France: Detained jihadist murders Corsican freedom fighter in prison

Translation: Yvan Colonna is dead –

Yvan Colonna is in a critical condition (he has since died, editor’s note). The 61-year-old Colonna, sentenced to life imprisonment for the 1998 murder of Prefect Erignac in Corsica, was violently attacked by another inmate in Arles prison (Bouches-du-Rhône) on Wednesday March the 2nd. He was hospitalised and his life is in danger. Some sources told Le Figaro that the prisoner was “brain dead”. The attacker is said to be a 36-year-old jihadist prisoner.

The attack allegedly occurred on Wednesday morning in the prison’s gymnasium, where the two men were doing strength training. “The inmate Elong-Abe lunged at Yvan Colonna and choked him. The guards intervened very quickly and gave first aid. We don’t know the reasons for his crime, although the man is known to commit repeated offences in detention,” a prison source told Le Figaro. He added: “He’s a criminal profile that keeps coming up in French prisons and who, when he was handed over by the Americans to the French authorities in 2014, had just spent two years behind bars at the Bagram detention centre.”

Lawyers for the Erignac commando have been demanding for several months that the prisoners, who have been held in Borgo prison for 25 years for the murder of the prefect, be brought to Corsica. Yvan Colonna, who has always denied the crime, was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2007, to life imprisonment with a security detention of 22 years on appeal in 2009, and to life imprisonment (without security detention) a third time in 2011, after the appeal verdict was overturned by the Court of Cassation on a technicality.

Syrian, Iraqi and Afghan migrants mingle with Ukrainian refugee flows trying to enter the EU

The flow of refugees from Ukraine is not decreasing, only changing its character. Thousands of Syrian, Iraqi, Afghan, or Kurdish migrants who previously entered Belarus to enter Europe last year are now mingling with the Ukrainian refugee flows headed into Poland, Hungary and Czechia.

Thousands of Iraqi refugees, Syrians, Kurds, or Africans, almost exclusively men, are described trying to enter Poland, according to French newspaper Progress. In addition, many of them are attempting to pass themselves off as international students in Ukraine in an attempt to enter Poland and other nations, reports the French paper.

Many of them have been pushed back since they have no documentation proving their connection with Ukraine, but many thousands have already made it into the EU.

The Progress reporter describes how these migrants are not welcome in Ukraine, which intends to get rid of them as soon as possible, and claims they are even less welcome in Poland, where they have previously been deported after attempting to enter from Belarus. The Belarusian president, Alexander Lukashenko, attempted to use them as a part of his hybrid warfare approach to flooding the EU with migrants last year.

These thousands of migrants were transported to Belarus and then transferred to Lithuanian and Polish borders. Most were pushed back, but with the war in Ukraine in full swing, they are back on the road. Putin’s ally Lukashenko opened the floodgate and kicked them out in the back to get rid of this cumbersome migrant population and, also arguably, add chaos to the situation on the borders.

They have walked day and night through the Ukrainian countryside, wearing out the soles of their poorly-made counterfeit sport shoes.

Poland alone says it is expecting 1 million refugees to cross the border, and many millions more may cross at different points into other nations. Migrants from Middle Eastern and African countries will undoubtedly see the moment as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to use Ukraine as a gateway into Europe. Many countries with strict immigration policies, such as Hungary, have indicated that they will open the border to all refugees from Ukraine, including those from third countries.

US Colonel: ‘We are urging Ukrainians to die needlessly’

In an interview with Fox News, a retired US colonel close to Trump said the fighting in Ukraine was all but over. The Russians’ goal was a neutral state, and Russia should be granted that.

Douglas McGregor is a retired US Army colonel who had been slated to become the American ambassador to Germany in the case of a Trump victory in 2020. In an interview with the US broadcaster Fox News, he expressed the view that a neutral Ukraine should simply be allowed to emerge.

Asked what Vladimir Putin’s goals were, he said Putin had warned for the past fifteen years that he would not tolerate US troops or missiles on Russia’s borders. The West simply ignored it.

