Scientists call for an immediate end to ‘gain-of-function’ research

The dangerous experiments with pathogens with global pandemic potential should stop, said Prof Roland Wiesendanger from the University of Hamburg in Germany and organiser of the call to end gain-of-function research.

“The current pandemic has taught us what devastating effects it can have when pathogens become extremely easily transmissible from person to person, even if the mortality rate due to the virus is only in the range of one percent or less. For at least ten years, dangerous pathogens such as avian flu viruses or SARS-like viruses have been adapted to human cells within the framework of so-called ‘gain-of-function‘ research, which involves an enormously high risk for the outbreak of worldwide pandemics. Such research projects continue to be financed – partly with public money – and this with much more dangerous viruses, some with lethality rates above 50 percent,” the authors said.

A virologist at a respected US research institute recently summed up the potential danger succinctly in one sentence as follows: “This pandemic is nothing compared to what comes next when we get airborne Nipah or Ebola.”

It is the responsibility of scientists and the media worldwide to point out this huge potential danger and to sensitise politicians as well as society as a whole. A group of scientists from various disciplines as well as from numerous countries in Europe, America, Asia and New Zealand are therefore now addressing the global community with the following “Hamburg Declaration 2022” with the aim of immediately ending the “gain-of-function” experiments with pathogens that are dangerous for humans.

This declaration was created in the spirit of the 1957 Göttingen Declaration, which drew attention to the potential danger posed by nuclear weapons systems.

Hamburg Declaration 2022

Conscious of the mission and responsibility of science and research to serve the welfare of humankind, to strive for truth and to communicate the knowledge gained to the general public, the signatories of this declaration wish to draw attention to a major threat to human existence that has arisen in recent years as a result of novel biotechnical processes for modifying dangerous pathogens.

Through so-called “gain-of-function” research, naturally occurring viruses are adapted by altering their gene sequence to facilitate their docking with and invasion of human cells. This creates an enormous potential for a pandemic, which responsible scientists and researchers have repeatedly pointed out over the past decade. Such research has been conducted in recent years on various highly dangerous pathogens such as avian flu viruses and SARS-like coronaviruses, and this has been documented in the scientific literature. Much of this work has also been done as part of publicly funded research projects.

The current Corona pandemic clearly shows what it means when pathogens are extremely easily transmitted from person to person. We have to mourn millions of deaths worldwide and billions of people are threatened in their existence or have lost it completely. The enormous damage to humanity occurred even though the mortality rate of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is only in the percentage range. There are indications that much more dangerous viruses such as MERS, Ebola or Nipah viruses are being genetically manipulated in various biotechnology laboratories around the world. The outcome of such experiments is often difficult or impossible to predict. However, no biotechnology laboratory in the world is safe enough to guarantee that such genetically modified viruses will not escape. A catastrophic event could be fatal for a substantial proportion of the world’s population, especially if the transmissibility of highly dangerous viruses via the human respiratory tract is facilitated by genetic modification.

We as scientists are aware of the importance of freedom of science and research. Nevertheless, we appeal to all politicians in the world to ensure that this “gain-of-function” research on pathogens with global pandemic potential is stopped immediately. The risk associated with this research and the potential of wiping out large parts of the world’s population are no longer responsible. We demand that the halt be controlled and continuously monitored by an independent international supervisory authority.

Regardless of the form of government of the countries of this world, it must be the concern of every responsible leader to contribute to the well-being of the population of his or her own country, but also of humanity as a whole. Humans have learned to intervene in the basic molecular building blocks of life. This gives rise to many opportunities to improve human life, but also to a great responsibility to preserve creation. Let us take this responsibility seriously before it is too late.

Roland Wiesendanger, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c., Nanoscientist, University of Hamburg, Germany (Organizer)

Hiroshi Arakawa, Dr., Institute of Molecular Oncology, IFOM, Milan, Italy

Ute Bergner, Dr., Physicist, Jena, Germany

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Sex crimes up 43% in Catalonia’s Girona province

In 2021, the sex crime rate increased sharply in the region of Girona in Spain’s Catalonia. Figures made public by the Catalan authorities show a jump of 43 percent in this category, L’Indépendant reported. Overall, the crime rate rose by 13 percent.

