‘Freedom’ now deemed a white supremacist notion

By Eric Utter

Taylor Dysart, a doctoral candidate at Penn, authored a column in which she claimed that the Canadian truckers’ Freedom Convoy “has surprised onlookers in the United States and Canada,” in large part “because the action seems to violate norms of Canadian ‘politeness.’“  She then opined, “But the convoy represents the extension of a strain of Canadian history that has long masked itself behind ‘peacefulness’ or ‘unity’: settler colonialism.” Huh?

Sadly, she wasn’t done. She stated, “The history of Canadian settler colonialism and public health demonstrates how both overt white-supremacist claims and seemingly more inert nationalistic claims about ‘unity’ and ‘freedom’ both enable and erase ongoing harm to marginalized communities.” Huh?

She added, “The primarily White supporters of the Freedom Convoy argue that pandemic mandates infringe upon their constitutional rights to freedom. The notion of ‘freedom’ was historically and remains intertwined with Whiteness, as historian Tyler Stovall has argued. The belief that one’s entitlement to freedom is a key component of White supremacy. This explains why the Freedom Convoy members see themselves as entitled to freedom, no matter the public health consequences to those around them.”

Yes, how dare the Freedom Convoy members think they are “entitled” to freedom! It’s not like they have inalienable rights granted by their Creator or something! They only have the rights that the government says they have…or don’t have! Period. Leftists somehow believe they are entitled to determine what freedom other people have. Revolting assumed privilege.

“Public health consequences?” We have seen the consequences of being locked down and enslaved for all of history. And they are despair, disease, and death.

Dysart referenced Stovall because his book, “White Freedom: The Racial History of an Idea,” supports her insane belief that the notion of freedom is actually racist.  The book discusses “how the Statue of Liberty—a gift from France to the United States and perhaps the most famous symbol of freedom on Earth—promised both freedom and whiteness to European immigrants.” So, Lady Liberty is racist, too. And probably sexist. (I always suspected her.)

The assertion that one’s “entitlement to freedom” is a “key component of White supremacy” seems illogical at best. Slaves in the American South dreamed of freedom, cherished freedom, and believed they were entitled to it, and I’m pretty sure most of them weren’t White Supremacists.

Come to think of it, I doubt that Martin Luther King thought he was giving a shout out to White Supremacy when he joyously spoke of a day when Black people were “Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty we are free at last.”

But, as Mark Steyn recently noted, “Physical lockdown seems to have inculcated in the citizenry a psychological lockdown that will be far harder to lift.” He referenced a CBC show, Cross-Country Check-Up, to which he said “the word ‘freedom’” itself “is now suspect.”

According to Steyn, the host(s) of the nation-wide open-line radio show opined:

As demonstrations against COVID-19 restrictions continue across Canada, the word freedom is on the lips and placards of many protesters. Often associated with protests and rallies in the United States, the term has taken hold among protesters who are part of the Freedom Convoy, which rolled into Ottawa in late January and has become entrenched in the city’s downtown.

For many, freedom is a malleable term — one that’s open to interpretation. That flexibility, in part, has fueled its growth among certain groups, said Barbara Perry, director of the Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism at the Oshawa-based Ontario Tech University. It’s also a term that has thrived among far-right groups, said Perry, one of a number of experts who say the presence of far-right groups in Canada is growing.

 Freedom is a “malleable” term/concept? I’m pretty sure the slaves on Southern plantations and those held in German concentration camps or Japanese prisons during World War II would disagree.  

Freedom has “thrived” among “far-right” groups? Freedom is a far-right notion? No wonder far-right groups have grown.

It has come to this. As George Orwell knew it could. Freedom is fascist. Freedom is slavery.

If freedom is now considered problematic by the Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism, no one can tell me we aren’t in real trouble.

But many apparently now do consider a love of freedom an example of Hate, Bias and Extremism. For example, students and faculty at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) have demanded a new mask mandate be put in place after the statewide mandate was recently lifted by Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak. And various reports indicate that many Democrats don’t want to relinquish their masks, don’t want life to go back to normal with the waning of the coronavirus plandemic pandemic.

In urban areas of the formerly United States, particularly on both coasts, an astounding number of people seem to enjoy being masked up and locked down, seem to take pride in showing their reflexive compliance to Big Brother, seem to value being submissive and subjugated. They seemingly revel in their subjugation and thrive on being disciplined by their sadomasochistic rulers. They have taken subservience to a new and troubling level and elevated obedience to a virtue. Incomprehensibly, to many in Canada—and the U.S., the land of the formerly free and erstwhile brave– freedom is out, passé, just another word for nothing left to lose.

