Germany: Prices of insurance for buildings are significantly higher if there is an asylum centre nearby

Waltenhofen has a lot planned for the day care centre in Hegge. Last March, it bought the building from the church, thus opening up the possibility of expanding the day care centre. As reported, the existing building is to be renovated and a day nursery is to be built on the property opposite. In the course of the change of ownership, a new application for building insurance had to be made. The annual premium is high at 5,000 euros. Treasurer Udo Merk informed about this during the budget discussions in the main committee and also mentioned the reason: next door is the Rosenstüble, a shared accommodation for refugees.
Waltenhofen, like many municipalities in the region, is insured with the Versicherungskammer Bavaria. From the municipality’s main office, which is responsible for insurance, it is said that the insurer had initially calculated the premium for the building insurance at about 900 euros.

In the corresponding contract, which was then sent to the municipality, it had to be stated whether certain buildings, including asylum shelters, were in the vicinity. The amount was significantly increased by the fact that the Rosenstüble is less than ten metres away, according to an employee of the main office.

In the corresponding contract, which was then sent to the municipality, it had to be stated whether certain buildings, including asylum shelters, were in the vicinity. The amount was significantly increased by the fact that the Rosenstüble is less than ten metres away, according to an employee of the main office. (Read also: The annual park ticket for Niedersonthofener See will cost twice as much in future).
The current fee is almost 3,800 euros – more than four times as much. The day-care centre building is divided into two parts. For the part that is not directly next to the Rosenstüble, a regular fee of about 1200 Euros has been set. Taken together, this amounts to 5000 euros, which are included in the budget.
Currently, about 50 refugees live in the accommodation in Hegge, among them many families.

The former owner of the day-care centre building, the diocese of Augsburg, apparently paid significantly less for the building insurance, which includes coverage for fire damage, for example. However, the insurance carrier was also the Bayerische Versicherungskammer.
In response to an enquiry from our editorial office, the diocese’s press office informs us: “The building was previously covered by the collective contracts of the diocese of Augsburg. Due to the large number of buildings owned by the diocese, the insurer can grant more favourable conditions.”

The Bavarian Versicherungskammer does not want to give any further details about the day-care centre building in Hegge. “We are only allowed to give information about concrete contract contents to our policyholder,” it says in a written statement.
In general, the insurance rate is always determined according to the respective risk for the building. The surrounding buildings are important here, as is the loss rate. “The price of a building insurance policy increases, for example, if a riding stable, a restaurant or a discotheque is adjacent. The risk of a major fire in a riding stable is higher because it contains straw and hay.

Regarding the situation with asylum shelters, the Versicherungskammer refers to the German Insurance Association (GDV): “The origin of the people is irrelevant for insurance cover,” the insurer quotes. However, the claims expenditure is significantly higher if houses are only occupied by changing people for a short period of time. This applies equally to tourists, assembly workers, students or refugees. “For example, the fire claims for hotels and guesthouses collected over decades are almost five times as high as for residential buildings.”

LGBTQ activists are vigorously attacking Christianity

By Andrea Widburg

Leftism truly hates the Bible. Their creed is inconsistent with the Bible’s commitment to the worth of the individual, its focus on justice, and its insistence on moral standards. In the old days, leftists imprisoned clerics and destroyed houses of worship. Now, though, they have a new technique for Christianity, which they still view as their greatest enemy: They are trying to silence the Bible through LGBTQ-based hate-speech charges and they are insisting that Jesus was transgender and that the church must embrace the LGBTQ spectrum. Both these things have really taken off in Europe and Canada.

The first line of attack against the Bible is that it’s hate speech. Most Christians aren’t going aren’t calling for witches to be burned but devout Christians are wont to say that homosexual behavior is sinful in the Bible and that transgenderism runs counter to the belief that God created man and woman, not “it” or 122 variants of “it.” (Those who claim it-ness are making gods of themselves, a very dangerous thing to do.)

