“Wallah we’re going to decapitate you”: Tanguy David, supporter of Éric Zemmour, placed under police protection

Translation: I have just been attacked by militant anti-fascists in Paris. I was taken out of the building in a hurry and am now safe.
Translation: I have always said it: “Antifa” is a violent and partly armed group that I call terrorists within, because they are ready for anything to get rid of those who do not agree with them. The state must treat these individuals accordingly. #Greve20Janvier
Translation: He is clearly a member of the “Young Antifascist Guard”.
Translation: So that was you raging and fidgeting like crazy when you called me a “dirty fascist”? Sorry, fascist, but the street belongs to everyone. You belong in prison, where a person who incites violent actions belongs. Not surprisingly: the same account.


Why the vaccines don’t work

By James Stansbury

recent article introduced the term “negative efficacy” regarding COVID vaccines and implied that this reaction explains why more vaccinated than unvaccinated people are getting sick with COVID.   A non-Google search turned up several articles about negative efficacy that confirmed the claim with more details.  The most detailed article made the following points:

“It [negative efficacy] doesn’t mean the protection wears off (like we were told). It means the OPPOSITE of what you were told: it means the vaccines helps the virus to infect you (by suppressing your immune system, probably permanently each time we are injected according to Dr. Ryan Cole).”

“In short, we’ve been lied to about the vaccine. It is protecting you less and less over time. While you may get a benefit for earlier variants, the benefit for other variants (and likely other diseases) is going to be negative. In short, you are getting a short term benefit against Delta, but at the expense of a degradation of your overall immunity to everything else.”

To test the above hypothesis, trend data from Our World in Data was used to compare five different countries.  For simplicity I focused only on vax rate, the number new cases and confirmed COVID deaths.    The U.S. was selected for obvious reasons followed by the U.K. because it had the somewhat stricter lockdowns like most of Europe.  Australia was added because of the intensity of its lockdowns, mask and vax mandates.  Admittedly, Australia did have success using these tyrannical police state methods to minimize the damage from COVID at least until now.   

Sweden is there because of its notoriously minimal lockdowns followed by praise for its success in achieving natural herd immunity well before any other Western country.  India was added because it alone appears to have tamed COVID from day one by using common, inexpensive therapeutics in its early outpatient protocols (notably hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin) and much less reliance on vaccines.  Except for one surge in hospitalizations and deaths due to the emergence of the delta variant, India has experienced far fewer total deaths relative to its population.

Vaccination Rates:  Notice that Australia and Sweden now rank highest although both started their vax campaigns much later than either the U.S or the U.K. while India arrived very late to the vax party.    

Daily New Confirmed COVID Cases:  Things are looking grim for the start of 2022!  However, we know much more testing is being done now and this could partially explain the surge.  Note that only India with its lower vax rate has not skyrocketed with new cases, but likely tests less.  Of interest, the three countries with highest vax rates also surged up the most with Australia exploding past all. 

Daily New Confirmed COVID Deaths:  Obviously, deaths are the most important metric and will lag behind new cases by at least two weeks and sometimes a month or more.  However, notice that COVID deaths in every country except India has spiked upward almost in unison.  You can continue to monitor the same daily death rates here.

Some Key Takeaways: 

  1. The more contagious, but far less deadly omicron variant plus more frequent testing are likely driving cases up.  However, the totally unexpected increase in deaths is concerning.  The winter season may explain some of it, except Australia where it is their summer. 
  2. These data confirm the countries with high vax and booster rates correlate with the JAN 2022 increase in cases and deaths.  This confirms the most likely cause is the claimed negative efficacy effect from the overuse of the original vaccines.  In other words, the original vaccines are now causing more harm than good.   
  3. Sweden’s herd immunity success is now busted, likely because of its belated decision to force vaccinations when almost everyone there was already protected by natural immunity.
  4. Australia’s unexpected surge in cases and deaths suggests its draconian lockdowns and other mandates have delayed, but totally failed to keep COVID away.  Costly universal lockdowns regardless of how extreme serve only to delay the inevitable.
  5. Only India’s exceptionally low death rate is unaffected at least so far, but its climbing vax rate if continued is a concern.
  6. The world needs to immediately cease relying on the original vaccines and learn to live with the virus.  For people infected, follow India’s example by approving the emergency use of similar early treatment therapeutics to stop the progression of the disease before it can reach the stage resulting in hospitalization or death.
  7. Obviously, more in-depth research by professional immunologists with much more expertise than mine will be required to confirm these findings. 

