France: An elected parliamentarian denounces anti-Western remarks in a sermon, the Council for Muslim Religion files a complaint

“They will not silence me.” This was the reaction of Isabelle Surply, RN councillor of Saint-Chamond and regional councillor of the Loire department, after learning of her summons to the Vallée-du-Gier commissariat on March 4, resulting from a complaint filed last October by the Loire department’s Muslim cultural council, reports France Bleu on Friday February 25. She is being sued for “public defamation based on origin, ethnicity, race or religion” with respect to acts dating back to the Eid festival in July 2021. At the time, in a series of tweets, the politician denounced what she considered anti-Western messages in a sermon by an imam at the Attaqwa mosque in her city.

“She assured that she would actively continue her “daily fight against political Islam and the Islamisation of our communities”.

The Rassemblement National MP is particularly astonished by this summons, also because the speech of the imam of the mosque in Saint-Chamond had been condemned by the prefect of the Loire department and the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin. The latter had even called for the imam’s removal. “I am forced to organise my defence by using the assistance of my lawyer, even though I was only doing my job as an elected representative, citizen, mother and wife,” the councillor complained.

The Collapsing Covid Narrative is Being Replaced with Putin and Ukraine

By Vasko Kohlmayer

Game-changing news has emerged out of Iceland.

As of this week, Iceland is the first country in the world to completely drop ALL Covid measures. There will be no lockdowns or social restrictions. There will be no mandatory Covid testing and if you happen to catch Covid you do not have to isolate. There will be no vaccine passports and no vaccine mandates. Anyone regardless of their vaccination status can travel to the country with no test required. The unvaccinated will not face any form of discrimination or exclusion from society.

Iceland is returning to going back to life as it was before Covid.

This by itself would be astounding enough given that Iceland is in the midst of a massive Covid surge and posting record cases even as we speak.

If you did not know, the vaccination rate in Iceland is some 80% of the total population which means that around 90% of the adult population is fully vaccinated.

Obviously, the vaccines have done absolutely nothing to stop or even slow down the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Quite on the contrary, they seem to have led to its increase.

Not only has the government of Iceland decided to drop all Covid restrictions and vaccine requirements, but the Ministry of Health issued remarkable new guidelines on how to deal with the virus. The country’s health authorities have advised the Icelanders that “as many people as possible need to be infected with the virus as the vaccines are not enough.”

Do you hear this?

Iceland’s government now tells its people that it is good to contract Covid. In other words, Iceland’s government has decided to handle Covid through herd immunity derived from natural infection.

This marks the complete negation of the official Covid narrative which was accepted as the conventional wisdom by nearly every government for the last two years.

The narrative ran something this: People should try to avoid getting infected at all costs and instead wait until they can get injected with the hastily concocted experimental vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and such.

Now, however, governments are increasingly encouraging their citizens to forget about the vaccines and instead go out and take on the virus with their own immune system.

What in the world?

They are saying this after two years of heavy-handed lockdowns, restriction and closures that have caused untold economic, social and psychological damage.

They have changed their mind after having conducted a global vaccination crusade that saw more then 60 percent of the Earth’s population injected with inadequately tested vaccines that have proved to be less than effective and that have needlessly killed what could be millions of people worldwide.

This is undoubtedly one of the greatest debacles in the annals of man.

There were scientists who advocated herd immunity through natural infection at the outset. Those voices, however, were ridiculed, censored, discredited, fired and cancelled.

Instead, one after another, governments across the world seized the false narrative and proceeded to impose a cascade of disastrous measures that inflicted unprecedented damage on the human race.

In the weeks ahead they will try to excuse themselves by claiming that the virus has changed and that it is less dangerous now that it was at the outset. This is true to some degree. The fact, however, remains that the virus never posed a great danger to most people. Its survival rate for non-confined individuals was some 99.7 percent. It posed virtually no threat to healthy children. It posed only relatively low risk to active healthy people of productive age. Certainly, the threat was not sufficient to justify wide scale school and business closures and other onerous measures.