In England, street corner preachers have often been arrested for saying homosexuality is sinful. (The most recent example is described here.) However, the two biggest recent attacks on Christianity have taken place in Canada and Finland.

Canada’s Bill C-4 went into effect early this month. The bill ostensibly bans what’s called “conversion therapy.” By that, you’re meant to think of happy gay men being kidnapped in the dark of night by their fanatic Christian parents, locked in a dark, fetid cell, and then harangued for days or months to give up the sin of homosexuality.

In fact, the bill is written so broadly that it means that no one, including parents, can even mention to an LGBTQ+++ person the sanctity of the male-female relationship. Moreover, the law explicitly describes the bible as a “myth.” Matt Walsh explains it well:

Although the bill doesn’t name only Christianity, we all know that Canada’s government won’t go after the small number of synagogues or the burgeoning number of mosques.

In Finland, the government has put on trial a Member of Parliament and a Lutheran Bishop for “hate speech” because they publicly stated the Bible’s stance on sex and marriage. The prosecution’s evidence was to read from the Old Testament. It’s noteworthy that Christianity is Finland’s official religion and one of Helsinki’s biggest tourist attractions is Temppeliauko Church, a literally sunken church. Sunken, indeed! Several Republican Senators and Housemembers have publicly weighed in on Finland’s attacking the Bible.

Image: In D.C., pastors showed their “pride” by Alex Guerrero. CC BY 2.0.

Meanwhile, in England and Germany, priests are insisting that Christ was transgender. In England, a priest announced that Christ “transgenders himself” several times in the Bible.

For example, said the preacher, Christ was being a woman when he is described as “lamenting after Jerusalem, longing to gather Jerusalem as a mother hen gathers her chicks.” The preacher, apparently, is unfamiliar with similes. Likewise, when Christ washed people’s feet, which the preacher claimed was a woman’s job, that too meant Christ was being a woman. The concept of Christ showing humility seems foreign to this man of the cloth. To a hammer, everything is a nail:

But that was just one priest. In Germany, over 100 Roman Catholic priests and other church employees officially came out as gay, lesbian, or non-binary and demanded recognition of the “queer” Body of Christ:

More than 100 Catholic church officials in Germany came out as LGBT, queer or non-binary on Monday, adding to calls for reform within the crisis-hit church.


The 125-strong group, which includes priests and workers in education and administration, published a statement demanding an end to the “discrimination and exclusion” they had experienced.

“I don’t want to hide my sexual identity any more,” Uwe Grau, a priest in the diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, was quoted on the group’s website as saying.

“We are part of the church,” added Raphaela Soden, who works in pastoral care for young adults and identifies as queer and non-binary. “We always have been. It’s time to finally make it clear that we exist and how wonderfully queer the body of Christ is.”

I am not a religious person, but I strongly believe that the Judeo-Christian tradition, especially as practiced in America before the leftists began challenging those norms, created the best possible country for the greatest number of people. No wonder leftists hate it—and with the LGBTQ+++ movement, they think they’ve found the tip to the spear attacking Christianity.

‘Medical emergency’ or victim of police violence?

A 53-year-old anti-vaccine demonstrator died after a police intervention. The tragic incident happened at protests near Berlin. A demonstrator allegedly tried to break through a police cordon. The police then took down his personal details. Shortly afterwards the man collapsed. He was taken to hospital and died there.

That is the official version according to the police. A video circulating on Telegram however showed what had really happened. It shows a police officer forcibly pushing a man to the ground.

On Monday, “walkers” took to the streets across Germany against the unspeakable Corona policy. Hundreds of participants strolled through the streets of Wandlitz, 25 km north of Berlin, to protest against the Corona regime. In this case, the demonstration was stopped by the police. Personal details were taken.

The 53-year-old man allegedly collapsed shortly after the police intervention, and a “medical emergency” was reported. Police officers are said to have rushed to the man’s aid as first responders until the ambulance arrived to take him to hospital. Shortly afterwards, the individual died in hospital.

