Homophobic attack committed by Muslims in Birmingham: LGBT journal censors ethnicity of four attackers

Three of the four suspects identified by Birmingham Police © Birmingham Police

On Sunday August 15, Rob and Patrick – a gay couple from Birmingham, England – were violently attacked by a group of four men at around 4am as they returned from a night out in the city’s gay quarter. On their way home, they passed an SUV with four men inside. Being friendly, Rob and Patrick tried to strike up a conversation and exchange pleasantries. This did not please the men. The four men responded with homophobic insults before beating up Patrick, who tried to videotape the scene, and then Rob, who had made his way to catch them before the police arrived. The young man’s wounds required 22 stitches. The incident, which was widely reported in the British press, was made public by the LGBT magazine Têtu in France.

However, while the magazine took the time to report on the attack in its entirety, it seems to have preferred to omit one important detail that was nevertheless picked up by British newspapers: the identity and origin of the attackers.As so often in such cases, it was LGBT activist and universalist Mehdi Aïfa who pointed out Têtu’s well-considered ignorance. “Têtu, as usual, while all the English press and police are reporting this, knowingly fails to mention that these four homophobic attackers are described as being from the Middle East,” he wrote on Twitter, before posting the photo and names of three of the attackers: Sohail Khan, Mosin Mahmood and Ishaaq Ayaz. In his tweet, Mehdi Aïfa also reminds us that this is common for Têtu, citing at least four similar cases. As the saying goes, God laughs at the people who lament the consequences whose perpetrators they protect. Rob and Patrick can undoubtedly laugh heartily about this.


This will not be an isolated case: Deported Afghan criminal returns to Germany via evacuation flight

As reported by the newspaper “Welt am Sonntag”, a deported criminal managed to re-enter Germany on an evacuation plane from Kabul. It was foreseeable that in the chaos and the crowds at Kabul airport, criminals and other offenders would mingle with the evacuees and take the opportunity to re-enter the country.

Apparently, in the age of information technology, there are no controls on the spot, they are only carried out and the identification checked in Germany, which is irresponsible for internal security.

Now he’s back, the first criminal is back, who was deported with difficulty and could easily re-enter the country, presumably applying for asylum again or pretending to be a former local employee, which makes no difference, since hardly anyone is deported to Afghanistan anymore. This will not be an isolated case.


London: Muslim man attacks 2 Jews

Two haredi Jews were attacked last Wednesday, within a few hours, while walking in the neighborhood of Stamford Hill, where there is a large haredi population.

The assailant punched them without warning while walking beside them. The two victims were a 12-year-old boy and a man in his 60s, who lost consciousness and was hospitalized following the assault.

Yediot Aharonot reported that the crime was documented in both cases by a security camera and a passerby. The attacker, bearing a Muslim appearance, was seen walking down the street and, in an instant and without any warning, punching a Jewish man walking beside him. London police have opened an investigation, but as of last night they have not yet classified the acts as a “hate crime” or “anti-Semitic crime” despite indications to that effect.


Le Pen: Fall of Kabul shows Biden admin’s inability to protect interests of the free world

Marine Le Pen, the leader of the National Rally, France’s right-wing populist party, has harshly criticized the Biden administration for ceding Kabul and Afghanistan to Taliban fighters, stating that it shows the United States is no longer able to defend the interests of the free world. 

Le Pen, who is widely regarded as President Emmanuel Macron’s top challenger for the French presidential elections in 2022, issued her statement on Monday in a press release, the day after Taliban forces took control of Afghanistan.

In the press release, which was published on the party’s website, Le Pen likened the scenes coming out of Afghanistan to those seen during the fall of Saigon in 1975. In addition to harshly criticizing the Biden administration, the European Union, and Macron, the National Rally leader outlined what the Taliban’s victory means for the Afghan and Europeans.

“The first victim of the Talibanization of Afghanistan will be the Afghan people, and in particular Afghan women, who are once again condemned to live in an era of regressive terror,” Le Pen said, adding “There is no doubt that this situation will lead to an increased risk of attacks for our countries and the prospects of new waves of immigration.”