Freedom is a “far-right concept” now, according to some. Think about that. Freedom is a word primarily associated with radical, right-wing extremists and white supremacy?! How preposterous and revolting is that assertion? What does it say about those on the left? What does it say about those who don’t purport to value (others’) freedom?

Note to all the virtue-signaling wokesters out there: You have the right to prostrate yourself to anybody you like. You can genuflect to your government, take a knee before a Karen. You can submit to your spouse…or your dominatrix. You can subjugate yourself to anyone or anything or any cause you like, but you have no damn right to keep the rest of us enslaved as well. Or to even suggest that we should join you in your prostration.


Germany: Afghan migrant accused of stabbing three people and screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ admits in court he lied about not remembering the attack

An Afghan migrant who stabbed three people at random in a German train station and screamed “Allahu Akbar” in August of last year has now admitted that he lied when he initially told investigators he did not remember anything.

The 24-years-old Milad A. is currently only trial for randomly attacking a group of travelers in the central railway station in the German town of Dresden on Aug. 13, 2021. He stabbed travelers with a knife and chased a man through the station.

According to a report from the State Criminal Police Office, there is no evidence of terrorism behind the attack despite the man screaming “Allahu Akbar.”

During the attack, he kicked the first of the three Uzbeks off the bench, attacked the second with a kitchen knife (9 cm blade), and injured his hand. According to the indictment, he shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is great).

He chased the third victim through the train station, stabbed him nine times, and injured the man’s arm and hip. Only federal police officers were able to overpower Milad A. with a gun.

On Monday, Feb. 14, 2022, Milad A. confessed to the district court but pretended not to be able to remember anything.

“I took methamphetamine an hour before. I was just scared,” the perpetrator said at the trial.

However, Milad A. has already once committed the same crime. As Bild newspaper reported, three years ago, the man was sentenced to 16 months probation for a knife attack, among other things. He was never deported.

The trial is still ongoing. The Afghan faces several years in prison for dangerous bodily harm and threats.


Trudeau puts down peaceful protests with heavily armed police

The Corona dictatorship in Canada has upped the ante. After the supposedly “liberal” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently declared a state of emergency and froze the bank accounts of his critics in order to intimidate the trucker protests, he has taken his disdain for Canadians to the next level – with unprecedented violence.

There were also countless arrests. But despite all the harassment, the people remain resistant and restless residents in Quebec have joined in.

The WEF disciple Trudeau has completely lost control of his country. Even attempts to financially drain the protest potential did not have the desired effect as Canadians subsequently withdrew their money from the banks, and the ATMs at all major banks ran empty. Moreover, regional prime ministers are not following his state of emergency dictates.

In parliament, Trudeau’s only success has been insulting the opposition and as a result, clearing the street of annoying demonstrators at any price, must have seemed like an option to the PM. That was obviously the order: To unleash a brutal police operation in the capital Ottawa.

Police officers with their name tags removed, marched in heavy battle gear. They arrested dozens of people and had numerous vehicles confiscated. They sprayed the crowd in front of Parliament with chemical irritants. On Twitter, the city police department even threatened journalists with arrest if they stayed in the restricted area. And reporter from Rebel News was assaulted. Protesters who brought their children were threatened with long prison sentences.

To justify the crackdown, authorities claimed the protesters were aggressive. When police horses rushed into the crowd and pushed an elderly lady to the ground, police claimed one person “threw a bicycle at a horse”. The pictures, on the other hand, show the lady’s walker lying on the ground.

Because the crowd did not want to leave, they were threatened with batons “for their safety”. The windows of trucks were also smashed by police officers.

Ottawa’s acting chief of police, Steve Bell, said he wanted to end the protests “peacefully” while threatening more arrests. At a press conference he tried to justify the continued violent operation.  “If you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges. Absolutely. This investigation will go on for months to come.”

Bell said they were absolutely determined to end the “illegal” demonstration,” “If they don’t leave peacefully, we have plans.” He did not reveal exactly what these were. However, Trudeau had recently announced that the military might be deployed.


France: Critic of Islam Mila attacked again by migrants in broad daylight (Video)

A warning cry, but also a cry of rage. On Instagram and later on Twitter, Mila recounted her nightmarish afternoon walking along the banks of the Rhône in Lyon. On the phone with her boyfriend, she first declared that she was being “annoyed” everywhere she went, “every 30 seconds”: “You get harassed, any young woman could confirm it the same way,” she said at first. Then she explains the assaults she has just experienced: “You have a nice ass, we are going to spank you, we are going to rape you”, etc.