But for users on Telegram it is clear: The man had been a victim of police violence.

“This was not a medical emergency, this was a death by police violence. And the responsibility for this violence is borne by all the politicians who have been demanding or ordering a ‘tougher stance’ against peaceful strollers for months,” the Telegram channel of Freie Sachsen commented on this unspeakable incident.

Finnish politician begins hate speech trial for using Bible quotes in LGBT debate, faces up to two years in prison

Paivi Maria Rasanen, source: Wikipedia.

The trial of Paivi Maria Rasanen started earlier this week in Helsinki. The former Finnish minister of the interior and Christian Democrat MP arrived in court with the Bible from which she quoted passages that she is standing trial over.

According to Finnish media outlets, Rasanen had taken part in proceedings concerning hate speech legislation in the past, and she will now be tried in court over her comments. She is also accused of criticizing the Lutheran Church in Finland for supporting the LGBT movement and a pride parade in Helsinki, as well as for writing a book about the Christian vision of a family.

Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola is being tried with her for publishing Rasanen’s book. Both of them face up to two years in prison for insulting homosexuals.

In her posts, Räsänen included a photo of the Bible passage Romans Chapter one, verses 24-27, which condemns homosexuality as a sin.

Rasanen had testified that the vision of marriage that she presented stemmed from her Christian faith, which proclaims that a marriage can only be a union between man and woman, as is written in the Bible. She underlined that these views did not come from hatred towards anyone.

In an interview with the Finnish national broadcaster last year, Räsänen responded to the charges, saying, “This is deeply about freedom of religion and freedom of expression. If these writings are banned, then much more will be banned. Then come the modern book burnings that target the teachings of the Bible. I will not apologize for the teaching of the Bible — I stand by them.

“The question is about the Bible’s teaching about marriage and sexuality. Ultimately, the three charges brought against me have to do with whether it is allowed in Finland to express your conviction that is based on the traditional teaching of the Bible and the Christian faith. The Bible’s teaching is, however, that marriage is a union between man and wife and that practicing homosexuality is against God’s will.”

The prosecutor general declared in the presence of three judges that “whoever criticizes the proceedings of homosexuals, intentionally provokes hatred towards homosexual people.”

The accused’s lawyer Lorcan Price reminded that the Finnish constitution guarantees freedom of speech and of belief. He noted that the lawsuit will have huge importance for the future of Finnish democracy and respect for Christian rights.

“Even if they are found not guilty, people will become increasingly more hesitant to openly expressing their opinions in fear of facing a trial,” he said.

The attorney Price reminded that under the pretext of defending LGBT people, more and more countries were introducing legislation which restricted discussion about LGBT issues. An example of this is the proposed Zan law in Italy, which if passed, would violate the rights of Christians when it comes to freedom of speech, opinion and education.

Scientific miracle: German MPs stay immune against Covid longer than ordinary citizens

The Coronavirus seems to be the world’s first political virus with a fine sense of privilege. This is evident, for instance, in the fact that German ministers like Karl Lauterbach appear to be less contagious than his subordinates.

This is the conclusion after a picture of Lauterbach circulated via social media. In a post with the following text: “Here’s to good cooperation. With General Breuer, the head of the crisis team, the logistics of vaccine supply will soon be significantly improved. For the first time with a general in a team game.”

None of their medical justifications explain why high-ranking officials should sit together at a table without wearing a mask while the subordinates in the room should be masked.

The same goes for the weekly Federal Press Conference where the government spokespersons up on stage can take off their masks, but the journalists down in the hall have to keep them on when asking questions – although this invariably leads to communication problems.

This political sensitivity of the virus certainly also explains why, for example, Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) feasted on three-course meals with the police during the lockdown and his boss Bavarian President Markus Söder, unlike common mortals, was spared quarantine after contact with someone who had tested positive. Others faced extremely harsh penalties for the same transgressions.

