Canada’s Minister for Women and Gender Equality calls Taliban ‘our brothers’

On Canadian television, the Minister for Women and Gender Equality, Maryam Monsef, called the Taliban “our brothers” – a qualifier that has caused a wide controversy in Canada.

On the video, we clearly see Maryam Monsef hesitate, before deciding. And for good reason: On Tuesday, August 24, during an insert on Canadian television, the Minister for Women and Gender Equality used a term at the very least controversial, when discussing the situation in Afghanistan.

“I want to take this opportunity to talk about our brothers, the Taliban. We ask you to ensure the safe evacuation of all those who want to leave Afghanistan.” Obviously, to use an expression so lovingly for the Taliban Islamist terrorist organization, immediately caused a scandal in Canada. Especially when the flattery comes from the Minister for Women.

“The Trudeau government used totally unacceptable language. After six months of inaction by the Trudeau government, there are thousands of Afghans in danger because of their support for our country,” replied Erin O’Toole, leader of the conservative opposition in the government. The latter was even forced to comment on the matter, declaring that he had “nothing to add” to the explanations of his minister, and that he intended “to continue [to be] very firm on the Taliban”.

Earlier on Wednesday, August 25, Maryam Monsef had indeed explained her statement, presenting the name “our brothers” as a “cultural reference”. Born in Iran, Maryam Monsef has dual Canadian and Afghan nationality, after both of her parents moved to Canada in 1996.

Merkel lies about rescuing Afghan allies

German soldiers flew many people from Afghanistan to Germany, especially with the A400M aircraft of the German Federal Air Force. Now it has become known that among the “rescued” Afghans “were hardly any local staff”.

Bild-Zeitung reported that according to its own information, the Bundeswehr has flown out more than 4000 Afghan nationals since the fall of Kabul. But the German daily has now learned that only a fraction of them were actually “local staff” who worked for the Bundeswehr and other German organizations and these allies have been in danger since the Taliban’s triumphant advance.

Bild learned from a conference between the Ministry of the Interior, the Foreign Office and other authorities on Thursday, that of almost 3600 Afghans who had been flown out since August 17, only around 100 were actually local staff, and around 370 of their family members had been taken on the flight.

Is the German federal government lying?

It appears as if the Merkel administration had been caught lying, because on Wednesday the Foreign Office had declared that there were “a considerable number of former local workers” among the Afghans who had been rescued from the Taliban.

Chancellor Angela Merkel had also announced that the government wanted to ensure that “above all” local Afghan workers were brought to Germany.

“This project failed,” according to information from the Bild newspaper, because a total of more than 13 000 local employees and their family members had received an acceptance letter from the federal government. In the past few months, only a small number have been brought to Germany on the Bundeswehr evacuation mission.

From these indications one can conclude that masses of “refugees” are coming to Western Europe from Afghanistan, the vast majority of whom travel with modern cell phones, but surprisingly without valid papers.

From generally well-informed circles it is said that the Afghans who made it to the transport aircraft of the Federal Air Force at the Kabul airport were not strictly checked for their identity. Representatives of the federal government announced that such precise checks would only take place after their arrival in Germany.

Thousands land at Ramstein

Around 20 500 evacuees from Afghanistan already landed at Ramstein Air Base in Rhineland-Palatinate – the world’s largest US air force base outside of America – by this weekend. Ramstein has been a US hub for refugees from Afghanistan since August 20.

About 100 aircraft of the United States Air Force have arrived at the air base, reported a spokeswoman for the base. More than 5000 evacuees had traveled from there on around 22 flights. The flights are expected to last for the whole weekend, reported the Epoch Times.

‘How many Afghan women actually care about a German dead soldier?’

On Wednesday the Bundestag debated the Afghanistan mission. Right after Chancellor Angela Merkel, who may have given her last speech in parliament as her last term nears its end, AfD parliamentary group leader Alexander Gauland replied.

Gauland described the international Afghanistan mission as wrong from the start. The idea of exporting the Western way of life had totally imploded, he pointed out. Gauland said the notion of “One World” has been shattered by the events in Afghanistan. “The majority of Afghans don’t give a damn about westernization. Anyone who thinks that one can treat deep, ethnic and cultural imprints with education courses and gender mainstreaming is only attesting to a monstrous ignorance,” he said.

The AfD co-leader also stated that his parliamentary group only supported the evacuation of former local armed forces to a very limited extent. In addition to the former Bundeswehr auxiliaries and their families, Germany should not accept any further refugees.

Then Gauland talked about the 59 dead German soldiers who had given their lives for nothing in the Afghanistan mission. “In order to bring gender equality into the Muslim world, German men had to lose their lives there. How many Afghan women in the highest offices or girls in schools actually care about a German dead soldier? ”

And finally he said: “Instead of defending women’s rights against the Taliban in the East, the Bundeswehr should rather protect the German borders from the dangers that arise from the influx of people to whom our way of life is completely alien: 2015 must not be repeated!”

Islam officials in Germany trivialise the Taliban

Representatives of Islamic associations in Germany have expressed sympathy in social media for the new rulers in Afghanistan, the radical Islamic Taliban. This is reported by the ” newspaper Welt am Sonntag”.

As an example, the weekly mentions Abdul Adhim Kamouss, who is a respected preacher in Berlin. He wrote on Facebook: “Many are talking about the return of the Taliban as if al-Quaida or ISIS had now taken power in Afghanistan.” But he said it was wrong to equate the Taliban with the terrorist militias. After all, they had never threatened to conquer the West.

According to “Welt am Sonntag”, Kamouss has since deleted his controversial entry. He is a co-founder and board member of the Islam in Germany Foundation (Berlin).

