A private meeting among the vaccinated mutated into a super-spreader event demonstrating how Covid vaccines do not protect against infection.
It is a small island state in the North Atlantic with around 50 000 inhabitants: the Faroe Islands. At the beginning of December, no Omicron infections were recorded there. That changed when 33 caregivers got together for a private meeting. All of them had been boosted.
“In the following days, many of the participants developed clear Covid symptoms,” reported Report24. Despite having had the triple vaccination, the participants fell ill: “In the end, there was a total of 21 infected people. That corresponds to an infection rate of 63,6 percent.” All had had a negative Covid test 36 hours before the meeting. None of the people affected had to be treated in the hospital, because all of them – as is typical for Omicron – only showed mild symptoms.
“This once again impressively confirmed that the continuous series of booster vaccinations currently hailed as the “best protection against Omicron” in Germany do not actually have any noticeable effect, Report24 pointed out.
Similar results were also presented in a recently published study that included the case of the Faroe Islands. The authors concluded that current Corona vaccines do not work against this variant. “A striking feature of this variant is the large number of spike mutations that pose a threat to the efficacy of current Covid-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) vaccines and antibody therapies. This concern is amplified by the findings from our study.”
So far we have seen everywhere that vaccinated people become infected with Omicron at a disproportionately high rate. Official data from the UK’s National Immunization Management System has shown for the first time that the unvaccinated were less often hospitalized with Omicron (25 percent) relative to their proportion of the population (30 percent).
In Norway and Denmark Omicron has spread among those who have been vaccinated several times, Report24 underscored. “In Denmark, even a vaccination quota of over 80 percent was not enough to save the country from becoming one of the European hotspots for the Omicron variant: In mid-December, 84 percent of those infected with the Omicron variant were jabbed twice, nine percent of them even vaccinated three times.”
In Germany, the Robert Koch Institute on page 14 in its current weekly report, revealed that 95,6 percent of those who had tested positive for the Omicron variant had been “fully vaccinated”. Some 27 percent had even had a booster shot. Only 186 of a total of 4 206 registered cases with known vaccination status were unvaccinated.
Many scientists see this variant as a possible end to the pandemic. Virologist Isabella Eckerle from Geneva University Hospital confirmed: “Omicron is so contagious that this virus could be our ticket to the endemic situation.” She said that immunity to Sars-CoV-2 would become “more and more resilient and broader” over time.
Katalin Karikó, co-inventor of the mRNA vaccine and Vice President of Biontech, agreed that Omicron could be a possible way out of the pandemic.
There’s no escape from Omicron
Polar researchers in remote Antarctica have meanwhile also fallen victim to Covid, despite taking strict health precautions, being fully vaccinated, and thousands of kilometres away from civilization.
Two thirds of the 25 staff based in Belgium’s Princess Elisabeth Polar Station have caught Covid, the Le Soir newspaper reported, proving there is no escape from the global pandemic.
The Omicron outbreak happened despite all staff passing multiple PCR tests, quarantining and living in one of the most remote places on earth. Before leaving for the station, they all underwent a PCR test in Belgium two hours before flying to South Africa.
In South Africa, they quarantined for 10 days and took another PCR test. A further test was needed when leaving Cape Town for Antarctica and a final one five days after that.
There are two emergency doctors at the polar station, which will not allow any new arrivals until the virus dissipates.