A Swedish teacher has been fired for refusing to refer to a non-binary student named “Saga” with a gender-neutral pronoun in a case that is attracting widespread attention in Sweden.
The young transgender person, along with his parents, had been asking the teacher for eight months to refer to him using “hen,” which is a new Swedish pronoun which is neither masculine nor feminine, and which was only accepted in the Swedish school dictionary in 2015.
The pronoun “Hen” is not widely used in Sweden, but Saga, which is not the student’s real name but how the Swedish press is referring, to him, wanted the teacher to use it, arguing that it helped him deal with psychological issues arising from being unsure about his gender identity.
The teacher, for her part, justified her refusal by highlighting her Christian faith and said she was “defending an ideology-free language in the school system.”
The Swedish ombudsman took up the case and said that it was a serious form of harassment and case of discrimination that needed to be fought.
In the ombudsman’s press release, the authority states “that the teacher, against the student’s express wishes, deliberately refrained from using the pronoun that the student identifies with, which is a serious form of harassment and something that a principal must immediately ensure ceases. At school, all students should feel safe and respected and not discriminated.”
The school, which did not act quickly enough, will have to pay compensation of €15,000 euros to the teenager, which is a first in Sweden.
The teacher, for her part, was fired.
Saga was harassed and discriminated against by his teacher, who refused to use a gender-neutral pronoun, according to the Discrimination Ombudsman in its verdict, as reported by Aftonbladet.
“This is an incredible confirmation. No other child should ever have to go through what Saga had to,” Saga’s mother says.
“Despite the principal’s promise to talk to the teacher, the student was called a wrong pronoun for more than one semester,” states the Discrimination Ombudsman in a press release.
Clas Lundstedt, press officer at the Discrimination Ombudsman, believes that the decision may affect similar cases in the future. Saga’s parents are of the same opinion.
From the closing weeks of 2020 through February 1, 2022, more than sixty percent of the world’s population was injected with Covid-19 vaccines.
This means that in a period of less than fourteen months more than 4.7 billion people received at least one Covid shot. Tens of millions received as many as four doses.
The first clinical trial of Covid vaccines was launched in Germany on April 23, 2020 with the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine. The first country to authorize the use of the vaccine in the general population was the United Kingdom. The UK issued its authorization on December 2, 2020, and this move was quickly followed by dozens of other nations. The United States issued its emergency use authorization on December 11.
This means that the massive global vaccination campaign – which quickly reached a frenzied pitch – was launched less than 8 months from the start of the clinical trials.
To begin administering a vaccine to the general population within such a short trial period was wholly unprecedented in the annals of modern medicine.
To establish that a vaccine is safe, extensive long-term testing must be carried out. This process involves multi-phase clinical trials and observational studies which include large numbers of subjects over time periods measured in years. This thorough and involved process takes at least five years to complete and usually much longer. According to Johns Hopkins University:
“A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer, to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantity of vaccine doses for widespread distribution.” [emphasis added]
Only upon satisfactory completion of this involved regimen can a vaccine be considered reasonably safe for mass administration to the general public.
Yet even the completion of this long process does not guarantee that a vaccine is completely safe. After receiving full approval, vaccines continue to be carefully monitored for adverse events in case some vaccinal flaw may have escaped detection during the multi-year trial phase. There have been a number of vaccines that were pulled from the market after they received full approval due to unexpected safety issues. Some of these include vaccines for Rotavirus, Lyme Disease and Whole Cell Pertussis among others.
Therefore, for a vaccine to be justifiably declared “completely safe,” it must undergo at least five years of intensive testing in clinical trials and then several years of monitoring as it is administered in populations at large.
The Covid vaccines, however, were publicly declared to be “completely safe” less than 8 months after the start of human clinical trials. On the normal vaccine trial timeline, month 8 is in Phase 2 of the three-stage clinical trial regime.
The claim that the Covid vaccines were “completely safe,” was, therefore, completely unjustifiable and unsubstantiated. Those who made this claim engaged in a deliberate and unconscionable act of public deception.
And yet this claim was used as the basis for a worldwide campaign in which more than half of Earth’s inhabitants have been injected with experimental pharmaceuticals that did not undergo proper testing.
The phrase “safe and effective” became the de-facto slogan of the planet-wide vaccination enterprise. Believing that the vaccines were “completely safe,” billions of people willingly – and even enthusiastically – lined up to receive their Covid injections.
