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Criticism of an “art exhibition” organised by Muslims and left-wing radicals, who have dragged the Austrian government’s anti-terrorism measures through the mire with it, is once again denounced as Islamophobia

After the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) councillors Caroline Hungerländer and Laura Sachslehner criticised the exhibition “Muslim Contemporary” and attested to a certain closeness to political Islam, the initiators now reacted with an open letter. In it, they accuse the ÖVP politicians of simply pursuing anti-feminist and racist policies.

In November 2021, an Islam exhibition took place at the Academy of Fine Arts with strong support from the university. The exhibition was intended to highlight the everyday racism to which Muslims are exposed and to offer a platform to “structurally disadvantaged persons”. The occasion was the one-year anniversary of the Austrian police operation “Operation Luxor” against suspected Muslim Brothers on November 9.To this day, some suspects accuse the authorities investigating them of being Islamophobic, most recently in a report on the Arabic TV channel Al-Jazeera, in which some observers see the “voice of the Muslim Brotherhood”.

Now the two ÖVP politicians Caroline Hungerländer and Laura Sachslehner have put a critical question in the Vienna parliament because they see a “radical Islamic element” and “left-wing extremist sentiments” in the art project. The exhibition curators responded with an open letter. Their claim: Muslim life in Austria would be ” attacked in an anti-Muslim way” by the criticism.

Among the supporters are Green and Social Democratic Party politicians as well as the Muslim Youth of Austria (MJÖ) and one of its controversial founders, the activist against Islamophobia Farid Hafez, who was brought to the police’s attention in the context of Operation Luxor last year. The JUNOS (young NEOS) Vienna, several professors from various Viennese universities as well as the youth organisation of the SPÖ (Social Democratic Party of Austria) also support the exhibition series, which has already taken place in the past.

“With Muslim* Contemporary, not only was an inclusive space created, but also a critical one,” the letter reads. “The exhibition took place on the first anniversary of ‘Operation Luxor’ and addressed this largest police action of the post-war period through the means of art and dialogue from the perspective of those affected.” November was also the anniversary of the attack by the terrorist Kujtim F. His four victims who were killed are not mentioned in the letter.

The Vienna People’s Party also reacted immediately to the open letter. Secretary General Sachslehner and integration spokesperson Hungerländer were “downright astonished”. They see it as an “attack on the democratic right to information”. The two politicians emphasise in their statement: “It is a democratic political right of an opposition party and of every single member of parliament in Vienna to submit a written question. Addendum: “Especially when it is about the use of public funds.”

Turning this into an attack on artistic freedom is “completely absurd”. Once again, the VP representatives ask “the justified question of whether efforts to curb political Islam are being thwarted by possible funding from the City of Vienna”. They see the open letter as an “attack on an objective question in the Vienna City Council”.


German justice is waging a war against the indigenous population: Previously convicted Arab without a gun licence shoots German and is acquitted in court

Weeping, the mother of the man (21) who was shot pointed at the accused and said: ” How can you not be ashamed? You are too cowardly to look me in the eye. But I have to live with you walking around free, living, while my only son has no future.”

An hour later, the court handed down its verdict on Monday: acquittal and 17,100 euros in compensation for the convicted Anas N. (21), who killed Eryk Klein (21) with a shot to the stomach at Dortmund’s Westpark.

“The findings in the main hearing have shown: The accused acted in self-defence,” said judge Thomas Kelm (61).

On June 12, 2021, two groups got into a fight – why remained unclear until the end. Anas N. punched an acquaintance (21) of the victim, the situation escalated, someone sprayed pepper spray.

Then Anas raced home with a rental scooter and got the sharp weapon, according to witnesses he even bragged about it, shouting “I’ll get him!

Suddenly, Eryk Klein smashed a beer bottle on the floor and ran towards Anas with the sharp end. The latter shouted “Hey” and fired from a few metres away. The bullet pierced the abdominal wall, hit an artery, the stomach and a lumbar vertebra. Eryk bled to death at the scene.

Siegmund Benecken (79), who defended the shooter, said: “Everyone can understand the desperate mother. But as bitter as it may be for her, it was self-defence, there is no doubt about that.”

Senior public prosecutor Carsten Dombert (58) had also called for acquittal at the end of the trial. Judge Kelm: “A smashed bottle is a deadly weapon. It cannot be refuted that the accused wanted to ward off the attack with it.”