As Remix News recently reported, the Green Party’s candidate for German chancellor, Annalena Baerbock, has already urged Germany and other Western countries to take in hundreds of thousands of Afghan asylum seekers, despite the severe problems precipitated by the migrant crisis in 2015.

Sybille Schnehage, a German humanitarian aid worker who has been working in Afghanistan since the 1980s, recently predicted that up to three million Afghans could begin making their way to Europe in the foreseeable future. 

Later on, in the press release, Le Pen slammed the Biden administration, the European Union, and NATO for their incompetence and ineffectiveness.

“The United States under Biden administration demonstrate their inability to defend and therefore represent the interests of the free world,” she said. “NATO, which timidly calls for a ‘political solution’ in Afghanistan, is content to pitifully note its military powerlessness and therefore its uselessness, which is now fully proven.”

“The European Union, which leaves France alone to contain the Islamist push in Africa, has demonstrated in this affair its disastrous inability to weigh favorably in a conflict which nevertheless jeopardized the security of Europe and the world,” Le Pen added.

Le Pen didn’t stop there, however. She then set her sights on French President Emmanuel Macron, saying that he is “just a simple observer of international life” who has been “reduced to communicating on his diplomatic non-existence.”

The same day, Italian populist leader Matteo Salvini also commented on the Fall of Kabul, saying: “The cowardice of Western governments helps Islamic terrorists and the enemies of civilization and freedom. Fight them and annihilate them, everywhere and without respite.”

Populists like Le Pen and Salvini are not the only European politicians to have harsh words for Biden’s decision. Politicians from the so-called mainstream have criticized the American leader as well.

During comments on the Biden administration’s hasty withdrawal, Norbert Röttgen, CDU politician and chairman of the German parliament’s foreign relations committee, said: “I say this with a heavy heart and with horror over what is happening, but the early withdrawal was a serious and far-reaching miscalculation by the current administration.”

“This does fundamental damage to the political and moral credibility of the West,” Röttgen added.


“Vaccination sets you free”: German politician tweets analogy to gate inscription ” Work sets you free” of German concentration camps to promote Corona vaccination

Impfen Macht Frei

German Corona critic fears for his life

Prof. Stefan Hockertz. Facebook

The well-known German critic against Corona measures, has fled Germany fearing for his life. After a raid-like house search, the scientist Prof. Stefan Hockertz, sees the writing on the wall.

Hockertz is an immunologist and toxicologist and not only a critic of Germany’s Corona measures but also of the gene injections, which for him represent “gross bodily harm” as Austrian weekly Wochenblick reported.

In March last year, the immunologist stated that Corona was comparable to the flu in terms of danger. His book Generation Maske also caused a sensation, in which he emphasized the harmful effects of wearing masks on children.

A few days ago, all Prof. Hockertz’s accounts were blocked and a garnishee order of 820 000 euros was issued. His lawyers are of the opinion that the tax allegations are groundless. Although it is not customary to arrest suspected tax evaders, Hockertz has decided to leave Germany. “I can no longer live here and certainly no longer work,” he is quoted as saying.

On February 1, 2021, German public broadcaster ARD’s “fact checkers” described a Twitter message from Hockertz as a “completely twisted statement”. In this, Hockertz claimed, referring to a press release from Merck & Co, that the pharmaceutical giant had said that after intensive research it had determined “that it would be better to get the virus and let your immune system work instead of a vaccination”.

Prof. Hockertz fears for his life

After the house search in June, Prof. Hockertz was “totally in shock,” it was reported, citing sources. His family doctor diagnosed him with post-traumatic stress disorder after the search. He is still unable to work and is afraid that his professional status will be ruined and his wealth will be stolen from him.

Four days ago, Hockertz left Germany in a hurry. Hockertz has also stressed that he was not suicidal, fearing that a “suicide” might be staged to cover up his murder.

The background to the raid-like house search was the suspicion that Hockertz might have evaded taxes.

State Trojans and surveillance software

After the search, Hockertz hired criminal tax lawyers and managed to get his cell phones and computers back within a few days. He had the devices examined by experts, who found state Trojans and other surveillance software installed on his computer. An explosive detail is the fact that only a single name of an officer appeared on the search log. This is not customary because normally all officers involved should be listed. The report speculated that officials from the Office for the Protection of the Constitution may also have taken part in the house search.
