Muslim attacks French mayor in his office saying “Do you have a problem with Islam? I know where you are living”

François Bouchart, the Mayor of Roissy-en-Brie (Seine-et-Marne), is shocked. On Monday February 21, while he was in a meeting with leaders of his municipality, a man entered his office playing Islamic music on his smartphone and holding up a Quran, reports La République de Seine-et-Marne. The man, who was about 40 years old, had his head covered and his face covered with an anti-Covid mask. He originated from the municipality and was already known to the police. He was initially taken into police custody but was eventually committed ex officio as he was not undergoing psychiatric treatment. “I did not get involved in politics to endanger my life, but to defend the interests of my people,” the mayor responded, announcing that he had filed a complaint.

“Before his arrest, the man, who was obviously mentally unbalanced, became increasingly threatening,” the municipality said in a press release. “Do you have a problem with Islam? I know where you live,” the man allegedly said to a female member of the elected representative’s staff, according to Le Parisien.

Lionel Beffre, prefect of the Seine-et-Marne department, also reacted via social media: “The mayor of Roissy-en-Brie was threatened this morning in his office by a person, with Islamic music playing and a Koran placed on the desk top. This is unacceptable. I support the elected representatives of this department in every way. Vigilance is required for their safety”. The LR Mayor of Chelles Brice Rabaste (LR) or the MP of Seine-et-Marne Patricia Lemoine (Agir) have also pledged their support to the Mayor of Roissy-en-Brie.

Germany: Unvaccinated people to be denounced by snitches on internet portal of the Ministry of the Interior

The German Office for the Protection of the Constitution apparently operates an anti-vaccination portal via the recently uncovered front organisation “Bundesservice Telekommunikation”. On the informer website run by this organisation, block leaders and those who want to become block leaders can now report anti-vaccination activists. Why this is considered necessary is explained on the website in a typically fact-free Antifa manner: the unvaccinated are to blame for the fact that there is still no “normality”.

The Federal Telecommunications Service is listed as the operator of a website dedicated to the fight against ” opponents of vaccination”.

Booster vaccinations are necessary because, among other reasons, a minority – the non-vaccinated – are not willing to be administered the experimental medicine, the website explains. For this reason, the risk of infection is also higher than it could be due to the genetic engineering jabs, it is claimed, far from the facts. Therefore, people who have been vaccinated should report on the website those who do not want to be vaccinated. This is to make it easier for the authorities to implement the mandatory vaccination, according to the autocratic argumentation.

The addresses reported in this way can be immediately validated online. The reporter can also rate the “dangerousness” of the unvaccinated person. The rating scale ranges from: not a bad person, but just badly informed; to: violent lateral thinker or right-wing radical.

The ominous Bundesservice Telekommunikation (BST) is apparently a front organisation of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV). Research by IT security expert Lilith Wittmann, who “stumbled” across the Bundesservice in a government directory some time ago, points to this. The building’s property management rents about 2,500 m² to the Ministry of the Interior (BMI). Like the Federal Telecommunications Service, the BMI seems to have its own letterbox in the building and an IP address is also said to be assigned to the BMI.

At a press conference at the end of January, the federal government did not want to comment on speculations as to whether it was a front organisation “for very fundamental reasons”. Previously, however, the spokesperson stated “that such an agency does not exist in the portfolio of the federal government”….

UK: Scottish government accused of effectively reducing age of consent to 13

The Scottish National Party (SNP) has been told by family campaigners and the Catholic Church that its latest sex guidance runs the risk of effectively reducing the age of consent across the country to just 13 years of age.

Government-backed guidance recommends police officers, teachers and social workers to respect a child’s privacy and not immediately inform parents if they come to learn that a child is sexually active before they have turned 16.

Under the new instructions, children between the ages of 13 and 16 who admit that they are having sex, but it is judged to be taking place in a “safe and mutually respectful relationship,” should have their privacy respected. Only in cases where there is evidence of an abuse of power, grooming or coercion will local authorities be compelled to reveal the child’s sexual activity to parents.

“If sexual activity is taking place/has taken place within a safe and mutually respectful relationship, then confidentiality should generally be maintained as there is a high threshold for when the duty of confidentiality should be outweighed,” the guidance reads.

“The facts and circumstances of each case must be carefully considered before deciding if the public interest favors the disclosure of confidential information.

