Swedish Prime Minister Löfven resigns

After seven years as prime minister to a fragile parliamentary coalition, Löfven is now throwing in the towel. Stefan Löfven said at a press conference that he would resign as party chairman at the Social Democrats’ congress in November. The stated purpose is to make it easier for a successor before next year’s election campaign.

After a long period of growing tensions between partners in his administration, the announcement finally came that many had expected and hoped for: Löfven will resign as chairman of the Social Democrats at the congress in November and consequently he will also request to be dismissed as Prime Minister.

That Löfven’s impossible government has been able to survive so long is surprising and can only be attributed to the Left Party’s previously flexible attitude to its own policy. It is now over and the impossible strategy of including both the Center Party and the Left Party in decision-making has now reached the end of the road. The obvious trigger was probably Löfven’s newfound insight that he would never get his budget through.

However, his move will not involve any major changes in the short term. There is probably too little time left for it to be perceived as desirable for a snap election, so everything will be done to come up with some form of compromise that allows a new prime minister to be appointed. It does not have to be Löfven’s successor, whoever it is.

All the Social Democrat top names are more or less compromised through a series of scandals and their responsibility for the rampant crime in the wake of mass immigration, except one, Magdalena Andersson. The question is whether she is interested, as the risk is great that no matter who takes over, he or she will be known as the one who completed the Social Democrats’ pasokification.

Pasokification is the collapse of a Social Democratic party to become one of many parties, after the Greek Social Democratic Party Pasok.


Germany: Jewish man wearing a kippa was attacked using anti-Semitic insults and brutally beaten up by a migrant mob of 10 people

Nasty anti-Semitic attack in Cologne! An 18-year-old man was beaten up there on Friday evening in Kaiser Wilhelm Park in the city centre because he was wearing a kippa.

The two perpetrators (18 and 19) broke the man’s cheekbone and nose bone and then robbed him of the kippa (traditional Jewish head covering). The victim went to hospital seriously injured. “He was badly battered in the face,” a police spokesman said.

The kippa wearer had spent the evening with an acquaintance in the park. As he was leaving at around 11.30 pm, he was subjected to anti-Semitic insults from a group of ten.

The officers were able to track down the suspects because a video surveillance camera had partially filmed the attack. They were arrested one and a half hours after the attack.

The suspects are now at large again. They are all Turks from Germany. They are now being charged with robbery and common grievous bodily harm, among other things.

Because the police assume an anti-Semitic background for the crime, the police are investigating.As the police reported on Monday, the evaluation of the video is continuing. This is to identify further persons who were involved in the crime late on Friday evening.

“We are evaluating all the video material,” said a police spokesperson.

As the police reported on Monday, the evaluation of the video is continuing. This is to identify further persons who were involved in the crime late on Friday evening.

“We are evaluating all the video material,” said a police spokesperson.


Australia has gone stark, raving mad

By Andrea Widburg

Australia’s New South Wales has gone stark, raving mad. Eleven days ago, it renewed complete lockdowns, including barring people from speaking to each other, thanks to a few hundred new cases and the deaths of two men in their 90s. These new cases were on top of the 12,588 cases and 91 deaths since last February, out of a population of 5.3 million people – in other words, numbers that aren’t even a statistical blip. But that, it turns out, was the beginning. The state shepherded tens of thousands of children into arenas and injected them with vaccines, it’s arresting people for leaving their homes, and it’s shooting dogs. No wonder Australians are starting to riot.

On August 12, I wrote about the decision in New South Wales (which is the most populous state and home to Sydney, Australia’s largest city) to reinstate lockdowns. For a disease with a >98% survival rate, people were told they could only leave their homes to get food, go to work, or get medical treatment. Even worse, aside from telling people to refrain from all social interactions, the premier, Gladys Berejiklian, told people to inform on each other, a classic totalitarian move that destroys familial and social bonds.

Meanwhile, in Canberra, Australia’s capital city, the city has announced that theirs a goal for the lockdown: It will continue until the virus is gone. Of course, viruses are never gone, especially viruses that have been manufactured in a lab to go directly to a human host, without the necessity of an intervening animal. Even if Canberra temporarily gets to zero cases, the moment people from the outside world enter (and they will), COVID comes right back again.

Believe it or not, it got worse after that.

By August 16, the new rule was that, if you wanted to drink alcohol outdoors (perhaps on your patio give how locked in everyone was), you had to keep your mask on. Maybe there’s some logic behind that but I don’t see it.

The Australian government also went after the children. The Health Minister announced that 24,000 children would be herded into a stadium—without their parents—and injected:

Think about this: We know that children almost never get or give COVID. They are less likely to die from COVID than they are from the annual flu. We also know that the vaccine doesn’t work and, worse, it seems to make people more vulnerable to COVID variants. Also, the vaccine seems to trigger heart problems in young people, especially teen boys. And that’s just what the various government agencies around the world will admit to. Parents, though, have no say, since Australia has incredibly punitive vaccination laws that do not allow conscientious objections.

