French council slammed for €5.2 million taxpayer-funded facility to house young, unaccompanied migrants

A French municipal council has been criticized for the construction of a reception facility due to accommodate young, unaccompanied migrants, after it emerged the cost to taxpayers will be €5.2 million and it will only house 28 minors, less than half than originally planned.

Local officials defended the building of the child protection establishment in Vern-sur-Seiche, near Rennes on Monday evening at a council meeting.

Anne-Françoise Courteille, vice-president of the Ille-et-Vilaine Departmental Council and delegate for child protection, insisted that it is a “mandatory mission to meet the basic needs of a child,” and explained that in Ille-et-Vilaine alone, 743 isolated young people are cared for, including 358 minors and 385 young people under 22 years of age.

“They come from Morocco, Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, Algeria, Afghanistan… and more than 97 percent of them are men,” she noted.

Initial proposals showed that the new facility would be equipped to accommodate 66 minors, with the local mayor learning of its drastically reduced capacity via the press back in November of last year.

As well as the economical cost to the council, the societal impact of accepting unaccompanied migrants was also considered at the meeting, with opposition politicians calling on other areas to take on their fair share.

“There should be a fairer distribution according to the population. Vern should accommodate six minors,” objected Laurence Mercier, departmental councilor, highlighting that local young people in need of assistance “would like to have identical conditions.”

Didier Moyon, the former mayor of the town insisted that the “mixing of societies is an opportunity.

“Welcoming refugees is a value that we have made ours,” he added.

Construction of the facility is expected to be completed in April.

Freedom convoys revving up in the Netherlands for ‘prelude to national action’

Dozens of trucks and tractors kicked off a series of freedom convoys in Leeuwarden on Sunday morning. The Dutch action is a follow-up to the Freedom Convoy in Canada with tens of thousands of truckers protesting against Corona measures.

In Zeeland, the activists gathered in the parking lot of the ANWB near Kapelle. After consultation with the police, the procession, the ‘Freedom Convoy Zeeland’, left for a tour through the province.

A procession of truckers and motorists also travelled on the busy A59. The convoy departed from the carpool area at Maarheeze to pass through the province of Brabant. The participants fear that they will lose their freedom and the vaccine will be used as a means of coercion. They carried banners stating “We are not an experiment”.

The IKEA in Zwolle was designated as the collection point for the Overijssel region. Via the Telegram group “Convoy NL Overijssel”, truck drivers were called upon to gather befor lunch for a tour of the province.

Truckers and sympathizers also made a tour through the province of Flevoland on Sunday afternoon as a protest against the Corona dictates. The group gathered around at the De Aalscholver parking lot along the A6.

A demonstration which started at 13:00 in Harselaar in Gelderland, drove through Stroe, Harskamp, ​​Otterlo, Voorthuizen and Barneveld. In the course of the afternoon there were major traffic jams on the route.

The organization behind Convoy Nederland says that the provincial freedom convoys are the prelude to a national action, which should take place on February 7 when truckers will drive to the capital and from there to Brussels. The demonstrations are organized via Telegram groups, where tens of thousands of people have already registered in a few days.

The organisers of the Dutch convoy told broadcaster Ongehoord Nederland that everyone would be welcome to demonstrate. “We won’t allow people to be pigeonholed,” said the initiators. They emphasized that the action was a call on governments to respect the fundamental rights of citizens.

The truckers can look forward to a lot of support. “We must not forget how essential transport traffic is to our society. If these people no longer accept it, they [truckers] really have the power to change something,” said lawyer Raisa Blommestijn.

In the Netherlands, it’s “Civilized” to Empower Terrorists

by Bruce Bawer

Her name is Soumaya Sahla. Born in The Hague in 1983 to Moroccan immigrants (her father was the founder of a mosque in that city), she joined a jihadist terror organization, the Hofstad group, at a young age, and along with another member of the group, Noureddine el Fahtni, to whom she’d been married in an Islamic ceremony, acquired an Agram 2000 submachine gun, which they were reportedly planning to use, at the direction of the leaders of the Hofstad group, to kill various politicians. Among their intended victims were Geert Wilders, then a relatively new member of the Dutch lower house, the Tweede Kamer, who’d made a name for himself as a critic of the Islamization of the Netherlands, and the Somali-born Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who’d rejected her Muslim faith after 9/11 and been elected to the Tweede Kamer in 2002.

The year was 2005. The previous few years had been a busy time for assassination and assassination plots. On May 6, 2002, nine days before a general election from which he was expected to emerge as prime minister of the Netherlands, Pim Fortuyn had been murdered by an activist named Volkert van der Graaf who was appalled by his criticisms of Islam. In the summer of 2004, Sahla’s husband, Fahtni, had been arrested in Portugal on suspicion of planning to kill that country’s then prime minister, JosĂŠ Manuel DurĂŁo Barroso, but there had not been sufficient evidence to hold him. A few months later, on the morning of November 2, 2004, a fellow member of the Hofstad group, Mohammed Bouyeri, had slaughtered the celebrated writer and filmmaker Theo van Gogh – perhaps the Netherlands’ most prominent critic of Islam – on a busy street in Amsterdam.

