Booster Bust: Medical Establishment Changes Its Mind

By Vasko Kohlmayer

There is a tectonic shift underway in the medico-scientific establishment: they are starting to walk back boosters.

The first indication of this dramatic change of attitude came from the United Kingdom last week.

On January 7, Reuters ran a wire titled UK Says 4th COVID Jabs Not Needed for Now As Booster Effect Lasts. That piece featured the following sentence in its opening paragraph: “there is no need for now for people to have a fourth shot, British health officials said on Friday.”

Three days later, the UK Mirror published a piece titled What Is ‘Living With Covid’? Boris Johnson Drawing Up Plans ‘To Be Rolled Out In March. The article quoted Dr. Clive Dix, the former head of the UK’s vaccine taskforce, who said:

“It is pointless keeping giving more and more vaccines to people who are not going to get very ill. We should just let them get ill and deal with that.”

A mere day later, Bloomberg put out an article titled Repeat Booster Shots Spur European Warning on Immune-System Risks. The piece opened as follows:

European Union regulators warned that frequent Covid-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune system and may not be feasible. Repeat booster doses every four months could eventually weaken the immune system and tire out people, according to the European Medicines Agency.

The piece goes on to quote Marco Cavaleri, the Head of Biological Health Threats and Vaccines Strategy at the European Medicines Agency (EMA), who said that boosters “can be done once, or maybe twice, but it’s not something that we can think should be repeated constantly.”

Cavaleri then went on to say something we had not yet heard from a high-level public health official:

“We need to think about how we can transition from the current pandemic setting to a more endemic setting.”

Around the same time the World Health Organization (WHO) put out a statementwhich included this astounding sentence:

“[A] vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable.”

This was a truly startling development since until a week before medical authorities world over were speaking about the need for the fourth (and even subsequent) shots. In fact, some countries like Britain and Israel have already started their administration.

This sudden change of course indicates that there is something in the data that has the powers that be seriously worried. When it came to the Covid vaccines, the medical authorities have displayed an astonishing level of tolerance for side effects and collateral damage. So much so that they were even willing to let some children die unnecessarily for the sake of their vaccine agenda.

Their abrupt reversal indicates that they must have recognized that there is something very dangerous in dealing out successive doses of the vaccines. Publicly admitting that “frequent Covid-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune system,” very likely means that the injections have already damaged many people’s health.

That Covid jabs may undermine the immune system has been glaringly indicated by the rise of Omicron. It has been observed that the vaccines have “negative efficacy” vis-à-vis this strain, which means that the vaccinated and boostered are getting infected at higher rates than the unvaccinated. In Ontario, for example, the vaccinated get Omicron at three times the rate of their unvaccinated counterparts.

Why would this be? The obvious explanation is that the vaccines weaken their recipients’ immune defences and hence they are more prone to getting infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The vaccinators were defending this debacle by claiming that even though the vaccinated are succumbing to infection, they are not dying at high rates. But this is not due to the vaccines but to the fact that Omicron appears to be less virulent than its predecessors, since the death rate among the unvaccinated is also low. Omicron has been so mild that in South Africa, where this variant seems to have originated and where it quickly infected a large portion of the population – most of which is unvaccinated – the Covid mortality dropped.

But it is not only SARS-CoV-2 that the vaccinated are vulnerable to. They seem to be prone to all kinds of viruses and infections. There have been many reports by the vaccinated being unable to shake off colds and flu.

Last week it was reported that EU Parliament president David Sassoli died due to serious immune system dysfunction. Sassoli was an ardent advocate of Covid passports, and it is almost certain that he was vaccinated and boostered. One cannot but think that this may have something to do with his demise – although if it does,  the authorities will never admit this.

Weakened immune system, however, is not the only adverse side effect of these inadequately tested experimental injections. Blood clots, cardiac arrest, neurological problems are among some of other serious reported side effects of the Covid shots.

As the evidence has been accumulating about just how harmful and dangerous the Covid injections may be, the authorities tried their best to sweep it under the rug and pretend that everything was fine. But now the critical mass has been apparently reached and the establishment has realized that successive boosters are simply too dangerous to tolerate. Hence their change of mind.

This means that the dark era of forced boostering is coming to a close. It may take some time for the booster machine to stop grinding but its days are numbered.

The booster has been busted.

It was about time.

What did the President of the European Parliament really die of?

David Sassoli passed away this week. According to news reports he died after a “serious complication due to a dysfunction of the immune system”. But what caused the complication?

Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, had been receiving treatment in an Italian hospital since December 26. All of his appointments had been canceled.

