“Shut your gob you stupid cow” – this is how Austrian vaccination doctors respond to patient questions about Covid

Patients have been shocked since it became known with which “ethical claims” medical professionals communicate in the Facebook group “Doctors versus Covid19”. There they discuss in the crudest jargon, they make fun of vaccination damage. Member of the National Council Christian Hafenecker ( Freedom Party of Austria) has summarised the atrocities in a video contribution:

A member of this honourable society, to which three to four thousand doctors belong according to various media reports, is also the president of the Medical Association, Thomas Szekeres, for whose resignation about 76,000 people have already signed a petition. And – particularly interesting – also senior physician Dr. Marton SzĂ©ll, a Corona Commission member and part of the National Vaccination Board.

According to the member of the National Council of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), Christian Hafenecker, Dr SzĂ©ll had made one of the most disgusting statements in this Facebook group. When asked what one does with a patient who refuses vaccination, SzĂ©ll, a doctor of tropical medicine, said verbatim:

Shut your gob, you stupid cow. (Halt die Fresse du dumme Sau.)

So this is how the Republic’s top Corona advisor talks.According to Hafenecker, who has leaked chats from the doctors’ group, the last straw was when Mr SzĂ©ll is said to have bragged about not issuing exemptions from vaccination on principle.

Particularly distasteful in these revealed chats is a message from a Carinthian doctor. When asked by a colleague what he should do with a patient who had received a Johnson&Johnson vaccination and who subsequently suffered facial paralysis, a colleague replied that he would give him the vaccination on the other side of the face so that the face would then become more straight again.

This shows the sense of responsibility and ethics with which physicians in Austria go about their work, said Hafenecker, who would now expect the President of the Chamber to intervene and face the corresponding consequences. Hafenecker also called on the federal government to immediately remove Mr Széll from both boards.

Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) party leader Herbert Kickl responded to a report by the weekly Wochenblick on this matter, saying on Facebook:

More and more alarming evidence is coming to light. The suspicion is growing that useful knowledge & “insider information” have been kept away from the general public in recent months. In the middle of it all: Medical Association President Thomas Szekeres! What is actually going on in this country? What is being covered up here?


Germany to raze a 1,000-year-old forest in the name of ‘going green’

By Monica Showalter

Germany, as we well know with its Russian gas capers, is a highly industrialized society in need of a lot of energy. 

Fine and dandy. But how they get it presents increasingly bad options.

They got rid of their nuclear power in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdown after a big earthquake in Japan, (despite Germany not being in a quake zone), driving themselves to dependency on foreign suppliers. That’s presented problems for them what with Russia filling that role, so their other recourse has been the one Joe Biden is touting for America: Green energy — like wind and solar power.

It’s costly, requiring state subsidization, given that Germany is not a big sunshine zone nor particularly windy:

But it’s costlier than just the wasted cash. They also are now looking at the loss of their 1,000-year-old Reinhardswald old-growth forest — known as the Grimm’s Fairy Tale forest.

German authorities, completely ignoring German sentiment about forests, which is quite mystical, have decided to mow down the big one to get some wind power put in, in the name of ‘going green.’ Like the Central Valley of California, which has been turned brown and starved of water in the name of ‘going green,’ Germany is trashing its most beautiful forest in the name of ‘going green.’ Funny how that works.

Reinhardswald is known as the Grimm’s Fairy Tale forest. In a weird conundrum (the Germans probably have a word for this) the greenie industrial complex has morphed into Rumplestiltskin, spinning wind into gold for the state of Hesse’s bureaucrats but demanding Germany’s first child as payment.

Don’t get us wrong: We are all for progress. But to call this ‘progress’ is pretty disgusting. How is it ‘progress’ to trash Germany’s 1,000 year-old irreplaceable forest? Germany has a big population, a lot of ugly postwar urban landscapes and yucky modern art. It has a few nice traditional places, too, but the big one for Germans is their beautiful ancient forests, the ones that eminent Germans like Goethe and Kant and Durer and Schubert likely walked through, marveled at, and drew inspiration from. Google ‘Reinhardswald’ at Google Images and see what this place looks like. There are also some likely practical reasons to keep the forest in reserve. In France, when roof of the Cathedral of Notre Dame burned in 2019, what was lost were old-growth beams that could not be replaced easily at all because the old-growth forests were gone. Germany would not have such a problem if it needed to harvest a couple of trees to save, say. the Cologne cathedral if it were, heaven forbid, to endure such a catastrophe. There are always unexpected reasons to want to conserve some unique and irreplaceable natural habitats.