“The child’s wishes and feelings must be heard and taken into account. The reasons for decisions made (for instance, in relation to information sharing) must be recorded,” it adds.

The development of policy has angered family campaigners and religious organizations alike, who have accused Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP government of effectively lowering the country’s age of consent from 16 to 13.

Prominent British politician and broadcaster, George Galloway, tweeted: “Surely this SNP sex-scandal must bring them down? How can we have two different ages of consent to sex in one country? By reducing to 13 the age at which Scottish schools need not inform parents if they learn children are having sex they are writing a Paedophile’s Charter!”

“It is effectively a charter for underage sex,” a spokesperson for the Family Education Trust told the Mail on Sunday. “The whole emphasis on confidentiality shows scant respect for parents who are principal legal guardians.”

A Catholic Church spokesperson went further, accusing the Scottish government of “moral bankruptcy” and undermining child protection laws.

“The sheer hypocrisy is highlighted by the fact that the Scottish Government requires applications for the new free bus travel card for young people to be made by a parent, if the young person is under 16.”

A spokesperson for the SNP defended the updated guidance, reiterating the government’s commitment to the current legal age of consent as outlined in the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009.

“The law continues to make clear that society does not encourage sexual intercourse in young people under 16,” the government said in response. “It does not, however, follow that there are child protection concerns in all cases,” it added, indicating that cases which override the confidentiality requirement must be “justified and proportionate.”

German court rules that in the case of a fatal side effect of a vaccination against Corona, the relatives of the victims had no right to file a lawsuit because the fatal side effects had been known beforehand

In November, a 15-year-old girl from Hollfeld died. The mother then posted on social media: The Corona vaccination was to blame for the death.

Serious side effects of the vaccination are said to have led to the girl’s death on November 17, 2021. The public prosecutor’s office in Nuremberg-Fürth has been investigating. These are the current findings.

The Bayreuth District Office remains silent on the incident: “Due to medical confidentiality, no information can be given on the results of the autopsy”, the health office explained in November 2021. The Paul Ehrlich Institute, which is investigating possible vaccination damage, cannot give any personal statements either. Here is an overview of the investigations so far and a statement from the Paul Ehrlich Institute on the case.

Initially, the Bayreuth police investigated the case. In the meantime, the case is with the public prosecutor’s office in Nuremberg-Fürth. Now there are initial findings, as press spokesperson and senior public prosecutor Antje Gabriels-Gorsolke informed us in response to a question from the newspaper bt. It is clear that no preliminary proceedings will be initiated.

The search for the cause of death continued. In the process, the doctor diagnosed a heart disease. The mother was not aware of this before the treatment and vaccination in a hospital, says Gabriels-Gorsolke.

According to the medical examiner’s report, there are several possibilities for the death of the young girl. Pneumonia could be the cause in connection with the heart muscle inflammation. However, this has not been conclusively proven, because the investigation was discontinued as no wrongdoing was found.

The forensic pathologist sees a second possibility in connection with the Corona vaccination: according to Gabriels-Gorsolke’s explanations, there is the very rare side effect of heart muscle inflammation. “It is a known – but very rare side effect.” Even this presumption has not been conclusively proven, the senior prosecutor stresses.

Even if the Corona vaccination were to be to blame for the girl’s death, no proceedings would be opened, she said. “It is a known – very rare – side effect.” Since this side effect is known, no one can be held legally responsible here either.

France: The mayor of Roissy-en-Brie was threatened in his office this morning by a person who played music of the Quran and put a Quran on the desk top

Translation: The mayor of #RoissyEnBrie was threatened by a person in his office this morning, with Quran music being played and a Quran being placed on the desk top. This is unacceptable. [1/2] [2/2] I support the elected officials of this department in every way. Vigilance is needed for their safety.
Lionel Beffre, Prefect of the Department of Seine-et-Marne.

Muslim Air France pilot observed Islamic prayer times and Ramadan even during the flight – The flight crew no longer wanted to fly with him because they no longer trusted him

On the basis of a document from the secret service and witness statements, the man, who has been in the profession for 15 years, has been prevented from working as a pilot for more than three months. The administrative court in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) will hear his case on Monday.


In this note, Rachid is accused of observing the prayer times of his religion “even during a flight” and of observing the Ramadan fast in disregard of safety regulations. According to the note, staff members had also said that they no longer wanted to fly with him because they no longer had any confidence in him.