Needless to say, not everyone was ready to accept the propaganda. Disregarding all reasonable objections, however, many governments decided that universal vaccination was their goal and decided that the unwilling needed to be coerced. This they sought to do through direct vaccines mandates and covid passports or digital certificates. That latter two were designed in such a way as to compel the hesitant to submit to the shots on pain of being excluded from the normal course of societal life.
Government and public health officials justified this drastic approach by repeatedly stating that the vaccines were “completely safe” and effective, and because of this it was okay to force the shots even on those who did not want to take them.
The claim “safe and effective” was thus used as a means of allurement and coercion for the planet-wide Covid vaccination crusade.
We need to pause here and contemplate the enormity of what the vaccinators have “accomplished.” Less than 22 months after the beginning of the clinical trials, they have managed to inject the plurality of mankind with their inadequately tested products. If things were being done properly, right now the vaccine developers would have been gearing for Phase III of clinical trials. This stage normally takes place between months 24 and 48 after the initiation of the trial process. This is how Johns Hopkins University describes what this stage is about:
“Phase III clinical trials are critical to understanding whether vaccines are safe and effective.”
Phase III is where we now find ourselves on the timeline of vaccine development. In the case of the Covid vaccines, however, the testing of Phase III is not being conducted on a selected group of volunteers but on the world’s population.
The billions who have been lured and coerced to participate in this experiment have not been honestly advised of the truth of the situation, i.e., that that the Covid vaccines have not undergone proper trialing and testing and that their safety profile could not be established with any satisfactory level of accuracy. Instead, they were lied to and told that the vaccines were “completely safe.”
Under the normal schedule, the Covid vaccines Phase III trials would be completed in April of 2024. If this phase went without a hitch, April of 2024 would be the earliest that anyone could justifiably start saying that the Covid vaccines are “safe and effective.”
It is as astonishing as it is frightening that this wide-scale, lightning-fast vaccination campaign featuring insufficiently tested substances was allowed to be carried despite the fact that the injections contained a new gene transfer mRNA technology that had never been tried before. Because of the presence of this novel technology, these vaccines should have been approached with great caution and tested with maximum thoroughness and vigor. Astonishingly, this did not happen. Quite on the contrary, some of the most rudimentary components of the customary trial routine were casually dispensed with.
Some fourteen months into this global injectioneering operation, it is obvious that the claim of the vaccines being “complete safe” was not only unsubstantiated but outright false.
Shortly after the vaccinating commenced, reports of severe adverse reactions and deaths started pouring it. Please see the chart below which depicts the explosion of death reports to the US government’s VAERS database. This explosion began in late 2020 which was when the vaccinators began administering their COVID products to the public at large.
Within a couple months, death reports garnered by the Covid injections exceeded the annual record count of any other vaccine in the database’s history. In less than twelve months, the number of deaths related to the Covid injections exceeded the death total recorded in connection with all the other vaccines in the last thirty years.
This is a gruesome count for vaccines that were supposed to be “completely safe.”
Although the vaccinators tried to cover and downplay the devastating side effects of their product, the reality could not be hidden. Myocarditis and pericarditis became a well-documented consequences of the Pfizer and Moderna shots. In December of last year, Astra Zeneca scientists finally admitted something that had been known for many months, i.e., that their vaccine was causing deadly blood clots.
Trying to soften the news as much as they could, this is the headline with which the Mail Online announced this dire fact:
One can get a sense of just how dangerous and deadly these vaccines are from the fact that within twelve months of launching the vaccination campaign more than 1,000 articles and studies appeared in peer-reviewed scientific journals describing various side effects of these pharmaceuticals. Most of the discussed side effects are serious and deadly. They include
Fatal cerebral haemorrhage
Venous thrombosis
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Acute venous thromboembolism
Portal vein thrombosis
T-cell lymphoma
Injecting more than half of all humankind with inadequately tested, dangerous pharmaceuticals based on a never-before-tried technology while claiming that that they are “completely safe” is an unprecedented mass experiment with the gravest potential consequences. Never before has any government, an international actor or a transnational cabal undertaken an act that would expose such a big swath of humanity to such serious danger.
This operation was carried out under false pretenses and those who initiated it knew that their claims were unsubstantiated and false. The question that must be answered is this: How could something like this been allowed to happen?
Untold millions across the world have already suffered severe side effects from these injections in the short-term. And we do not yet know that the medium- or long-term consequences may be, since these vaccines have not been trialed for such time frames.