The virus is political

The political orientation of the virus has reached a new peak. With the click of a mouse, the Robert Koch Institute has further curtailed the basic rights of millions of German citizens who have been diagnosed with the virus, by reducing the validity of this status to two months overnight.

A person who had been infected with Covid-19 was previously considered recovered for six months. This period has now been shortened. People who have been infected in future will be considered as recovered for three months only. A booster vaccination is then recommended.

The time frame is effectively two months – not three – since only those who can show a positive PCR test result that is at least 28 days old are considered recovered.

Those who have survived a virus-related illness are, according to the results of a number of medical studies, better protected against a new infection with subsequent illness than those who have been injected and boosted. But the German administration has no interest in scientific studies which contradict them.

Switzerland, for example, extended this status to twelve months. The scientific basis for this decision is therefore so wafer-thin that even German state broadcaster ZDF – tireless vaccine shills – have been left red-faced to explain the meanderings of the political virus.

Lauterbach spokesman Hanno Kautz eventually let the cat out of the bag at the press briefing: One could see the shortening of the convalescent status “also as an incentive to get vaccinated”.

George Orwell’s Animal Farm has turned into a circus

So while the common mortal is protected by recovery for only two months, MPs, fortunately, remain protected by it for six months. For their access to the Bundestag, they have been given longer immunity. By flashing a positive PCR laboratory test, MP’s will be able to attend plenary sessions for six months. The reason for this is a general decree issued by Bundestag President Bärbel Bas (SPD) for parliament, even before the reduction was announced by the RKI.

The ex-member of parliament Elisabeth Moschmann noted on Twitter: “If it’s true that the convalescent status in the Bundestag is still 6 months, that’s the last straw. One can hardly believe it.” She added: “Privileges for MPs? All people are equal, but MPs are ‘more equal’?”

From a formal legal point of view, this status is untenable. But it serves as yet another prime example of the extent of contradiction and absurdity that the Corona regulations in Germany have reached.

According to a new study by the Paul Ehrlich Institute, a federal authority, antibodies can be detected for 430 days after a Corona infection “without an endpoint being foreseeable”. The same Paul Ehrlich Institute, which advises the Minister of Health, was partly responsible for shortening the convalescent status to 62 days, for the common mortals.

Afghan Refugee Who Sexually Assaulted 3-Year-Old Girl Claimed It Was Okay In His Culture

This should not be confused with the other Afghan sexual abuse of an underage minor at Fort McCoy which involved underage boys.

Bahrullah Noori, 20, is charged with one count of attempting to engage in a sex act with a minor by force and three counts of engaging in a sex act with a minor. One of the latter counts also alleges the use of force. Investigators say both of Noori’s alleged victims were under the age of 16.

The indictment specifically alleges that Noori touched the genitalia of one of his victims on three separate occasions while at Fort McCoy, an Army installation located approximately 100 miles northwest of Madison. One of the alleged assaults occurred in a barrack, while the other two took place in a bathroom.

This case involving Mohammed Tariq took place at Quantico Marine Corps Base.

A federal jury has convicted an Afghan refugee of sexually assaulting a 3-year-old girl at Quantico Marine Corps Base where he was housed.

Tariq was arrested in September at Camp Upshur in Quantico after Marines observed him fondling the girl, who was not related to him, above her clothes on her private parts.

According to court papers, Tariq tried to explain through interpreters that his conduct was acceptable in his culture. Efforts to have his statements suppressed were rejected by the judge.

Weren’t we supposed to be bringing “interpreters” to America? All these interpreters seem to need interpreters.

But he’s right, insofar that it is. The underlying question here is whether we want that culture in America. It’s unfortunate that we never got to ask that question because it’s only going to become a more pressing issue as we import more Afghans.

An Afghan evacuee has been charged with the rape of a woman in Missoula, Montana, the state’s governor said Thursday – and he called for the Biden administration to halt all refugee resettlements until assurances are made about the vetting process.

Do we have enough interpreters yet?

