Mayor issues decree to shoot German vaccine critics

The large town of Ostfildern in the district of Esslingen near Stuttgart in Germany issued a “general decree” on January 26, 2022, according to which peaceful walkers can now also be shot if they take part in protests against the leftwing government’s Corona measures.

In order to ensure that the ban on assembly in Germany is observed, the use of direct coercion, i.e. physical violence or the use of weapons, have been ordered. After weighing up the conflicting interests, this is “proportionate and necessary” because there are no other means that would discourage potential anti-vaccine participants from walking, the decree states.

This death penalty was imposed and signed by SPD Mayor Christof Bolay (54) on January 26, 2022 and came into effect on January 28. It is unclear whether and how the municipal council was involved in his decision. To date, there have been no large anti-vaccine walks in this insignificant town with around 30 000 inhabitants. The highest number of strolling participants seems to have been less than 150 people.

The quality of leadership raises eyebrows

The Socialist Bolay was never in the Bundeswehr, so he has no weapons training. In fact, the militant mayor from Ostfildern does not appear to have any professional qualifications. Nevertheless, he has threatened armed violence.

The governing leftist clique from Stuttgart shares Bolay’s convictions, where the former Maoist Winfried Kretschmann serves as the Green chief of Baden-Württemberg with the toughest Corona measures. Only the courts and other federal states have managed to slow down Kretschmann’s vaccine fever. The state’s opposition CDU Interior Minister Thomas Strobl, the son-in-law of ex-Bundestag President Schäuble, is however also a jab fanatic.

The current German “elite” has been described as a kakistocracy, a government run by the worst, least qualified, and most unscrupulous citizens. The word was coined as early as the seventeenth century.

Similarly, the jab shill and leader of the Green party Ricarda Lang, is not only a 28-year-old college dropout, with no professional training or significant experience in normal working life, but boasts about being the “first openly bisexual member of parliament”.

The general decree from Ostfildern has rightly alarmed Twitter users with hundreds expressing their shock at the decree. Tens of thousands of people have been taking to the streets on Mondays across Germany for weeks, protesting during “walks” against the Covid measures taken by the federal and state governments.

Posing with Anitfa

The “walks” are a thorn in the side of politicians, and numerous cities have banned the unannounced but legal protests. “The demonstrations are increasing, what is increasing above all is the increased participation of right-wing extremists,” lamented Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD).

Where are these right-wing extremist masses supposed to come from all of a sudden? Incidentally, the SPD politician had her picture taken with Antifa adherents from her home district. Recently it came to light that Antifa had drawn up a “death list” for 53 AfD politicians, together with instructions on how to make bombs. Another popular technique is “doxing” whereby the private details of conservative politicians are released and Antifa members are called on to carry out certain acts of violence against them.

Those who are not shot will be starved

The head of the German Employment Agency, Detlef Scheele, announced that if a general Corona vaccination obligation is introduced, those who do not obey would see their benefits evaporate.

Scheele told the newspapers of the Funke-Mediengruppe: “We as the Federal Agency must then also check whether a lack of vaccination leads to a blocking period.” A blocking period means that an unemployed, unvaccinated person will not receive unemployment benefits for a certain period of time.

Migrant crisis 2.0: Asylum applications in Europe approach 2016 levels

Last November, the second-highest number of asylum applications in European countries since 2016 was reported by the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), with the largest group of applicants from Afghanistan.

Member states of the European Union, together with Norway and Switzerland, recorded 71,400 asylum applications last November, the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) stated in a report. It is the second-highest figure in one month since 2016, when the biggest refugee crisis occurred in Europe.

The November numbers are almost identical to those of last September. However, those were extraordinarily high as they included requests for evacuation from Kabul after the Taliban took power in Afghanistan.

An upward trend?

According to the report, these figures may indicate an upward trend in the number of asylum applications to Europe, which can be observed since May 2021. An exception was October 2021, when about 6,000 fewer applications were recorded compared to September and November.

The increase is due to the rising number of applications from several countries affected by war or other humanitarian crises. The largest group of applicants remains Afghan citizens, who filed around 13,000 asylum applications during November (the second-highest number in one month since September 2016). The second-largest group of applicants was Syrians, with 11,500 applications (the highest number since 2016).