The stay was necessary “because of a serious complication due to a dysfunction of the immune system,” according to SRF : “In October, Sassoli already missed a parliamentary session because he had a fever. He was previously treated in hospital for pneumonia.”

The treating hospital Centro di Riferimento Oncologico in Aviano refused to provide information when asked about the cause of death. Of course, it would be particularly interesting to know whether the “complication” was related to the secondary effects of the Corona jabs.

No information about this is currently available which means that vaccine injury cannot be ruled out since Sassoli was considered a vehement supporter of vaccination campaigns and EU vaccination passports. The politician had suffered from leukaemia (blood cancer).

Cancer patients in particular have reported experiencing massive episodes of illness after their mRNA injections. Overall, excess deaths have increased significantly since the vaccine campaign began: “At many hospitals, the number of patients reported to have post-vaccine injuries rose fivefold or more after Covid vaccines were introduced in December 2020, medical records databases show,” noted science reporter Alex Berenson. At some hospitals it is even ten-fold.

On December 15, EU Commission President Von der Leyen said in Sassoli’s presence: “And we know that according to scientists and initial data on the Omicron variant, triple vaccination is the best available protection we currently have worldwide against Omicron.” This statement, when measured against all the data now available internationally, is totally false and misleading. Perhaps Sassoli was motivated by these words to have a “booster shot”.

In mid-October 2021, Sassoli was still defending multi-billionaire George Soros against accusations by Slovenian Prime Minister Janša. The latter had announced that 226 MEPs were puppets of the self-proclaimed philanthropist. Sassoli called on Janša to refrain from such “provocative” statements. Sassoli was on friendly terms with the WEF and Klaus Schwab as well. For example, he gave a speech at the WEF on February 22, 2020, at the beginning of the “pandemic”.

For the left-wing socialist party Partito Democratico, Sassoli stood as the top candidate in the European elections in 2009 and was elected to the EU Parliament with over 400 000 preferential votes. From 2014, Sassoli was Vice-President of the EU Parliament, and from 3 July 2019 he served as President.

Perhaps Sassoli’s death has been a wake-up call to stop the dangerous jab campaign?

WATCH: Attempted honour killing committed by North Africans on a Spaniard in broad daylight

The victim was taken to Madrid to undergo treatment for his hand, which he had almost lost due to the attack with a stabbing weapon.

It was around three pm on Wednesday when José arrived in his car in Calle Triunfo in Molina de Segura. After parking near the Tiki Taka bar, José got out of the car without suspecting what he was expecting: two North African nationals were waiting for him to attack him with a machete. “Help, please, they are killing him, call an ambulance!” shouted two witnesses of this horrific attack, which only thanks to the quick intervention of the national and local police did not kill the man.”Apparently two North Africans were waiting for a Spaniard to stab him,” police sources confirmed to EL ESPAÑOL. “When he got out of the car in Calle Triunfo, they pounced on him and started stabbing him”. In the videos provided to this newspaper, which are in the possession of the security forces, the youths can indeed be seen attacking the victim, because after throwing him on the pavement, they begin to inflict a series of punches on him, as well as hitting his back and one of his hands with machetes.El Espanol

Belgium: Revocation of residence permit for the imam of the largest Belgian mosque – He called, among other things, for burning Jews

The State Secretary for Asylum and Migration, Sammy Mahdi, revoked the residence permit of Mohamed Toujgani, the head imam of the Al Khalil mosque in Molenbeek, the largest mosque in our country, in October last year, the VRT website NWS reported on Thursday.
The secretary of state made this decision based on information from the security services “due to indications of a serious threat to national security”, he said in a statement. The imam was given a notice to leave the country and told that he would be banned from entering the country for ten years. According to Mahdi’s office, the normal appeal period has expired, which Toujgani’s lawyer denies. According to VRT, the man is said to have already left the country.

As imam of the large Al Khalil mosque, he was particularly influential in the Islamic community in Brussels. He had lived in Belgium since 1982 and held Moroccan citizenship, Mahdi said.

“In the past, we gave too much leeway to radical preachers. This man was probably the most influential preacher in Belgium. With this decision, we are making a difference and sending a clear signal that we will not tolerate those who divide us and threaten our national security,” he added.

The imam has been controversial for some time. Although he had lived in Belgium for several years, he did not speak Dutch or French. In addition, a video from 2009 surfaced ten years later. In it, he called for the ” Zionist oppressors” to be

France: Married to his wife for 40 years, he slit her throat when she wanted to travel to Morocco alone

The crime was committed in the late morning of July 28, 2018, in a flat on Rue Solférino in Vallauris. 77-year-old Allaoua, of Algerian origin, killed his Moroccan wife Najat, the mother of his five children, after more than forty years together. The victim was tired of her husband’s tantrums and wanted to return to Morocco alone, which her husband disliked. According to the findings of the forensic experts, Najat died with her throat cut, Nice-matin reports. Four deep wounds were found on her neck.