Let’s face it.  The virus has reached the stage where it is now endemic and will be with us forever just like the related common cold and seasonal flu.  It’s time for us to resume living our lives without the continual government fearmongering,  virtue-signaling, and freedom robbing COVID mandates.


Secret Stasi files reveal the communist-sympathizing past of Germany’s new chancellor

The Social Democrats’ new chancellor, Olaf Scholz, may be known as the silent man of German power-politics, yet newly revealed Stasi files literally speak volumes on his behalf. The content of the former East German intelligence agency’s files is unlikely to be information that Scholz would be happy to repeat, but according to the author of the study, the chancellor’s past can explain a lot about his current, mostly foreign policy-related decisions.

German Historian Hubertus Knabe has published a study entitled “The Scholz Files,” in which he ventures out to explain why, for instance, Scholz seems to be so reluctant to make a resolute stance against a resurgent Russia, while both his coalition partners are keen on isolating and punishing Vladimir Putin’s government. Left-wing German newspapers have rather predictably cried conspiracy over the new revelations, with the Suddeutsche Zeitung, for example, suggesting that the study used catchphrases to evoke false accusations against their preferred chancellor.

However, the documents clearly depict Scholz in his youth as an unflinching self-declared Marxist and a communist sympathizer, who had friends in high places in the GDR. While a deputy president of the Young Socialists (Jusos) West-German student movement in the 1980s, his views appeared to be very close to that of the GDR’s leadership and the Kremlin.

His chief campaign target was the positioning of US nuclear missiles in Germany, originally a response to Russia’s development, and deployment of the SS-20 intermediate ballistic missiles in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Documents show that Scholz put the responsibility for the nuclear escalation entirely on the shoulders of “U.S. aggression,” but has never criticized the presence of Russian nuclear weapons in Germany’s immediate neighborhood.

Scholz visited the GDR numerous times in the 1980s, and was willing to lend himself to the Communist Party’s broadcast propaganda, appearing to legitimize the regime on television programs as well as in communist newspapers. On one occasion, rather embarrassingly, the SPD’s communist youth-wing leader, then still sporting a long curly haircut, was made to sit during a television show under the portrait of Communist Party leader Ernst Thälmanns, who during the years of the Weimar Republic (1919-1933), described the SPD as “social fascists.”

During Scholz’s youth movement years, in the federal executive committee of the SPD, he also explained that the topic of leaving NATO is a valid point worth debating in the Jusos. Furthermore, he, along with his comrades from the East, called for the immediate withdrawal of NATO missiles from Germany. For issuing similar statements, the East German authorities praised Scholz as belonging to the most “consistent” part of the SPD, the ones most willing to cooperate with the communists.

Scholz remained at the top of the Young Socialists until 1988, and was considered as faction leader of the so called Stamokap, the wing closest to the Eastern communist bloc’s voice. In 1987, he gave a speech at a peace march organized by the Communist Youth Association in Wittenberg that was so in line with the Erich Honecker government’s position that it ended up being broadcast on East German radio. In 1988, in a joint communiqué signed by Jusos and its Eastern youth equivalent, the FDJ, Scholz’s group expressed full support for the GDR’s political demands. With this action, they underscored their willingness to cooperate with youth organizations loyal to the Soviet regime in Moscow. The document proposed that the Jusos must anchor their peace proposals in the positions of the Soviet Union, the GDR and other socialist states.

