France: Sudanese migrant sentenced for sexual assault of two schoolgirls aged 12 and 13

A Sudanese migrant who was previously known to police has now been sentenced for his sexual assault of two schoolgirls, aged 12 and 13, on a tram in the French city of Strasbourg.

Around 5 p.m. last Friday, the two victims boarded a tram to take them home from school. The perpetrator, Ismail Noor Hamad, was seated directly across from them and kept staring at them for a long period of time, particularly at their chests, according to the two girls.

Hamad then approached one of the two children and began rubbing his thigh against her and grabbing her crotch. When the girl attempted to rip his hand away, he then turned to her friend and groped her. The two girls fled to the driver’s cabin, according to the French newspaper 20 Minutes.

The driver acted quickly, locking the doors for the entire tram until the police could arrive and arrest the perpetrator. The Sudanese migrant was already known to police for a similar sexual assault in the past year, yet he had not been deported and remained on the street.

The migrant was apparently more than willing to talk with police following his arrest, saying, “I was wrong… that’s how it is.” He is currently in an “irregular” situation in France and struggled to give his exact age to police.

The public prosecutor said the perpetrator’s nonchalance about the sexual assault is all the more “worrying” considering a “psychiatric expert who examined him did not find that he had psychological problems.”

“Already known” to the police for touching committed in the same circumstances last year, Hamad was sentenced on Monday to “seven months in prison” with continued detention.

At the end of his sentence, he will be banned from French territory for only five years, despite having two cases of sexual assault on his record within a year. His name has been entered in the file of perpetrators of sexual offenses.

The incident is emblematic of France’s lax immigration enforcement under President Emmanuel Macron, which his rival presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has promised to fix if she is elected with a referendum on immigration.

The city of Strasbourg has also seen high-profile incidents involving violence against women in the past, including a woman who was punched in the face for “wearing a skirt” in 2020. The case sparked a nationwide debate, with some pointing to immigrant communities as one of the main drivers of violence against women, especially those who dress in a way deemed inappropriate by some migrants from North African and Middle Eastern countries.

Justin Trudeau is a Bungler and Menace to His Nation

By Vasko Kohlmayer

At the beginning of January, Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, posted a message on Twitter in which he announced that he had just received his Covid vaccine booster and urged others to do likewise.

At the end of January, Justin Trudeau posted a message on Twitter in which he announced that he had tested positive for Covid-19.

Astoundingly, at the conclusion of his message, Trudeau urged everyone to get the shots even though they failed to protect him from the disease. “Everyone, please get vaccinated and get boosted,” he insisted.

Trudeau’s message shows the depth of irrationality – bordering on insanity – to which many have fallen victim. We propose to call this phenomenon the Vaccine Insanity Syndrome (VIS). Those who suffer from VIS have largely lost touch with reality and things like common sense, evidence and logic no longer gain any traction in their thinking.

Just to summarize the absurdity of the whole situation: Having been previously vaccinated, Trudeau gets additionally boostered and three weeks later contracts Covid-19.

To put it in a different way, shortly after getting his third shot, Canada’s Prime Minister falls ill with the very disease against which these “effective” injections were supposed to protect him.

But rather than repenting of his mistake, he goes on Twitter and advises the Canadian people to do the same.

Where is any logic in this? Has Covid affected Trudeau’s brain? Or was it the injections that somehow diminished his capacity for thought and reflection?

If anything, Trudeau should be “Exhibit One” for why people should not get vaccinated and boostered, since he is now Canada’s poster boy for vaccine failure.

Why, then, is he telling Canadians to do what he did?

It cannot be because the vaccines and boosters will protect them against infection. The opposite is, in fact, the case.

The data coming from all over the world is showing that the vaccinated are more likely to become infected than the unvaccinated. According to Steve Kirsch, “The numbers in the Denmark study described below are now confirmed by government data from Germany showing that vaccinated people are 8X more likely to develop Omicron than unvaccinated people. This is not surprising since a paper from Germany showed the same thing: the more you vaccinate, the worse it gets.”

Justin Trudeau, however, does not have to go to foreign lands to learn of vaccine failure. Below is a chart from Ontario which gives case numbers according to vaccination status. You will notice that the numbers for the fully vaccinated are more than three times those of the unvaccinated.

You may think that perhaps Trudeau may be urging his compatriots to submit themselves to the shots because that will immunize them against severe Covid. But this also is not the case. In England, Scotland, Israel, and Denmark, for example, the boostered and vaccinated comprise the bulk of Covid hospitalizations and deaths. In Scotland, in the second week of January, 87 percent of Covid related deaths occurred among the vaccinated.