Gesine Ickert (43), representing the plaintiff’s side, had demanded nine years for manslaughter: “The defendant should have fired a warning shot. He was more than 20 metres away when Eryk knocked the neck off the bottle.”

Her client Aldona Klein no longer gets it. The mother told the newspaper BILD: “You are not allowed to own the gun, but you can shoot someone with it. The shooter had a criminal record and was on probation. What is wrong with our legal system?

In fact, getting the gun for Anas N. still has an aftermath. A new indictment is being prepared. In a new trial, he could even face imprisonment. He said: “I am very sorry about what happened.”

After the trial, patrol cars had driven up to the court. They were afraid that friends of the victim would attack Anas N., who had been acquitted. Prosecutor Dombert warned: “If something happens, they will get into trouble. This cannot be about revenge.”


Woke Hiring by Airlines is A Scary Business

By D.A. Francis

The “woke” culture has infected large areas of our lives over the last few years. Much of it has just been annoying, but a new example could actually be dangerous.

That is the push to hire and staff our airline cockpits with pilots chosen primarily for their gender or race, which I believe to be a very dangerous concept.

Before I comment further, I should explain my background and credentials to speak on the matter. I flew for nearly thirty-seven years, the majority of that time as a Captain, for Trans World Airlines on domestic and international routes. During that time I served as an instructor and line check pilot on several types of jet aircraft, training co-pilots and captains new to the equipment.

In this capacity I worked with females and members of various minority groups, including African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans and Asian Americans. All these pilots, as well as their Caucasian counterparts, were consummate professionals. That was because TWA hired new crew members only on essential criteria—flight experience, intelligence, and demonstrated competence. More importantly, the hiring process was conducted by pilots, not non-flying HR types or managers from other departments of the airline.

Recently, United Airlines announced a plan to establish a flight school to train new pilot candidates. These pilots will replace pilots reaching mandatory retirement age and allow for the airline’s planned expansion. There is nothing wrong with this concept, which in fact has been used by some foreign airlines for many years.

In the past, airline-established schools of this type were never deemed necessary in this country due to the fact that our nation produced military-trained pilots in large numbers, many of whom joined the airlines when their military commitments expired. In addition, there were substantial numbers of civilian-trained pilots from corporate aviation who could be hired as well if needed.

All that has changed in recent years due to a scaling back of military pilot training and an emphasis on the use of unmanned “drones” which are manipulated by individuals at computer terminals thousands of miles away. In addition, the cost of obtaining the necessary pilot certificates has skyrocketed due to the cost of aviation fuel and the cutback in production of suitable light planes to be used primarily as trainers. This situation, combined with the steady takeover of the hiring and firing of all corporate employees by human resources departments, has created what may become a perfect storm of circumstances which could make the skies above our nation a very dangerous place to be indeed.

I think it is safe to say that most HR managers are not qualified pilots. Not a one is trained to the level required of pilots needed to safely operate a modern airliner. So how will HR intervention affect the hiring process as time goes on, and where does woke culture come into play? To examine that situation, let’s go back to United’s new “Aviate Academy,” located in a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona. United has proudly announced that its first class at the flight school is comprised of eighty percent females or “people of color.” That, folks is about as woke as you can get, and indeed as wrongheaded as well.

Anytime you introduce quotas into any selection process, whether it be for employment opportunities, entrance into educational institutions, or indeed for acceptance into a volunteer military service, you invite a possible lowering of standards into the process. A perfect example of this is allowing females to perform at lower physical standards when training for combat status positions in our armed services or allowing a lowering of educational, physical or testing standards when it comes to hiring new police or firefighters.

Now, consider what will happen if we allow this concept to be implemented in the training and hiring of our future airline pilots? How might that affect safety? One need only to examine third world airline safety records.

Because of the relatively low level of flying experience of the new co-pilots on many foreign airlines, particularly third world carriers, Airbus Industries came up with the concept of “Pilot Proofing” the airliners they produce. The level of sophistication of the “auto-flight” systems on Airbus airliners is astounding.