Illegal border crossings into EU soared 57% last year to highest level since 2017

Illegal immigration into the European Union increased by 57 percent in 2021 on the previous year’s total, as almost 200,000 breaches of Europe’s external border were registered, according to preliminary figures published by Frontex, which serves as the European Union’s border protection agency.

As the vast majority of European citizens were subjected to national lockdowns and draconian social restrictions, the European Union’s own border force agency recorded the highest level of illegal immigration into Europe since 2017.

And in reality, given the nature of irregular border crossings and the difficulty in amassing accurate data, the figure is expected to be much higher. For example, in 2017, Frontex reported that 204,734 irregular border crossings were detected at the EU’s external borders, however, annual data provided by Eurostat showed that more than three times that figure, 708,585 people applied for asylum across the bloc in the same year.

According to Frontex’s analysis of migration routes for 2021, the vast majority of crossings occurred at two points: the Western Balkan route at the EU’s eastern external border; and the Central Mediterranean route from northern Africa into Italy.

“Syrians remained the most frequently reported nationality of the people detected when crossing the border without permission, followed by Tunisians, Moroccans, Algerians and Afghans,” Frontex reported.

The migratory route which saw the largest year-on-year increase was via the Eastern land border, with close to 8,000 irregular border crossings, an increase of 1,069 percent on 2020. The route became more widely used due to the situation in neighboring Belarus which resulted in three EU member states Poland, Lithuania and Latvia all declaring state of emergencies.

However, the route most frequently used by migrants remained the Central Mediterranean route, primarily from Tunisia to the Italian mainland or Italian islands such as Lampedusa, which remains one of the shortest and therefore most popular sea routes available.

Compulsory vaccination postponed in Austria and Germany due to ‘technical problems’

In February and March, respectively, both Germany and Austria would have introduced compulsory vaccination against Covid-19, something that has met with massive protests. In step with the growing resistance among the populations in both countries, signals from leading politicians are now coming that what is called the “vaccination obligation” will not be introduced in February and March. Technical problems and unsustainable time planning are said to be reasons for the coercive measures being postponed.

In mid-November, the Austrian government, made up of the conservative ÖVP party and the Greens, announced the introduction of a so-called “vaccination obligation” for all residents of the country to reduce, according to the government, the spread of Covid-19. This sent minor shock waves through Europe.

Most then understood that the introduction of compulsory vaccination and repressive measures against those who did not obey would be the definitive evidence that the Corona pandemic was being used as a pretext to establish a dystopian control and a police state.

Fines and imprisonment

The Compulsory Vaccination Act was intended to be introduced from February 1 and had been provided with highly repressive tools to make citizens obedient to the Austrian state. The measures that the government intended to take concerned both fines and imprisonment. Those who refused to be vaccinated would have faced stiff fines, while non-payers faced prison.

Around January 8, however, Austrian media reported that the oppressive compulsory vaccination law would be postponed. The company ELGA GMBH, which develops the technology to be used to monitor citizens’ willingness to adapt, now claims that it needs more time to fully develop the monitoring technology. It is expected that the technology would be implemented at the earliest from April this year.

Popular protests are growing in strength

While the surveillance company ELGA GMBH claims to have suffered from “technical problems”, a number of companies and organizations have also sent responses to the government in which they strongly criticize the proposed compulsory vaccination law for violating Austria’s legislation on civil liberties and rights.

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets at the risk of their own safety to show their opposition to the increasingly totalitarian state which is Austria.

Germany is also postponing compulsory vaccination

In November 2021, around the same time as Austria announced its intention to introduce compulsory vaccination of the entire population from February, the new Social Democratic Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, announced similar measures. He said that in the so-called traffic light coalition, consisting of Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals (red, green and yellow), it was agreed that a “vaccination obligation” would be introduced in early March 2022.

But even from Germany, there are now signals that the compulsory vaccination will be postponed indefinitely, at least until May. On the same weekend as the Austrian media reported that their compulsory vaccination was being postponed, German media announced the same thing, including the Tagesspiegel newspaper and the German public-service TV channel ARD’s news program Tagesschau.

Perfidious liberals

According to both Tagesspiegel and Tagesschau, authorities need to better investigate the legal consequences of a compulsory vaccination law, according to German mainstream media. Somewhat unexpectedly, however, these media outlets state that it is the smallest governing party in the traffic light coalition, the liberal FDP, which raises more and more questions about whether a compulsory vaccination law rhymes with the German legislation. This has not only irritated the Social Democrats and the Greens, but also the largest opposition party the CDU.

