Those fleeing Afghanistan are mostly men

The latest demand by EU Interior Commissioner Ylva Johansson for “legal and safe escape routes” for Afghans fleeing from the Taliban has irked at least Vienna.

As the Oberösterreichische Nachrichten (OÖN) reported, Austrian Minister Nehammer has now demanded “clarification” from the politician and spoke of a “wrong signal” by Johansson. In 2015 and 2016 in particular, the mainstream media presented almost only women and children fleeing, although between 80 and 90 percent of male “asylum seekers” flooded into the EU. This time too, mostly men are fleeing the country.

The OÖN quoted Nehammer’s statement from Thursday, August 19: “I assumed that the EU Commission learned from 2015 and would no longer want to repeat such mistakes.”

Johansson had previously justified her request by stating that the situation in Afghanistan was “clearly not safe” and that this would not be the case in the foreseeable future either. However, it is primarily important to continue to support other countries – especially in the neighborhood of Afghanistan – in accepting fleeing Afghans. Some 80 percent of the people forced to flee are women and children, the EU Interior Commissioner claimed. Pictures and videos on social media of those fleeing, again show mostly men.

Incidentally, those now fleeing Afghanistan probably fear Taliban retribution for having raped boys.

In an interview with Deutschlandfunk, the AfD parliamentary group leader Alexander Gauland questioned the rights of those now boarding the evacuation flights. He spoke out against including local staff in the current evacuations who had worked with German aid organizations in Afghanistan. “It cannot be that people who fear that they will be threatened in the future must come,” said Gauland. The Taliban has said that people would not be persecuted, while intensifying searches for those who worked with US and NATO forces, a confidential United Nations document revealed.  Gauland has nevertheless said that one has to “wait and see”.

Germany has an asylum law that grants the persecuted a right to enter. “But we don’t know whether these people were persecuted.” In his opinion, it should be limited to Afghans who had worked for the Bundeswehr.

The neighboring countries of Afghanistan have already taken precautions with wise foresight to stop the mass exit from Afghanistan and to protect themselves. Turkey already started to secure its border with Iran with a three-meter-high concrete wall, which is militarily guarded. Iran has set up buffer zones at three border crossings while Pakistan has closed the main border crossing into neighboring Afghanistan. Turkmenistan has moved its army to the Afghan border to block any movements of people from the neighboring country. Almost all neighboring countries expected a flood of refugees from Afghanistan some time ago and have all initiated measures.

Washington is very pragmatic when it comes to refugees from Afghanistan: It sends them to other countries, such as Uganda. It is an “interim solution”, but in the end they will move on to Europe under the guise of “contingent refugees”.

While Austria has already signaled that it does not want to take in Afghans, German Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has rushed forward, eager to please Washington, announcing that Germany would go it alone. Some brave politicians have ludicrously maintained that there would not be a second 2015, nor could there be, since this time it would not be Syrians who had lost their passports – these refugees were being flown in by airlift.

Focus Online reported that Seehofer felt a great moral responsibility: “If we fail here, especially together with the European Union, it would be the second great, grand failure of the Western community.[…] And now we have to gather the strength that lies in this community of values ​​to bear with it when it comes to moral obligations,” said the Interior Minister.

But Seehofer also suspects that convincing other nations to import people from Viagra-dependent warlord communities might not be a viable solution. “I tell you, we are to a large extent ready to act alone as Germans. And that’s why I don’t want to convey confidence or optimism now. It will be hard work in the European Union.”

UK: During the half-time interval at the home game of the Blackburn Rovers football team, the stadium announcer calls on Muslims to pray!

The new trend in English football stadiums is to set up “multi-faith prayer rooms” in the stadiums. In practice, these spaces are mostly used by Muslims who convert them into mosques. Arsenal, Crystal Palace, Everton, Tottenham and Manchester City have already embarked on this project, and more recently Blackburn Rovers, a second division club.