In the Canadian province of Alberta, so many people were contracting and dying of Covid after receiving their vaccine that the government decided to remove the data from the internet so that people could not see the truth.

A couple of weeks ago an Israeli study found that the vaccines are “not good enough” against Omicron, which is the prevailing strain in Canada as well as in the rest of the world.

Not only are these shots “not good enough” but they also happen to be dangerous. To see this, one only needs to look at the explosion of reports of deaths and other adverse reactions in the VAERS database which coincided with the introduction of the Covid vaccines in late 2020. This did not escape the notice of researchers all over the world and, to date, more than one thousand articles and studies appeared in peer-reviewed scientific journals and magazines discussing the serious side effects of the Covid vaccines.

All this, however, did not stop Justin Trudeau from making video messages in which he personally urges five-year-old children to get these dangerous shots. What makes Trudeau’s incitement especially ludicrous is the fact that healthy children are at virtually no risk from Covid. They are, in fact, more likely to be struck by lightning than to die from this illness. The facts notwithstanding, this is what Trudeau said to Canadian five-year-olds in a recent video missive:

“You’re going to be able to get your vaccine as soon as you turn five. And I know you’re excited and I know that you are eager. In some places across the country, you can even start making your appointment now for shortly after your [fifth] birthday.”

It is instructive to watch him say this so that one can directly see just how misguided and dangerous this man really is.

As one commenter noted aptly, “Are we living in the film The body snatchers? I mean it’s like I went to bed one night and woke up with half the world’s gone bat s–t crazy.”

For two years Trudeau has tormented Canadians with lockdowns and restrictions in the name of the virus whose average survival rate is more than 99.8 percent for healthy people of productive age.

In May of last year, Trudeau promised Canadians that the “safe” and “effective” vaccines would end the pandemic and that if enough people took them life would return to normal.

With an 80 percent vaccination rate, Canada is infested with Covid-19 and life is nowhere close to normal.

Being Covid positive even though he has been boostered, Trudeau now urges Canadian men, women, and children to subject themselves to dangerous vaccines that do not work against the coronavirus’ currently prevailing variant.

Even as Canadians rise in a mass peaceful protest to express their disapproval of Trudeau’s misconceived and failed policies, he implies they are fascists and racists.

A demagogue disconnected from reality, Justin Trudeau is a bungler and a menace to his country and his people.

Adobe wants you to believe on Facebook that the Muslim woman is the epitome of creativity….

What reason did Adobe have to take a veiled woman to advertise a video editing software?

Advertising that must cost a fortune, because on Facebook it is spread in abundance.

In this video you will see a Muslim woman dancing in the street with her bag and veil….

This is as much or even more advertising for Islam than for the software in question.

The message is that the Muslim woman does not necessarily have to be hidden under a black niqab or a grey burqa, but that she can also be the bubbly lady you see everywhere in the streets of your Western cities.

The Muslim woman becomes a banal advertising object. She is chosen to illustrate what the software can do in terms of colour changes in a video.

Besides the Islamophile do-goodery that has been very popular since Obama and is part of the “social and environmental responsibility” of companies that claim to fight against any kind of discrimination (that is also very popular), this advertising allows Adobe to win people’s hearts.

It is foreseeable that there will be grumblers who will criticise the presentation of the Muslim woman, who do not find it acceptable that a politico-religious object intrudes into an advertisement, both on the part of the Muslims themselves and on the part of the opponents of Islamisation. Then this advertisement will be the subject of conversation, both positive and negative.

It is foreseeable that there will be grumblers who will criticise the presentation of the Muslim woman, who do not find it acceptable that a politico-religious object intrudes into an advertisement, both on the part of the Muslims themselves and on the part of the opponents of Islamisation. Then this advertisement will be the subject of conversation, both positive and negative.

In any case, you can’t even take a little time to browse Facebook anymore without seeing this fictional Muslim woman making a fool of herself on the street every day…

It has to be said that in fact you don’t see many such ladies veiled and full of joie de vivre as we are led to believe. This advertisement is pure fiction.

But Adobe is doing Islam a great service, helping to build the image of a “cool Islam”, which, however, is hardly seen in the Muslim countries themselves.

In these countries, there is no bouncing, veiled chick dancing with a colourful veil, but rather full black veils and everyday discrimination that is part of the essence of Sharia, Islamic law

The Californian company Adobe produces a great many software products, so it is difficult to escape its influence…

Climate clowns: Corona has produced tons of hazardous waste

Masks, syringes and superfluous vaccine props all end up in our environment. Jab enthusiasts however claim to care about the environment and climate change, but the European statistics office Eurostat has stopped data collection on medical waste generation.