At least parts of Syria have been labeled as safe to return to by some governments, but there are still powerful economic incentives for migrants in the Middle East and Africa to make their way to Europe.

However, the November increase also reflects the rising number of applications from other countries. Iraqis, the third most-numerous group of applicants, submitted 4,300 applications in November, the most since November 2017.

An increase in the number of applications was also recorded in November from citizens of Pakistan (2,800 applications), Venezuela (3,300), and Colombia (2,500). The increase in the number of asylum applications in European countries from citizens of these states has been observed more or less continuously since May 2021.

In the case of Turkey, whose citizens with 2,571 applications make up the sixth-largest group of applicants, there has been a jump over the last five years. The number of Turks’ applications for European asylum increased by as much as 506 percent between 2015 and 2021, reports the Ahval News website.

More ‘unaccompanied minor migrants’

In recent months, the EUAA has also seen an unusually high number of applications from unaccompanied minors. These minors submitted 3,300 asylum applications in October (most since 2015) and only a hundred fewer in November. Most of them came from Afghanistan, about 1,600 in October and 1,500 in November. Past research has shown that a large number of these migrants are actually adults posing as minors in order to obtain better conditions and avoid deportation.

On the other hand, there has been a decline in the number of European asylum applications from several countries in the last months of 2021. These include, for example, citizens of Morocco, Albania, and Northern Macedonia.

The recognition rate, which indicates the ratio of approved applications to their total number, was around 40 percent in November. According to the report, this was the highest figure in the last 19 months (except for September 2021). Almost three-quarters of the recognized applications were granted refugee status, while the rest were granted so-called subsidiary protection. This unusually high percentage was mainly caused by applications from Afghanistan, where refugee status was granted in nine out of ten cases.

Politicians keep silent on Muslim antisemitism to garner Muslim votes

by Giulio Meotti

Ahmed El Khannouss, powerful municipal councilor of Molenbeek and local head of the Humanist Democratic Center party, defended Imam Mohamed Toujgani, whose residence permit and access to Belgian territory have just been withdrawn for the next ten years. The decision was made by the Minister for Immigration, Sammy Mahdi, based on information from the security services indicating “a serious danger to national security”.

The reason? Imam Toujgani, among other accusations, called for “burning the Zionists”. Municipal Councilor Khannouss became famous in the media around the world after the Paris attacks, practically all of whose terrorists came from Molenbeek, of which he was deputy mayor at the time. In the meantime, none other than the socialist mayor of Molenbeek, Catherine Moureaux, arrived to speak out in defense of Mohamed Toujgani: “Given Toujgani’s function as President of the League of Imams of Belgium, I dare to hope that the minister has a really important new element to explain the adoption of this decision “.

Two important political figures have vouched for Imam Toujgani, who, as the Brussels Times recounts, also supports marriage for 9-year-old girls and who has had contact with convicted jihadists. That there was something sick about this great multicultural party was understood when Moureaux was elected mayor of Molenbeek. She was photographed surrounded only by men. The women have disappeared.

Journalist Marie-Cécile Royen describes this deadly symbiosis well in a story published in Le Vif entitled “How the Muslim Brotherhood took Belgium hostage”. “The socialist mayor”, writes the journalist, “has forged links with the Al-Khalil mosque of Imam Toujgani. The ability of the imams to mobilize the crowd makes some elected officials dizzy ”.

Also in Le Vif, Merry Hermanus, a former Socialist Party official, offers another explanation: “What would the Socialist Party vote be without the voting demands of mosques, some embassies and even Salafist preachers who loudly said to vote for Moureaux? Probably less than 10 percent in Brussels ”.

Next we must open the extraordinary book by Jean-Pierre Martin and Christophe Lamfalussy, Molenbeek-sur-djihad. “In Molenbeek, in an area of ​​just six square kilometers, there are 25 mosques. On a secret list, there are 20 other clandestine meeting places believed to have been frequented by various terrorists ”.

We read that the Al Khalil mosque of the expelled imam “occupies an entire block of the historic industrial district. During Ramadan, the mosque welcomes more than three thousand faithful. “Allahou akbar!” – At the beginning of each prayer, a real clamor is heard in the street ”.

