In Orly, France, the municipality’s new halal butchery is not to its taste: “There are already six halal butcheries in the municipality. Now there is only one traditional butchery left that sells pork”

“We had specified in the lease that it should be a traditional butchery selling all kinds of meat. We have nothing against halal butchers, but we want to maintain a diverse range of shops in the municipality, as there are already six halal butchers in Orly. There is only one traditional butchery left that sells pork: Mr Gillard’s on Rue Jean-Racine. Now his business will cease within a year.” The building is in fact being demolished as part of the urban renewal of the neighbourhood.

Hamid Mounsi is somewhat doubtful: “If I start selling pork, I will only have a 20 % turnover and close down within a year,” he says. There are far more Muslim customers here. The rule of supply and demand regulates trade, not a town hall.” “The city has opened up to everyone because it is constantly trying to become bigger,” notes Françoise, whose three new neighbours are all “families with Tunisian backgrounds”.


Nabil, a customer of Mr Mounsi, confirms: “There was no halal butcher in the area before, and that was missing. Even non-Muslims can get their meat here, right?” The reverse case, on the other hand, is not conceivable, he concedes: “No, we don’t go to those who sell pork.”

“These are the Actions of a Desperate Regime” – Police Use Pepper Spray and Fists against Peaceful Freedom Protestors in Germany

Since the vaccines fail against Omicron, science and reason tell us to end all vaccine mandates and COVID passes

By Vasko Kohlmayer

“The bottom line is that the vaccine is excellent against the Alpha and Delta [variants], for Omicron it’s not good enough” said Prof. Gili Regev-Yochay, who led an Israeli experiment of assessing the effectives of the vaccine against Corona’s latest variant.

Given the fact that the vaccines do not work against Omicron and that Omicron is now the globally dominant Covid strain, it makes no logical or medical sense to continue with vaccinating and boostering at this time.

After all, why would anyone in their right mind needlessly inject people with failed protections that carry a risk of severe adverse reactions?

At this point we are out of vaccine options. No vaccine that is currently at our disposal can protect people from contracting and transmitting Omicron infection or reduce the severity of its symptoms.

We have seen that the opposite is actually the case: the vaccinated and the boostered are contracting Omicron at higher rates than the unvaccinated.

This means that there is nothing we can do by way of vaccinal intervention with the shots that are available to us at the moment.

Here is the reality of our situation: We have come – at least for now — to the end of the vaccine road as far as Covid-19 is concerned. At this time, we simply possess no effective vaccine with which to tackle this disease.

This may change in the future, but for now this is the reality of our situation, and it is imperative that we clearly grasp and accept it so that we do not inflict any unnecessary injury or death.

Since the vaccines are ineffective against the prevailing variant, all injectioneering has to stop. To give out any more shots of these vaccines – which we know do not work – is senseless and medically irresponsible.

Continuing vaccination under current circumstances can bring no benefit and will only bring needless harm. To pointlessly expose healthy people to potential injury would constitute medical malfeasance.

I therefore call upon health authorities, politicians, employers and schools to follow science and common sense.   The science and common sense clearly show that all vaccine and booster mandates need to be suspended.

I ask that this be done immediately and without delay.

I also ask that all Covid passports schemes be revoked. Covid health passes do not serve any legitimate purpose since the vaccinated are not protected against infection, and, in fact, the data show that they are getting infected more readily than their unvaccinated counterparts. For some reason, Omicron seems to target the vaccinated especially.

All throughout this pandemic we have been told by our politicians and health officials to follow the science. It is time for them to finally live up to their own teaching.

I ask them to do what is right in this situation: End all vaccine mandates and health pass schemes.

In the wake of the vaccinal failure, doing anything other would be medically negligent and scientifically unjustifiable.

The appeal of Luc Montagnier: ‘Let’s stop mass vaccination immediately’

It was perhaps the most important Saturday of demonstrations since the protests began throughout Europe. During a huge event organized by the political opposition in Italy, the squares in Rome and Milan were filled to maximum capacity.

An important event organized by Per l’Italia with Paragone-Italexit took place from 3 to 6 pm in Milan in Piazza XXV Aprile: The demo for the defense of constitutional rights and against the management of the government’s health policy and Green Pass. There were several guests who attended the protest, but the most awaited guest was undoubtedly the Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier.

Below is the transcript of Luc Montagnier’s speech in Milan:

There are images, also extraordinary for me, of small bacteria even in the intestine, which are full of viruses. And this is a battle between bacteria and viruses, which must be defeated even with proper nutrition and hygiene. It is not the vaccine that cures, but the combination of medicines that will eliminate this disease.

There was a huge strategic mistake, something was synthesized and isolated, a huge strategic mistake. Contrary to what was said at the beginning, these vaccines offer no protection, and this is emerging slowly. This is scientifically recognized by all today. It is not only scientific experiments that show it, but also all patients on whom the effects have been analyzed to prove it.

Instead of protecting as was promised, it can instead promote other infections. The protein that was used in vaccines for this virus is actually toxic, it is a poison. A vaccine should not be killing but protecting and there have been many deaths, even young sportsmen who have important problems, due to this vaccine. It is an absolute crime to give these vaccines to children today.

It can also cause very serious nerve diseases in the brain. Due to the long-term effects of this vaccine, there are a lot of people who are dying. Neurological disorders can also occur from the first dose, and not only from the second. Even today, no one can predict how many of these people who have been vaccinated now will have major neurological problems in the future.

