Germany: Somali knifeman shot dead, now accusations of racism made against police

During a family quarrel, Abdul I. (39) attacks his wife and mother with a knife and also injures two neighbours outside who come to their aid. When he approaches the police, he is shot dead. Now it is certain: five police shots hit Abdul I.!

On Tuesday evening around 9 p.m., neighbours had called the police because of the quarrel in Reichenberger Street. According to the family carer, the quarrel was triggered by a trivial matter: Abdul I. was supposed to go to the doctor because of sleeping problems – and apparently did not want to. He took a knife and stabbed.

His wife fled outside, where two neighbours rushed to her aid, who were also injured. In the meantime, residents had called the police. As Abdul I. ran towards the officers, the fatal shots were fired.

The post-mortem examination has now revealed that five of the shots hit the man! Four projectiles had gone through the arms and legs, a fifth shot had been deflected from the right upper arm into the chest.

It is not yet clear whether the shots were fired by one or more officers. The service weapons of the officers still have to be checked.

Several residents suspect that the police officers would not have shot if the perpetrator had been German, but now want to have the death examined by a lawyer for a racist motive.,view=amp.bildMobile.html

The Surprising Origins of Critical Race Theory

By L.K. Samuels

Critical Race Theory (CRT) has been cited as an offshoot of Karl Marx’s theory of class struggle, which was designed to pit one class against another so as to foment worker-led revolutions. It is also widely accepted that the Marxian Frankfurt School in Germany reworked Marx’s “social conflict theory” in the 1950s by adding “race” to their long list of “oppressed” minorities. But historically, the Frankfurt School theorists were latecomers to the racial theory table. They were not the originators of Critical Race Theory. A revolutionary socialist movement had already existed decades before in Germany. These racial justice warriors sought to pit one race against another and encourage the oppressed to overthrow the oppressor. They called themselves German National Socialists.

After World War II, the Frankfurt School intellectuals and academics began to plagiarize the “racial struggle” and “victimhood” theories that had originated with Nazi theorists in the mid-1920s. It is true that the Nazi theorists, many with Marxist leanings, were less sophisticated in their racial superiority approach. But their long-term goals on racial disparity and struggle were remarkably similar.

The National Socialists, like the Marxian Frankfurt School leaders, dedicated themselves to fighting racial oppression imposed by other advantaged races. But in the case of the Nazis, they identified the “oppressed race” as the Aryan and German people, and the “oppressor race” as the Jews. They believed that the Jews controlled the world as members of a wealthy and privileged race that supposedly mistreated the so-called Aryan races. 

To demean the so-called “Jewish oppressors,” the National Socialists taught German children that the Jews, Jewish-run banks, and capitalists were persecuting the German nation and its people. This “oppressor versus oppressed” narrative is pure classical Marxism, which had devastating effects across the annals of modern history. Such racist nonsense divides society, creating hostile tribalism and unending ethnic violence.

Of course, this racial struggle was exactly what the Nazi propagandists intended in their effort to purge certain “oppressor” races. They wanted only one race to exist in German-controlled lands. That is why Critical Race Theory is so poisonous. Its endgame almost always results in horrific final solutions to punish so-called privileged and oppressor races.

The march towards securing superiority over an oppressor race began in earnest after the Nazis nationalized most German schools in 1933.  School administrators quickly inserted racist policies into newly rewritten textbooks and school policies. With the assistance of the National Socialist Teachers League, (the official Nazis teacher’s union), students were inundated with racial theories that invaded most disciplines. Nazi party officials promoted the Führer’s  Volksgemeinschaft  concept of equality, which included social engineering, social justice, racial tribalism, national collectivity, and social Darwinism. But their biggest mission was to implant biased ethnic-racial studies into Germany’s classrooms.

According to Richard J. Evans in The Third Reich in Power 1933-1939, Nazi educators and administrators from the Education Ministry mandated that the topics of “racial biology” and “racial science” be inserted into almost every school course across Germany. Biology was heralded as the key to understanding and identifying racial differencesThe National Socialists even developed a racial-social arithmetic for their textbooks to indoctrinate students. For example, this racial mathematics used formulas to design calculations that would determine how many blond Aryans lived in a German population.

The German language did not escape this politicization of education.  Language had to focus on speech patterns to provide a racial background that would subliminally implant German schoolchildren with the racial-socialist ideology of Nazism.  The study of geography had to bow to a racial makeover that required Nazi ideology to be more compatible with heroism, home and race. Amazingly, Nazi educators even found ways to link climate to race.