“Just as we would not tolerate their troops and missiles in Cuba. We ignored Putin and he acted. He could not under any circumstances allow Ukraine to join NATO.”

The fighting in eastern Ukraine is as good as over. “Almost all Ukrainian troops are already encircled. In the southeast there is a concentration of about 30 000 to 40 000 men. If they don’t surrender in the next 24 hours, I suspect the Russians will eventually crush them.”

That is the reason for the negotiations conducted by Vladimir Zelensky. “The game is over and he needs to negotiate to get the best possible result.”

His statement that the Americans, and indeed US President Biden himself, had assured Zelensky that they would support him in the decision to neutralize Ukraine has not been confirmed.

“And I think Vladimir Putin will do that for western Ukraine, on the other bank of the Dnieper. As far as the east is concerned, where he is now, I don’t yet know what he has in mind. Whether it will be another republic, and attached to Russia because that’s historically Russian territory, but western Ukraine isn’t.”

It is about neutrality based on the model of Austria or Finland

“We accuse him of things he doesn’t want to do, in our usual way of demonizing him and his country. We shouldn’t forget that Ukraine is fourth from the bottom on the list of 158 countries in terms of corruption. It’s not liberal democracy, the shining example everyone is talking about.”

Zelensky is known to have jailed journalists and opposition politicians and does not espouse the much-touted American “democratic values”.

“We should stay out. The American people think we should stay out. The Europeans want to stay out, too,” McGregor said.

McGregor also strongly condemned the arms sales as an incentive to send the Ukrainians into a pointless fight.

“What’s really disturbing is that while we don’t want to send troops, we’re urging Ukrainians to die in a pointless fight they can’t win. We’re creating a worse humanitarian catastrophe than anything we’ve seen before if that doesn’t stop.”

War is simply an excuse to rob Russians of their wealth

Washington, the UK and the EU have meanwhile frozen Russian foreign exchange reserves, in dollars, euros, pounds and yen, according to a report in the Financial Times. They are threatening to seize these assets permanently and essentially steal Russian wealth, using the war as a flimsy excuse.

There are more than 300 Russian individuals who have had their assets seized. This begs the question of how this list was composed. Were these individuals associated with President Putin in a casual way or not? Or were they rather chosen for their considerable assets?

For the moment Russia’s gold reserves have been spared this thievery since it is held in Russia and not in one of the Western gold trading centres such as London or New York.

Austria: Pregnancy counselling reports unprecedented number of miscarriages and stillbirths among vaccinated women

The spokesperson of Plattform Leben Vorarlberg, which supports women in pregnancy conflicts, reports alarming news. In a video message (see below), the qualified nurse speaks of an unprecedented number of miscarriages and stillbirths as well as severe deformities in the unborn. And what’s more: there are also increasing reports of neurological abnormalities in babies whose mothers had themselves vaccinated against COVID while breastfeeding. The same observations are also reported by midwives and therapists in mothers vaccinated during the breastfeeding period.

For us, the question arises why the judiciary has not yet taken action to put a stop to the people who vaccinate pregnant women or give or recommend the largely ineffective experimental Covid vaccinations to mothers during the breastfeeding period and bring these individuals before the courts.

Watch the video here:

An Honest Mistake: Joe Biden’s Face Appears in Live TV Report about Elderly Man Accused of Touching a Young Girl (VIDEO)

‘Madman Putin’: The Globalists’ Misinformation Play

By Vasko Kohlmayer

Ever since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the western public has been carpet bombed with the claim that Russian president Vladimir Putin is some sort of unhinged madman. This notion is being feverishly spread by the establishment and those in its pay: the political class, the media and the commentariat, career diplomats and technocrats as well as those connected to the security and intelligence communities.

The most remarkable thing about the Mad Vlad claim is that it is obviously false.

Whatever Vladimir Putin may be, he is certainly no irrational madman. This much should be obvious to everyone with the eyes to see.

A former KGB operative, Vladimir Putin is a willy person of demonstrated ability. After all, he managed to bring control and order to a vast country which was largely in disarray when he took it over at the age of 48. He adroitly managed to keep himself in power for over two decades while navigating and overcoming a number of crises and challenges along the way. Through it all, he has shown himself to be intelligent, steel-willed, calculating, shrewd, self-controlled, determined, cunning and patient.