On August 10, when Lancashire Rovers were playing against Morecambe, the stadium announcer cordially invited all Muslims who wished to go to the designated prayer room to perform Salat Maghrib (prayer just after sunset).

Note that at the entrance to the Rovers Stadium “multi-faith prayer room”, which consists of a room for men and a room for women, it is advised to take off one’s shoes….

When will the same take place in Brittany and France?

Stoning, Islamic law… While the left is rallying for Afghan refugees, a report by the Pew Research Center is disturbing

While the left is pushing for the intake of Afghan refugees fleeing the (officially) restored Taliban, a left that apparently has not understood that this already puts Europe partly on the brink of migration chaos, a report by the Pew Research Center is worrying.

According to the Pew Research Center, in 2013, 99% of Afghans were in favour of the introduction of Sharia, Islamic law, and 85% of them supported stoning for unfaithful women.

We invite you to read this report here ( /), a report that should be read by our implacable and obstinate immigrants who seem to want to turn our countries into an area where peoples, civilisations and religions that have nothing in common, that do not have much in common…. until war breaks out here?

As a reminder, several billion Muslims live under Islamic law, Sharia law – with different interpretations, but all equally strict (and if we put aside our ethnocentric view, we understand them, because it is Islamic law that determines and determines their faith, it is just that Sharia law is not compatible with European civilisation, and that is what is the problem here).

Western response to Taliban takeover would be comic if it were not so tragic

“Please do not recognize the Taliban,” Afghan journalist Lailuma Sadid begged Western leaders in tears during a video streaming with NATO. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern had other priorities and literally “begged” the Taliban to “recognize human rights”.

“The world is watching you,” warned Nancy Pelosi to the worried Taliban. The United Nations Security Council called for “an immediate cessation of all hostilities and the establishment, through inclusive negotiations, of a government that is united, inclusive and representative, also with the full, equitable and meaningful participation of women”

Confirming the feeling of many that America is a global object of mockery came the State Department, which officially asked the Taliban to form an “inclusive government”.

The head of European diplomacy, Josef Borrell, has invited the Taliban to “dialogue”.

The British foreign minister has suggested increasing aid to Afghanistan.

The former Minister of Economy of Greece, Yanis Varoufakis, wrote instead: “Our thoughts are with Afghan women. Our solidarity probably means little to them, but that’s what we can offer – for now. Hold on sisters!”.

A spokesman for the German Ministry of Defense, on the other hand, spoke this way on the responsibility of getting Afghan personnel out of Kabul: “We did not force them to collaborate with us”. Perhaps the pinnacle of depravity.

But just above it is Twitter, the digital giant on which much of Western diplomacy takes place today, which declares that the Taliban will be able to continue using social media “as long as they respect the rules”.

And UNICEF, which says it is “quite optimistic” that the Taliban will respect women’s right to education.

Meanwhile, at the Kabul Palace, from where according to the Russians, President Ghani fled with several suitcases full of money, the Taliban commander who gave the victory speech to the world is Gholam Ruhani, released by Guantanamo because he said that his “only wish” was to return to Afghanistan and “assist his father, who is ill, in running the family home appliance store in Kabul.”

The West now asks the Taliban to be good enough to include women in their theocracy. We all live in an episode of South Park.

For twenty years, Western soldiers have been at war in Afghanistan, even though our politicians, who sent them to us, never wanted to hear about war. The Taliban have now triumphed and our politicians are reacting badly.

This war began with men falling from the Twin Towers and ended with other men falling from American planes taking off from what remains of the “Hamid Karzai International Airport”, which will be soon renamed “Sharia International Airport”

Aren’t we part of a great (tragi) comic movie?

Giulio Meotti –

Christ Church vandalised in Hamm, Germany

Unknown persons broke two windows of a church on the street Lange Straße (photo) between 4 p.m. on Monday, August 16, and 12.30 a.m. on Thursday, August 19.

The damage to property amounts to approximately 1,300 euros.

Information about the damage to property can be given to the Hamm police by calling 02381 916-0 or by emailing