Not surprisingly, such old-style racism is now returning to our world, mostly voiced by progressives, the woke mob, and Black Lives Matter. Similar to the National Socialists, this orthodoxy is a hodgepodge of social justice, oppressor-versus-oppressed victimhood, and racial tribalism. A German poster from 1933highlights the Nazi’s dedication to a socially just racial state, proclaiming, “Because Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich wants social justice, big Jewish capitalism is the worst enemy of this Reich and its Führer.”

A number of present day “anti-racist” activists are emulating the National Socialists’ pogrom policies. For instance, co-founder of Black Lives Matter in Toronto, Yusra Khogali, called for the extermination of certain races. Taking jabs at white privilege and oppressor races and gender, she mused in 2016 that she had an urge “to kill men and white folks.” Moreover, she tweeted that “white skin is subhuman.” Hitler and his Nazi horde spouted the same “subhuman” accusations against Jews, and eventually acted upon their convictions in the Holocausts.

The origins of Critical Race Theory have a dark history.  Why would anyone justify racism, racial superiority, or racial inferiority in today’s world? Such inflammatory rhetoric has never led to racial or social equality. CRT must be discarded into the ashbin of history, along with any resurgence of National Socialism and its socialist-racist narratives.

Berlin Humboldt University job ad: ‘White people need not apply’

For a counseling center job on racist discrimination run by the Advisory Council at Berlin’s Humboldt University, whites need not apply. “We ask (…) white people to refrain from applying for this advice center.” It claimed that consultations work best “when the consultant is black or as a person of color”.

“It means advice that is oriented towards the needs of the person seeking advice in order to create a space in which those affected by racial discrimination can feel comfortable and share their experiences.”

As reported by German broadcaster rbb, this racist job advert caused a stir on Thursday. The station quoted the research policy spokesman for the CDU parliamentary group, Adrian Grasse, as saying that this was illegal and extremely discriminatory. Racism should not be combated with racism.

The press spokesman for the Humboldt University, Hans-Christoph Keller, tried to convince the broadcaster that it would advance the “plurality of opinions” to discriminate against a racial group, in this case whites: “It is expressly not in the interests of Humboldt University to discriminate against people. Regardless of skin color and origin, gender, ideological view or age. We see ourselves as a place of plurality of opinions, mutual appreciation and respect.”

It is true that the Student Parliament and the Advisory Council act as an independent employer in the area of ​​private law, which is not subject to the legal supervision of the Humboldt University. But the management of the Berlin university nevertheless asked the student body to review the job advertisement after the uproar.

A statement to that effect was thus issued promptly: “We are in the process of revising the ad. We regret the ambiguous wording,” said the council, according to rbb, on the same day. The changed job posting appeared on Thursday evening.

It also stated that advice should be given as to what works best – when councillors “advise from a perspective of their own being affected by racist discrimination”.

“We would therefore like to encourage people who experience racist discrimination in particular to apply for the position.”

In addition, sensitivity to “discrimination by trans*hostile, sexist and misogynist conditions are necessary. Participation in anti-racism training and/or anti-discrimination training is also desirable, but not necessary”.

Muslims in France beg for the enrolment of “blond” pupils in problem schools to raise the educational level of the pupils

In Petit Bard, a working class neighbourhood of Montpellier, a group of mothers are raising their voices. According to the Nouvel Obs of August 27, they have been concerned about their children’s success at school for several years and are demanding more social diversity in their neighbourhood school. The mothers, who describe themselves as “Muslims and Republicans”, would like to admit “blond children” and reject communitarian ideas. However, this ” association “, composed mainly of Moroccan and veiled women, says they face silent local authorities who never respond to their messages and invitations and offer no solution to improve life in the “ghetto”. On the side of the socialist municipality, the deputy for education, Fanny Dombre-Coste, gives her view: “It is not necessary to come and shout under my windows to have a dialogue, it is enough to invite me without setting a date. The new city administration has been working for a year to support schools and diversity. We take them into account when building new schools,” she explains.

The Petit-Bard women’s collective also advocates republican behaviour in everyday life, especially through patriotic symbols. “Politicians constantly invoke the values of the republic, so we take them at their word. Liberté, égalité, fraternité, it’s nice on the roofs of schools, but it’s even better in the schoolyard,” a spokesperson for the group told Le Nouvel Obs. “The social and cultural mix doesn’t solve everything, but it moves you forward,” added another mother. The collective notes that children have large gaps in their education as they transition from primary to secondary schools, and wants to set an example so that this will change. In the meantime, the mothers feel abandoned by the authorities:”You can imagine that even the electricity for the loudspeaker system is provided by the grocer,” says one of them, who regrets that the districts are on their own.