The National Post, a Canadian daily, has suggested that vaccine passports be extended to include a carbon score and Forbes has argued that digital IDs could help mitigate “seismic waste challenges“. The reality of the pandemic is writ large however: A climate catastrophe manufactured by zealous pharmaceutical companies which is costing us our freedom.

“Companies use hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) gasses to freeze vaccines to a very low temperature — minus 70 degrees Celsius for the BioNTech/Pfizer jab […] HFC emissions have a global warming effect up to 23 000 times greater than CO2,” according to Politico. And French officials calculated that up to 30 percent of vaccine doses will be wasted due to logistics constraints.

The Corona pandemic has brought with it all sorts of “side effects”. One of them is plastic garbage. Not only do masses of masks end up on the streets, in forests or on the oceans, but there are also tons of medical waste, so-called “hazardous waste”, as the German newspaper Bild reported.

The WHO is now demanding that disposal strategies be introduced worldwide. “Around 30 percent of all hospitals and medical practices worldwide do not have adequate disposal facilities for syringes, protective clothing and other medical waste,” the WHO is quoted as saying.

Rubbish and risk

In addition to the problem of accumulated rubbish, the staff who come into contact with the objects are “exposed to the risk of injury, for example from syringes and other contaminated instruments”. In addition, populations could be endangered by contaminated water, disease-carrying pests and the like.

Too many people carelessly and ruthlessly just drop their rubbish, no longer care or pretend that someone is cleaning up after them. But the garbage remains, is deposited in nature and mainly washed into the oceans.

A scientific study has found that extra garbage has also landed there since the Corona pandemic – namely countless masks, gloves and other protective equipment including tests. The Daily Mail cited researchers from California using a computer model to simulate the fate of plastic waste when it leaves beaches, floats along the waterfront and breaks into pieces.

They estimate that from the start of the pandemic to August 2021, 8,4 million tons of pandemic-related plastic waste was generated in 193 countries. Nearly three-quarters — 71 percent — are likely to be washed up on beaches by the end of 2021, the model predicted.

Most of the Covid-related plastic comes from medical waste generated by hospitals, the researchers say. That dwarfs the contribution of packaging from online shopping giants like Amazon and eBay.

The study was led by a team of researchers from Nanjing University’s School of Atmospheric Sciences and UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

“Plastic waste harms marine life and has become a major global environmental problem,” the study underscored. “The Covid-19 pandemic has led to increased demand for single-use plastic, adding pressure to an already out-of-control problem. This poses a long-standing problem for marine life and is mainly accumulated on beaches and coasts.”

Asian rivers are the main contributors

Most of the plastic waste ends up in the oceans via the rivers. Asian rivers account for 73 percent of all plastic emissions, with the three largest contributors being the Shatt al-Arab, Indus and Yangtze rivers, which empty into the Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea and East China Sea.

European rivers account for 11 percent of runoff, with minor contributions from other continents.

The pandemic has generated tens of thousands of tons of hazardous medical waste, the World Health Organization admitted. It has called for countries to implement disposal strategies and improve existing measures to dispose of medical waste.

Around 30 percent of all hospitals and medical practices worldwide do not have adequate disposal facilities for syringes, protective clothing and other medical waste, it said. In the poorest countries, even 60 percent of medical facilities could not fall back on waste management, which is necessary for proper disposal of Corona waste.

According to the information, protective clothing and equipment weighing around 87 000 tons were delivered to various countries from March 2020 to November 2021 by a UN initiative alone. In addition, more than eight billion doses of vaccine against Covid-19 have been administered by injection. Most of these instruments and materials were treated as garbage after use.

Graphene masks are toxic

France has meanwhile suspended the distribution of FFP2 masks containing graphene. The French Agency for Health Security (Anses) announced on January 14 the suspension pending a risk assessment. In April of last year, Canada also withdrew graphene masks.

Anses recommended the use of graphene-free masks “due to the lack of information on the graphene used by manufacturers and on the toxicity of this substance, especially in the long term” since ” the objectives pursued by manufacturers by adding graphene to masks “are neither stated nor demonstrated”.

Sadly no mask can filter the entry or exit of viruses, but the FFP2 masks are the most recommended by “experts” and ordinary citizens have been forced to wear them when working. Ironically, the same governments who pretend to care about “clean air” have dictated the wearing of toxic masks.

Japanese pharmaceutical researchers confirm that Ivermectin works

The Japanese pharmaceutical company Kowa has confirmed the antiviral effect of Ivermectin on Omicron, in a clinical phase III. The same applies to the virus strains Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta. Kowa wants to make the active ingredient available as a new drug as quickly as possible. In Japan, Ivermectin is used “off label” to treat Covid-19.