Please keep mind that the clinical trials for the Covid vaccines began only less than 22 months ago. In such a short period of time it is simply impossible to adequately assess the safety of any vaccine.
The Covid-19 vaccination crusade is a global crime the like of which the world has not yet seen.
Those complicit in this vast crime against humanity are the vaccine manufacturers, the leaders of the regulatory agencies, public health officials and politicians. Also complicit is the media which endlessly amplified the “completely safe” claim which became the mantra under which this enterprise has been carried out.
Those responsible for this must be called to answer for their deeds in legal settings so that their actions can be evaluated and judged in accordance with national and international laws and statutes.
Italian MEP Sergio Berlato wants clarity on graphene in the Covid vaccines. He referred to a recent study by Dr. Ricardo Delgado Martin and Dr. Pablo Campra, who claimed to have found graphene oxide in the Covid vaccines by using Micro-Raman spectroscopy.
Berlato further pointed out that in 2018 a team of researchers demonstrated that graphene could convert electrical signals into ultra-short terahertz signals with trillions of cycles per second. The silicon-based electronic components we use today achieve clock speeds of x-gigahertz, where 1 GHz corresponds to 1000 million cycles per second.
The scientists have shown that graphene could convert signals with these frequencies into signals with frequencies a thousand times higher than signals generated with silicon, according to Berlato.
“Graphene is therefore able to absorb radiation, which means it is highly toxic and harmful to human health when this material is included in a vaccine,” the MP noted.
He asked the European Commission whether, given this latest research, it intended to have the presence of graphene in Covid vaccines carefully examined by an independent laboratory.
Spanish emergency physician, Dr. José Luis Gettor, has meanwhile warned against PCR test swabs. Just as other researchers have pointed out that the swabs of this test contain graphene oxide, a nanomaterial that crosses the blood-brain barrier, Gettor pointed out that they also contain ethylene oxide. Ethylene oxide is toxic and causes the burning sensation felt by those who take this test.
“People need to be warned before time runs out… I want to emphasize that people must stop getting swabbed like someone who goes to get their blood pressure taken at an infirmary.
“Swabs are a weapon. They contain a substance developed by military intelligence called ‘DARPA hydrogel’,” he said. On the tip of the swab is a bundle of hollow nylon fibers that contain, among other things, ethylene oxide.
“Ethylene oxide is a poison that’s retained by the hydrogel. But when the swab penetrates the mucosa at 30ºC, the hydrogel melts. And keep in mind that ethylene oxide boils at 10,4ºC. That’s why it’s so painful. That’s why it’s so stinging. Because once the hydrogel melts, ethylene oxide is released and generates an ulcer at the bottom of the rhino pharynx.”
Lefties in western countries keep bemoaning “authoritarianism” while behaving like authoritarians. Orwellian convolutions of language are used to redefine their political opponents, no matter how powerless, as “authoritarians” even while they accuse them of sedition and incitement which is the sort of language actual authoritarians use to stifle political dissent.
The Trudeau government has followed the familiar political blueprint of the EU and the American Left in defining anyone opposed to their rule from the center or the right as dangerous seditionists, along the while criminalizing participating in those protests.
Two serving members of the Canadian military’s elite counter-terrorism unit are under investigation for allegedly taking part in protests in downtown Ottawa.
The individuals are members of Joint Task Force 2, this newspaper has confirmed. JTF2 is the unit that would be called upon to deal with terrorism and at times provide protection for VIPs such as the prime minister.
The actions of a third Canadian Forces member, who had served with JTF2 but is now assigned to the procurement section at the Department of National Defence, is also under scrutiny.
Maj.-Gen. Steve Boivin, the commander of Canadian Special Operations Forces Command, confirmed he has ordered the two investigations into the alleged activities of those in his organization.
“The Canadian Special Operations Forces Command does not condone its members supporting and/or actively taking part in causes that jeopardize the apolitical imperative associated with their functions,” Boivin said in a statement to this newspaper. “I expect our members to act in ways that demonstrate Canadian Armed Forces values and ethics, and to uphold them both on and off duty.
Would members of the Canadian Armed Forces who participated in racial protests, environmental protests, or pro-immigrant protests get this kind of treatment?
A 34-year-old Colombian was taken into custody for the Feb. 5 after the violent stabbing of an 18-year-old French girl in the town of Nantes. The victim remains in the hospital, but is no longer in critical condition.
He was the subject of an arrest warrant issued by a judge in the town of Agen in the southern part of France, according to French paper Le Figaro.
