Austria: After the devastating terrorist attack in Vienna in November 2020, Islamists planned another attack there

On November 2, 2020, an Islamist terrorist attack horrified Vienna’s city centre. Since then, one central question has preoccupied us again and again: “Can something like this happen again?”. Now it has become known that only six months after the attack, another attack was planned.

Muharrem S. (21) is suspected of being a member of a criminal organisation, suspected of being a member of a terrorist organisation, and suspected of financing terrorism. He had to answer for all these charges before the Vienna Regional Court. He has to serve two years in prison, eight months of which are to be served without parole. The sentence is not legally binding.

Investigators found out that Muharrem S. had apparently planned a terrorist attack in the Floridsdorf district of Vienna. It all began in 2021, when the Directorate for State Protection and Intelligence (DSN) and the Vienna State Office for the Protection of the Constitution (LVT) first became aware of the Austrian. In short message services he always attracted attention with “questionable, Islamist content”, reports the “Kurier”.

Investigators report meetings in mosques. Until the day when Muharrem S. was arrested and his flat in Vienna was searched and several electronic data carriers were seized.

The chronology of his radicalisation was found in this database. Muharrem S. is said to have been a member of the terrorist organisation “Islamic State” (IS) since March 2020. He is said to have repeatedly asked for donations to widows of fallen IS fighters.

Then the discovery: In Telegram chats from April 2021, investigators came across the planning of an attack in the Floridsdorf district of Vienna. They remain silent on how exactly the attack was to take place. However, the plans were “concrete” and to be taken seriously.

The suspect confessed in part and accepted the sentence.

Canadian Speaker Blames “Poor Audio,” Cuts Member’s Feed When He Asks Why Klaus Schwab Is “Bragging” About the WEF Successfully “Infiltrating Half of Canada’s Cabinet” – (VIDEO)

In Brussels it seems that everything is being done for the glory of Islam

by Giulio Meotti

Five years ago, some of Europe’s leading intellectuals – the Englishman Roger Scruton, the Pole Ryszard Legutko, the German Robert Spaemann and the French Rémi Brague – launched the “Paris Declaration”. They rejected “the utopian pseudo-religious crusade devoted to building a world without borders” and called for a Europe based on “Christian roots”, inspired by the “classical tradition” and repudiating multiculturalism:

“The godfathers of false Europe believe that history is on their side and this faith makes them haughty and contemptuous, unable to recognize the defects of the post-national and post-cultural world they are building. They ignore, indeed they repudiate, the Christian roots of Europe. At the same time, they are very careful not to offend Muslims, imagining that they will joyfully embrace their secularist and multiculturalist mentality “.

Prophetic, judging by the poster for the “Conference for the future of Europe” organized by the EU institutions. The only person who wears a religious symbol is a Muslim woman. Not a kippà or a cross o be seen. No, because the recent campaign by the European Commission not to wish one another a “Merry Christmas” had only been postponed. The Canadian essayist Mathieu Bock-Côté is right, when on French TV he said: “The Islamic veil has become the banner of the new society. Our elites capitulate and have accepted the idea that the Islamization of Europe is inevitable. It is a psychology of submission ”.

In November the Council of Europe produced a shameless advertisement in favor of the Islamic veil with photos and unmistakable slogans such as “My veil, my choice”, and “Beauty is in diversity, like freedom in the hijab”. .

Le Figaro writes that the European Union has become “an organ of the propaganda of diversity”. As if Europe is telling us that in the name of tolerance we must help the Sharia to be established.

It is a tsunami.

-In 2013, the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (the body that represents Islamic countries around the world) opened an office in the European Parliament.

-In 2014, the European Commission began funding and participating in the “European Day against Islamophobia”.

-In 2015, Brussels financed the “Report on Islamophobia” drawn up by a Turkish NGO close to Erdogan.

-In 2016 an exhibition funded by the European Union (2.5 million euros) entitled “Islam, our history!”

-And then several projects paid for by the European Research Council, such as “The European Koran” financed with 9,842. 534 euros

-And why not mention “The global Koran”, a mega project funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union? Budget: 1,980,000 euros.

In Brussels it seems that everything is being done for the glory of Islam.