Sahla and Fahtni’s plans, however, did not prove as successful as Bouyeri’s. On June 22, 2005, they were both arrested by Amsterdam police.

Fahtni ended up serving six months. Sahla spent nine years in and out of court. First, she was convicted by a Rotterdam court of illegally possessing weapons and of membership in a terrorist organization with the intent to commit murder. Later, the Court of Appeal in The Hague found her guilty, in addition, of planning to murder Wilders and others. In 2011, however, the Supreme Court annulled that ruling and transferred the case to the Amsterdam Court of Appeal, which in 2014 found Sahla guilty of membership in a terrorist organization and possession of firearms but not of intention to kill anybody. Although sentenced to three years, she didn’t have to spend any time in prison because of the time she’d already served in detention.

During that long trial period, Sahla had studied political science, African Studies, and Islamic theology. She’d also, curiously enough, become the protegĂŠe of Frits Bolkestein, a legendary figure in the center-right VVD (People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy). As the newspaper Het Parool put it the other day, Bolkestein “led her into the party” in 2011 – that is, while her case was still under adjudication – “unseen and without causing a fuss.” It’s been established that Bolkestein knew about her history. So did other VVD leaders. Not one of them, apparently, considered it a reason not to give her a responsible party position. Sahla began her career in the VVD as head of its deradicalization and terror group; as of the beginning of this year, she’d risen in the party ranks to become – simultaneously – head of the VVD’s security and justice division, chair of a party advisory committee on deradicalization and terror, and “right-hand” woman to Bolkestein.

It’s worth noting that the current head of the VVD, Mark Rutte, is also prime minister of the Netherlands, a position he has held since 2010.

Not until January 18 of this year did Sahla’s past become a problem. On that day, during a discussion in the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of the Dutch parliament, Wilders, who since 2006 has been head of the PVV (Freedom Party) and who since 2004 has had to live with round-the-clock security owing to jihadist death threats, raised the subject of Sahla, saying that someone who’d been issued a gun with which to kill him and Ayaan Hirsi Ali had no business in a leading position in the country’s ruling party. Wilders also mentioned Sahla’s sister Fonda, who, as it happens, is a politician for the centrist D66 and a colleague of Wilders’s in the Tweede Kamer, where she routinely wears a hijab.

Did representatives from other parties join Wilders in expressing outrage over the VVD’s employment of a woman who’d actively sought his death? No. They protested his bad manners. Rutte, obviously a man of exquisite sensitivity, said Wilders’s behavior had been uncivilized.

Still, the VVD knew this didn’t look good for them. On January 23, Claudia Kammer wrote in NRC Handelsblad that in the wake of Wilders’s criticism, VVD felt “ongemak” – discomfort – about her role in the party. (Not profound shame or self-disgust or a sense of mortification – discomfort.) On January 25, VVD was described as “embarrassed.” Part of the problem for the VVD was that Sahla had never really disavowed her terrorist history. On the contrary, in a 2019 interview with the newsmagazine Elsevier she’d called the long years of legal actions against her a “show trial.” It’s also relevant to note that in the last few years, when not seeing to her VVD duties, Sahla has been engaged in Ph.D. research, her objective being to determine whether “liberal Western thinking” is preferable to the “orthodox world view” of Islam. In other words, Sahla still doesn’t seem to have figured out whether she’s put the ideology of jihad behind her.

Well, she’ll have more time hereafter to ponder that question. On January 26, after a few days of intense intraparty debates, Sahla quit her position at the VVD – but not her party membership – and, for the first time, explicitly professed to regret her terrorist background. In an op-ed for NRC Handelsblad, Gerard Spong, a lawyer in Amsterdam, lamented her resignation, saying that Wilders had “overdramatized” the situation and criticizing both Wilders and VVD leaders for failing to recognize that “in a constitutional state, a convict who has served his/her sentence and who has been rehabilitated cannot be punished twice for a wrong step in the past.” Spong compared Sahla to Nelson Mandela: “He was also convicted of participating in a terrorist organization (the ANC). After 27 years in prison, he was released and for many years held South Africa’s highest office.”

NRC Handelsblad cartoonist Siegfried Woldhek, too, considered Sahla a victim of injustice. Naming her his “woman of the week,” he complained that “three years in prison and a public expression of regret were apparently insufficient for the VVD to want to keep her on.” In an angry op-ed, Andreas Kinneging, a professor of legal philosophy and Sahla’s Ph.D. supervisor, described her as the victim of “a witch hunt” of a kind that is unworthy of “a civilized country.” The editors of the daily newspaper Trouw stood up for her, too, insisting that in a country like the Netherlands people like Sahla deserved to get “a second chance.”