She is quite annoyed and admits that she reacted by insulting them, which she did not really want to do. While she is reporting the first attacks, she is again harassed by a group of other people who speak poor French. When she videos them, the situation finally gets out of hand. As can be seen in the footage she posted, one of the men pretends to show her his private part and spits in her direction. He then grabs her arm and takes her mobile phone away.

She manages to free herself, but another interferes and starts deleting the videos on the mobile phone that incriminate her. At the same time, her attackers call her a “son of a bitch” and threaten to throw her mobile phone into the Rhône. When she starts screaming but no one comes to her aid, a man who was actually jogging manages to save the mobile phone and drive the attackers away.

She recounted these scenes later that evening, still in her posts. “I get so annoyed all the time, but 99% of the time you don’t feel like filming it,” she laments. “I’m not attacked as Mila, but as a woman,” she adds, describing an everyday life that has become unbearable for women. Finally, in the evening, she decided to press charges. On Twitter, she revealed that the police “probably can’t do much” because the main attacker was “probably an illegal”.


Austria: After the devastating terrorist attack in Vienna in November 2020, Islamists planned another attack there

On November 2, 2020, an Islamist terrorist attack horrified Vienna’s city centre. Since then, one central question has preoccupied us again and again: “Can something like this happen again?”. Now it has become known that only six months after the attack, another attack was planned.

Muharrem S. (21) is suspected of being a member of a criminal organisation, suspected of being a member of a terrorist organisation, and suspected of financing terrorism. He had to answer for all these charges before the Vienna Regional Court. He has to serve two years in prison, eight months of which are to be served without parole. The sentence is not legally binding.

Investigators found out that Muharrem S. had apparently planned a terrorist attack in the Floridsdorf district of Vienna. It all began in 2021, when the Directorate for State Protection and Intelligence (DSN) and the Vienna State Office for the Protection of the Constitution (LVT) first became aware of the Austrian. In short message services he always attracted attention with “questionable, Islamist content”, reports the “Kurier”.

Investigators report meetings in mosques. Until the day when Muharrem S. was arrested and his flat in Vienna was searched and several electronic data carriers were seized.

The chronology of his radicalisation was found in this database. Muharrem S. is said to have been a member of the terrorist organisation “Islamic State” (IS) since March 2020. He is said to have repeatedly asked for donations to widows of fallen IS fighters.

Then the discovery: In Telegram chats from April 2021, investigators came across the planning of an attack in the Floridsdorf district of Vienna. They remain silent on how exactly the attack was to take place. However, the plans were “concrete” and to be taken seriously.

The suspect confessed in part and accepted the sentence.


Canadian Speaker Blames “Poor Audio,” Cuts Member’s Feed When He Asks Why Klaus Schwab Is “Bragging” About the WEF Successfully “Infiltrating Half of Canada’s Cabinet” – (VIDEO)

In Brussels it seems that everything is being done for the glory of Islam

by Giulio Meotti

Five years ago, some of Europe’s leading intellectuals – the Englishman Roger Scruton, the Pole Ryszard Legutko, the German Robert Spaemann and the French Rémi Brague – launched the “Paris Declaration”. They rejected “the utopian pseudo-religious crusade devoted to building a world without borders” and called for a Europe based on “Christian roots”, inspired by the “classical tradition” and repudiating multiculturalism:

“The godfathers of false Europe believe that history is on their side and this faith makes them haughty and contemptuous, unable to recognize the defects of the post-national and post-cultural world they are building. They ignore, indeed they repudiate, the Christian roots of Europe. At the same time, they are very careful not to offend Muslims, imagining that they will joyfully embrace their secularist and multiculturalist mentality “.

Prophetic, judging by the poster for the “Conference for the future of Europe” organized by the EU institutions. The only person who wears a religious symbol is a Muslim woman. Not a kippà or a cross o be seen. No, because the recent campaign by the European Commission not to wish one another a “Merry Christmas” had only been postponed. The Canadian essayist Mathieu Bock-Côté is right, when on French TV he said: “The Islamic veil has become the banner of the new society. Our elites capitulate and have accepted the idea that the Islamization of Europe is inevitable. It is a psychology of submission ”.

In November the Council of Europe produced a shameless advertisement in favor of the Islamic veil with photos and unmistakable slogans such as “My veil, my choice”, and “Beauty is in diversity, like freedom in the hijab”. .