The creation of the Al Khalil mosque dates back to 1978. Its founders were Syrian Muslim Brothers who lived in Aachen, Germany, across the Belgian border. The cousin of the imam, Tahar Toujgani, is an imam in a mosque in Antwerp and chairs the Council of Ulema in Belgium.

“The Toujgani have an influence far beyond Molenbeek. They sit on an advisory body created by the Belgian Muslim Executive, the official representative body of Muslim communities. Three days after the attacks in Brussels, Toujgani refused to recite the prayer in homage to the victims, on the pretext that it could not be dedicated to non-Muslims ”.

Socialist ostriches, like good appeasers, want to be eaten last by the monster crocodile they created.

The new chairman of the German Green Party hates Israel and wants to introduce Sharia into the constitution

Together with Ricarda Lang, Omid Nouripour will head the Greens.The choice for the federal chair is logical: a young woman without a migrant background and without professional competence heads the party together with a not-so-young migrant without professional competence.

It goes without saying that they must appoint a woman and a man at the top. And indeed, the visual distinction could not be greater: Here the massive German Ricarda Lang and there the “smart Persian”, as party friends like to call him.

Nouripour was born in Tehran in 1975 and came to Germany 13 years later. In 1997, he began his studies, which he dropped out of in 2002 to become a professional politician on the federal executive committee of the Green Party. In 2006, he replaced Joschka Fischer in the Bundestag, where he is still a member today. From 2009 to 2013, he was his party’s spokesperson on security policy, and since 2013 he has held the office of foreign policy spokesperson. Since then, he has been considered an expert on foreign policy.

Thus, while he did not categorically rule out the military fight against the terrorist organisation Islamic State (IS), he opposed arming Kurdish fighters in the war against them. On the other hand, he was in favour of economic sanctions against Russia. He also spoke out in favour of Ukraine’s accession to the EU, which is hardly feasible in view of current events.

Nouripour is considered the designated successor of Annalena Baerbock, should she resign as Foreign Minister. Here, however, the passionate Eintracht Frankfurt fan must be put off: In Germany, the resignation of politicians was abolished a long time ago.

The politician, who also has Iranian citizenship, is remembered in a particularly inglorious way when he was still on the advisory board of the German-Palestinian Society (DPG). The latter openly sympathised with the anti-Semitic BDS campaign, which called for a boycott of Israeli products.

In April 2013, Nouripour, together with other members of the Green parliamentary group, tabled a minor question in the German Bundestag aimed at labelling goods from Israeli settlements. In this way, it should be made visible whether a product comes from an Israeli settlement or from a Palestinian producer.

The German-Iranian publicist and spokesman of the “Green Party of Iran”, Kazem Mousavi, said: “A member of the democratic Bundestag must not promote and support the worst racist campaign of our time, BDS. The membership of the Iranian-born member of the Bundestag Nouripour in the advisory board of the anti-Israeli DPG not only harms German politics, but first and foremost supports the Holocaust-denying regime in Iran.”

The Muslim Nouripour seems to have a special relationship to Sharia, because he wants to introduce it in parts of Germany. The ex-Muslim civil rights activist Ali Utlu rightly says: “The colour of this party is the same as that of Islam. Green.

The Muslim Nouripour seems to have a special relationship to Sharia, because he wants to introduce it in parts of Germany. The ex-Muslim civil rights activist Ali Utlu rightly says: “The colour of this party is the same as that of Islam. Green. Will they then one day also kill homosexuals and cut off limbs? Nip it in the bud!”

He (Omid Nouripour, editor’s note) expressed the view in the German Parliament that “the passages [of the Sharia] that are compatible with the constitution can also be applied”. In effect, he was calling for Islamic jurisprudence to be established in Germany, at least in part. How exactly Sharia law, which provides for stoning, flogging or even the death penalty for certain offences, is supposed to be compatible with the German Constitution, Nouripour did not say. Sharia law fundamentally assumes the inferiority of women and provides men with numerous privileges – especially in inheritance law and marriage law. The founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal, abolished it in 1928 as a pre-modern and outdated relic and introduced Swiss civil law in Turkey. The founder of modern Turkey deliberately refrained from adopting any Islamic law. In Germany, a kind of questionable lay judiciary has established itself in Muslim parallel worlds, which places Sharia law above the German rule of law.