‘Freedom’ now deemed a white supremacist notion

By Eric Utter

Taylor Dysart, a doctoral candidate at Penn, authored a column in which she claimed that the Canadian truckers’ Freedom Convoy “has surprised onlookers in the United States and Canada,” in large part “because the action seems to violate norms of Canadian ‘politeness.’“  She then opined, “But the convoy represents the extension of a strain of Canadian history that has long masked itself behind ‘peacefulness’ or ‘unity’: settler colonialism.” Huh?

Sadly, she wasn’t done. She stated, “The history of Canadian settler colonialism and public health demonstrates how both overt white-supremacist claims and seemingly more inert nationalistic claims about ‘unity’ and ‘freedom’ both enable and erase ongoing harm to marginalized communities.” Huh?

She added, “The primarily White supporters of the Freedom Convoy argue that pandemic mandates infringe upon their constitutional rights to freedom. The notion of ‘freedom’ was historically and remains intertwined with Whiteness, as historian Tyler Stovall has argued. The belief that one’s entitlement to freedom is a key component of White supremacy. This explains why the Freedom Convoy members see themselves as entitled to freedom, no matter the public health consequences to those around them.”

Yes, how dare the Freedom Convoy members think they are “entitled” to freedom! It’s not like they have inalienable rights granted by their Creator or something! They only have the rights that the government says they have…or don’t have! Period. Leftists somehow believe they are entitled to determine what freedom other people have. Revolting assumed privilege.

“Public health consequences?” We have seen the consequences of being locked down and enslaved for all of history. And they are despair, disease, and death.

Dysart referenced Stovall because his book, “White Freedom: The Racial History of an Idea,” supports her insane belief that the notion of freedom is actually racist.  The book discusses “how the Statue of Liberty—a gift from France to the United States and perhaps the most famous symbol of freedom on Earth—promised both freedom and whiteness to European immigrants.” So, Lady Liberty is racist, too. And probably sexist. (I always suspected her.)

The assertion that one’s “entitlement to freedom” is a “key component of White supremacy” seems illogical at best. Slaves in the American South dreamed of freedom, cherished freedom, and believed they were entitled to it, and I’m pretty sure most of them weren’t White Supremacists.

Come to think of it, I doubt that Martin Luther King thought he was giving a shout out to White Supremacy when he joyously spoke of a day when Black people were “Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty we are free at last.”

But, as Mark Steyn recently noted, “Physical lockdown seems to have inculcated in the citizenry a psychological lockdown that will be far harder to lift.” He referenced a CBC show, Cross-Country Check-Up, to which he said “the word ‘freedom’” itself “is now suspect.”

According to Steyn, the host(s) of the nation-wide open-line radio show opined:

As demonstrations against COVID-19 restrictions continue across Canada, the word freedom is on the lips and placards of many protesters. Often associated with protests and rallies in the United States, the term has taken hold among protesters who are part of the Freedom Convoy, which rolled into Ottawa in late January and has become entrenched in the city’s downtown.

For many, freedom is a malleable term — one that’s open to interpretation. That flexibility, in part, has fueled its growth among certain groups, said Barbara Perry, director of the Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism at the Oshawa-based Ontario Tech University. It’s also a term that has thrived among far-right groups, said Perry, one of a number of experts who say the presence of far-right groups in Canada is growing.

 Freedom is a “malleable” term/concept? I’m pretty sure the slaves on Southern plantations and those held in German concentration camps or Japanese prisons during World War II would disagree.  

Freedom has “thrived” among “far-right” groups? Freedom is a far-right notion? No wonder far-right groups have grown.

It has come to this. As George Orwell knew it could. Freedom is fascist. Freedom is slavery.

If freedom is now considered problematic by the Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism, no one can tell me we aren’t in real trouble.

But many apparently now do consider a love of freedom an example of Hate, Bias and Extremism. For example, students and faculty at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) have demanded a new mask mandate be put in place after the statewide mandate was recently lifted by Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak. And various reports indicate that many Democrats don’t want to relinquish their masks, don’t want life to go back to normal with the waning of the coronavirus plandemic pandemic.