P. Gosselin of WattsUpWithThat has been watching this travesty for awhile and has some excellent coverage:

About a year ago we reported on disturbing plans by the government of the German state of Hesse to clear 20 million square meters of 1000-year old “fairy tale” forest in one of Germany’s most idyllic, fairy tale-like forests: the Reinhardswald located in the hilly region west of the city of Göttingen.recommended by

The Reinhardswald is known as the “treasure house of European forests” or the “Grimm’s fairy tale forest”.

A total of about 2000 hectares ( 20 million mÂČ) of the thousand-year-old Reinhardswald was designated for destruction by the state in order to clear the way for a massive wind power plant development.

Conservatives, Greens ram project through

Tragically, that battle to stop the destructive project has been dealt a severe blow as the construction of access roads began 2 days ago. The massive resistance of the affected citizens was ignored by the Hesse state government, which ironically is governed by a coalition of the CDU conservatives and environmentalist Greens. Updates posted here.


Germans, to their credit, don’t care for this one bit and are protesting. The state actors who are doing this are an unholy political alliance of conservatives and greens who apparently don’t think they need to pay attention to the local sentiment, let alone their state’s heritage. Gosselin links to a nonpartisan German group called “Stop!” or Rettet-den-Reinhardswald.de (an impressively coded site) which has some excellent visualizations of what this butt-ugly specter is going to look like as 18 to as many as 50 wind turbines go up, as well as photos of what is going on now and information on the bad impact the plan will have on birds, wildlife, and the general eco-system. So much for ‘going green.’

It sounds like a money scam, with politicians and connected political business cronies planning to harvest themselves some green of the monetary kind. Germans are complaining that these characters are not paying attention to their petitions and not heeding their warnings about the impact of the destruction on the untouched old-growth forest. 

Which is very bad for Germany, given that such intransigence on a reasonable petition opens the door to extremism, as in eco-terrorists. At a minimum, it opens the door to ‘yellow vest’ or Canadian trucker type protests, given that German heritage is at stake. We may be seeing that in the future. What we also need to see is a lot of louder protest from the usual quarters, such as Pope Francis, who has spoken out a lot on global warming under the justification of conserving creation, and Hollywood characters like Daryl Hannah and Mia Farrow and Sting, all rainforest champs who created quite spectacles of themselves in recent decades. Hannah for one dipped their hands in Lago Agrio’s oil pits over in Ecuador, falsely blaming Chevron for killing the rainforest. Where’s Hannah to holler about this far more authentic outrage?

For the rest of us, it shows what an inefficient and costly scam green energy is. It’s not cost-free, it’s full of corrupt and unresponsive politicians who no longer care about democracy, and it certainly doesn’t make the scenery prettier. It’s a nasty juggernaut of waste, fraud, corruption and ecological degradation – with dead birds, turbine vibration sickness, and landscape pollution. Germany could fix this in two minutes by bringing back its nuclear power, ending both the Russia issue and the forest-loss issue right then and there. One hopes that the idea will eventually occur to them. Otherwise, they lose their fairy-tale forest. 


Trust in Austrian government in free fall

Trust in the Austrian federal government is at an unprecedented low. This is the result of a representative flash survey conducted by the market research institute Integral on behalf of the Initiative for Evidence-Based Corona Information (ICI). Only 13 percent of respondents have “great confidence” in the federal government and 51 percent no longer have any. Therefore, one third would like to see new elections immediately.

On Thursday, Austria’s forced vaccination legislation was voted into law. It requires every Austrian adult – except pregnant women or those exempt for medical reasons – to get the shot.

A recent representative flash poll (n=500) by ICI – Initiative for Evidence-Based Corona Information – showed a huge loss of trust in politics however. For example, only four percent of respondents say they have a “very great deal of trust” in the coalition government. Nine percent have “rather great confidence”.