Nor did it justify indiscriminate mass vaccination of children and healthy people with the dangerous and deficient vaccines.

These policies were a gargantuan mistake that cost untold trillions of dollars and countless lives.

Now that the false narrative is collapsing, those responsible for this debacle should be asked to explain themselves. These people, however, are very cunning and they are already in the process of skilfully diverting the public’s attention to another place with a new narrative.

Today they are all talking about Vladimir Putin as the greatest threat to mankind. They hope to inflame people’s passions so they will not notice that Covid has somehow gone away even though a short while ago we were allegedly all in danger of dying from it.

Now Vladimir Putin is the greatest evil we have ever faced. And as the added bonus, they will be able to blame him for the inflation, depression and other catastrophes brought by two years of destructive Covid policies.

The Covid-19 crisis was a government-imposed disaster from beginning to the end. The virus – which was created by the Chinese state in cooperation with Dr Fauci and his friends – either escaped or was released from the biolab in Wuhan.

The Ukrainian crisis is likewise a government induced disaster. The feckless Joe Biden, Antony Blinken and their globalist cronies provoked Putin by pushing the idea of NATO at the doorstep of Russia. This was as unacceptable to the Russians in the same way that Mexico entering the Warsaw Pact would be unacceptable to the United States.

Putin asked for assurances that there will be no more NATO’s countries on the Russian border. This was not an unreasonable request, but they told him to go home and pound sand.

We should not be surprised at Putin’s anger. If he overreacts, the ensuing catastrophe will have been sparked by the provocateurs who were needlessly poking the Russian bear in the eye.

Both Covid and Russia are false narratives. In a way they are one of a piece. The passions and emotions evoked by the latter are being used to hide and obscure the collapse of the former.

Swedes put some ‘Adidas knights’ in their place

During the night of January 15, three Swedish men in their 30s were in the Stockholm metro on their way to an after-party. Suddenly they were attacked by several aggressive immigrants. One of the Swedes received two fist blows to the face, knocking him out. What the immigrants were not prepared for was that the Swedes, who all describe themselves as nationalists, would strike back.

Two Arabs, known as “Adidas knights” in Swedish slang, were beaten down and the third became so frightened that he fell backwards.

Andreas says that he had been out partying with two friends. “We had had a few beers and talked shit. It was a good atmosphere and a nice evening.”

Suddenly, they collided with a nasty gang of immigrants in the subway. As usual, the immigrants chose to harass only one of the Swedes who they had thought was alone. What they did not know was that he had two friends with him.

“We’re going on to an after-party and went down to the subway. One polar bear [Swedish slang for a white Swede] walked a little further on while talking on the phone, so it did not seem like he was in the same group as me and my other polar bear.

“Suddenly I see a bunch of Adidas knights [Arab immigrants from the suburbs, ed.] slither up behind my friend. They go after him, and you immediately see that they are out to make trouble. They stop him and start saying that he has looked at their bride, which of course was not the case. They behaved as if they owned the city.

“We all fought back. None of the polars [polar bears] had been beaten before, but it was the Vikings within us that came forward! The Adidas knights had not expected us to counterattack,” explained Andreas.

Andreas said that he then decided not to back down. “I got pissed off and thought ‘fucking muppets trying to do this and they can’t behave’.”

When the Swede and his friend walked up to the surrounded third friend, the immigrants started demanding that the Swedes apologize to them – something the three Swedish friends refused to do.

“We said clearly that we did not want trouble, but that we did not intend to apologize. I did not let myself be intimidated: “What do you not understand?” The Arabs kept insisting and the atmosphere became even more aggressive. “Ehh… what did you say?” said one of them, whereupon the Swede suddenly felt two fist blows to the face.

“I was lights-out but came round quickly. Then I saw two of the immigrants lying on the ground.” His friends had decided to strike back after he was knocked out, something which the Arabs had not counted on.