I ask all my colleagues to absolutely stop vaccinating with this type of vaccine. Doctors today are perfectly informed of what I am saying, and therefore they should intervene immediately because the future of humanity is at stake. Many countries have forgotten about treatments, there is not only the vaccine, there are drugs that have not been used and that work very well, such as antibiotics.

It is up to you, especially the unvaccinated who one day will be able to save humanity. Only the unvaccinated will be able to save the vaccinated. Vaccinated who will, in any case, contact the medical centers to be saved. We must avoid listening and giving a voice to those who do not have the right to do so and let science speak. I repeat: it is the unvaccinated who will be able to save humanity.

In the beginning, the large pharmaceutical multinationals were very interested in vaccines for an economic issue. This has now overtaken them and we must return to respect for scientific truth. It is necessary to carefully follow the evolution of the clinical situation, especially of the vaccinated with 1, 2 or 3 doses, because there are scientific studies that concern serious brain diseases. And we need to remove the fog that has hit the scientific news. It is important that medicine and scientific truth appear accurate in the media and in the mainstream.

Especially for people who have other pathologies, such as cancer for example, it is very important that they are not vaccinated, because there is an aluminum that enters the cells and it is super carcinogenic even more and therefore instead of treating the sick they make them die even sooner. The research continues, and I and my whole team continue to research this virus. The research does not stop, we have not yet reached that point.

Man will win if he concentrates on the law of nature and only on that. Every citizen is free and must also follow political ideas, take advantage of the upcoming elections to express your opinion.

What would I say to a young person today? You absolutely must take action, each of you, and find the truth behind the lies. Long live freedom.

‘The destruction of Europe’ – Backlash follows left-wing German government’s new asylum plans

Germany’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Christian Socialist Union (CSU) parties have expressed outrage at the plans of Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) to accelerate the transfer of migrants into the European Union, and especially Germany.

The SPD politician wants to forge a coalition of “willing member states” to accept more migrants, but Germany’s left-leaning CDU and the more socially conservative CSU are calling for “more control” to put the brakes on migration.

“The top priority for a German interior minister must now be to send clear stop signals and not to issue any new invitations. For many years, Germany has borne the greatest humanitarian burden in Europe,” said Christoph de Vries, a member of the Bundestag for the CDU, to the Bild newspaper on Monday.

The SPD plans to form a “coalition of understanding member states,” which would end the “blockade” of EU asylum policy. Particularly, Eastern European countries like Hungary, Czechia, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia are resisting the admission of migrants. Faeser believes that those countries that block the intake of more migrants will have to make compensatory payments to the nations that do take in more.

Faeser says other countries will join her coalition of the willing, but she has not named which ones might be included. Countries which have previously shown acceptance to mass immigration have taken a much harder stance on the issue due to rising crime and terrorism, particularly Sweden. To Germany’s north, Denmark is known for its robust policy against mass immigration, along with Austria to Germany’s south. Poland, to the east, is also vehemently opposed to migrant quotas. France, Germany’s traditional ally in Brussels, has also been dealing with a serious backlash to mass immigration.

According to Faeser (SPD), the traffic light coalition represents a “new spirit” in the issue of immigration. However, she could not say how many countries would join her plan. At the same time, the proposal does not count in a more rigorous control of accepted people.

MEP Christian Doleschal (CSU) warned of the consequences of the intended project. According to the politician, more benevolent admission of refugees in the longer term will lead to the “destruction of Europe.” Other countries will pay for Germany’s tolerant approach, Doleschal stated.

“Faeser should devote more energy to European cooperation than to the dividing of the Union,” said MEP Markus Ferber (CSU).

The CDU under Angela Merkel was known for its open borders approach, which sparked the 2015 migrant crisis. Under its new leader, Friedrich Merz, the political party is expected to take a more immigration restrictionist approach, especially given that the new left-wing government has been so open about pursuing a mass immigration agenda.

Germany: Afghan tried to kill woman because “women shouldn’t work” – “I sent her to paradise”

It was a few seconds that were enough to destroy the life of a family. An inconceivable assassination out of the blue …

The random victim’s name is Regina G. (58). Now her son is collecting donations to give his mother the best possible treatment – and to give her back a piece of normality.

Flashback: It is September 4, 2021 at around 1.30 pm. Regina G. is voluntarily tending the flower beds on a quiet residential street in the Berlin district of Wilmersdorf. Suddenly Abdul Malik A. (29) attacks her from behind, stabbing her several times in the neck with a knife.

The Afghan refugee injures the hobby gardener so severely that the doctors have to put her into a coma.

The shocking diagnosis: the attack irreparably destroyed the main artery that supplies blood to the left side of the brain. She suffers a severe cerebral infarction, whereupon most of the left side of the brain dies. Regina G. loses the ability to speak and is paralysed on one side.

When the police took Abdul Malik H. away, the arrested man told an officer that he had “sent Regina G. to paradise”. “Women are not supposed to work.”

On the fundraising platform “gofundme”, her son, who is organising the campaign, writes: “The fanatic who told the police that he had wanted to ‘send my mother to paradise’ did not know that my mother was in the process of making the world a more beautiful place herself”.

For years, she had been caring for neglected green spaces in Berlin. And: For 20 years she has helped refugees to learn German and then to study and work in Germany.

Regina G. is in a neuro-rehabilitation clinic, learning how to sit, stand, walk, eat and speak. The only word that the woman, formerly so joyful, can bring to her lips at the moment is “beautiful… beautiful”, according to her son.

But the highly specialised therapies are expensive, the health insurance only pays for basic therapies.