As Remix News previously reported, the rise in sex crimes is taking place in the same region of Spain where a 95-year-old Spanish woman was raped by a Gambian migrant this month in the city of Figueras.

The significant increase in crimes of a sexual nature in the province stands out all the more, as the 2021 rate exceeded the number before the pandemic, according to the Diari de Girona daily. While in 2019, the Girona region recorded 310 sex crimes, last year, it was 329. Among these, 53 were rapes (an increase of 13 percent compared to 2020). Cases of touching and other abuse amounted to 276, up 49.2 percent compared to 185 in 2020.

Overall, the region of Girona recorded nearly 40,000 crimes and misdemeanors (39,345 precisely), up 13.2 percent compared to the year 2020.

“The easing of restrictions has caused an increase in crime,” sums up Diari de Girona.

Meanwhile, attempted homicides have increased by 31 percent to 21 recorded cases. There were also six murders, one less than in 2020. The last one was a parricide on October 31, 2021, when a 19-year-old boy had stabbed his 46-year-old mother to death at the family home in Ripoll.

Number-one ranked French tennis star incapacitated by booster shot

Gael Monfils, France’s top tennis player, will be unable to play at next week’s Davis Cup after suffering health problems caused by the Covid-19 booster shot. He made the announcement on social media.

Monfils is ranked as 25th best men’s player in the world, winning his first title in two years in Adelaide and then reaching the quarter-finals of the Australian Open. In late January he suffered a shock defeat at the hands of Mikael Ymer, who is ranked 83rd.

Monfils wrote on Tuesday: “Hello everyone, I wanted to give you some news following my recent rest in tournaments. I suffered a small health problem (probably following my third dose of the vaccine). On the advice of my doctor, I decided to take time to rest. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to play the Davis Cup next week. I hope to be able to return to the United States.”

Monfils is the second French tennis player injured by the Covid vaccine. In September last year, tennis star Jeremy Chardy suffered a severe adverse reaction to the Pfizer vaccine he had received in August. Chardy has not played a match since the US Open last summer and has dropped to number 138 in the world. Before his vaccine injury, he was ranked at number 73.

France: The conservative student union UNI publishes a video recorded at the University of Reims showing a young Muslim woman praying in a lecture hall

Translation: 🔴 A prayer in a university course room!
UNI has been denouncing this phenomenon, concealed and denied by some university presidents and staff, for years.
A reaction @universitereims @VidalFrederique? Last year, the government knowingly deleted the article banning prayers in universities from the separatism bill.
The Macronists are complicit in this dangerous communitarianism and proselytism.

France: Now the son of a well-known TV journalist was also bullied by Muslims at school because he ate a pork sausage

Nolan’s testimony causes a stir. On Sunday February 20, the programme Sept à Huit on TF1 revealed the testimony of a sixth-grader named Nolan. He was bullied by some of his classmates because … he eats pork. The extract from the Sept à Huit report is striking: “I eat pork. Since they don’t eat pork, they tell me: ‘I won’t touch your plate, I won’t even look at you’. This is racism, they are racists,” said the schoolboy who once brought Strasbourg sausages for his lunch. The reaction of the education team of this public school was remarkable. Indeed, the headmaster urged the pupils to discuss among themselves in order to resolve the conflict. Thanks to the adult’s explanations and the discussion, one of the stalkers eventually apologised to Nolan. Such an outcome, however, is unusual. Dimitri Pavlenko, the Face à l’info channel crew columnist on CNews, confided in the audience on a talk show on Tuesday February 22. He revealed that he had come to know ” the experience of little Nolan “. At least this is true for his son.

One day he came home and told his father: “I was called a halouf in the canteen” – “pig” in Arabic. An incident that “happened again and again”, the journalist lamented in the broadcast. Worse still, Dimitri Pavlenko and his son had ” got no support from the education staff”. Result: “We took the child out of school. We had the opportunity to change this, and we did.

He described this phenomenon as “tragic”, as some families do not always have the means to send their child to another school in case of bullying. Indirectly, “these families, including his own, flee the area and in a way bring this problem even further into focus”. Dimitri Pavlenko added on CNews: “The famous social mix only gets worse with time.” “I would have liked to see an educational staff,” like the one at little Nolan’s school featured in the Sept à Huit report. “That would have been a help for everyone,” the journalist concluded.