Andreas, in anger, then walked up to the instigator: “He was the one who had been egging them on. He looked a little insecure. I walked towards him and screamed. He got so scared that he backed away without looking around, and fell against a bench.”

According to Andreas, his two friends had never been in a fight before. The incident was never reported to the police.

“No report was made by us and I have a very hard time believing that they did something about it. The reason why we did not report the incident was partly because we felt that we had put them in their place, and partly because none of us are eager to get involved in any legal process. We were in good spirits and went on to the party.”

Andreas [not his real name, ed.] has shown the reporter a photo of his injuries: A swelling and redness on his face from the immigrants’ blows.

Spain: Five Islamist terrorists arrested who also had links to the terrorists of the attack on the editors of Charlie Hebdo

The five detainees are supporters of a movement classified as terrorist in Pakistan, to which the perpetrators of the attack on the editorial offices of Charlie Hebdo in 2020 also belonged.

National Police officers arrested five Pakistani nationals -in Barcelona, Girona, Úbeda (Jaén) and Granada- for their alleged involvement in the crimes of collaborating with a terrorist organisation, glorifying and inciting terrorist acts. […]

The investigation started in September 2020 after the attack carried out in Paris by Pakistani Zaheer Hassan Mahmood. […]

In the face of this new terrorist phenomenon, the General Information Commissariat and the Information Brigade of the Province of Barcelona have launched this investigation to detect radical profiles of followers of this movement in Spain. Those who were investigated and who are now detained shared extremely violent sermons. They also welcomed the actions of terrorists who had carried out attacks in Europe and Pakistan on people considered blasphemous.

In order to establish a unified ideological structure, this movement had set up a network in this country, which provided materials for the dissemination and promotion of its violent ideology against critics of Islam. […] Policia Nacional

Berlin city councillor Liecke warns against the influence of Islamists – Women without headscarves and girls would be put under massive pressure in parts of Berlin by the loud minority of supporters

The social councillor of the Neukölln district of Berlin, Falko Liecke ( Christian Democratic Union, CDU), has warned against the influence of Islamists and “headscarf activists” in sharp tones. The headscarf is “not necessarily a religious symbol, but certainly a political one”, Liecke writes in his book “Brennpunkt Deutschland. Armut, Gewalt, Verwahrlosung – Neukölln ist erst der Anfang” (Poverty, Violence, Neglect – Neukölln is only the Beginning), which was published on Friday and deals with social problems, crime and extremism. First and foremost, the headscarf is a symbol of the “inequality of men and women” and reduces women “to a purely sexual function that needs to be covered up”.

Liecke, who is also vice-chairman of the Berlin CDU, emphasises: “There is not an Islamist who wears a headscarf. But those who act as ” activists of the headscarf” represent a “fundamental, anti-feminist and political Islam”, which is in contradiction to freedom and democracy. Those who understand the headscarf as a binding religious symbol ultimately show a “backward” understanding of Islam.

Women without headscarves and girls are put under massive pressure in parts of Neukölln by the loud minority of supporters, Liecke argues. In a primary school near the Al-Nur mosque, which is observed by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, more and more girls would appear with headscarves already at the age of eight, nine or ten.

According to Liecke, the big problem here is so-called legalistic Islamism. This is a movement that acts without violence, but wants to change society in the direction of strict Islam through influences in politics, media and associations. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution sees it as a “danger to democracy” with “considerable influence”. Liecke criticises that many negative influences can be felt: rainbow flags are torn down in youth facilities, female teachers in trousers are attacked, forced marriages continue to be a big problem. At the same time, clubs and associations from the field of political Islam were being supported by the Berlin Senate with taxpayers’ money.

Liecke had recently caused fierce contradiction by posting a tweet about the new federal leaders of the Green Party, Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripour. To a photo of the two, Liecke posted: “I wish a happy “Allahu Akbar””. After protests, he deleted the tweet and wrote: “There is justified cause for criticism when Mr Nouripour says that it is the task of the Bundestag to implement parts of Sharia law into our legal system. But the nature of my criticism was misleading in this form.”

