Saudi Arabia: Scandal about too naked samba dancers (VIDEO)

A video of a samba show featuring dancers deemed too naked has sparked fierce controversy in Saudi Arabia and led local authorities to launch an investigation, Le Parisien reported on Sunday January 9. The images show three dancers swaying their hips in the streets of Jazan, a city in southwestern Saudi Arabia. The abdomen and the bare legs and arms of the three women, who are wearing the traditional samba costume with colourful feathers, have caused a scandal in the Gulf monarchy.

The state television station El-Ekhbariya broadcast the images, taking care to make the bodies blurry. “The shows are for entertainment, not for violating good morals and behaviour that goes against religion and the morals of society,” a resident of the city fretted over the station’s microphone. Many people on the internet were outraged, considering the polemics in particular to be exaggerated in view of the dancers’ clothing. In view of the strong reactions from conservatives, the Prince of Jazan on Friday 7 January ordered an investigation and the introduction of measures “necessary to prevent any forms of violation”, without giving further details.

This controversy highlights the growing divisions within the Muslim monarchy, which has recently started hosting major sporting events and entertainment festivals. A move welcomed by part of the population but strongly resented by the more devout.

New Year’s Gift from the Spanish Government: The National Security Act

The Spanish government has given the people a New Year’s present that could hardly be more totalitarian: On December 31, 2021, the socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and his colleagues published the Royal Decree (1150/2021) on the National Security Strategy. It has been in force since January 1, 2022.

The text of the law describes in detail over 30 pages what the new national security plan will look like. This makes two things clear: There is no longer any separation of powers in Spain and “disinformation” – in addition to possible attacks that could be carried out by sea, from the air or by land on Spain – is now the fourth major threat to state security. [Real Decreto 1150/2021, de 28 de diciembre, por el que se aprueba la Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional 2021. – 31 December 2021]

The government has decided that it must take a number of measures to “prevent disinformation that could endanger democracy”, which is essentially a decree that would criminalize anything that threatens their grip on power since the decision-making power to define “disinformation” is now completely in the hands of the government.

“This Royal Decree is issued on the basis of the powers provided for in Articles 149.1.4.a and 29.a of the Spanish Constitution, which give the State exclusive competence for defense and the armed forces and for public security… The Government is empowered to: to issue as many provisions as are necessary for the development of this Royal Decree.”

In a video on his YouTube channel Un abogado contra la demagogia [A lawyer against demagogy] Aitor Guisasola commented on the decree: That means, they are issuing a decree on national security, for example on disinformation, and they determine which regulations they consider necessary to ensure compliance with and development of this decree. That is kafkaesque. They allow themselves to determine whatever they like.”

And the biggest problem that Sánchez has identified for national security in the context of the Covid “pandemic” is “disinformation”. In Chapter 3 the decree states: “Disinformation campaigns have a clear impact on national security and must be differentiated from other factors such as fake news or misinformation. In fact, disinformation campaigns do not necessarily contain fake news, but aim to distort reality through manipulated content. In this sense, the cognitive realm is another space in which to exert influence, in addition to the traditional physical realms: land, sea and air.

“The elements of a disinformation campaign include a will to create confusion and undermine social cohesion, the coordinated use of different media for the creation and distribution of content aimed at a wide audience, and malicious intent to discredit or influence the target of the attack. Disinformation campaigns therefore pose a serious threat to electoral processes. The disinformation strategies of foreign – state and non-state – actors who set up propaganda machines to polarize society and undermine their trust in the institutions are potentially dangerous.”

A total power grab

Guisasola assessed the situation as follows: The executive will be dictating laws whenever they feel like it, and the judiciary has to obey the executive. There is no longer any separation of powers in Spain. How can one have confidence in such institutions? The government determines everything. And that’s why the institutions cannot function properly.”

In its royal decree, the government also stipulated that counter-espionage must be used due to the dangers posed by freedom of expression. And it is also evident that they count on the full support of the EU: “Public-private partnerships, particularly with the media and social media providers, and raising public awareness are key to detecting and addressing disinformation campaigns. The national initiatives are coordinated with existing plans at European level, such as the Action Plan for Disinformation and the European Action Plan for Democracy.”

