already, according to the indictment. The 13-year-old had bought extra condoms for the meeting.

The prosecution demanded a conditional prison sentence of nine months and a fine of 300 francs for the Afghan. In addition, he was to be expelled from the country for five years and banned from working with minors in the professional and non-professional sector.

The single judge at the St. Gallen District Court came to a different conclusion, as the newspaper “Tagblatt” reported on Tuesday. He accepted the argumentation of the man’s defence. The age of the Afghan, who came to Switzerland as a refugee in 2015, was the subject of discussion in court. Since he entered the country without a passport, the authorities determined his birthday to be January 1, 1997, which, according to the Afghan, was not correct. He was born in 2000, which is why he was only 19 and not 22 at the time of the crime, the defence argued. Thus, the sexual intercourse would be covered by the so-called ” childhood love” rule. This means that defendants who were not yet 20 years old at the time of the crime can be exempted from a sentence.For the judge, there were sufficient indications that the man was indeed not yet 20 years old at the time. The Afghan was acquitted and thus a deportation order and a ban on activities were waived. The accused was said to have testified very honestly during the interrogation. Even if it had not been the supposed great love between the two, a childhood love had become obvious between the two, according to the “Tagblatt” on the justification of the verdict.