Ferat Kocak, a Left Party MP, accused Liecke of “racist agitation against Muslims”. Liecke, he said, was paving the ground for acts like the racist series of murders in Hanau, where a 43-year-old man killed nine people two years ago. Kocak added: “Why is a white cis male conservative politician acting as the saviour of “oppressed women with headscarves”?”

Germany: Fraud in Corona test centres perpetrated by migrants

Raid against brazen Corona fraudsters with Muslim migration background in North Rhine-Westphalia! Nine suspects are alleged to have billed for tests that were not carried out at all in 14 test centres on a grand scale. On Thursday morning, the raid was carried out by almost 100 police officers.

The public prosecutor’s office in Wuppertal has been investigating the men, aged 22 to 57, for commercial fraud since September 2021.

Senior public prosecutor Wolf-Tilman Baumert: “These defendants are alleged to have operated a total of 14 test centres in Remscheid, Essen, Oberhausen, Velbert and Herne as managers of three companies based in Wuppertal and Remscheid and to have billed the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians for tests that were not actually carried out.”

The police finally tracked down the brazen fraudsters when several citizens reported to the officers that they had received notifications of allegedly negative test results without having previously taken Corona quick tests.

Baumert: “For further clarification of the facts, court search warrants were therefore obtained against the residences of the accused in Wuppertal, Remscheid, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Langen and Essen, the business premises of the companies involved as well as the test centres operated by them.”

In addition, there are also searches against two other companies based in Cologne and Königsbrunn, which are said to have been used by the fraudsters as service providers. However, there is no suspicion against the managing directors of these two companies; presumably they were also deceived.

The public prosecutor’s office in Wuppertal had the suspects’ flats and business premises all searched at the same time at 9 a.m. so that they could not destroy any more evidence. Baumert: “In the case of a later conviction, the law provides for heavy prison sentences of six months to ten years per offence.”

Nantes: How a European city was Islamized

by Giulio Meotti

“Woman’s month for the city of Nantes, a veiled woman on the streets of the city. Unacceptable complacency towards Islamism! This is the real threat that hangs over France! ”.

Thus Eric Ciotti, a senior leader of the Gaullist party, denounces the municipal billboards of a large city lost to Islamization.

We are in Nantes, the City of the Dukes of Brittany, steeped in history on the Loire estuary, the city of the great writer Jules Verne, the father of science fiction. His story is emblematic of how Europe is sinking.

“I know the city where I was born very well and I started to be a journalist” says Ivan Rioufol of Le Figaro. “When I left Nantes in 1984, it was tranquility itself, even in the most popular neighborhoods. Immigrants were a minority. Today Nantes has become Lebanese. And its history is that of France ”.

How did it happen in this city of 300,000 inhabitants?

Five years ago, the Basilica of Saint-Nicolas in Nantes was almost destroyed by a fire. It had completed a refurbishment and was in perfect condition.

The city is teeming with mosques. “The Malakoff mosque seats 1,200 and has erected a 17-meter minaret,” writes Rioufol. “In addition to this ‘cathedral mosque’ there are four other mosques, not to mention the neighboring ones. This influence of Islam accompanied the new settlement of the working class neighborhoods, under the encouragement of the socialist municipalities ”. Today there are ten mosques in Nantes.

The Assalam Mosque was built with Qatari money. But not only. As Le Figaro recounts, “the Assalam mosque was built on land sold by the municipality, benefiting from a ‘cultural’ contribution of 200,000 euros and a loan guarantee of 346,800 euros”. The city financed its own self-conquest. And who was the mayor of the city at the time of the financing and the agreement with Qatar? Jean-Marc Ayrault, mayor of Nantes from 1989 to 2012 and socialist prime minister of France from 2021 to 2014 …

Pierre Vermeren tells it in his book Déni français: “In Nantes, Jean-Marc Ayrault practiced a patronage that led to the construction of three, four, community mosques distributed among the Muslim Brotherhood, Morocco and Turkey, as well as a Salafi mosque on the outskirts of his city. He is accused, like the former mayor of Paris, of violating the cult funding law. In Bordeaux, Alain Juppé (former Gaullist leader and foreign minister) canceled the Great Mosque project when it was discovered that the funds came from Qatar and Azerbaijan… ”.