According to the report, a theological adviser of the Islamic Community Milli Görüs (IGMG) wrote under a pseudonym on Facebook that the Taliban were “absolutely in line with mainstream Muslim positions” – and that if believers saw this differently, it was “ignorance or hypocrisy”.

When asked by the newspaper, the IGMG’s secretary general, Bekir Altas, confirmed that the author of the Facebook post worked for Milli Görus, but not as an employee. Employees of the association do not have to coordinate their private postings on social networks with their employer.

The lawyer and co-founder of the liberal Ibn Rushd Goethe Mosque in Berlin, Seyran Ates, sharply criticises representatives of the Islamic community in Germany for showing sympathy for the Taliban. This is “intellectual arson”: “The more the Taliban are played down by those in positions of authority, the greater the danger that supporters will once again be found in Germany who are ready to take action in Afghanistan”.

According to the report, Germans have repeatedly joined the Taliban in recent years. In response to a question from the newspaper, the Federal Prosecutor General’s Office stated that this year alone, about 50 new investigations had been initiated against suspected Taliban supporters. In the previous five years, there had been a total of more than 800.

Who was on the plane to Germany ? Among evacuated Afghans hardly any local staff of the German Armed Forces!

Since the fall of Kabul, the German Armed Forces report that they have flown out more than 4,000 Afghan nationals. But now it comes out: only a fraction of them are actually local forces who worked for the German Armed Forces and have been in mortal danger since the victory of the Taliban.

The newspaper BILD learned this from a conference between the Ministry of the Interior, the Foreign Office and other authorities. According to the report (as of Thursday), of almost 3,600 Afghans who have been flown out since August 17, only about 100 were local staff, plus about 370 family members.

A controversial point: on Wednesday, the Foreign Office had stated that among the Afghans who had been flown out were “a considerable number of former local staff”.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (67, Christian Democratic Union) had also declared that she wanted “above all” to bring local Afghan forces to Germany.

This plan failed. According to BILD information, a total of more than 13,000 local staff and their family members were granted entry. Only about 3,000 of them could be brought to Germany in the past months and during the evacuation mission of the German Armed Forces.

Germany: Syrian likes to grope young mothers with prams

After a woman with a pram was allegedly groped by an initially unknown cyclist on Sunday morning in the street Burgstraße in Welzheim, a suspect has now been identified by the Welzheim police. The suspect is a 29-year-old Syrian man who had allegedly groped a woman with a pram in a similar manner two weeks earlier on Sunday afternoon in in the street Pfarrstraße in Welzheim.

In the first case, the suspect was arrested in a shelter for asylum seekers. Based on the investigations conducted so far, the 29-year-old is suspected to be responsible for the crime last Sunday morning. He is now facing at least two criminal charges.

As it cannot be ruled out that the man has harassed other women, these victims should urgently contact the Welzheim police by calling (07182) 92810.

Versailles court suspends compulsory health pass at shopping malls after just 2 days

After French protests challenged the need for a health pass to enter a French supermarket, a judge in Versailles overturned the requirement that these arbitrary documents be presented as a condition for entry into retail businesses in the department of Yvelines.

After just two days of enforcement, the prefectural decree from August 19, which made it compulsory to use a “health passport” at large shopping centers in the Yvelines department, was suspended by the Versailles administrative court. “The contentious order restricts access in a broad manner, and does not provide conditions guaranteeing people’s access to essential goods and services.”

Throughout Yvelines 14 shopping centers with more than twenty thousand square meters were affected. The decree had been poorly greeted by retail professionals. At the Westfield Velizy 2 shopping center some 17 security agents were hired to guard the twelve entrance doors with an estimated budget of €130 000 for the month of August.

The shopping mall registered a 25 percent drop in activity and a 25 percent drop in customer flow, which is huge. “We’re really fragile, and the shopkeepers are already suffering after a year and a half of crisis.

“We have the advantage of being a very large shopping center with air circulation, CO2 sensors, security agents, traffic direction and masks. Our Parisian neighbors have taken note that the Yvelines prefecture has passed this judgment,” a manager of the supermarket mall commented.

The Versailles administrative court’s decision to suspend the prefectural decree establishing the obligation of the health pass in shopping centers in the Yvelines department, paved the way for other departments to follow.

The Strasbourg administrative court has meanwhile taken the same decision to stop enforcing the health pass after the manager of a shopping center in Haut-Rhin took the matter to court. The judge of the Strasbourg administrative court decided on Friday, August 27 to suspend the order of the Haut-Rhin prefect which made the presentation of the health pass compulsory in seven commercial centres of the department, especially those larger than 20000 square meters.

The judge considered that with this obligation to present the health pass, “there is a serious and manifestly illegal interference with the freedom to come and go”. The restrictive measures imposed in the contested decree apply in a general and absolute manner to all businesses located in department stores and shopping centers listed in the decree, without anything having been planned to allow customers not having a pass to access shops selling basic goods and services.

The measure took effect immediately. It is therefore no longer necessary to present a health pass to do shopping. However, the matter may be referred to the Council of State by the departmental administration.

After the Yvelines, it was also the Hauts-de-Seine and Val d’Oise shopping centers that stopped demanding the health pass. Appeals were filed on Thursday for these two departments and on Friday for Val-de-Marne. Lawyer Yoann Sibille told Franceinfo that he had filed a complaint on Thursday with the administrative court of Cergy-Pontoise, against the decree taken in the Val d’Oise. The court must now rule within 48 hours.

Sibille had written an amicable letter to the prefects of Île-de-France in which he asked them to change their orders. If the prefects do not change them, he would continue to file petitions on behalf of all people affected, he said.

The associations of shopping center traders and the National Council of Shopping Centers were also studying the feasibility of such approaches. Nearly 150 shopping centers and hundreds of thousands of shoppers are affected throughout France by the health pass requirement.