On the other hand, one third (32 percent) of the population say they have “no confidence at all” in the Turquoise-Green coalition. And as many as 19 percent say they have “rather no confidence”. This loss of trust is seen in all age groups and affects both men and women.

This is particularly dramatic in the case of the Greens, where only 26 percent still have great confidence in their government, but also in the case of their coalition partner, the ÖVP it is only 60 percent.

The massive dissatisfaction manifested itself in a call for new elections immediately. This wish is particularly strong among the younger population (16-29 years), where almost one in two (44 per cent) wanted an immediate ballot. Only half of the population (53 percent) currently feels represented by the parties elected to the National Council. The parties in government only appeal to nine percent (ÖVP) and eight percent (Greens) of the people.

Instead of taking care of the needs of the people, the government has overwhelmed them with one restriction after another in an authoritarian manner. Resistance to this kind of policy is growing, especially because the contradictions of the regulations as well as their senselessness are becoming more and more obvious.

“Soon everyone will know someone who has vaccination complications. It doesn’t help when the media and politicians persistently babble about a supposedly safe vaccination,” said doctor and ICI co-founder Dr Christian Fiala.

Why are more and more people falling ill, even though medicine and environmental protection have improved? And has anyone started to wonder why elections are useless?


Will France Wake Up and Defend Her Freedom – or Not?

by Giulio Meotti

“What else do you need to wake up and understand that we have to defend ourselves?”, asked the late Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci.

We should be worried about Europe. It is the cradle of European culture, especially France. Henry James, in The Ambassadors, writes about France as the epitome of civilization, as the “eldest daughter of the Church”. Now, however, France’s churches are being burned, demolished and abandoned, and its adherents sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. France’s Jews, “the canaries in the coalmine”, are being physically attacked and leaving their country. Since 2000, more than 60,000 have fled.

In the face of this massive assault on freedom and culture, an army of “useful idiots” is siding with the enemies of civilization. Professor Robert Redeker was forced into hiding after criticizing radical Islam and now has to be protected by police.

Mohamed Sifaoui’s mobile phone contains 853 numbers of police and security officers: all assigned to protect him. Some have retired, others have been transferred, many are still active. His driver began his career with him. “It will be nineteen years in April,” Sifaoui told Le Point. “I met him young and we grew old together”. This journalist, a specialist in terrorism and radical Islam, holds a record: since 2003, he has intermittently been living under the eyes of the police. “I happened to have up to six bodyguards, with men posted in front of my building, long guns in hand. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I went on assignments abroad to get away from it all”.

Forced to change his address regularly, Sifaoui has paid a high price for being “protected by the Republic”.

“For relatives, it is an unbearable pressure. Planning your schedule around that of your policeman is hellish, even if you end up getting used to no longer going to the terrace, frequenting certain neighborhoods and experiencing any unforeseen events. You get used to it, like an amputee can get used to living with one limb missing…”

Thirty-five persons in France are now living under police protection for criticizing Islam. Women include Zineb el RhazouiMarika BretClaire Koc; Christine Kelly, a star of the CNews channel and longtime studio partner of Éric Zemmour, threatened with beheading by Islamic fundamentalists, also lives under guard; Fatiha Agag-Boudjahlat, a teacher and author who had reproached a few students for not respecting the minute of silence during the homage to Samuel Paty, and most recently OphĂ©lie Meunier.

Meunier is a reporter ofr the TV program Zone Interdite, who filmed a documentary, “The Islamization of Roubaix”, broadcast on prime time television. She is the third French citizen in a single week to go under police protection. A high school science teacher in Trappes and Amine Elbahi, a lawyer who appeared in the film, were both threatened with beheading.

Meunier showed what is happening in France: men who will not shake hands with women, restaurants with curtained cubicles reserved for women “so that the women can neither see out or be seen”, and toys and children’s books without faces, as in Islam, depiction of images is forbidden (Hadith, Sahih Muslim, 818-875).

Dozens of people in France have been thrown into a parallel universe of fear, threats, insidious noises, prying eyes, policemen who follow them everywhere and death lists. This is all taking place not in Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia or Somalia, but in the capital of Enlightenment and European culture.