In urban areas of the formerly United States, particularly on both coasts, an astounding number of people seem to enjoy being masked up and locked down, seem to take pride in showing their reflexive compliance to Big Brother, seem to value being submissive and subjugated. They seemingly revel in their subjugation and thrive on being disciplined by their sadomasochistic rulers. They have taken subservience to a new and troubling level and elevated obedience to a virtue. Incomprehensibly, to many in Canada—and the U.S., the land of the formerly free and erstwhile brave– freedom is out, passé, just another word for nothing left to lose.

Freedom is a “far-right concept” now, according to some. Think about that. Freedom is a word primarily associated with radical, right-wing extremists and white supremacy?! How preposterous and revolting is that assertion? What does it say about those on the left? What does it say about those who don’t purport to value (others’) freedom?

Note to all the virtue-signaling wokesters out there: You have the right to prostrate yourself to anybody you like. You can genuflect to your government, take a knee before a Karen. You can submit to your spouse…or your dominatrix. You can subjugate yourself to anyone or anything or any cause you like, but you have no damn right to keep the rest of us enslaved as well. Or to even suggest that we should join you in your prostration.

Germany: Afghan migrant accused of stabbing three people and screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ admits in court he lied about not remembering the attack

An Afghan migrant who stabbed three people at random in a German train station and screamed “Allahu Akbar” in August of last year has now admitted that he lied when he initially told investigators he did not remember anything.

The 24-years-old Milad A. is currently only trial for randomly attacking a group of travelers in the central railway station in the German town of Dresden on Aug. 13, 2021. He stabbed travelers with a knife and chased a man through the station.

According to a report from the State Criminal Police Office, there is no evidence of terrorism behind the attack despite the man screaming “Allahu Akbar.”

During the attack, he kicked the first of the three Uzbeks off the bench, attacked the second with a kitchen knife (9 cm blade), and injured his hand. According to the indictment, he shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is great).

He chased the third victim through the train station, stabbed him nine times, and injured the man’s arm and hip. Only federal police officers were able to overpower Milad A. with a gun.

On Monday, Feb. 14, 2022, Milad A. confessed to the district court but pretended not to be able to remember anything.

“I took methamphetamine an hour before. I was just scared,” the perpetrator said at the trial.

However, Milad A. has already once committed the same crime. As Bild newspaper reported, three years ago, the man was sentenced to 16 months probation for a knife attack, among other things. He was never deported.

The trial is still ongoing. The Afghan faces several years in prison for dangerous bodily harm and threats.

Trudeau puts down peaceful protests with heavily armed police

The Corona dictatorship in Canada has upped the ante. After the supposedly “liberal” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently declared a state of emergency and froze the bank accounts of his critics in order to intimidate the trucker protests, he has taken his disdain for Canadians to the next level – with unprecedented violence.

There were also countless arrests. But despite all the harassment, the people remain resistant and restless residents in Quebec have joined in.

The WEF disciple Trudeau has completely lost control of his country. Even attempts to financially drain the protest potential did not have the desired effect as Canadians subsequently withdrew their money from the banks, and the ATMs at all major banks ran empty. Moreover, regional prime ministers are not following his state of emergency dictates.

In parliament, Trudeau’s only success has been insulting the opposition and as a result, clearing the street of annoying demonstrators at any price, must have seemed like an option to the PM. That was obviously the order: To unleash a brutal police operation in the capital Ottawa.

Police officers with their name tags removed, marched in heavy battle gear. They arrested dozens of people and had numerous vehicles confiscated. They sprayed the crowd in front of Parliament with chemical irritants. On Twitter, the city police department even threatened journalists with arrest if they stayed in the restricted area. And reporter from Rebel News was assaulted. Protesters who brought their children were threatened with long prison sentences.

To justify the crackdown, authorities claimed the protesters were aggressive. When police horses rushed into the crowd and pushed an elderly lady to the ground, police claimed one person “threw a bicycle at a horse”. The pictures, on the other hand, show the lady’s walker lying on the ground.

Because the crowd did not want to leave, they were threatened with batons “for their safety”. The windows of trucks were also smashed by police officers.

Ottawa’s acting chief of police, Steve Bell, said he wanted to end the protests “peacefully” while threatening more arrests. At a press conference he tried to justify the continued violent operation.  “If you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges. Absolutely. This investigation will go on for months to come.”

Bell said they were absolutely determined to end the “illegal” demonstration,” “If they don’t leave peacefully, we have plans.” He did not reveal exactly what these were. However, Trudeau had recently announced that the military might be deployed.