France: Muslim with knife holding a Quran threatens churchgoers

According to our information, on Tuesday January the 25th, a person of “North African” descent, Norredine A., was arrested and taken into custody by the police (BAC) at the Basilica of Notre-Dame de la Trinité in Blois. It was 4.45 pm when the latter entered the sanctuary. An employee of the basilica, who had become aware of the suspicious behaviour of the man wearing a djellaba, witnessed him coming and going. After asking a volunteer if he was the priest, the man took a seat in the choir room, which is actually reserved for the clergy. Soon after, the man was asked to leave the basilica.

The man stood in the middle of the nave, his body turned towards Mecca, and began to pray, as we have gathered from witness statements. “He really seemed to be in a kind of frenzy … as described by those who encountered the killers at the Bataclan before they carried out their carnage,” one of our sources said. The police were alerted and intervened. Within five minutes, a BAC patrol was on the scene and arrested the man, who offered no resistance. A worshipper at the shrine told the police that she had already seen him at the basilica the previous day.

In the course of the search of the person, a Quran and a long kitchen knife were found still attached to his belt. He was taken into police custody and his flat was searched. The man was unknown to the French security agency SDAT and the DGSI and was not registered as an Islamist “S”. However, he was known for other offences. A lone wolf? The man claimed to be “Prince of Jerusalem”. “Another madman!” said a source familiar with the investigation.

It is not the first time that the Basilica of Notre-Dame de la Trinité in Blois has been the target of an attack. And specifically on its parish priest. Father Vincent, who was not present at the time of the incident, told us “his concern” on the phone. He had already filed a complaint in recent months after receiving explicit threats by phone.

So what was going on at the Basilica Notre-Dame de la Trinité in Blois on Tuesday afternoon? Was a jihadist knife attack miraculously foiled? According to our information, the public prosecutor of Blois instructed the police station to record the man for simple possession of a weapon without informing the criminal investigation department. At this point, the National Anti-terrorism Prosecutor’s Office (PNAT) has not yet dealt with the case.

The youth spokesman for the French Communists’ presidential candidate deplores “the constant mix-up that is made between Islamism and terrorism”

The coverage by Zone Interdite is causing some frowning. This is at least true for the youth spokesperson of the La France Insoumise (LFI) party, David Guiraud. He was a guest on the Calvi 3D programme on BFMTV on Monday January 24. He sat opposite the director of the documentary Michaëlle Gagnet and the presenter Yves Calvi, among others. As a reminder, M6 aired a report entitled “Face au danger de l’Islam radical, les réponses de l’Etat” (Faced with the danger of radical Islam, the state’s responses) on Sunday January 23. Zone Interdite focused on several French cities such as Marseille, Trappes or Roubaix.

The television images about the city in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region have attracted a lot of attention. Some parts of the city are said to be dominated by radical Islam. For example, the programme shows “faceless dolls” sold in toy shops in Roubaix “to respect an ultra-radical version of Islam that forbids the representation of human beings”. Or a first primary school class where boys and (veiled) girls are taught separately. And even a restaurant where women can eat undisturbed without wearing the veil.

For David Guiraud, this reportage would be “an attack to destroy the reputation of a whole city” and one would be “building an anti-Muslim field of conflict”. The member of the radical left party “came” to BFMTV “to say how much your reportage (addressed to Michaëlle Gagnet, editor’s note) harms the people of Roubaix”. He also denounced “non-honest (journalistic) methods”. Before making it very clear on stage: “There is a constant mix-up that is made between Islamism and terrorism.”

A statement to which he was immediately challenged by moderator Yves Calvi: “There are no links between Islamism and terrorism?” David Guiraud preferred to respond with a counter question: “How many terrorists or terrorist networks have been uncovered by this documentary? None.” An answer that could be perceived as vague and missing the point. Zone Interdite was in fact researching a growing communitarianism and radical Islam in the city of Roubaix, not terrorism. “With a lot of cleverness, you are making this documentary appear to be something it is not,” Yves Calvi finally denounced on BFMTV.