Sweden: Expelled criminal Afghans arrive in Stockholm after boarding evacuation flight in Kabul

Two Afghan convicts who were previously deported and banned from re-entering Sweden are back in the country after having successfully managed to board an evacuation flight out of Kabul.

The two men were promptly apprehended and taken into police custody sometime Wednesday at Stockholm’s Arlanda airport for violating the re-entry ban that had been issued following the completion of their criminal sentences, Swedish broadcaster TV4 Nyheterna reports.

Stockholm police spokesperson Carina Skagerlind has refused to inform the public as to crimes committed by the two men which resulted in their expulsions, saying, “I will not go into details about these people. They have been convicted of crimes in Sweden. They have also served their sentences in Sweden, but since then they have also been sentenced to deportation and a re-entry ban for a number of years to come.”

“I think that anyone who has seen the pictures from Kabul and the airport realizes that the situation isn’t quite simple when it comes to conducting border control there,” Skagerlind added. 

Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde has not yet commented on the matter, despite requests from the national media to do so. It remains entirely unclear just how the pair of convicted criminals managed to board the evacuation flight out of the Afghan capital.

The likelihood that the two Afghans will be repatriated in the near future is next to zero since Sweden’s pro-mass migration, leftist government halted all deportations to Afghanistan last month.

Earlier this month, ministers from Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, and Germany sharply criticized the decision in a letter sent to Swedish EU Commissioner Ylva Johansson, saying: “Stopping the return sends the wrong signal and will probably motivate more Afghan citizens to leave their homes to travel to the EU.”

Sebastian Kurz, Austria’s conservative chancellor, made it clear in June that his government would not be stopping deportations to Afghanistan or easing its asylum laws after two Afghan men were arrested for allegedly drugging, raping, and killing a 13-year-old girl.

According to investigators, the pair of Afghans drugged the girl and brought her to one of their apartments where they raped her. The men then went on to murder her. The young teenager’s body was subsequently found by passersby on the lawn in front of a home somewhere in the Austrian capital. 

Approximately 90,000 people have been flown out of the Afghan capital since Aug. 14, some 800 of which have landed in Sweden.

In July, a fighting-age, male migrant from Afghanistan who had arrived in Sweden in 2018 was sentenced to life in prison for going on a stabbing rampage that injured seven people, three of them seriously. 

On Easter weekend a few months earlier, Swedish security police Säpo arrested a pair of Afghan migrants — a man and a woman — for allegedly planning to carry out a terrorist attack in the Stockholm area. 


In the heart of Vienna: Arab mob beats up son of Austrian soccer legend

During a robbery of a group of young Viennese in front of the Museum of Art History (KMH) at a prime city location, the son of football legend Ernst Baumeister was also injured. Now the young man (23 years old) dares to go public – with an urgent appeal and a criticism.

The case happened some time ago, Pascal Baumeister needed time to come to terms with what he had suffered. What is said to have happened on the night of June 25 in front of the Museum of Art History – at the best Viennese location – is shocking. The 23-year-old was sitting peacefully on the steps in front of the KHM with four friends, two boys and two girls, listening to music.

Suddenly, a group of eight young men (about 17 to 20 years old, with a migration background, apparently from the Arab region) approached. The gang provoked, mobbed, got physical, pulled out knives. And then even ended up in a fist-fight.

The three boys tried to protect their two girlfriends, Baumeister went down with a concussion, lost consciousness and a tooth. The gang stole watches and a mobile phone. And escaped under the cover of night.

Nearby, the victims spotted a police patrol, but the hoped-for help did not happen. “When asked why they did not intervene, the police officer in the car said that it was not her territory. But she had called for colleagues,” the victims tell disappointedly. A version that the Viennese police rejected on request.

Baumeister has buried the hope that the brutal gang of robbers will be investigated and brought to justice. He urges caution: “You are no longer really safe even in the fanciest districts of Vienna.”