France’s Macron Tries to Reclassify Muslim Terrorism as Mental Illness

There’s hardly a Muslim terrorist attack committed by a single perpetrator in Europe or America in the last five years that the authorities and the media haven’t tried to spin as mental illness.

Both Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, the Syrian Muslim mass killer who shot up a Boulder supermarket, and Faisal Akram, who took a Texas temple hostage to secure the release of ‘Lady Al Qaeda’, had their attacks blamed on mental illness.

But France continues to lead the world in whitewashing Muslim terrorism as mental illness.

When Sarah Halimi, a 65-year-old Jewish kindergarten director, was murdered by her Muslim neighbor while shouting, “Allahu Akbar”, the authorities gave her antisemitic killer a pass because his pot smoking had supposedly brought on a “psychotic” episode.

The Halimi murder had strong echoes of the previous killing of a Jewish DJ by a Muslim killer where the expert shrink had insisted that “it is not an anti-Semitic act but an act of delirium”

When Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, an ISIS Muslim terrorist, drove a truck into a Bastille Day celebration, ran over as many people as he could, and exchanged fire with police until he was killed, his family and the media insisted that he was mentally ill. “Nice Attacker Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel Wasn’t a Jihadist,” an NBC News headline blared even though Bouhlel had been collecting ISIS material and the Islamic terror group took responsibility for the attack.

“This is absolutely not an act of terrorism,” a French prosecutor insisted after another Muslim man rammed into a crowd in Dijon while shouting, “Allahu Akbar” and announced that he did so for the “children of Palestine.” The prosecutor also claimed that he had no religious motives.

These weren’t random decisions. Rather French authorities have been trying to reclassify Islamic terrorism as a psychological problem in much the same way that the Obama administration had deliberately reoriented and destroyed counterterrorism in the United States.

Former French Interior Minister Gerard Collomb had taken to claiming that a third of terrorists have “psychological issues”. This worldview is reflected by France’s FSPRT master list of Islamic Jihadists which serves as the key database for fighting domestic terrorism in France.

Now the Macron government is trying to rewire Europe’s counterterrorism the same way.

recent memo from France to the Council of the European Union argues that the “Jihadist threat is evolving” to become “independent from terrorist organizations” and that the perpetrators only have “a tenuous or inexistent link to the radical movement” and suffer from “psychological instability or even mental disorders.”    

Additionally, the French memo blames the victims of Islamic terrorism by arguing that the terrorists are triggered by the “the extremely sensitive nature of the notion of blasphemy” which can cause Muslims who are “outside of the jihadist sphere of influence to carry out attacks.”

Within a few paragraphs the French memo to the EU has managed to dismiss the entire idea that Al Qaeda, ISIS, and other Islamic terrorist groups are relevant, then the existence of Islamic terrorism as a whole, reducing it to a question of mentally ill non-terrorists who are triggered by “blasphemy” so that their brutal attacks are really the fault of their non-Muslim victims.

As an example, the French memo to the EU lists the brutal beheading of Samuel Paty, a French teacher, by a Muslim refugee furious over his use of Mohammed cartoons as a teaching tool.

President Emmanuel Macron, at the time, had appeared at the scene and blasted the horrifying murder as “a typical Islamist terrorist attack”.

“They won’t win,” he had declared.

But the EU memo suggests that like previous French presidents, Macron was playing to the crowd, and has no intention of fighting Islamic terrorism, instead he seeks to redefine it.

France currently holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union giving it even more authority than usual and the memo concludes by asking member states to agree to a “six-monthly EU threat assessment in the field of counterterrorism.”

What this amounts to is the Halimi case writ large all across Europe.

Reclassifying Muslim terrorism as mental illness has been a longstanding project of the terrorism deniers. It’s been especially popular in France which due to its laïcité secularism is even more unable and unwilling to grapple with the theological motivations of Islamic terror.

The ‘medicalization’ of terrorism is convenient because it transforms an external threat into an internal social problem which is exactly what the Europeans had been doing with Islamic terrorism for generations. Muslim terrorists can appear paranoid, delusional, and unstable, but psychiatric standards based around a 21st century European middle class urban population are a particularly poor fit for gauging what is normal for a culture entirely outside that worldview.