These are hardly the qualities of a lunatic.

We have dealt with Putin for 22 years and during that whole time no one seriously suggested or maintained that he was crazy. Quite to the contrary, for almost a decade after his ascent he was viewed as a capable man of considerable talents.

For years the Western establishment considered Putin a “man with whom we could do business.” He was seen as “liberal, humane, and decent European.” He was described as a person of “’alert, controlled poise’ and ‘well-briefed acuity,’ who was open to anything, even Russia joining NATO.”

And yet less than a week ago, on the day he invaded Ukraine, Vladimir Putin was nearly unanimously declared – contrary to all evidence – a “madman” by members of the Western establishment.

The question is this: Why did they decide to suddenly gaslight and brainwash people with such a patent lie that so obviously contravenes reality?

They did this to hide and conceal the gargantuan blunder they have committed over Ukraine.

By convincing the public that Putin is a madman, they can portray his move on Ukraine as an irrational, unexpected, impulsive and unjustifiable act of an unbalanced mind.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Putin’s move was not irrational, impulsive or unjustifiable. And it was certainly not unexpected.

For years Putin had warned that inclusion of Ukraine in NATO was a red line for Russia. It should not be difficult to understand his position. It is not unreasonable for Russia to object to the presence of what it perceives to be a hostile military alliance on its border with a country that has historically been either part of Russia or within its sphere of influence. Russia does not want to allow such a threat to its security for similar reasons the United States would not allow Russia to build a military base in Cuba.

In their drive to implement a New World Order, however, Western globalists have been dismissive of Russia’s security concerns. Russia continued its strenuous objections and warned that if they were not taken seriously, they would take the necessary action to keep Ukraine out of NATO. The last time Russia made this clear was in November of last year.

This is how Wikipedia describes this occasion:

“On 30 November 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that an expansion of NATO’s presence in Ukraine, especially the deployment of any long-range missiles capable of striking Russian cities or missile defence systems similar to those in Romania and Poland, would be a “red line” issue for Russia. Putin asked U.S. President Joe Biden for legal guarantees that NATO would not expand eastward or put “weapons systems that threaten us in close vicinity to Russian territory.”

Do you want to know what kind of response Putin received to his legitimate security concerns? It was given by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. This is what he told Putin:

“It’s only Ukraine and 30 NATO allies that decide when Ukraine is ready to join NATO. Russia has no veto, Russia has no say, and Russia has no right to establish a sphere of influence to try to control their neighbors.”

Do you get the insult and the humiliation of this response? Not only the pompous globalist Stoltenberg refused to address Russia security fears, he implied that pip-squeak countries like North Macedonia, Portugal – who happened to be members of NATO – have a greater say than Russia in whether a large country on its border joins the alliance.

Having ridden roughshod over their populations for nearly two years with their lockdown and vaccine regime, the Western globalists grew arrogant, overbearing and overconfident. They lost touch with reality and assumed that everyone would submit to their chicanery in the same way that their own docile populations went along with their random edicts and mandates.

Putin, however, would not bend to the globalist chicanery and did exactly what he had kept warning about for years if Russian concerns were not adequately addressed: He invaded Ukraine to stop NATO’s expansion into the country with which he shares nearly 1000 kilometers of border, and which once hosted Russia’s capital.

The invasion of Ukraine was a pre-announced, rational act of a strongman who felt increasingly encircled and threatened by what he deems to be an antagonistic military block.

Putin’s move came as a great shock to the Western elites who could have not imagined someone standing up to them in such a bold way. They were completely unprepared for the obvious and went into panic mode as they realized how many innocent lives could be lost to their incompetence and pomposity.

As the Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine, Putin exposed the globalists’ hubris and ineptitude. As the Russian military advanced speedily through the vast expanses of that land, the shocked elitists were nowhere to be seen. It was only the heart-breaking bravery of the Ukrainian people that saved them from complete exposure and humiliation.

