Senegal: The Church denounces the “contempt for humanity” of an imam for whom there are only two religions, “Islam and the infidels”

The Catholic Church in Senegal on Tuesday March 1 condemned the “contempt” of an imam for what it considered offensive remarks he made to the Christian community and called on him to apologise on the television station where he had made the remarks.

Imam Serigne Lamine Sall was a guest on the local television station Walf TV on Thursday, where he claimed, among other things, that Catholics in Islam were “to be condemned in the same way” as the Freemasons and the Jews. In his opinion, there are only two religions, “Islam and the infidels”. The imam’s remarks were “unacceptable and can only be justified by disrespect, tactlessness and ignorance”, said Philippe Abraham Birane Tine, the president of the National Council for Secularism, which gathers the country’s Catholic associations and movements, at a press conference in the archdiocese of Dakar on Tuesday.

These remarks triggered a fierce polemic in Senegal, a West African country known for its greater open-mindedness and whose population is almost 95% Muslim. Mame Mactar Guèye, vice-president of Jamra, an Islamic NGO, told a radio station that “Imam Serigne Lamine Sall could have done without these unfortunate remarks against the Christian community. This is (one) word too much.” […]Le Figaro

mRNA shots raise the risk of Covid infection in children under 12

Six weeks after becoming “fully vaccinated,” kids under 12 are 40 percent MORE likely to be infected Covid than those who never received mRNA shots, a huge New York state database shows.

The mRNA jabs provide some protection for the first two weeks of “full vaccination.” But it declines rapidly, turns negative by the fifth week, and more sharply negative in the sixth.

“Negative” vaccine efficacy means that vaccinated people are more likely to become infected. It is not clear how high the increased risk may become for young children, since the database only covered six weeks and the trend worsened each week.

The blue bar in the chart below shows the relative odds of unvaccinated and vaccinated children to get Covid. The dashed red line equals a risk ratio of 1 – a 50/50 risk.

See how the blue bar falls each week and drops below the red line after 35 days? At point, unvaccinated children have lower risk. (The orange bar is kids 12-17. They still have some protection six weeks out, although it too is declining.)

The study covered the period from mid-December through the end of January, when the Omicron variant became predominant. Although many other studies have shown the vaccines are largely useless against Omicron infection in adults after four months, this database makes clear they are even more useless even more quickly for children.

Children 5 to 11 receive a smaller mRNA dose than adolescents and adults, 10 micrograms versus 30 for each shot. It is not clear whether the smaller dose is the reason the shots are even less effective in kids than in adults, or whether children’s immune systems react differently to mRNA at any dose.

Vaccine protection against Covid hospitalization in children under 12 also dropped over time. By the final two weeks of the study, vaccines offered no statistically significant protection against hospitalizations from Covid, though the numbers were very small.

The database covered 365,000 vaccinated children in New York state aged 5-11. The researchers did not mention the negative effectiveness in their discussion of their findings. /

British intelligence agencies surrender to wokeness

By Eric Utter

Something called a “Mission Critical” toolkit has been disseminated amongst British intelligence agencies MI5, MI6, and the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), according to the Daily Mail. The Daily Mail published the leaked documents showing that the intelligence agencies are promoting inclusive language, attempting to do away with verbiage that could “reinforce dominant cultural patterns,” and urging Britain’s spies to declare their preferred pronouns and add them to their email signatures.

This new guidance was allegedly approved by Sir Stephen Lovegrove, the U.K.’s national security adviser. But wait, isn’t the title “Sir” a vestige of bygone days? Is it not binary in nature, as well as being classist? Does it not itself “reinforce dominant cultural patterns?”

The toolkit, shared internally in early December, purportedly states: “Sharing your pronouns, if you are comfortable doing this, helps to create an environment in which this is normal.” It notes, “In national security, look out for words and phrases, such as ‘strong’ or ‘grip,’ that reinforce the dominant cultural patterns.” (Really? Well, not to worry then; the dominant cultural patterns won’t be dominant for long.)

Documents in the toolkit also allegedly state, “Avoid jargon, hierarchy or gender biases,” and strongly caution against the use of the term “manpower.” Sir Lovegrove would disapprove.

“Use gender-neutral language to reflect people’s diversity and reduce stereotypes and assumptions, for example about job roles and functions which need not be gender-defined.”

The toolkit tells staff that they should “understand your unconscious bias,” “be aware of intersectionality,” “acknowledge your privilege,” and “consider refusing to speak on all-male panels.” In that kind of climate, I think I would refuse to speak at all.

The nanny state “toolkit” also encourages intelligence officers to read a list of books focusing on diversity, inclusion, and equity, including those by critical race theory advocate Kimberlé Crenshaw.

Richard Moore, chief of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), declared: “We’re proud of our trans and non-binary colleagues and committed to providing an inclusive workplace where you can be your true self. Diversity makes us more effective, inclusion makes us stronger.” Apparently, you can be your “true self” only if you fully agree with the trans and non-binary agenda, and the inclusion of anyone else would not make British intelligence services more effective or stronger.