The postponement may be a ruse by these parties to placate opponents before they issue fresh totalitarian decrees. Last month, the European Medicines Agency authorized boosters every three months. The WHO however released a statement on Wednesday pointing out that “a vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable”.

Nationalist parties are fighting for freedom

It should be said that in Germany, the popular libertarian protests against the already existing restrictions and the intended compulsory vaccination law have increased. In both countries these are national-minded opposition parties. In Austria it is the FPÖ and in Germany it the AFD.

The resistance to Covid-19 vaccines in German-speaking has been notable, especially in Switzerland. Despite being one of the wealthiest countries in the world, Switzerland has the lowest Covid-19 vaccination rate in western Europe. More than one-third of the Swiss population have not even had a first dose of the jab.

In neighbouring Austria, over 33 percent have yet to take a single shot of the vaccine, and in Germany it is also more than 30 percent. In Germany, resistance to the vaccine is marked in the affluent southern states of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg as well as in regions which were part of the GDR, such as Saxony.

Bavarian President Markus Söder told a German talk-show: “We have two viruses in the country. We have Coronavirus and we have this poison [of vaccine skepticism], which is being spread on a massive scale by the Querdenker and by parties like the [far-right] Alternative for Germany [AfD].”

In Switzerland, vaccine uptake in German cantons has been far lower than in French and Italian ones. In Appenzell Innerrhoden, 45 percent of the population was still completely unvaccinated in November 2021, at the height of the vaccine drive and even before the reports of adverse events following the jab started surfacing.

In a survey Erfurt University asked Germans why they did not want these jabs. Some 80 percent of the unvaccinated said they needed to weigh up the risks and benefits first, while 41 percent simply considered vaccination “unnecessary”.

In Austria’s regional elections in September, MFG, a newly established vaccine-sceptic party, made its entry into politics. Some 30 percent of its voters were previous supporters of the far-right, 30 percent were former moderate conservatives and 16 percent were former Socialists and 12 percent were ex-Greens.

Corona app already used by police

It recently became known that the German police in Mainz accessed data from the contact tracing app LUCA after a death. The authorities have thus been issuing penalties within the framework of mandatory vaccination on ELGA, the electronic vaccination database.

A fall resulting in death in front of a restaurant is likely to have prompted the Mainz police and public prosecutor’s office in their investigation to find witnesses by accessing the LUCA app. However, there is no legal basis for doing so. The fall occurred at the end of November.

According to media reports, the questionable investigative steps even led to 21 witnesses being summoned. And that although the data recorded in the app is allegedly used to track contacts in the context of the Corona pandemic, according to the German Infection Protection Act and data protection, this has not been the case.

Users actually have to be informed in advance about the possible use and disclosure of their personal data. This contact tracking app is used by over 40 million Germans and is only intended to notify registered people in the event of a Corona outbreak. The trust of citizens in such apps is certainly not strengthened by the Mainz case.

The fact that a declaration of consent for the processing of personal data has to be signed when visiting the dentist, for example, borders on mockery.

Islam researcher accuses German government of caving in to Islamic lobby groups

The Islam researcher Susanne Schröter criticises the announced integration policy of the “traffic light” coalition in unequivocal terms. Instead of the principle of ” support and demand”, the new government is declaring a renunciation of demanding integrative efforts from migrants.

Schröter writes this in an article for the newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung. “The success of integration is now understood exclusively as the task of the majority society.”

The sharpest instrument of this “plan for an imposed social transformation” are anti-discrimination guidelines against “group-related misanthropy”, which are aligned with demands of lobby organisations. “Numerous Muslim NGOs and their supporters have understood how to make the most of the self-accusation of bourgeois circles who consider themselves racist simply because they are white and non-Muslim,” says the head of the Research Centre Global Islam at Frankfurt’s Goethe University.

Schröter sees the spread of an aggressive, intolerant Islam among Muslim pupils as a particularly damaging development for integration, which is, however, tabooed by the leftist zeitgeist. “This is not about religious rights or even the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of religious confession, but solely about Islamist supremacy,” Schröter writes. The ones who suffer are religious minorities, especially Jewish pupils, “but also liberal Muslims who are subjected to constant religious bullying”.

For children and young people from precarious backgrounds in particular, school can be a space where they can transcend the rigid conditions of their family of origin and acquire knowledge “that is ostracised as heretical knowledge in their milieus, but is the key to successful careers in our society”. Only then would they have real opportunities to participate.

But all this only works if they can develop freely at school without having to fear the influence of mosques and parental homes in the form of Islamist guardians of public moral values.