What is the message that the European Union is sending frantically? That Islam is inseparable from the idea of ​​Europe? That Islam is “our future”? That Europe is only a supranational political organization and not a civilization that has its roots in the Judeo-Christian heritage?

The veil campaign confirms the analysis of the great Algerian novelist Boualem Sansal, the author of 2084, who writes: “From my long observation of the countries that the Islamic International has targeted, I have learned three lessons. The first is that the companies under fire very quickly realize that they do not have the means to defeat this invisible enemy. This mysterious threat literally liquefies society. At this point, exhausted, discouraged,[lesson 2] they enter a process of relative submission, believing they will appease the enemy, giving him more and more ground, carrying out his requests and eventually becoming his advocate. Society ends up admiring this prodigious enemy and despising itself [lesson 3]. In the end, she joins him, becomes his accomplice, wants to be like him and die at the cry of Allahu Akbar ”.

Europe is at this last stage.

France: ROUBAIX, THE SCHOOL OF DIVERSITY – Nolan, who is bullied at his private school because he eats pork

Translation: Nolan, who is so much a minority in his own country … that he is bullied at school because he dares to eat pork.
Even in private school it’s like that, so imagine what our children experience in public school.

The Netherlands is the first country to officially allow anti-Semitism: From now on, universities must register their staff with links to Israel on their files

 Fourteen Dutch universities said they are suspending their compliance with a freedom of information query from a pro-Palestinian organization regarding their ties with Israeli and Jewish entities.

The 14 publicly funded institutions, including the University of Amsterdam, the University of Utrecht and the Delft University of Technology, made the announcement Tuesday in a joint statement following an outcry last week over the query by The Rights Forum, which critics say was founded by an antisemite.

The query has led to “distress and a feeling of insecurity. We regret this,” read the statement by the Universities of the Netherlands, an umbrella group representing the country’s public universities.

Those institutions have asked for an undisclosed “time extension” in complying with the query, meaning that “currently no further steps are taken to retrieve, collect and/or transmit the information” sought in the query, the statement read.

The universities will “balance” the legal requirements of the freedom of information law that gave the query its legal standing with “other legal frameworks, including those guaranteeing the safety” of university staff, the statement also read.

The universities began gathering the information because the query was certified as what is known in the Netherlands as a WOB request, compliance to which is legally required for public or state-funded organization.

In the request, Gerard Jonkman, director of The Rights Forum, wrote that under the WOB request, he is seeking documents or information on “institutional ties with Israel universities, institutions and businesses and with organizations that propagate support for the State of Israel.”

Among the dozens of entities Jonkman listed are Christians for Israel, the Israeli weapons and defense systems producer Elbit, and a right-wing, pro-Israel Dutch-Jewish association.

But the list also includes mainstream Jewish entities from the Netherlands and elsewhere that do not define themselves as Israeli or solely focused on Israel.

Those groups include the Anti-Defamation League, the Central Jewish Board of the Netherlands, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, B’nai B’rith and even the office of the Dutch government’s own National Coordinator for Fighting Antisemitism, which is headed by Edo Verdonner, who is Jewish.

The Central Jewish Board has called the request antisemitic and urged universities to refuse to comply with it in a statement Tuesday. Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs, the chief rabbi of the Netherlands, also termed the request antisemitic and drew parallels between it and the conduct of Nazi collaborators.

The Rights Forum has not responded to a request for comment by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

The group was founded by Dries van Agt, a former prime minister of the Netherlands whom the Central Jewish Board has called an antisemite. Van Agt has dismissed this as an attempt to delegitimize his criticisms of Israel.

Van Agt recently accused Israeli settlers of routinely poisoning their Palestinian neighbors, prompting critics to say he was reviving medieval antisemitic blood libels.

Pennsylvania school caught tossing out ‘white’ books

School students in Pennsylvania decided to stage a “public book burning” at their institution by throwing hundreds of books into rubbish tips to “decolonize” their school library – for fun.

At the North Allegheny Senior High School in Wexford, Pennsylvania. “Taking this school’s curriculum into our own hands,” the students jested while tossing a “Coach’s Bible” into the rubbish bin.