Le Figaro writes that the European Union has become “an organ of the propaganda of diversity”. As if Europe is telling us that in the name of tolerance we must help the Sharia to be established.

It is a tsunami.

-In 2013, the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (the body that represents Islamic countries around the world) opened an office in the European Parliament.

-In 2014, the European Commission began funding and participating in the “European Day against Islamophobia”.

-In 2015, Brussels financed the “Report on Islamophobia” drawn up by a Turkish NGO close to Erdogan.

-In 2016 an exhibition funded by the European Union (2.5 million euros) entitled “Islam, our history!”

-And then several projects paid for by the European Research Council, such as “The European Koran” financed with 9,842. 534 euros

-And why not mention “The global Koran”, a mega project funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union? Budget: 1,980,000 euros.

In Brussels it seems that everything is being done for the glory of Islam.

What is the message that the European Union is sending frantically? That Islam is inseparable from the idea of ​​Europe? That Islam is “our future”? That Europe is only a supranational political organization and not a civilization that has its roots in the Judeo-Christian heritage?

The veil campaign confirms the analysis of the great Algerian novelist Boualem Sansal, the author of 2084, who writes: “From my long observation of the countries that the Islamic International has targeted, I have learned three lessons. The first is that the companies under fire very quickly realize that they do not have the means to defeat this invisible enemy. This mysterious threat literally liquefies society. At this point, exhausted, discouraged,[lesson 2] they enter a process of relative submission, believing they will appease the enemy, giving him more and more ground, carrying out his requests and eventually becoming his advocate. Society ends up admiring this prodigious enemy and despising itself [lesson 3]. In the end, she joins him, becomes his accomplice, wants to be like him and die at the cry of Allahu Akbar ”.

Europe is at this last stage.


France: ROUBAIX, THE SCHOOL OF DIVERSITY – Nolan, who is bullied at his private school because he eats pork

Translation: Nolan, who is so much a minority in his own country … that he is bullied at school because he dares to eat pork.
Even in private school it’s like that, so imagine what our children experience in public school.


The Netherlands is the first country to officially allow anti-Semitism: From now on, universities must register their staff with links to Israel on their files

 Fourteen Dutch universities said they are suspending their compliance with a freedom of information query from a pro-Palestinian organization regarding their ties with Israeli and Jewish entities.

The 14 publicly funded institutions, including the University of Amsterdam, the University of Utrecht and the Delft University of Technology, made the announcement Tuesday in a joint statement following an outcry last week over the query by The Rights Forum, which critics say was founded by an antisemite.

The query has led to “distress and a feeling of insecurity. We regret this,” read the statement by the Universities of the Netherlands, an umbrella group representing the country’s public universities.

Those institutions have asked for an undisclosed “time extension” in complying with the query, meaning that “currently no further steps are taken to retrieve, collect and/or transmit the information” sought in the query, the statement read.

The universities will “balance” the legal requirements of the freedom of information law that gave the query its legal standing with “other legal frameworks, including those guaranteeing the safety” of university staff, the statement also read.

The universities began gathering the information because the query was certified as what is known in the Netherlands as a WOB request, compliance to which is legally required for public or state-funded organization.

In the request, Gerard Jonkman, director of The Rights Forum, wrote that under the WOB request, he is seeking documents or information on “institutional ties with Israel universities, institutions and businesses and with organizations that propagate support for the State of Israel.”

Among the dozens of entities Jonkman listed are Christians for Israel, the Israeli weapons and defense systems producer Elbit, and a right-wing, pro-Israel Dutch-Jewish association.

But the list also includes mainstream Jewish entities from the Netherlands and elsewhere that do not define themselves as Israeli or solely focused on Israel.

Those groups include the Anti-Defamation League, the Central Jewish Board of the Netherlands, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, B’nai B’rith and even the office of the Dutch government’s own National Coordinator for Fighting Antisemitism, which is headed by Edo Verdonner, who is Jewish.

The Central Jewish Board has called the request antisemitic and urged universities to refuse to comply with it in a statement Tuesday. Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs, the chief rabbi of the Netherlands, also termed the request antisemitic and drew parallels between it and the conduct of Nazi collaborators.

The Rights Forum has not responded to a request for comment by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

The group was founded by Dries van Agt, a former prime minister of the Netherlands whom the Central Jewish Board has called an antisemite. Van Agt has dismissed this as an attempt to delegitimize his criticisms of Israel.

Van Agt recently accused Israeli settlers of routinely poisoning their Palestinian neighbors, prompting critics to say he was reviving medieval antisemitic blood libels.
