Don’t you find it astonishing how many agitated people know exactly that COVID-19 vaccines / gene therapies have no side effects, at best very few and at most in very rare cases? And that you have acquired this knowledge on the basis of no data base, no appropriately designed clinical trial and no research whatsoever that systematically looks for side effects of COVID-19 vaccines / gene therapies?
These people are able to generate statements with the highest degree of conviction based on no data base whatsoever and the way they respond to people who are at least trying to create a data base to get a first overview of the prevalence of side effects after COVID-19 vaccination / gene therapy, it is beyond anything that is normal.
The response is pathological. […]
Be that as it may, the fact that data published by a health insurance company, data showing that side effects after COVID-19 vaccination / gene therapy are obviously much more frequent than previously assumed, are rejected by some even before they have seen the data, studied the BKK’s approach and weighed the results against this background, speaks volumes and shows how widespread opportunism, zealotry and religious delusion already are in connection with COVID-19 vaccinations / gene therapies.
In the meantime, the BKK has published new information on what was evaluated there and against this background one can conclude that everything is much worse than presented in the BKK data.
First of all, what was evaluated, namely the ICD codes T88.0, T88.1, Y59.9 and U12.9:

Infections” and “complications” after vaccination are recorded here, whereby the large group “anaphylactic shock” due to serum and “encephalitis after vaccination” are not included in the complications. In the WHO database, for which we will publish the update on serious diseases tomorrow, there are about 18,000 anaphylactic shocks recorded and 130 cases of autoimmune encephalitis. Both “anaphylactic shocks” and “encephalitis” have been scientifically proven to be caused by COVID-19 vaccines / gene therapies. Both are not included in the BKK count unless they are included in U12.9, the collective category introduced specifically for COVID-19 vaccines / gene therapies, which are supposed to have no or almost no side effects:

That still leaves Y59.9:

One cannot exactly call these four codes selective. Against this background, one can imagine the problems that await those who try to obtain an exact overview of the prevalence of vaccination complications and side effects from medical billing data.
The data, which the BKK has now added, show the following frequencies for the 2nd quarter of 2021:
T88.0: 683 cases;
T88.1: 101,663 cases;
U12.9: 52,499 cases
Y59.9: 702 cases
Assuming no double counting, this results in 155,547 cases in only one vaccination quarter. Two quarters are already enough to exceed the total number of adverse reactions that the Paul Ehrlich Institute is forced to admit of 244,576 cases.

That is actually enough to establish that something cannot be right here. Obviously, many more patients present to doctors, in this case only those who bill only via health insurance company BKK ProVita, with a side effect after vaccination than one would have to assume on the basis of the data published by the Paul Ehrlich Institute. Since one can also assume that no one rushes to the doctor because of headaches after vaccination or because of nausea then, when both have been resolved after a short time, those who have sought medical help must indeed have suffered in most cases. People who simply dismiss this because they don’t like it, scribblers like those from the magazine Der Spiegel, can therefore only be judged as contemptuous of humanity and deeply detested, and of course, because we are scientists, we ask for an explanation. We can think of four explanations for not wanting to know about side effects, discrediting and defaming those who point them out:
- Opportunism – Cashing in on COVID-19 vaccines / gene therapies and all that goes with it.
- Stupidity – One believes the official pronouncements and rejects any falsifying date until the “official authority” has conceded that there might be something, … maybe.
- Religious zeal – One’s own person has become so entangled with the vaccination status, has virtually built it on the vaccination status and as an advocate of the vaccination salvation, that any doubt about the sacred jab would destroy one’s personality and must be fought correspondingly viciously.
- Malice – One knows very well about the side effects, perhaps because one has suffered them oneself, and hopes that through further vaccinations many more will advance into the group of those one has established through one’s servility, documented by the naked upper arm.

Whatever is true, it is not a normal behaviour in most cases.