Other “offensive” titles include:

The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism is Harming Our Young Men by Christina Hoff Sommers

Stock Market Logic: A Sophisticated Approach to Profits on Wall Street by Norman G. Fosback

Making Democracy a Reality by Claude G. Bowers

The youngsters laughed while cleaning out the shelves: “We found so many!” Another title also raised eyebrows: Africa: Adventures in Eyewitness History by Rhoda Hoff. According to one student, Trevor Sutcliffe, who tweeted scenes from the library, it was “satire”.

The summer custodian who was allegedly asked to throw away “outdated” books, however, urged the student who had posted it on TikTok to remove the video and denied that it had been “some left-wing purge of ideas”.

An unnamed librarian had chosen the titles to be removed, he said.

Are Canadians ever going to get sick of Justin Trudeau?

By Eric Utter

Recently, Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau essentially called Melissa Lantsman, a conservative member of the Canadian Parliament, a swastika-waving Nazi.  This wasn’t just the usual disgusting and preposterously hysterical hyperbole employed by leftists.  This was particularly egregious, as Lantsman is a descendant of Holocaust survivors.  But in what passes for the mind of the prime minister, she had to be savaged because she dared to defend the truckers who are protesting his draconian mandates and increasingly brutal police-state actions.

 Trudeau said of his fellow public servants, “Conservative Party members can stand with people who wave swastikas; they can stand with people who wave the Confederate flag.”  (Which none of them have done or would do.)  Or they could stand with Trudeau, who actually is acting like a dictator of a Banana Republic — or Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev.  Neither of these is a good look for the leader of the True North, as it’s too cold to grow bananas and too many of his citizens still remember who the good guys were in the Cold War.  Nonetheless, Trudeau’s behavior has become so outlandish that I wouldn’t be surprised if he took his shoe off and started banging on a podium at any time.

In response to another member of Parliament who called on Trudeau to apologize for his appalling remarks, Trudeau replied, “Canadians deserve their freedoms back.”  Yes, Prime Minister, that is why the truckers you slander are protesting.  You took their freedoms from them, and they’d like them back.

Trudeau also said that the blockades “continue to interfere with people’s daily lives.”  That’s rich.  His government has been doing that for more than two years now, which is why untold millions have offered their support for the brave members of the Freedom Convoy.  They would like it if Trudeau stopped interfering in their lives — and ceased causing them hardship and heartbreak.

The prime minister stated that he “will stand on the side of Canadians who want their livelihoods back.”  He might want to start with the truckers.  And all the others whose jobs he deemed “unessential” during the pandemic.

Trudeau added, “People are made to feel fearful, miss shifts at their work, these are things that cannot be stood for.”  Again, these are all things he did to the people.  Hence the protests.

Yet his response to the legitimate grievances of the working-class truckers has been to castigate and shame them — to arrest them, tow away their rigs, unconstitutionally freeze their bank accounts, and even take their pets from them.  His own “justice minister” has hinted that being a conservative or Trump-supporter could be a factor in determining if one’s bank account is frozen.  By invoking the War Measures Act, euphemistically renamed the Emergency Act, he arrogated to himself the power to do as he pleases to the truckers…and virtually anyone else in the nation he rules.

The never-before-used emergency powers allow Trudeau’s government to establish “no-go” zones in Ottawa…just like the ones in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Baltimore!  In fact, under the new rules, excited authorities said they can now ban public assemblies that “may reasonably be expected to lead to a breach of the peace.”  And the government is nothing if not reasonable.  Police have already arrested dozens of people and charged a few at one location with conspiracy to commit murder after announcing the seizure of “weapons” there.  You know, like a firearm or a knife.  This is like charging people with conspiracy to overeat after finding forks and spoons in their possession.  Or charging them with conspiracy to commit libel after discovering they own pens and keyboards.  But libel, slander, and misinformation are the hallmarks of authoritarian governments, not long-haul truckers.

Disturbingly, Canada’s money-laundering and terrorism-financing rules have also been widened to include crowdfunding sites such as GoFundMe and GiveSendGo, as well as payment service providers that have been used to funnel funds to the protesters.  Basically, if the Trudeau government doesn’t approve of your thinking, actions, or largesse, it will simply dismiss or prevent them.