It is not just about politicians such as Marine Le Pen or judges such as Albert LĂ©vy. The whole country now lives in fear of Islam. Anyone who dares to speak about it in a straightforward way can expect alarms, armored doors, “safe rooms”, metal detectors, automatic weapons, precautions, movements coordinated with the police. Meanwhile, two churches a day are vandalized, and in 2021, ten Jews a day emigrated from France.

Imams such as Hassen Chalghoumi also live under guard. After he supported the law banning the burqa in public, Islamists besieged his mosque and entered the prayer room. One of the Islamists exclaimed: “Aiqtalah aiqtala! Let’s kill him! Let’s kill him!” He now travels in armored vehicles, is protected by six policemen and never sleeps two nights in the same place. Terrorists have placed a bounty of 150,000 euros ($172,000) on his head.

A high school student, Mila, has been removed from a military school where she took refuge after receiving 50,000 death threats after, at the age of 16, criticizingIslam on Instagram.

A feminist, Peggy Sastre, wrote in Le Point that feminists who had turned out to protest a potential award for the filmmaker Roman Polanski had failed to show up on for Mila’s first hearing on June 3:

“Why so much disaffection on the part of feminists? It is perhaps because, in Mila’s case, rising up against the most violent and retrograde manifestations of the Muslim religion requires taking real risks and can lead to far more real consequences than we would expect when we leave a movie theater and are careful to hold up our evening dresses not to fall down the stairs”.

Listening to what Mila said in a Paris court, one understands why these flaccid multiculturalists deserted the trial. Mila said what none of them wants to hear.

“If every time we are shocked, we were to pronounce death sentences, what would become of us? What kind of society would we live in?” she asked.

“I am sure that if I had formulated my criticism of Islam without vulgarity, without profanity, they would have reacted exactly the same way, with other arguments. Because their goal is, first of all, to prevent any criticism of Islam. But I’m not giving up”.

Mila then replied to those who told her that it is better to leave social media:

“I no longer go to school, I have no social life, I have lost everything, and what’s more, do I have to let myself be forgotten? Do I have to disappear completely? Should a woman who has been raped not go out on the street to avoid being raped again? I say no! I would be psychically dead, destroyed, if I had let all these people trample me”.

“Mila… knows she cannot have a future,” her mother testified in court. “Beyond the risk of an attack, what future can we imagine with such deadly pressure? We resist because, otherwise, they will have won”.

“Islamism is gaining ground on our soil”, wrote 60 French MPs in Le Journal du dimanche. “Islamism is poisoning France, rotting many minds and many neighborhoods that are now lost territories for the Republic”.

Éric Zemmour, a candidate in the upcoming presidential elections who has been called “the most endangered man in France”, the prominent French novelist, Michel Houellebecq, and a dozen teachers and professors, from Trappes to Grenoble, also live under guard. Many have seen their careers, lives and names destroyed.

The entire editorial staff of the satiric magazine Charlie Hebdo — after a massacreon January 7, 2015, in which 17 people lost their lives — still live protected behind 85 police officers and 6 armored doors. The house of its former director, Philippe Val, has bulletproof windows and an armored “safe room” with a direct telephone line for rescue, if needed. One morning at the Ministry of the Interior, Val learned that Al Qaeda had issued a death sentence on him. The poster showed his photograph, stained in blood.

A former journalist of Charlie Hebdo, Zineb El Rhazoui, spoke with police about her daily life:

“Do you see the confinement? Well, I’ve been confined since 2015. I kept fighting against something that kept getting stronger. The fate that the Islamists want to reserve for me is unacceptable, but I want to bury the hatchet”.

The French newspapers call her “the woman in danger” and “the most protected woman in France“. El Rhazoui, originally form Casablanca, Morocco, has, for security, moved from home to home in Paris over the years, and has more bodyguards than most ministers. Walking down the street or taking the subway is unthinkable. Social media are filled with ways to kill her — bullets, explosives, crushing her head, slitting her throat or setting her on fire. “Zineb El Rhazoui must be killed to avenge the Prophet”, ordered a fatwa after the attacks. “I arrived at a moment of my journey,” El Rhazoui said to Le Point, “when I feel the urgent need to get out of the fight”. That this courageous woman and journalist, after five years of countering death threats, wants to get out of this fight is understandable, but it means that we are losing the fight.