Whether any Muslim terrorists can indeed be diagnosed as suffering from mental illess is as relevant to the nature of the beast as the number of schizophrenic SS or NKVD killers. Totalitarian movements, whether it’s the kamikazes of Imperial Japan or the suicide bombers of Hamas, often draw on mentally unstable killers who are readier to die for the cause.

But to say that Islamic terrorism is the product of mental illness is in its own way as delusional as reducing WWII to an etiology of the possible mental illnesses that Hitler or Stalin could be diagnosed with. Insane people participating or even leading totalitarian movements doesn’t mean that the problem is mental illness or that it can be solved by taking a few pills a day.

The Macron government’s attempt to shift the emphasis from a religious war to psychological screening is the true delusion here. Releasing Islamic terrorists, as the French government has done, while insisting that they go to therapy sessions is a refusal to grapple with the root causes of immigration, migration, and the ‘mosqueization’ of French cities by Islamic movements.

The Texas temple terrorist attack showed us that the European failure to police its Islamic terror threat isn’t just a problem for Europeans. From the Hamburg cell at the heart of the September 11 attacks to the latest Texas attack, Europe remains a springboard for attacks on America.

And if France succeeds in imposing its medicalized notion of terrorism on the European Union, it will be that much harder to keep it from further corrupting American counterterrorism.

“In our fight against Islamist terrorism, we will never give in,” President Macron had previously promised. The EU memo looks like a Vichy exercise for finding an excuse to surrender.

Embalmers discover strange, rubbery ‘worms’ in bodies of the jabbed

The curious white strings blocking the arteries and veins of the vaccinated. Screen shot from Rumble

Dr Jane Ruby spoke to embalmer Richard Hirschman for the Stew Peters Show on Thursday about “strange, rubbery” plugs found in the veins of deceased Americans. Hirschman took a number of photos of the “worms”, which were shown during the interview.

Many vaccinated people who end up on Hirschman’s cutting table have died of a heart attack or stroke. He took long, fibrous strings from one of the bodies. The red part looks like a normal blood clot, but the white fibrous material was not normal, Hirschman said.

The embalmer said a blood clot normally breaks apart easily when touched. “But this white stuff is pretty strong,” he explained. “It’s very pliable, it’s very hard. It is not normal.”

“I’ve contacted colleagues and they see the same thing,” he told Ruby. Hirschman added that the number of people with these types of “worms” has increased by 50 to almost 80 percent in recent times. “I am very concerned about the future.”

Hirschman is now trying to figure out what the material consists of. “My gut tells me it’s caused by the vaccine. I can’t prove that, but if this is caused by the vaccine, just imagine how many people will die in the future,” he said.

“If this tissue ends up in your brain, you’ll have a stroke. If it gets in your heart, you’ll have a heart attack. People need to know this,” he emphasized.

When asked how often he encounters these mysterious strings, he replied: “On 20-24 of the 35 people I have embalmed this month.”

France: Samir disapproved of his sister’s liaison with Kevin because he was “French and not a Muslim” and killed Kevin with a knife thrust

Isabelle, the mother of Kevin, who was killed by a knife thrust in Avignon in 2013, has to litigate for the fourth time against her son’s murderer, who, after an appeal process, has received two sentences suspended consecutively due to formal errors.Hate has not been a part of her world until now. She herself kept hatred in check when her 21-year-old son Kévin was stabbed to death near her home in the Champfleury neighbourhood of Avignon (Vaucluse) on December 28, 2013. Then, when the investigation revealed that the perpetrator, Samir Kouider, had committed the crime because he disapproved of his sister’s relationship with Kevin. Also during the two subsequent court proceedings, in 2017 in Avignon and two years later in the appeal proceedings in Nîmes. (…) Le Parisien

On January 21, she learned that the Court of Cassation had overturned the Montpellier jury’s verdict of March last year in the third jury trial against the defendant [Translator’s note: After guilt has been established, the court must decide on the sentence at the next trial]. .

“I am fed up. I didn’t want to hate from the beginning, but now it’s come to this. I fought for my other two sons not to have hate.
I told them to believe in justice… What should I tell them now?” asks Isabelle Cauet. (…) Le Dauphiné

General Michael Flynn Says Globalists Created COVID and “One of the Big Reasons Was to Steal an Election”