Guisasola concluded that  the point of the National Security Strategy was to shut down the independent media. “This is what our government is concerned about. It is really overwhelming. Anyone who does not take the government’s line, who thinks differently about what is happening in the world or in Spain, is spreading ‘disinformation’. And the government doesn’t want there to be ‘disinformation’, it wants us all to think the same way – like in China. This is what the government wants […] If we obey, there will be no problem and we must thank our government for letting us eat and live every day. That is the strategy for national security.”

Totalitarian laws against the backdrop of unprecedented vaccine failure

In analyzing the data globally, one Substack author noted that there was “no scientific, rational justification for a continued belief that ‘interventions’ matter”.

“The Experts™ have failed, the media is spreading easily disproven disinformation, and local officials are openly lying to justify policies they desperately want to implement, based on zero evidence whatsoever. Covid policy is a complete disaster; a useless, destructive intrusion on the lives of millions of people, and to anyone paying attention it is blatantly obvious how hopelessly out of their depth politicians and their favored band of credentialed activists actually are.”

France: A group of Egyptians murder a transsexual woman

Three and a half years after the murder of Vanesa Campos, a transgender sex worker killed during a “punitive expedition” in the Bois de Boulogne, nine men will stand trial in the Paris jury court from Tuesday, three of them for the crime.

The investigation soon focused on a group of young men of Egyptian origin who took the opportunity to rob sex workers and their clients, which caused tensions. During the trial, Vanesa Campos’ former colleagues also reported threats and sexual violence, including rape, and a “climate of terror” created by the gang of robbers who had been terrorising in the forest, a stronghold of prostitution in Paris, for several years.

(…) Mahmoud Kadri, 24, is considered by the prosecution to be the mastermind of the fatal shooting of Vanesa Campos. Karim Ibrahim, 29, and Aymen Dib, 25, are also on trial for ” intended murder by a gang “. The former is suspected of attacking the victim with a baton and the latter is suspected of stabbing the victim. “Karim Ibrahim’s lawyers, Julien Fresnault and Fares Aidel, said: “This is not a collective punitive action against Vanesa Campos.

U.S. court revives lawsuit against Pfizer, others on Iraq terrorism funding claims

A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday revived a lawsuit against AstraZeneca Plc, Pfizer Inc and other companies over allegations their contracts with Iraq’s health ministry helped fund terrorism that killed Americans during the war in Iraq.

The plaintiffs contend that the militia group Jaysh al-Mahdi, sponsored by Hezbollah, controlled Iraq’s health ministry and that the 21 defendant U.S. and European medical equipment and pharmaceutical companies made corrupt payments to obtain medical-supply contracts.

Representatives from the five corporate groups – AstraZeneca, GE Healthcare USA Holding, Johnson & Johnson Pfizer and Hoffmann-La Roche Inc said in a joint statement “further proceedings will show the companies are not responsible in any way.”

The lawsuit revived by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit was brought by family members of victims of attacks in Iraq by the Mahdi group. A federal trial judge dismissed the lawsuit in 2020.

Lawyer Kannon Shanmugam, who argued the appeal on behalf of the companies, did not immediately comment.

The lawyer for the family members, Joshua Branson, also did not immediately comment.

Lawyers for the companies told the appeals court that they provided the Iraqi government “life-saving breast cancer treatments, hemophilia injections, ultrasounds, electrocardiogram machines, and other medical goods” after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq toppled strongman president Saddam Hussein in 2003.

Shanmugam said in court in September that a ruling against the companies “would have a severe chilling effect on the willingness of companies and non-governmental organizations to conduct essential activities, often at the government’s request, in troubled regions.”

France: An Islamist commits suicide after threatening to behead a female prison officer

A tragedy at Seysses prison. On Friday morning, January 7, an inmate was found dead in his prison cell near Toulouse. He had hanged himself with his bed sheet, reports the newspaper La Dépêche. According to initial investigations, the 36-year-old man suffered from mental disorders and had been imprisoned for glorifying Islamist terrorism. In October, he had applied for a transfer to Perpignan, which was rejected by the prison administration. After the rejection, he allegedly became increasingly aggressive towards the staff of the prison in Muret, where he had been imprisoned for a former crime.