Does Trudeau wish to start a civil war, or is he just drunk on power and the application of wickedness?

Incredibly, Trudeau claimed that by detaining, arresting, and fining the protesters, he was “restoring confidence in our institutions.”  Really?  By fraudulently slandering them and attacking their rights and freedoms?  It’s a little late for that, Dumbo.  Good luck “restoring their confidence” in your institutions now.  Even the Canadian Civil Liberties Union (CCLU) opposes Trudeau’s heavy-handed overreach.

Oddly, Trudeau didn’t seem to mind the months-long orgy of burning, looting and violence that ravaged the U.S. during the summer of 2020.  Nor did he oppose farmers in India clogging the streets of New Delhi in a massive protest last year.  In fact, he supported them and told them, “Canada will always be there to defend the right of peaceful protest.”  Just not those in Canada, apparently.

Calling Prime Minister Trudeau an empty suit would be a grave offense to empty suits everywhere.  His hypocrisy knows no bounds; his stupidity is limitless.  Yet his ego appears cosmic.  He treats his fellow citizens as though they were his servants, not the other way around.  He treats them as though they were all lepers…or were all in blackface.  But in truth, he was the one in blackface.  That face should be deep red now.

He is a metrosexual/GQ version of a cross among the Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz.  If only he had courage, a brain, and a heart, he could approximate a human being.  Sadly, he is a misplaced, quiche-eating, latte-sipping, effeminate — and fraudulent — gasbag in a nation largely composed of hockey-players and outdoors-lovers.

Oh, Canada.  Look what this clown has done to you.  You were once the true north, strong and free.

Please remove this guy from office.  For your sake.  And ours.

Germany’s AfD faces more attacks than any other party

Of all the parties represented in the Bundestag, the AfD was attacked the most frequently in the past year, with German authorities recording 660 cases where politicians or members of the party were attacked.

The AfD released the information after obtaining it from German Federal Ministry of the Interior, following a request for the information from the AfD.

Behind AfD was the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) with 617 attacks, the Greens (454), and the Social Democrats (SPD) with 445 cases. A similar picture emerges when looking at attacks on the buildings or facilities of the parties. While the AfD was a victim 120 times, this happened to the SPD 83 times, the CDU 82 times, and the Greens 67 times.

AfD posters were damaged or destroyed most frequently during the elections in 2021. The authorities registered 9,435 related criminal offenses. With 3,365 cases, more than a third of these concerned the AfD. The Greens monitored 1,751, the CDU 1,591. Most of the attacks against the AfD came from the radical left spectrum, as the Ministry of the Interior reported.

The Federal Ministry of the Interior keeps a low profile when asked

When asked whether the attacks on the AfD, in particular, were systematic forms of intimidation and threats, the Federal Ministry of the Interior remained vague.

“A central control of attacks by left-wing extremist individuals or groups cannot be identified, especially since the letters of confession are predominantly written under anonymous names,” the ministry reacted.

However, the “frequency of attacks and the context of justification in the published statements of crime” gives evidence about targeted action by violent left-wing extremists against a “joint opponent.”

Hess: Antifa must not be made socially acceptable

AfD politician Martin Hess sees the answer as a sign that the focus of the Ministry of the Interior has shifted under Nancy Faeser’s leadership.

“In the past, the federal government has expressly revealed that the left-wing extremists who are assigned to the field of action of ‘anti-fascism’ commit physical attacks on our party,” Hess told Junge Freiheit on Thursday.

“As soon as we have a Federal Minister of the Interior who maintains the best contacts with the largest left-wing extremist organization in the field of anti-fascism in Germany, the Federal Government withholds this important information. This Antifa whitewashing is a slap in the face to all police officers who, like our party members, have been victims of their violence. Antifa must not be made socially acceptable,” the former police chief commissioner emphasized.

Since Faeser came into office, she has made fighting extremists on the right a priority, but has been remarkably silent on the issue of fighting left-wing extremism and Islamic terror. It was revealed that she wrote for a publication known as “Antifa” shortly before she became interior minister, with the publication being ran by an organization that was labeled “extremist” by the German federal government.