These threats and attempts to intimidate demonstrate the danger presented by those committed to Islamizing the society and creating a new one by terror or force: If you criticize me, I will kill you — behead you or slit your throat.

Meanwhile, the state and the judicial institutions prove to be paper tigers. Fear works. No one wants to see their name on an internet hit list, or falsely be called racist. Journalists studiously look the other way and are nowhere to be found.

“This is what happens when you show the French people the Islamization of our country,” wrote Ă‰ric Zemmour, one of the few to speak the truth.

This is France 2022. In April, the country will vote. The next day, it will be possible to tell what direction the country — and with it, Europe — will take. Will it submit — or not?


Germany’s far left interior minister wrote for Antifa magazine published by organization with extremist ties

Germany’s new interior minister, Nancy Faeser, wrote for Antifa Magazine run by the Federation of Antifascists (VVN-BdA), which is the historical arm of the Antifa branch of the Communist Party, dating back to the 1930s. The VVN-BdA also happens to be the same organization the Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution described in its current annual report as “the nation’s largest organization influenced by left-wing extremists in the area of anti-fascism.”

In other words, the woman in charge of the nation’s security apparatus has openly written for what is essentially Antifa’s de facto magazine in the German Republic. Antifa has been implicated in various attacks on police, terrorism, and other violent actions against the democratic order.

Last year, while Faeser was the Social Democratic Party (SPD) leader in Hesse, she wrote an article entitled “NSU 2.0 enlightened?” In the article, she describes two threatening letters that she received from the so-called NSU 2.0, an offshoot of the right-wing National Socialist Underground extremist group. She explains that the “fight against fascism and right-wing extremism, against racism and ethnic ideologies” is part of the “political DNA of my party.”

One must stand up “against right-wing ideas, right-wing threats, and right-wing violence,” she demands, adding that means “every day and in every place.”

VVN-BdA influenced by “openly left-wing extremist forces”

Faeser’s article contains the usual anti-right rhetoric from the extreme left wing of the SPD, but the publication she wrote it in is of special note given that the Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution described the VVN-BdA in its current annual report as “the nation’s largest organization influenced by left-wing extremists in the area of anti-fascism.”

In addition, the authority certifies that the organization also works “with openly left-wing extremist forces.” The VVN-BdA represents anti-fascism that ultimately even regards parliamentary democracy as fascist and therefore fights against it.

In the past, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Baden-WĂŒrttemberg has repeatedly pointed out that “the political course of the VVN-BdA is decisively shaped by functionaries” who are “left-wing extremists or members of left-wing extremist organizations.”

Due to the communist orientation of the organization, Faeser’s party, prompted by the initiative of its then chairman Kurt Schumacher, had already decided in 1948 on the incompatibility between membership in the VVN and the SPD. It was only repealed in 2010.

Despite the extremist nature of the publication, Faeser still chose to publish in it just six months before she was appointed to head the country’s interior ministry. Upon her appointment, she immediately singled out right-wing extremism as the biggest threat to the country, a questionable statement given the grave threat of Islamic and left-wing extremism across Germany. Yet, the statement undoubtedly sent a message of where she would be prioritizing her efforts.

Her plans to accelerate mass migration to Germany, which already has one of the highest rates of immigration in the world, has been labeled a plan that would “bring about the destruction of Europe” by the center-left Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Given that the CDU is actually a pro-migration party itself which oversaw the mass migration seen in 2015 under former Chancellor Angela Merkel, the harsh statements directed at Faeser underline the radical nature of her new government’s immigration policy.

Faeser has also signaled that she is not afraid to follow in the footsteps of regimes Germany has traditionally labeled authoritarian — such as Russia and China — by banning the highly popular Telegram messaging app, which has been ground-zero for organizing efforts against vaccine mandates and coronavirus restrictions. The left-wing German government views the app as a platform for the opposition and is seeking to remove it from Germany in an effort to squelch out dissenting voices on mass immigration and other voices opposed to the government’s progressive agenda. Faeser has been one of the main proponents of such a ban despite the neutral nature of the platform, which is used mostly as a messaging service. The government is frustrated by its inability to censor the app, unlike left-leaning social media networks like Facebook and Twitter, which not only comply with demands for government censorship, but which actively ban conservative content of their own accord on a regular basis.