Current German newspapers discussing the above documents point out triumphantly that Scholz has not been named an agent or informant for the Stasi, but in a standard political environment revelations of an overt, explicit and voluntary cooperation with a tyrannical regime such as the one in the GDR would be considered exceptionally damaging. Statements, such as the one in which he called Western democratic parliamentarism “bourgeois,” should raise eyebrows among large parts of the German electorate.

The positions of Scholz may have certainly developed since his radical Marxist years in the 1980s, but a past cooperation with a regime that had executed and imprisoned thousands of its citizens for decades, should be a disqualifying blemish on a CV of any constitutional player in modern democracies. Scholz, however, does not even receive so much as a hint of criticism in the mainstream media, a fact that paints a bleak picture of not only of the standards of the current German press, but of the likely future conduct of the radical leftist/environmentalist government that will dominate European politics over the coming four years.


Germany: Syrian rapist attacks women again after being released before the end of his sentence

Rami A. (37) was in prison for assaulting and sexually harassing women. But the Syrian got out early and promptly attacked again. He was sentenced again at the local court in Dresden. But it was a recidivism that was to be expected.

In March 2019, the Dresden Regional Court sent the drywall builder behind bars for three years and three months.

In the Hechtviertel district of Dresden, he had assaulted seven women, groped them, pulled them to the ground, kissed them. He was only caught because a victim discovered him by chance and called the police.

From then on, Rami presented himself as a victim, denied the offences, blamed them on drugs and alcohol.

He was released in September 2020. Rami refused any therapy or rehabilitation while in prison. The expert opinion also warned of the danger of a “high rate of recidivism”. Even the probation officer tried hard, but in vain.Rami didn’t want to hear any more about his deeds. And promptly attacked again in the summer of 2021!

In the Friedrichstadt district, he attacked a physiotherapist in the entrance of her house at night. She fought back as hard as she could: “But only when I pressed my house key against his neck did he let go. I pushed him away and shouted ‘Fuck off’,” the woman said in court.

Then Rami wailed again, claiming that it was all a lie. Suddenly she said, “I definitely recognise that voice. That was the man.” Not only that led to his conviction: the police had found his DNA on the woman’s clothes.

Now Rami A. must be imprisoned for another three years and two months. And he will probably also have to serve the remaining 20 months from the previous verdict of the regional court.


The mayor of Marignane in France opposes Arabic lessons in school

A lesson that is causing debate. In Marignane in the Var department, the mayor of the city has firmly opposed the official request of the Algerian consulate in Marseille to employ Arabic teachers in two schools in the city, France Bleu reports. The politician explained his attitude towards the course , which allows pupils to learn Arabic during non-school hours. “He justified his decision by saying that in a French school you need to learn French.

These courses, which can be taught from the second grade onwards, would have been envisaged to enable children with a migrant background to better shape their integration. However, for Eric Le Dissès, this measure is no longer appropriate, which is why he rejected the request from parents “on principle”: “It is not up to the schools of the Republic to do this, but up to the families,” he recalled. This decision was confirmed by Marine Le Pen, as she explained on the France Bleu channel on January 20: “This teaching (…) was originally conceived when France was experiencing labour immigration”, she stressed, adding: “Sending these children back to their culture of origin is in fact the complete opposite of the concept of the school I want to see, which is to be the breeding ground for assimilation”.


UK drops Covid passports, mask mandates, work restrictions

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Wednesday that health restrictions related to the Covid pandemic, including passes, mask mandates, and work-from-home guidance will be dropped.

The Epoch Times reported that Johnson also suggested that self-isolation rules may also be ended at the end of March as the “pandemic becomes endemic”.

Effective immediately, the UK government is no longer asking people to work from home. And from Thursday, indoor mask-wearing will no longer be compulsory anywhere in Britain.

The Covid pass mandate for nightclubs and large events will not be renewed when it expires on January 26.

The WHO has chimed in with a similar message on restricted air travel.