In fact pilots rarely “hand fly” their planes, but rather operate them almost solely on auto-pilot, from shortly after they become airborne to after the airplane has auto-landed and is about to exit the runway on landing. However, as we are all aware, computers can and do fail on occasion. When that happens on an aircraft, the “Stick and Rudder” skills of the pilots become critical. As two recent fatal crashes proved, the lack of them can have catastrophic consequences.

On Oct. 1, 2018, Lion Air Flight 610, a Boeing 737-Max, crashed into the Java Sea shortly after takeoff from Jakarta, Indonesia. All 189 people onboard were killed.

On March 10, 2019, another 737-Max, operated by Ethiopian Airlines as Flight 302, crashed shortly after takeoff from Addis Ababa. All 157 people on that flight died as well.

Initially, the blame was placed on the aircraft, causing all that series of B-737s to be grounded.

However, on closer examination it became clear that if the flight crews of those doomed aircraft had simply turned off the auto-pilot and other electrically controlled systems like the electric stabilizer trim and the auto-throttles, the aircraft could have been safely manually re-trimmed and landed without incident. Unfortunately, the captains, who on paper had many thousands of hours of flight time, had logged most of that utilizing the auto-flight systems. They simply weren’t proficient hand-flying the airplane. The co-pilots even less so.

All this brings us back to the coming pilot shortage in the airline industry. If the airlines are going to have flight academies like United’s, they should make sure the trainees first understand the basics of flying, which can be summed up in the phrase: “Aviate, Navigate, Communicate!” What does that mean in layman’s language?

First: FLY THE AIRPLANE! Keep it in a stable attitude and a safe speed.

Second: Maintain situational awareness of where you are, where you are going, and the height of the terrain around you and any obstructions which might threaten the safety of the flight.

Lastly: Communicate your position and situation to other aircraft and air traffic control.

As to the selection of pilot trainees, it should have nothing whatsoever to do with race, sex or any other criteria except intelligence, competence and a willingness to master a skill which requires a degree of manual dexterity, as well as an ability to maintain a clear head when faced with unusual, and possibly life threatening-situations. A training manual for pilots in the original Army Air Corps stated:

Although aviation itself is not inherently dangerous, like the sea, it is totally unforgiving of error.”

We don’t need to hire and train a new generation of individuals who are nothing more than computer operators, incapable of saving the day when the computer fails to perform its proper functions. We need, as we always have, to train PILOTS, who are willing to devote a career to keeping themselves, as well as all the passengers and cabin crew in the main cabin, safe and alive, to fly another day.


Italy: ‘Most Covid deaths are vaccinated people’

The Italian microbiologist Andrea Crisanti contradicted the official narrative that the unvaccinated are more likely to die from Covid than the vaccinated. He also criticized the lack of transparency of data from clinical vaccination studies.

The fake news that mainly unvaccinated people die from Covid has once again been debunked in Italy. The Italian microbiologist Andrea Crisanti did not mince his words in a recent television program.

Over the last few months, Crisanti has revealed more and more information about the political management of the Covid crisis as well as the international development of the pandemic, reported Byoblu.

On February 2, 2022, Crisanti interpreted the latest available data on the La7 TV show L’aria che tira: “Yesterday’s 437 deaths remind us that most of them are vaccinated people. Because the number of people who die unvaccinated in the intensive care unit is 20 or 30 a day. This is also evident from the data presented by the ISS a few days ago.”

Crisanti also criticized the masks on the show. He said masks do not do much outdoors.

With reference to the forthcoming decision to abolish the expiry date of the “Green Pass” for those who have been injected for the third time, the microbiologist also criticized the lack of transparency of data from clinical studies. Because by now we should know whether a third dose is protective or not; the drug companies should have the data. “But we just don’t know,” complained Crisanti.

Crisanti is highly critical of the World Health Organization. In the opinion of Crisanti, “the WHO guidelines were completely wrong, an incredible example of incoherence… Their bureaucrats were far away from the problem and far away from the science”.

The professor of Microbiology at the University of Padua, was previously professor of Molecular Parasitology at Imperial College London. He is best known for the development of genetically manipulated mosquitoes with the objective to interfere with either their reproductive rate or the capability to transmit diseases such as malaria.

Crisanti is a chairman of the scientific panel of the EU Marie Curie Programme, I-Move, and has advised on issues concerning the safety of genetically modified insects for the European Food Safety Authority.