German doctor confirms that excess mortality is directly linked to Covid 19 vaccination

For Dr Reitz there is no doubt: The excess mortality that has been observed since 2021 is largely due to the vaccination against Covid-19. According to their analyses, particular importance is attached to the booster vaccinations. She cannot understand the silence of leading institutions despite the clear data, nor the uncritical behavior of her colleagues. There is also no correct information about the risks of vaccination.

Reitz is a specialist in general medicine and psychotherapeutic medicine with her own practice in Hamburg. In a speech at the Monday demonstration in Offenbach on January 31, 2022, she presented the results of her research to the audience.

Since the spring of 2021, since the start of the nationwide Covid vaccinations, people have been dying, according to Reitz literally, like flies, so that millions of deaths have now been recorded worldwide. The doctor differentiates between rapid death within the first fourteen days after the vaccination and a permanently increased chance of early death. In the latter case, the booster vaccinations play an important role.

Millions of deaths worldwide are attributable to the Covid vaccination

“In Germany we have such an obvious excess mortality rate of 22 percent in December and 20 percent in November. That hasn’t happened since the war. That’s what a big newspaper wrote. She expressed astonishment that politicians have never shown any interest in the effects of the shots and instead tried to find ways to make them compulsory.

“You die in Germany. You die in England. They die in Europe. They die all over the world. The fact that no one puts their finger on the wound here, from the press, from the government, is the part that actually makes your blood boil. We’ve all seen it before, that a million deaths don’t interest us. There are millions dead, there are millions dead. Worldwide.”

Reitz pointed out that “very hard data from young people in England” showed that people under 60 have an excess mortality rate of 100 percent. “Hundred percent more chance of dying if you get shots than if you don’t get shots and then get some virus or whatever.”

In Germany there have been around 12 000 to 13 000 deaths per month from vaccinations with numbers rising from booster shots.

“We had ten percent in October. That was way, way, way too much. And we have institutes that are incredibly well paid, such as the Paul Ehrlich Institute and the RKI, which are supposed to be the guardians of our health and should also be able to recognize epidemiological emergencies. All these institutions have this data. Since June, they have seen that we have an inexplicable excess mortality rate that can only be explained by the vaccinations. And what are they all not doing? They’re certainly not sounding the alarm.”

She accused Karl Lauterbach, the German Minister of Health of being “absolutely irresponsible”. Reitz added that three-quarters of excess mortality was due to vaccination.

“It’s not just an allergic shock that can occur. Instead, it has been proven – these were American cardiologists, cardiac doctors – that the vessels and organs are inflamed and therefore the probability of developing a serious heart disease increases by 120 percent. Not by 20 percent, but by 120 percent.”

Cancers are rife after Covid vaccination

“It has been proven by a study from Sweden, by Bansal and others, who examined people who had died after vaccination and found up to four months later that the spike proteins, which should actually have been excreted by now, still sit in the cells in the body, in the organs and cause inflammation there. The pathologists in Reutlingen have confirmed the same thing. They also said we see white blood cells everywhere in the organs that don’t belong there. That’s inflammation. That’s why these people died and they could only associate it with the vaccinations,” Reitz explained.

Further studies from Sweden revealed that the human repair mechanisms in the cells become permanently damaged by the vaccinations. “That explains why so many cancers explode when people have been vaccinated. This explains why many illnesses that seemed to have been alleviated reappear,” said Reitz.

“We’ve had a 50 percent increase in probability, an increased number of heart attacks and strokes in emergency hospital admissions since April. That’s what the figures from the RKI say. These are all official data that I bring, these are all studies that exist. They explain why so many people are dying and have died.”

Booster vaccination increases risk of death

“Well, it’s been proven that vaccines are to blame for at least 12 000 deaths a month since November and December. And each booster increases the risk of dying.”

Those who took the jab have fifteen years less to live on average. “So if I were to enlighten someone about vaccination, I would have to say, listen, your risk of dying early from the vaccination, of dying fifteen years earlier, is statistically proven. And the risks of dying from the Corona disease are significantly lower. Would you like to be vaccinated? This information is not communicated anywhere at all. And certainly not for children.”