On November 4, he had violently attacked a counsellor of the SPIP (Service pénitentiaire d’insertion et de probation) and threatened to “cut off her head like Samuel Paty”. After another incident a week later, the prison administration had filed charges against the prisoner and decided to transfer him to Seysses, a high-security prison known for holding Islamist prisoners. He was supposed to be tried on December 29 for the death threats against the “SPIP” staff member, but his lawyer had obtained an adjournment until January 11. Since then he has been in solitary confinement.

Are the vaccinated harming their immune systems?

By James T. Moodey

Here is some number-crunching.  Using natural immunity as a base and the fully vaccinated to mean two mRNA shots, we can conclude the following:

An unassailable stat from the Israelis, which made Fauci change his guidance from “if you are fully vaccinated, you will not catch it” to “if you are fully vaccinated, you can still catch it and spread it,” was that the fully vaccinated in Israel were 6–13 times more likely to catch the D variant than the naturally immune population.

And the first decent-sized sample regarding omicron shows that the fully vaccinated are 2.61 times more likely to catch omicron than the D variant. 

So 2.61 times 6 is 15.66.

And 2.61 times 13 is 33.93.

Given the two studies of actual results, fully vaccinated people are 15.66 to 33.93 times more likely to catch omicron than people who were never vaccinated and caught COVID (natural immunity).

Anyone with a numerical brainstem can see that the more people vaccinate, the more likely they will get sick from a variant.

This seems to comport with Nobel Laureate virology professor Luc Montagnier’s conclusion that it is the vaccine that is creating the variants.  From this article, “Prof. Montagnier referred to the vaccine program for the coronavirus as an ‘unacceptable mistake.'”  “The history books will show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.”

It seems the vaccines are actually harming the natural immune system, at least with regard to the variants.

Germany: AfD files lawsuit to country’s top court after left-wing government blocks important parliamentary positions

The AfD parliamentary group has taken legal action against its members not being elected as committees’ chairmen. On Dec. 31, the party filed both a lawsuit and an urgent application to the Federal Constitutional Court, Junge Freiheitreported.

The AfD is entitled to chair three of the 25 Bundestag committees “based on binding agreements between all parliamentary groups,” argues the opposition party. According to the so-called access procedure, the AfD has the right to take over the chairmanship of the interior and health committees and the committee for economic cooperation and development.

But at the constituent meetings of the bodies in mid-December, all three AfD candidates did not succeed. Martin Hess was to chair the interior committee, Jörg Schneider the health committee, and Deitmar Friedhoff the economic development committee. Before the election, contrary to the usual procedure, it was decided to vote in a secret ballot.

“According to the AfD, this is a disregard for the right to equal and fair participation in parliament and thus a violation of the constitutionally anchored principles of democracy,” the AfD criticized.

The legal advisor of the AfD parliamentary group, Stephan Brandner, stressed that “Germany’s democratic system must not continue to erode. If opposition factions in the Bundestag are excluded from appropriate participation in central bodies with trickery and blockades in violation of decades of practice and binding agreements, it is a tragedy for our state.”

He hopes for the Federal Constitutional Court to intervene quickly.

The legal complaint states that not electing the AfD MPs violated the “principles of formal equal treatment of the parliamentary groups and the effective opposition,” which are not strictly constitutionally prescribed but apply through the rules of procedure of the Bundestag. In this case, however, it is also about “constitutional principles which are in the public interest.”

In the urgent application, the AfD demands the Federal Constitutional Court to “regulate the situation provisionally” so that the AfD can appoint the three chairmen at the next committee meeting on Jan. 12.

Since the AfD has been in the Bundestag, the other parties have repeatedly renounced their previous practices. The AfD has been denied a post as Bundestag Vice-President since the legislative period starting in 2017. In addition, Germany’s parliament changed the definition of the senior president. While previously, it was the oldest member of the parliament, now it is the longest-serving member, which means that the post was assigned not to Alexander Gauland from the AfD but Wolfgang Schäuble from the CDU.