Western pharmaceutical shills have tried to get Ivermectin banned because it works and is much cheaper than their toxic mRNA graphene-laced brews. When popular American media figure Joe Rogan successfully treated himself with it, he was accused of spreading dangerous “disinformation” on the treatment of Covid. And a malicious campaign to remove Rogan from Spotify has been gaining ground.

In a press release of January 31, 2022, Kowa announced that in its joint research with Kitasato University (Tokyo Medical University) it verified the “safety and efficacy” of Ivermectin.

As Kowa reported in July 2021, “Nobel laureate in medicine Satoshi Omura (he developed Ivermectin and was recognized for it in 2015) asked the company to “test Ivermectin in clinical trials as a new therapeutic for infection with the new Coronavirus”. The pharmaceutical company Kowa said it believed its mission was to contribute to and protect people’s health.

The statement continued: “Ivermectin has been prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the treatment of parasitic infections for 30 years – especially in African countries. It has proven to be safe to distribute the drug directly to affected people. Kowa referred to reports that Ivermectin suppressed the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into cells and inhibited replication (multiplication). It is therefore expected that Ivermectin will become a new therapeutic agent (tablet) for the treatment of Coronavirus infection.”

In Kowa’s clinical trials, the dosage and administration differed from those that are approved and customary for parasite infestations, but the effectiveness and safety have been proven beyond doubt. Kowa reminded consumers that in conducting clinical trials in humans, it has also set a correct dosage standard.

French politician indicted after criticising Islamism

“I received the notification of the indictment yesterday on my way home”. Jordan Bardella made the announcement in an interview with Europe 1 on Wednesday February 2. The interim president of the Rassemblement National (RN) was charged after speaking out about Trappes in the Yvelines department in October 2021. He was accused of comparing the commune to an “Islamic Republic”. Speaking to journalist Sonia Mabrouk, Jordan Bardella said: “I regret that today the French justice system is pursuing the same goal as the Islamists, namely to silence those who denounce what is happening and those who refuse to see how countless neighbourhoods in France are changing.”

The RN MEP pointed out that his indictment came at a time when “we learn that journalists (from M6) and a Roubaix resident (the lawyer Amine Elbahi, who testified on M6) have been placed under police protection”. This was because they had “described the reality and highlighted the advance of Islamism in the city of Roubaix” via a report on the Zone Interdite programme on Islamism, broadcast on M6 on Sunday January 23.

In October 2021, Jordan Bardella reacted in a press release to the re-election of the mayor of Trappes, Ali Rabeh, who he said brought about “the domination of Islamism over the city of Trappes”. Ali Rabeh had just been re-elected after his first election in March 2020 was declared invalid by the State Council due to violations during the election. A victory that Jordan Bardella had equated with the “establishment of mini Islamic republics”. In his communiqué, he had finally called for “stopping this conquest of our territories” and placing Trappes under “state guardianship”.

35 people live under police protection in France because they were critical of Islam

From now on, they live isolated from the public. According to information from the Protection Service (SDLP), which is affiliated to the National Police, as reported by the newspaper Le Point on Wednesday February 2, one third of the police protection measures are related to an Islamist threat. These people who have been forced to be protected have made critical, negative or ironic remarks about Islam, Islamism or Muslims and now, unfortunately, have to suffer for it.

Le Point reports that 35 “French or foreign” men and women living in France are under personal protection organised by the SDLP. Among them are many journalists. This is the case, for example, of the former director of Charlie Hebdo, Philippe Val. He has been protected since 2006 and is classified as Uclat 2 (which means high risk), as Le Point reports. There is said to be a screened room in his house equipped with a telephone line and a walkie-talkie for alerts. Journalist and writer Zineb El Rhazoui lives away from her relatives because of the threat from Islamists posted on the Internet.

As for Mila, the young woman lives ” in the manner of a bunker “. Her new social life came about after she criticised Islam on social networks in 2020. Mila now feels “dead while remaining in this world”, as she told Le Point in January 2021. For his part, the imam of Drancy, Hassen Chalghoumi (comma), is forced to leave the house wearing a bullet-proof waistcoat and live separated from his family. He was subjected to a veritable fatwa by the Islamic State for advocating peaceful Islam, Le Point reminds us. After the M6 channel broadcast Zone Interdite’s investigation into Islamism in several cities – notably Marseille, Trappes and Roubaix – the presenter Ophelie Meunier was also under police protection after becoming the target of threats. This also applies to the lawyer Amine Elbahi from Roubaix, who testified candidly in this documentary.