Switzerland: Vaccination centres could be target of Islamist terrorists, intelligence warns

The Swiss Federal Intelligence Service (SRS) warns of possible jihadist terrorist attacks on coronavirus vaccination facilities, including vaccination centres and transport and production facilities, reports the German-language newspaper NZZ am Sonntag, which was also taken up by Le Matin and Bloomberg on August 29.

“Attacks on such targets would involve large crowds as well as intense media coverage,” SRS spokeswoman Isabelle Graber was quoted as saying by Bloomberg. So far, however, there are no concrete indications of planned attacks, the service said.

In Switzerland, the army is responsible for “the logistics and protection of vaccines and vaccination material”. “This vital supply for the entire population is stored in Armed Forces facilities that are equipped to ensure correct and safe storage. The first vaccines have already been delivered to the cantons,” she said in December 2020.


WATCH: Syrians commit armed street fights in Cottbus, Germany

Yesterday in the early evening, hostile groups of migrants attacked each other with laths and knives in Cottbus. The criminal investigation into the background and the exact course of events is still ongoing.

“Such incidents are abnormal. We will never accept them as the ‘new normal’. Not in Cottbus. Not in Brandenburg. Not in Germany.” – said Jean-Pascal Hohm, chairman of the AfD Cottbus.

The Cottbus police now also report on the exact course of events: “The police were called to the street Burgstraße early on Sunday evening because witnesses had reported a fight there in which several men, initially unknown, were involved. Upon arrival, the officers found two injured men of Syrian origin, aged 21 and 27. They were taken to hospital for medical treatment, while investigations into suspected dangerous bodily harm were initiated at the same time. According to initial statements, several men had hit the two victims with as yet unidentified objects.

In the course of immediately initiated manhunts, a total of four suspects from Syria, aged 19 to 29, have been taken into police custody. Preliminary proceedings were initiated on suspicion of serious breach of the peace in connection with dangerous bodily harm. At the same time, forensic experts secured traces and evidence at the scene of the crime. The criminal investigation into the background and the exact course of events is still ongoing.

In addition to the video, the association Zukunft Heimat Cottbus has published a video of a young man walking through the city centre with a knife:


Germany: Fundraiser for the IS arrested

The Federal Prosecutor’s Office has arrested a woman in Bavaria who allegedly collected money for the terrorist organisation Islamic State (IS). The German woman was arrested on Monday in Geretsried, the authorities in Karlsruhe announced. This is near Lake Starnberg. In addition, a search was carried out in Kassel on a person who was not a suspect.

The woman, whose age was not disclosed, is said to have helped an Iraqi who has been in pre-trial detention since the beginning of the year. According to earlier statements, the Federal Prosecutor’s Office accuses him of having taken on “a central role in the raising of money for the IS in Germany” and of having transferred money to Syria and Lebanon several times.

At the end of April, the police had issued its arrest warrant for the man, who had been caught trying to leave the country at the German-Swiss border.

The now arrested suspected Islamist is said to have especially taken an interest in the contact to IS women. She is said to have set up a donation account for a woman who was to be freed from a Kurdish refugee camp. Whether she will be remanded in custody should be decided in the course of the day.


In Kabul, Austrian soldiers risked their lives for 76 asylum seeker vacationers

Some 36 people are still in Kabul, in the hope of being evacuated from Afghanistan by Austria. Many of them are citizens with Afghan roots, or people in need of protection who have effectively fled the country.

They had left Austria to visit their families despite the travel warning from the government. These are Afghans who obtained Austrian residence permits by claiming that they had faced danger in their country of birth.

It sounds absurd and is completely incomprehensible to many Austrians

Many migrants who came to Austria as “refugees” from Afghanistan apparently went back there for a vacation. Many of them are now stranded in Kabul. For example, a 24-year-old HTL student from Vienna , travelled to his former country of origin, since his permanent residence permit allows him to do so. Now he is stuck in Afghanistan and hoping the Austrians will help him.