In Nantes, the old St. Christopher’s Church has become a mosque. “In 1984, my last article for Presse-Océan was dedicated to the small and only mosque in the Malakoff district, installed in place of the ancient church of San Cristoforo,” says Ivan Rioufol. “Since then, this modest building has given way to the Arrahma Mosque.”

Because where we become de-Christian, Islam takes over. In Nantes, many churches have been liquidated. L’Express publishes a report on the Jesuit church in Nantes: now it is a furniture showplace…

“Today in France there is a peaceful destruction of the Christian roots, and the atheist that I am will not go against the evidence”, wrote the philosopher Michel Onfray after the fire of the Nantes basilica.

And it goes without saying that demographics are the breeding ground for civilization change.

“The percentage of minors under 18 born to non-European parents has exploded, and often doubled, in the last thirty years” writes Jean-Paul Gurévitch, one of the leading scholars of the phenomenon, in Valeurs Actuelles. “The explosion hits large provincial cities like Nantes…”.

It is not surprising then that the high schools of Nantes today organize visits to mosques … Or that the Nouvel Obs publishes surveys on the “polygamists of Nantes”.

Fearful politicians, demographics that are overturned, Islamic regimes that invest mountains of money, churches that are emptied … This is the ink with which this postcard was written from the city made famous by the edict with which King Henry IV in 1598 put an end to the wars of religion that had ravaged Europe.

Another religious war is now taking place there, its weapons are propaganda, population, preaching and the conquest of territory and minds, but only a part is fighting it and the only surrender on the horizon is that of the authorities.

Soccer club to ban vaccinated players because they have ‘no strength’

The chairman of Steaua Bucharest, George Becali, has once again made a statement. The 63-year-old politician and businessman often makes headlines in the press with his striking statements. This time it concerns vaccinated players from his club: “They have no more strength.”

Becali was a Member of the European Parliament from 2009 to 2012. In 2013, he was sentenced to three years in prison on spurious charges of illegal land trafficking.

He has held the presidency of the Romanian top club Steaua Bucharest for almost twenty years. In that role, he has often been in the news for anti-migration and anti-LGBTQ statements.

Becali also has a clear opinion about the Covid pandemic and the vaccines against the virus. He believes that his club’s vaccinated players “have no strength anymore”. He therefore wants to ban them from the club. “If you’re vaccinated, you don’t play anymore,” Becali said on Romanian TV.

“You’ll laugh at me, but I may be right,” he continued. “Vaccinated players lose their strength. That’s a scientific thing.”

“Haven’t you seen it at Cluj (another top club from Romania, ed.) and Rapid Bucharest? Players faint, sleep on the floor. Players with us are also affected, especially the older ones. Have you seen Ciprian Deac?” Deac is a 36-year-old attacker from Cluj, who had already played 42 games this season.

Becali also said that his 35-year-old striker Claudiu Keseru “can no longer play at the highest level” after he got the shot. Earlier, the club owner stressed that “vaccination was not good” and that the vaccine “made people sick”. He was adamant: “This is a vaccine to kill.”

The Romanian government felt compelled to respond to Becali’s statements. “Vaccinated players are not losing their power,” a government spokesperson on Facebook responded. The page was created especially to inform people about Covid and Covid vaccines. According to their information, players may suffer from the alleged “long Covid” – a term which was invented to hide the side-effects of the jab.

“Vaccination against Covid does not affect the performance of soccer players. In contrast, there are enough studies that show that going through a Covid infection could have long-lasting consequences and could affect the performance of athletes.”

The Romanian government has been campaigning for vaccine manufacturers. The country has a vaccination rate of less than 60 percent.