This coming May 6 will be the twentieth anniversary of the assassination of Pim Fortuyn, who promised to save the Netherlands from a process of Islamization that he viewed, quite rightly, as an existential threat to the individual liberty of which the Netherlands had been a beacon for centuries. Three years after Fortuyn’s death came the butchering of Theo van Gogh. Not long afterward, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, whose criticism of Islam was seen as particularly potent since she herself had been raised in the religion – was driven out of parliament and obliged to emigrate to the U.S. Since then, the struggle to preserve Dutch liberty in the face of the increasingly powerful Islamic enemy within has been led by Wilders, abetted, since 2017, by Thierry Baudet of the FvD (Forum for Democracy). But the progress made by Fortuyn two decades ago, and instantly lost by his murder, has never been recovered.

On the contrary, this beautiful little country which, two decades ago, seemed to be on the verge of a remarkable rescue from a nightmarish fate, has become steadily more Islamized – which has meant, among much else, violent crime (especially against Jews, gays, and women). It’s meant increased self-censorship and cultural appeasement. And it’s meant that Dutch citizens who have the same understanding of Islam that Fortuyn did twenty years ago are even more reviled by their nation’s elites than he was, and – as evinced by Wilders’s multiple prosecutions for hate speech – are subject to judicial punishment for voicing objective truths about the Religion of Peace.

Meanwhile, a former terrorist like Sahla has been able to walk the corridors of power for over a decade – and even now is, almost certainly, viewed by most Dutch journalists, academics, and politicians as the virtuous victim of this recent episode, while Geert Wilders, the man she planned to kill, is the villain of the piece. Given the current atmosphere in the Netherlands, it seems safe to say a couple of things: first, that Wilders hasn’t seen his last “hate speech” trial; and second, that Sahla will soon enough find an even better job than the one she had with VVD. Because in a “civilized” country like the Netherlands, you see, involvement in Islamic terrorism is the act of a misguided soul who’s eminently deserving of forgiveness and rehabilitation (including employment on the highest level), whereas criticism of Islam is the act of an unrepentant boor whom enlightened citizens should do everything possible to marginalize, silence, and crush.

Islamists threaten an Islam-critical journalist and her French radio station – 10-metre-long graffiti “M6, you whore” painted on it

According to local police, an “8 to 10 metre long” graffiti was discovered by the Bac in Roubaix at around eight in the evening on Sunday January the 30th. Police were initially called to the scene after receiving a report that two people were placing graffiti on the Quai de Wattrelos in Roubaix. On the spot, officers determined that the graffiti was related to the Zone interdite programme on Islamism, which was broadcast on M6 on Sunday January 23 and in which a segment was dedicated to the city of Roubaix. “M6 de pute” (M6 is a whore) was written there in freshly applied paint.

The wall on which the message was written is located on the Roubaix canal, opposite the IT company OVH, one of the city’s largest employers. According to the police, the wall is adjacent to a brownfield site that houses a Roma camp. An investigation has been launched. On Monday January 31, the graffiti was still there.

The French daily “Le Figaro” denounces the collaboration of French politicians with Islamists, while the same Islamists threaten to kill people critical of Islam

M6 journalist Ophelie Meunier was threatened with death and placed under police protection after the “Zone interdite” investigation on radical Islam was broadcast. CĂŠline Pina laments a weak state that fails to fight separatism.

(…) What happens to Ophelia Meunier is no different from what happens to Mila. This is about enforcing Sharia-related rules by using political violence and exploiting the weakness of power. The accusation of Islamophobia becomes the new weapon of censorship. In both cases, the threat is concrete: there is a high probability that it will lead to action, and the state, which is not sufficiently capable of enforcing public order, only has the possibility of protecting the threatened person if it has the means to do so. The Islamist threat is real: those who refuse to remain silent immediately pay the price in their daily lives and live with the sword of Damocles of execution over their heads.

(…) These practices are not ignored by anyone, but politicians continue to turn a blind eye. The result is that those who denounce Islamist influence put themselves in real danger, while in some cities and constituencies it is possible to take power by having links with the representatives of the various sects of political Islam. So courage puts one in danger, while patronage pays off. So one can only hope that the political leadership will abandon the sinister ” as well as “, denouncing Islamism on the one hand, but pacting with it on the other by its links with the Muslim Brotherhood within the AMIF and its project of an institute for the training of imams, its thoughts on the halal tax, as well as its blindness to the assumption of the costs of building mosques by the cities via leasehold contracts, one of the main instruments of Islamist clientelism and the expansion of its influence. As long as the fight against separatism does not tackle the policy of influencing of identitarian Islam, journalists, teachers, police officers and whistleblowers will become political targets of attack.Islamism is the ideology that unites at its core the terrorist path and the political path and puts them at the service of the same goals: the re-Islamisation of people of Arab-Muslim origin and the transformation of Europe into a country of Islam.Le Figaro

BREAKING: Did Trudeau want to seek asylum in Germany ? Canadian government plane on its way back from Berlin at the moment

Canadian government plane on its way back from Berlin in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean heading for Trenton, New Jersey. Taken by me a few minutes ago. Trudeau must have been with Aunt Angela:

I would like to clarify that the dashed line means that the aircraft has masked its position and switched off the transponder. There is no position data, neither through contact with air traffic controllers, nor via satellite (see the blue aircraft symbols).