Montpellier : des mères “musulmanes et républicaines” dénoncent le manque de mixité sociale dans l’école du quartier

Japan suspends Moderna jabs over ‘metal contaminants’

A substance present in Moderna vaccine vials could be metal since it reacts to magnets. “It’s a substance that reacts to magnets,” an official from Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said. The ministry has suspended Moderna shots after the substance was detected.

“It could be metal.” The official confirmed that they had “received reports from several vaccination centres that foreign substances have been found inside unopened vials”. Tadeka, the firm in charge of sales and distribution of Moderna in Japan, said it had informed Moderna and “requested an urgent investigation”.

“Upon consultation with the health ministry, we have decided to suspend the use of the vaccine” from Thursday, it added.

Top government spokesperson Katsunobu Kato asked people to “consult their physicians if they experience any abnormality”. Contaminants were discovered at at least eight vaccination locations in central Japan, including Tokyo, according to national broadcaster NHK. Contaminated doses were administered between 6 and 20 August at its mass vaccination centre in the western city of Osaka.

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga told reporters, “I have been briefed by the health ministry that it will not have a significant impact,” when asked about the possibility of disrupting Japan’s vaccination program.

In June, a Spanish website La Quinta Columna revealed a report of the analysis of a vaccination vial. It was written and signed by Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid of the University of Almeria, Spain, concluding that the vial contained graphene oxide which is “highly toxic and harmful to health”.

On their official Telegram channel, the Spanish team have collected many relevant papers and news to inform those who reach them of the dangers of this component.

The inventor of mRNA vaccines Robert Malone, suggested that what happened to the Moderna vials in Japan should “help get to the bottom of the graphene hypothesis” after the news of the withdrawal of 1,63 million Moderna jabs in Japan.

Moderna meanwhile said a production line fault at a contract manufacturing facility in Spain was responsible.

Spain signed up to produce “hundreds of millions” of doses of the Moderna product. In April, a Spanish company revealed that it would begin producing in bulk — in addition to bottling doses — from its plant in Grenada, Spain. Previously, the manufacturer had received the active vaccine ingredient from Switzerland.

Moderna denied any safety issues related to the contaminated vaccines. It was “proactively communicating with Japan’s health authorities and its partners as the investigation proceeds,” the company said. The company “remains committed to working transparently and expeditiously with its partner, Takeda, and regulators to address any potential concerns”.

Aid worker threatened with torching: asylum seeker in court in Austria

On Friday, an asylum seeker had to stand trial in Graz. In April, the man sent a text message to a Caritas employee stating that, according to the law, he had to receive 150 euros. If this did not happen by 12 noon, he threatened a “catastrophe”.

When the man then confronted the employee, he repeatedly insisted on the money. He held a lighter in front of a hair spray can towards the Caritas employee. Security and police were able to intervene in time and calm the man down. At the trial, the accused explained that by “catastrophe” he had meant that it would be one for him not to get any money. After all, he was in debt. Even more so to a compatriot.

Via an interpreter, the accused had said: “I am guilty to a certain degree”. When the judge wanted to know how that was meant, the man replied, “10 per cent.” When the accused explained that he was not an aggressive person, the judge countered, “From your demeanour alone, I don’t believe you.” Witnesses from the Caritas residential home also stated that the man had an aggressive behaviour, reports “Heute”. The trial was adjourned.

UK study: Most Covid deaths occur in ‘fully vaccinated’ people

Lisa Shaw. Still from YouTube

Newly released data from the United Kingdom show that the vast majority of “delta variant” deaths were among “fully vaccinated” citizens. These deaths also include individuals who had been perfectly healthy before the shot.

Only one third of all deaths by the alleged delta variant were among those who did not get the shot, calling into question the assumption by vaccine advocates that the shots were “saving lives”.

From February 1 through August 2, Britain recorded 742 deaths from the delta variant. Of these, 402 were fully vaccinated while 79 had received just one shot. The remaining 253 cases were unvaccinated.

In Israel and the US state of Vermont too, a majority of new hospitalizations were “fully vaccinated”.

Meanwhile, the perfectly healthy Lisa Shaw, who worked for BBC Radio Newcastle, died at the age of 44 in May after taking the first dose of the vaccine. Newcastle coroner Karen Dilks confirmed that Shaw had died of the vaccine causing blood clots in her brain.

“Lisa died due to complications of an AstraZeneca Covid vaccination,” Dilks said, adding that it was “clearly established” that her death was due to a very rare “vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia”, a condition which leads to swelling and bleeding of the brain.