TRUMP IS RIGHT AGAIN: German UN Delegation Laughed at President Trump When He Warned Them of Reliance on Russian Oil (VIDEO)

The European Parliament promotes its multimedia dossier on the European Year of Youth 2022 with a photo of members of FEMYSO, an Islamist NGO close to the Muslim Brotherhood

Parlement européen – Centre multimédia

However, this photo is not among the photos of the “European year of youth 2022” dossier, but is nevertheless highlighted by the European Parliament.

What does the European Year of Youth mean?

Let your voice be heard! 2022 is the European Year of Youth. The aim is to highlight the importance of European youth in building a better future: greener, more inclusive and more digital. The European Year of Youth is the ideal time to move forward into the post-pandemic era with confidence and hope. It will offer many opportunities to learn, share visions, meet other people and participate in activities across Europe. Find out what the year has in store for you and join the #EuropeanYearOfYouth initiative![…].

Union européenne

North Africans sexually harass underage Italian schoolgirls

The man started touching my daughter everywhere and held his hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming. A mother from Parma, in tears as well as anger, recounts the horrific story that happened to her 14-year-old daughter and which she reported to the police. The nightmare for the pupil of a local school began on Saturday evening at the bus stop under the Portici del Grano and continued all the way to her house.

The fourteen-year-old girl, who lives in Via Sidoli, after spending the whole afternoon in the town centre with her friends – all girls and boys more or less her age, classmates and some from other schools, a group known to the girl’s family – went to the bus stop accompanied by her friends.

But then he came. The man of North African origin, between twenty and twenty-five years old, a face that was unfortunately already familiar to the group of young people. Fifteen days ago,” says the mother”, “he had already molested my daughter. The incident had taken place in a bar in Via D’Azeglio. “He was very upset and at one point tried to hug her. However, the girl managed to push him away with the help of her friends. That same evening, a girlfriend of hers was even worse off. “She was also approached by this man who tried to hug her, as he had done with my daughter. In an attempt to free herself, she was punched in the face.”

All this happened fifteen days ago. On the Saturday before they met him in front of the bus stop, the group of friends had already encountered him in another club in the city centre, one of the places where groups of young people, some of them known as “Nafri gangs” (North African gangs), hang out on Saturdays and often annoy the younger ones. The same sad ” scenario ” there too.”Constantly, he would harass her again, try to stop her and then again to hug her.” The girl ran away from her friends, hoping it would all end there. But it didn’t. A little later, at the bus stop, the young man reappeared. Eventually the bus arrives, the 14-year-old girl says goodbye to her friends and gets on, but the young man does the same. The two find themselves on the same bus. Once again he molested her,” the mother continues, “he babbled something that my daughter didn’t understand. Then he sat down next to her. My daughter then tried to make a phone call, but he snatched the phone out of her hand. However, the girl managed to get her smartphone and sit next to the driver, while the perpetrator stayed in the back of the bus.”

This was already a terrible journey, but it was about to get even more terrible. In Via Sidoli, the schoolgirl got off the bus and went home. But at the bus stop, the boy got off and started to follow her.

The young woman hurried on. Then she started walking, still with the North African at her back. When she arrived in front of the house, she was caught and blocked. “He pushed her against a wall and started touching and kissing her all over. To stop her from screaming, he held his hand in front of her mouth and to her neck,” her mother says in a trembling voice.

In her desperation, the 14-year-old girl managed to pull her hand away and scream for help. Her mother, who was inside the house, realised that the call was from her daughter (the woman says her daughter screamed: “Help, help, stop, go away”) and opened the gate through the intercom.

My daughter managed to get into the house and save herself,” she adds, “and in the meantime I rushed to the balcony to try to identify the attacker. But he ran away.

Yesterday, the woman went to the police station to report the incident and the police are on the trail of the attacker, who could be charged with sexual assault. Once the fear and shock fade away, a great deal of anger remains. “The mother’s outburst: “This situation of insecurity can no longer be tolerated in this city.” VoxNews