MI6 proudly flew the transgender flag over its headquarters last April, to mark the Transgender Day of Visibility. Historically, a nation’s spies and intelligence agencies liked to keep a low profile for numerous—and obvious—reasons. Secrecy was the key to success, not visibility. Of course, back in those silly old days, Western leaders typically thought that protecting one’s nation was more important than catering to a specific special interest group—or making sure theirvirtue-signaling “tolerance” was as visible as a transgender flag flying highabove Vauxhall, London’s MI6 headquarters.

One in 25 Germans sought medical attention due to vaccine injury

While the war in Ukraine is raging, explosive information is also coming to the fore about vaccine injury. The German health insurance company BKK ProVita has published a report about side effects after the Corona jab.

The numbers of vaccination side effects after Covid-19 vaccinations are truly catastrophic. These are not mild side effects either but moderately severe and severe. Massive underreporting of the treatment of these injuries is to be assumed.

Dutch information analyst Wouter Aukema and doctor Paul van Hoek have studied the matter extensively. In a Twitter thread, they write that the health insurer analysed claims for vaccine side effects due to the Corona jab and issued a warning to the German government.

According to the two, there is rock-solid evidence of underreporting by a factor of 10 on the German pharmacovigilance reporting system and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). It turns out that one in 25 people sought medical attention as a result of vaccine injury.

Aukema and Van Hoek compared the analysis and calculation of BKK ProVita with the figures from the Paul Ehrlich Institute, the German medicines authority, and EudraVigilance, the European database of reports on suspected side effects of medicines and came to the same conclusion as the German insurer.

They are concerned about the situation in the Netherlands in terms of side effects and underreporting to the Dutch pharmacovigilance reporting system Lareb. There are 194 475 reports for every 33,8 million shots. That is one report for every 175 shots.

Aukema and Van Hoek wanted to know when health insurers such as OHRA, Achmea or Vektis would publish their data and whether the RIVM would be examining mortality data.

BKK ProVita board member Andreas Schöfbeck checked the reports of over 10 million individuals for more than seven months. Of the 10,9 million people insured, 216 695 were treated for adverse effects. In comparison, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute only reported 244 576 events out of 61,4 million people.

Schöfbeck spoke of an “alarming signal” and urgently called for more research. He estimated that in Germany some 2,5 to 3 million people have been treated for side effects following the Corona vaccine.

On February 21, 2022, the board of directors of BKK Pro Vita in Germany alerted the Paul Ehrlich Institute, the German Medical Association, the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians and the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds.

This warning specifically discloses the evaluation of the doctors’ billing data on Covid-19 vaccination side effects. For this purpose, the reported ICD codes of the German company health insurance companies for the diagnoses T88.0 (infection after vaccination/sepsis after vaccination), T88.1 (other complications after vaccination, skin rash after vaccination), Y59.9 (complications caused by vaccines or biological active substances) and U12.9 (Adverse reactions to the use of Covid‐19 vaccines).

According to their warning, the doctors’ billing data are available for the first half of 2021 and half of the third quarter of 2021. In extrapolating these figures for the year as a whole and for the population in Germany, it is very likely that up to 3 million people in Germany had to be treated medically because of vaccination side effects.

Extrapolated to the total population of Germany, these figures mean that approximately 5 percent of all Covid-19 vaccinated people had to receive medical treatment because of vaccination side effects. The injuries may be much higher, because in Germany only around two-thirds of the population took the jab.

According to Schöfbeck, “danger to human life cannot be ruled out”. This data analysis once again underscores the already known data on massive side effects of Covid-19 vaccinations. Only around 6-10 percent of vaccination side effects, i.e. only a very small fraction, are reported to the authorities and are therefore completely underestimated in the media.

These figures correspond with figures from 2021 noting a massive increase in diseases among soldiers in the US armed forces. It can therefore be assumed that around 5 percent of all vaccinated people worldwide suffer from vaccination side effects that require medical treatment.

Because the health insurance companies now have to pay for the treatment of this huge number of vaccination side effects, it threatens to collapse healthcare systems.

The latest data published by the UK Health Security Agency also confirmed that deaths were rising dramatically among the triple vaccinated population whilst declining steadily among the non-vaccinated.

These vaccine injuries may also be permanent: A Swedish study revealed that the mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid injections infiltrate cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within the span 6 hours, altering DNA. The study was conducted in vitro, but confirmed a previous study published in October 2021 which found that the spike protein entered the cells’ nuclei and impaired the mechanism that our cells have to repair damaged DNA.

Tal Zaks, chief medical officer of Moderna, confirmed in 2017 that the mRNA injection for COVID-19 can change a person’s genetic code or DNA. Moreover, scientists have discovered genetic material owned by Moderna in the spike protein of the virus.