The young woman, who is a student in a scientific preparatory class in Nantes high school, was violently attacked this Saturday, Feb. 5, at Avenue Camus street in Nantes. At 8 a.m., the student from Bordeaux was stabbed seven times, including once in the neck, and then hospitalized, according to the public prosecutor, Renaud Gaudeul. She was hospitalized for a severe hemorrhagic wound on her neck, resulting an attempted murder charge for the migrant.
Alerted by shouts, passers-by intervened to scare away the perpetrator, who was initially described as looking “African,” but later determined to be from Colombia.
The public prosecutor indicated that the suspect was from Bogota. The day after the events, Sunday Feb. 6, a veterinarian working near the scene of the attack, reported to the authorities that she had treated an individual who had a wound on his hand. This information was shared with French law enforcement, which police used to track down the suspect after his wound matched an individual checked by the border police in Rennes after he got off a train from Nantes on Saturday.
The Colombian was referred Friday evening to the prosecution and presented to an investigating magistrate. He was indicted for “attempted murder”, “theft”, “concealment of theft” and “fraud” and remanded in custody by the judge of freedoms and detention. “During his police custody, the person concerned admitted the facts, without explaining the reasons except for massive alcoholism and consumption of narcotics,” said the public prosecutor of Nantes.
“The checks immediately carried out, including genetic analyses, made it possible to gather sufficient elements to justify his placement in police custody for attempted voluntary homicide”, details the public prosecutor of Nantes.
“If I can’t kill my sister today, I’ll do it tomorrow. If I can’t do it tomorrow, I’ll do it the day after tomorrow…”
The slender, small defendant (18 years, 1.60 metres) who is said to have said these words hides his face behind a briefcase. Since Friday, he has been standing trial for attempted murder at the Dortmund Regional Court.
Abdullah A. did not have a good day on August 21, 2021. His big sister (20), married in their home country, two children, exchanged voice messages with a strange man. While the brother confronted her, gave her a “slap in the face”, his fries burst into flames on the cooker, according to police investigations. The Syrian ended up in hospital. Smoke poisoning.
The next day, the next argument about the smartphone messages, which were immoral in the eyes of the short brother. This time he hit her with his fist, his father intervened.Apparently Abdullah had gone berserk and chased his sister down the street with a sharp courgette slicer. Prosecutor Andreas Brendel: “He intended to kill her in order to restore what he saw as the family honour.”
On the pavement, the younger brother (13) stopped the violent offender, at the same moment a patrol car braked – alerted by another sister. Police officer Jannis K. (20): “We drew our weapons and shouted at him to drop the knife. He hesitated, his eyes looked around wildly. Then his father came to him. We shouted for him to step out of the line of fire. That’s when the accused then dropped the weapon.”
Later, Abdullah A. told of his murder plans without being asked and was instructed about his right to remain silent. On the next but one day of the trial, the accused will testify to the accusations.
Assignment in philosophy lessons at the Alleestraße grammar school in Siegburg
Learning is not just for school, but for life.
That’s what a philosophy teacher at the Alleestraße grammar school in Siegburg probably thought and gave his students the following task:
“A Turkish father in Germany marries his daughter to his brother’s son without her consent in order to secure him a residence permit for Germany and thus a livelihood. Discuss the situation with the person sitting next to you. What conflicts do you see in it?
The topic of the philosophy lesson is likely to occupy us for some time in the multi-cultural Germany of the 21st century. It is:
“An ethics for all cultures? – Opening up problems in the field of tension between cultural relativism and universalism.”
So the inevitable happened. The Dortmund-based “Federation of Turkish Parents’ Associations in North Rhine-Westphalia” got wind of the matter. It could just as well have been the red “” Union for Education and Science”” or the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs. The usual charade began, the school had to publicly ask for the indulgence of its sins – and the philosophy teacher was lucky if he got out of the affair relatively unscathed. Maybe he should do something “against right-wing extremism” next? Somehow he has to get rid of the smell of racism.
Remarkably, the “Federation of Turkish Parents’ Associations” does not even claim that there are no forced marriages of Turkish girls by their fathers in Germany. No one is allowed to talk or philosophise about it. And this is so obvious to all the so-called educated and cosmopolitan participants in the hunt for the Siegburg philosophy teacher that they do not even think it necessary to say a single word about it.
Incidentally, the controversial assignment is said to have been taken out of context and to have come “from a textbook approved in North Rhine-Westphalia”, according to the “Bild” newspaper.