And it is at this junction that their patently absurd “Putin is a madman” misinformation play comes in.

The “Putin is a madman” canard is meant to shift the blame in the eyes of the public for the Ukrainian tragedy on the allegedly irrational act of a “crazy” man rather than assigning it to the right people: the overbearing, domineering, arrogant Western globalists who treated the legitimate security concerns of a great nuclear power with contempt.

In Putin they encountered reality in the form of a willy and cunning strongman who would not yield to their edicts and hollow pronouncements in the submissive way they were used to from their own badgered populations.

They were in for a rude awakening. For two years the pompous globalists had been enriching themselves while tormenting peoples of the world with their useless and destructive lockdowns and dangerous and largely ineffective injections. If you think this is a harsh exaggeration, please read this from Yahoo News:

“Lockdowns during the first COVID-19 wave in the spring of 2020 only reduced COVID-19 mortality by 0.2% in the U.S. and Europe, according to a Johns Hopkins University meta-analysis of several studies. “While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted,” the researchers wrote. “In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.” The researchers – Johns Hopkins University economics professor Steve Hanke, Lund University economics professor Lars Jonung, and special advisor at Copenhagen’s Center for Political Studies Jonas Herby – analyzed the effects of lockdown measures such as school shutdowns, business closures, and mask mandates on COVID-19 deaths.”

While the people suffered under their nonsensical edicts, the globalists kept accumulating untold riches. Consider this headline from CNN: “As millions fell into poverty during the pandemic, billionaires’ wealth soared.”

Greedy for ever more money, the globalists sought to pull Ukraine into their World Order so they could suck out money from it to line up their own pockets even further. They have been shown the way by none other than Globalist-in-Chief Joe Biden whose family has already siphoned millions of dollars out of Ukraine through his son Hunter. It is fully in character that Biden is also a Covidista par excellence who forced millions of unwilling Americans to take the Covid injections by pressuring employers to institute illegal mandates.

Now the globalists’ arrogance and ruthlessness got us into the Ukrainian crisis where we potentially face the threat of nuclear war.

The clever guys that they always are, these wreckers have already managed to blame it all on the Mad Vlad.

1 in 4 prisoners in France are foreign nationals, costing taxpayers €700 million a year

The cost to the French taxpayer to accommodate foreign national convicts in France’s penitentiary system is approximately €700 million each year, according to government data and media reports.

Statistics published in October of last year revealed that 17,198 foreign nationals were incarcerated in French prisons, approximately 25 percent of the total prison population and a figure which has soared from 17.2 percent in 2011.

The constantly rising tally has increased the burden on the budget of the penitentiary system and as a result, on the French taxpayer. With Le Figaro reporting the average cost of incarcerating a prisoner in France as being €110 per day — taking into account meals, water, heating and staffing costs — the total cost of housing the foreign prisoners now exceeds €700 million per year.

Among the foreign nationals most present in French prisons, approximately 56 percent originate from Africa — 3,472 come from Algeria; 2,220 from Morocco; 1,117 from Tunisia; and 2,984 coming from the remaining African nations. In contrast, 5,109 come from other nations across Europe; 1,308 originate from the Americas, predominantly from Middle and South America; and 880 come from Asia.

A source at the French Prison Service revealed to Le Figaro that only a handful of these foreign detainees are ultimately repatriated to their country of origin, saying, “About 15 at the most per year. […] It is mainly about arrest warrants. It is regrettable because it allows these criminals to have a clean record at home.”

However, the vast majority of these detainees of foreign nationality are subject to an obligation to leave French territory, thus excluding de facto sentence adjustments and reintegration programs. Once their sentence has been served, these prisoners are sent to an “administrative detention center,” before eventually being released back into society. If legal repatriation mechanisms exist, their implementation is lengthy due to the overload of the courts.

France has a notoriously bad track record of deporting illegal migrants. For example, French President Emmanul Macron made it his goal to achieve a 100 percent deportation rate, but only has managed to achieve a 15 percent rate.

Biden: “Putin May Circle Kiev with Tanks, But He’ll Never Gain the Hearts and Souls of the Iranian People” (VIDEO)