Come Again? Ukrainian Parliament Member Tells Fox News: “We Not only Fight For Ukraine – We Fight For this New World Order” (VIDEO)

Ukrainian MP: ‘We are fighting not only for Ukraine, but also for the New World Order’

Ukrainian MP Kira Roedik of the liberal and pro-European party Holos said on Fox News on Sunday that she and her team were staying behind in Kiev to “fight”. The president of her country made similar promises, but has not been keeping them.

“We are part of the resistance. We are armed. We are ready to fight,” Roedik declared.

“We have been fighting Putin for eight years,” Roedik added. “This is a crucial moment because we know that we are not just fighting for Ukraine. We are fighting for the New World Order, for the democratic countries. We knew that we would be the shield for Europe. We knew that we would not only protect Ukraine. We are protecting all the countries that will follow if we fail. That is why we must not fail.”

A few days ago, the MP posted a photo in which she poses with a Kalashnikov. She wrote that she was learning how to use a Kalashnikov and was preparing to take up arms. The post was liked more than 300 000 times, quite possibly by the very active Ukrainian bot army.

Earlier this month, Roedik had to admit that a criminal case was pending against her party, Holos, for nefarious economic activities.

Late last year, Bolivian former president Evo Morales said during a roundtable discussion on cooperation between Russia and South American countries that “the policy of the New World Order is aimed at thinning out the ‘superfluous population’”.

The “superfluous population” refers to the elderly and people with disabilities. In some cases, poor and simple people are also seen as a problem for capitalism, Morales said.

Meanwhile, thanks to his recent Hollywood visitors, Ukraine’s top politician has had a PR makeover to cast him in the role of a “caring individual” as he arms and releases prisoners. Last week he was still a homosexual dancer in high heels and latex but for his make-over this week Vladimir Zelensky became a “war hero”. In an expressly “leaked” phone call he “bravely” turned down the US offer of an airlift to safety.

Ukrainian bots spreading fake news about Vladimir’s visit to the frontlines, on February 2022. Twitter

On Twitter, a multitude of photographs suddenly turned up to celebrate his toughness and military commitment except that the photos were all almost a year old, taken when he visited the troops last April with zero risk. According to some sources, Zelensky is currently hiding in a bunker in Lviv. He refused even to appear for peace negotiations with Russia on Monday.

Actually not a war hero but a scam artist: The photo is not from February 25, 2022, but April 19. Twitter

Survey: Immigration of migrants from cultures incompatible with that of the host country promotes terrorism

Two researchers have investigated the link between terrorism and cultural integration, reports Le Point in an article posted online on Monday February 28. Tobias Böhmelt, a researcher in international relations and comparative politics at the University of Essex, and Vincenzo Bove, professor of political science at the University of Warwick, have conducted an increasing number of studies on this topic in recent years. In particular, the experts have examined the link between immigrants’ “cultural distance” and terrorism, as well as the impact of immigration policies, the newspaper reports.

In one of their studies – “Does cultural proximity contain terrorism diffusion?” [“Can cultural proximity contain terrorism diffusion?”]. – Tobias Böhmelt and Vincenzo Bove argue that it is impossible to treat immigrants as “homogeneous populations” and that holding on to a clear distinction between “immigrants” in general and “natives” is detrimental to understanding the issue, the weekly magazine continues. Furthermore, they judge that “the spread of terrorism between countries via migration depends on the cultural proximity between the immigrants’ countries of origin and their destination states”.

Tobias Böhmelt and Vincenzo Bove believe that cultural proximity between immigrants and locals “increases trust between people”, facilitates the integration of migrants and makes it more difficult for terrorist networks to exploit their situation, according to Le Point. However, they added that this does not mean that terrorist attacks are necessarily perpetrated by migrants, as only a “tiny minority” of them arrive with hostile intentions.

What about the statistics?

The two researchers assure that this does not mean that immigrants do not become victims of terrorist-motivated violence themselves, according to the newspaper. So both argue on a global level and not on the level of individual motivation. In other words, they believe that integration problems and the “marginalisation of the migrant population” indirectly lead to the promotion of terrorism. This happens by exposing the diaspora to the influence of terrorist networks, in various forms, such as the direct recruitment of individuals, but also the exchange of information, funding and support.

To assess the relevance of this hypothesis from a statistical point of view, the researchers analysed the extent and origin of immigration – excluding refugees – in 32 OECD countries between 1980 and 2010, but also the frequency of terrorist attacks,” comments Le Point. Whilst completing their research, they realised that the relationship between the extent of immigration and the frequency of terrorist attacks varies according to the degree of cultural distance between the host country and the host populations. “Greater cultural proximity can counteract, contain and act as a barrier to the spread of terrorism through migration,” Tobias Böhmelt and Vincenzo Bove are quoted as saying by the authors. While this study could easily argue in favour of prioritising culturally proximate immigration in the eyes of various political decision-makers, it is worth pointing out that the authors of the study do not make this cultural distance an influencing variable that cannot be altered.