The question of why a person is able to travel to a country from where they have fled because they “fear for their life” remains unanswered. The Austrian mainstream media is not interested in an answer either.

Jagdkommando soldiers risked their lives in Kabul

“Some 76 Austrian citizens with Afghan roots or in need of protection, who had fled Afghanistan and were visiting their families in the country, were evacuated from Kabul by plane with the help of the Austrian Federal Army,” reported Michael Bauer of the Austrian Armed Forces.

In order to bring them safely to Kabul airport, those still remaining in Afghanistan had to avoid the Taliban, and highly trained Austrian elite commando soldiers were sent in to aid them. Staff from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were also participating in the operation. The elite soldiers were on foot, risking their lives to bring back the “refugees” through the city under siege to the airport.

Foreign Minister explains his move

Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP) told the media: “We have an obligation to help.” But Austria imposed the highest travel warning level for Afghanistan years ago and advised everyone not to travel to the country. However, many “refugees” still visited their families.


Paris: A gunman tries to break into a church in the 19th arrondissement

This Sunday morning, 29 August, the incident in Paris could have turned tragic. In the 19th arrondissement, Le Parisien reports, a 28-year-old man was stopped by the police as he tried to enter the Saint-Luc church in the Rue de l’Ourcq. At the time of his arrest, the man was carrying a .44 calibre revolver loaded with two cartridges. Although his intentions are not yet clear, it seems clear that a disaster was narrowly averted. This was prevented thanks to the vigilance of the parish priest of Saint-Luc. On Sunday morning at around 10 am, the churchman spotted the person in question while preparing for the service. Nervously, he asked the priest for the time of the day’s mass and told the priest that he wanted to come back to attend the service. In view of the suspicious behaviour of his counterpart, the priest became wary. And rightly so: during the conversation he has time to spot the stock of a pistol sticking out of the young man’s pocket.As soon as his counterpart had left, the priest called the police and gave the description of the thirty-year-old. The teams of the Anti-Crime Brigade (BAC) of the 19th arrondissement of Paris then sounded the alarm and positioned a large surveillance team around the Saint Jules church – and also near the parish of Sainte-Claire d’Assise, according to Le Parisien. Fortunately, the operation was successful: shortly after 11am, when the Saint-Luc mass had started twenty minutes earlier, the suspect was spotted walking towards the church a few hundred metres away. He was immediately arrested and has since been in police custody in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. The 2nd Department of the Paris Criminal Investigation Department was in charge of the investigation.


A former Afghan minister has become …. a takeaway delivery boy in Germany

It must have been a big change. A former Afghan communications minister moved to Europe, Germany to be precise, in September 2020. In the city of Leipzig, Sayed Sadaat could never have found a job that matched his skills, reports CNews on Saturday August 28. A computer scientist and telecommunications graduate, he served as Minister of Communications for two years before leaving office in 2018. From now on, Sayed Sadaat has a new and very different job: he delivers meals by bicycle for the company Lieferando…

“Everybody has to work. If you have expenses, if you have to pay rent, if you need money to buy food and shelter, then you have to work. Just because you have been a minister does not mean you should not work and do nothing,” he told the press. Sayed Sadaat added, reports CNews, “I could have been one of those corrupt ministers, I could have earned millions of dollars, bought buildings and hotels there in Dubai, and I wouldn’t have had to work. Thus, he asserts that he “did nothing to feel guilty”.Sayed Sadaat hopes that other politicians will “follow this example of working for the citizens instead of shirking”.

Since August 15, Afghanistan has been ruled by the Taliban, who have taken over the country. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani confirmed this to the press on the same day. He fled his country to escape a “bloodbath”. He has since settled with his family in the United Arab Emirates until he can “return”. In Afghanistan, thousands of people have already been evacuated and thousands more are still trying to leave the country to escape the new extremist Taliban regime.