But even that isn’t where Australia’s madness ends. In New South Wales, they’re now slaughtering all shelter dogs lest the people who care for them worry about the fact that, with the lockdown, the dogs in the shelter are starving to death.

While many Australians seem happy living under Big Brother, others are refusing to do so. There’ve been mass riots, with people pushing through police lines to get even a little bit of liberty:


Australian army veteran: 3 of the 24 000 children vaccinated at a stadium are now dead

Earlier this month, New South Wales’ Minister of Health, Brad Hazzard, announced at a press conference that 24 000 children would be vaccinated against Corona at the Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney.

Army veteran Alan Hennessy, who served 45 years in the Australian Air Force, said that three children have died after being vaccinated. There are two boys and a girl.

Parents were refused entry to the stadium in Sydney Olympic Park while their children were injected. “I want to reassure mothers and fathers that their children will be well looked after indoors,” said Hazzard. The politician justified this saying there was a possible risk of infection. For this purpose, police officers were deployed for surveillance. Nurses and policemen accompanied each student individually.

Australian politicians referred to the vaccine as a “ticket to freedom”.

Hazzard first urged all twelfth grade students in New South Wales to take advantage of this “golden” opportunity to get the Pfizer jab.

Australia’s curious response to the virus has been witnessed on all levels. To prevent volunteers at an animal shelter from travelling to pick up the animals, ten puppies were among 15 dogs shot dead by a rural NSW council “as part of its response to stop the spread of Covid-19”. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the killings were in line with the council’s interpretation of these restrictions because travelling would be a breach of the statewide lockdown.

Residents in regional New South Wales are currently subject to harsh lockdown measures.

Daniel Andrews, Prime Minister of the Australian state of Victoria, where Melbourne is located, announced at a press conference earlier that it would be illegal to remove a mask to drink alcohol outdoors.

“There will be no removal of masks to swallow alcohol outdoors,” he said. The Prime Minister said he was “angry” that people had gathered “in dozens” on pedestrian streets and sidewalks to have a beer and socialize. The Prime Minister went on to claim that there was a spread of infection among children and that “hotspots” such as playgrounds, basketball courts, skating rinks and outdoor gyms would also be closed down. This was based on official data from Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Services claiming that 24 people tested “positive” for the virus, although nobody has died after testing positive.

Earlier, New South Wales Customer Service Minister Victor Dominello developed Bell’s palsy live on television after taking the shot. Dominello’s face became paralyzed, and his one eye started to close, which left viewers wondering why he was “winking at the camera”.

Post-injection, Dominello was unable to feel that side of his face and later confirmed via Instagram that he was officially diagnosed with Bell’s palsy, one of the well-known side effects of the shot.

“At this morning’s press conference – a number of people commented on my droopy eye,” Dominello wrote on his LinkedIn account. “Some people thought – I was winking at the cameraman. Some thought I had a stroke. I have actually been diagnosed with Bell’s palsy.”

Dominello said he began to feel a pain in his skull right behind his ear. He woke up that morning with “pins and needles” on the right side of his tongue.

He ignored the fact that the vaccine may have caused the injury, but one of his followers pointed out: “With all due respect you did take part in an experimental vaccine. Hopefully you have reported your adverse reaction. Our stats are slowly following the UK.”

Meanwhile, Dr Kerry Chant, NSW Health’s Chief Health Officer and Deputy Secretary for Population and Public Health, made a public announcementcalling for Australians to not engage in any “human” activity. “Don’t talk to your friends, even when masked,” she proclaimed. “Don’t be friendly. This is not the time.”

A police car has been filmed running over an unmasked man because he had not complied with the mask rule.


Historic St. Nicolai Church vandalised in Sarstedt-Gödringen, Germany

File:St. Nicolai-Kirche in Sarstedt IMG 9271.jpg
Losch – https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:St._Nicolai-Kirche_in_Sarstedt_IMG_9271.jpg– This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Between August 2, 2021 and August 13, 2021, a stone was thrown at the St. Nicolai Church in Gödringen (photo). The stone broke through a skylight at the back of the church and fell to the floor inside the church. Fortunately, there was no further damage. Witnesses are asked to contact the Sarstedt police by calling 05066 / 985-0.


France: Another vandalised statue of the Virgin Mary found in a church in the department of Morbihan

In the commune of Sainte-Anne-d’Auray in the department of Morbihan, a statue of the Virgin Mary (photo above) was found knocked over on the altar of the Scala Santa while it was standing on its pedestal in the church. Was it an accident or a malicious act? The statue was found in this condition on Saturday August 21. The symbolism is very significant for Christians who have just celebrated August 15, the birthday of the Virgin Mary. According to Ouest-France, the community called the police to find out what might have happened. At first sight, the statue was broken and damaged by the fall. It will probably have to be restored before it can be put back in its place.

The church is owned by the municipality and is a listed building. The town’s mayor, Roland Gastine, warns that the investigation into this case could have repercussions, especially if the perpetrator or perpetrators of the vandalism are identified, as reported by the regional daily. This new incident comes after a decapitated statue of the Virgin Mary was found in Plouay (see tweet above) , another town in the Morbihan department, on Tuesday August 17.
