Come Again? Ukrainian Parliament Member Tells Fox News: “We Not only Fight For Ukraine – We Fight For this New World Order” (VIDEO)

Ukrainian MP: ‘We are fighting not only for Ukraine, but also for the New World Order’

Ukrainian MP Kira Roedik of the liberal and pro-European party Holos said on Fox News on Sunday that she and her team were staying behind in Kiev to “fight”. The president of her country made similar promises, but has not been keeping them.

“We are part of the resistance. We are armed. We are ready to fight,” Roedik declared.

“We have been fighting Putin for eight years,” Roedik added. “This is a crucial moment because we know that we are not just fighting for Ukraine. We are fighting for the New World Order, for the democratic countries. We knew that we would be the shield for Europe. We knew that we would not only protect Ukraine. We are protecting all the countries that will follow if we fail. That is why we must not fail.”

A few days ago, the MP posted a photo in which she poses with a Kalashnikov. She wrote that she was learning how to use a Kalashnikov and was preparing to take up arms. The post was liked more than 300 000 times, quite possibly by the very active Ukrainian bot army.

Earlier this month, Roedik had to admit that a criminal case was pending against her party, Holos, for nefarious economic activities.

Late last year, Bolivian former president Evo Morales said during a roundtable discussion on cooperation between Russia and South American countries that “the policy of the New World Order is aimed at thinning out the ‘superfluous population’”.

The “superfluous population” refers to the elderly and people with disabilities. In some cases, poor and simple people are also seen as a problem for capitalism, Morales said.

Meanwhile, thanks to his recent Hollywood visitors, Ukraine’s top politician has had a PR makeover to cast him in the role of a “caring individual” as he arms and releases prisoners. Last week he was still a homosexual dancer in high heels and latex but for his make-over this week Vladimir Zelensky became a “war hero”. In an expressly “leaked” phone call he “bravely” turned down the US offer of an airlift to safety.

Ukrainian bots spreading fake news about Vladimir’s visit to the frontlines, on February 2022. Twitter

On Twitter, a multitude of photographs suddenly turned up to celebrate his toughness and military commitment except that the photos were all almost a year old, taken when he visited the troops last April with zero risk. According to some sources, Zelensky is currently hiding in a bunker in Lviv. He refused even to appear for peace negotiations with Russia on Monday.

Actually not a war hero but a scam artist: The photo is not from February 25, 2022, but April 19. Twitter

Survey: Immigration of migrants from cultures incompatible with that of the host country promotes terrorism

Two researchers have investigated the link between terrorism and cultural integration, reports Le Point in an article posted online on Monday February 28. Tobias Böhmelt, a researcher in international relations and comparative politics at the University of Essex, and Vincenzo Bove, professor of political science at the University of Warwick, have conducted an increasing number of studies on this topic in recent years. In particular, the experts have examined the link between immigrants’ “cultural distance” and terrorism, as well as the impact of immigration policies, the newspaper reports.

In one of their studies – “Does cultural proximity contain terrorism diffusion?” [“Can cultural proximity contain terrorism diffusion?”]. – Tobias Böhmelt and Vincenzo Bove argue that it is impossible to treat immigrants as “homogeneous populations” and that holding on to a clear distinction between “immigrants” in general and “natives” is detrimental to understanding the issue, the weekly magazine continues. Furthermore, they judge that “the spread of terrorism between countries via migration depends on the cultural proximity between the immigrants’ countries of origin and their destination states”.

Tobias Böhmelt and Vincenzo Bove believe that cultural proximity between immigrants and locals “increases trust between people”, facilitates the integration of migrants and makes it more difficult for terrorist networks to exploit their situation, according to Le Point. However, they added that this does not mean that terrorist attacks are necessarily perpetrated by migrants, as only a “tiny minority” of them arrive with hostile intentions.

What about the statistics?

The two researchers assure that this does not mean that immigrants do not become victims of terrorist-motivated violence themselves, according to the newspaper. So both argue on a global level and not on the level of individual motivation. In other words, they believe that integration problems and the “marginalisation of the migrant population” indirectly lead to the promotion of terrorism. This happens by exposing the diaspora to the influence of terrorist networks, in various forms, such as the direct recruitment of individuals, but also the exchange of information, funding and support.

To assess the relevance of this hypothesis from a statistical point of view, the researchers analysed the extent and origin of immigration – excluding refugees – in 32 OECD countries between 1980 and 2010, but also the frequency of terrorist attacks,” comments Le Point. Whilst completing their research, they realised that the relationship between the extent of immigration and the frequency of terrorist attacks varies according to the degree of cultural distance between the host country and the host populations. “Greater cultural proximity can counteract, contain and act as a barrier to the spread of terrorism through migration,” Tobias Böhmelt and Vincenzo Bove are quoted as saying by the authors. While this study could easily argue in favour of prioritising culturally proximate immigration in the eyes of various political decision-makers, it is worth pointing out that the authors of the study do not make this cultural distance an influencing variable that cannot be altered.

A devout Muslim crashes his car into a French mosque

A man was arrested after deliberately crashing into the Al-Badr mosque in Meaux (Seine-et-Marne), Le Figaro reported on Monday February 28. It was a Muslim man known to the police who was attending the place of worship. He was taken into police custody, but this was quickly lifted to make way for a compulsory admission to a psychiatric hospital. There were no injuries and it was not assumed that there had been a terrorist attack.

The crime occurred late on Saturday morning, February 26. The man crashed his vehicle into the emergency exit door of the mosque. According to a source familiar with the case quoted by Le Figaro, “the door shattered”. Damage was also found inside the mosque, according to the prosecutor of the Republic of Meaux. The thesis of an accident was quickly dismissed, as the perpetrator had tried to leave several times before fleeing on foot, Le Figaro reports.

The man, identified as “coming from the neighbourhood” and as a regular mosque-goer, had been convicted of domestic violence in November 2021, but had benefited from a reduced sentence. He was arrested the same evening in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine (Yvelines). His mental state was quickly deemed incompatible with imprisonment. The mosque’s leaders expressed their “sadness and shock” at the act on Facebook and called for “calm” and ” level-headedness” in this situation.

New Zealand’s Jewish problem

New Zealand, Australia’s South Pacific neighbour, is a nation boasting of magnificent fjords, snow-capped mountains and pristine forests. Its indigenous Maori people have inhabited the country for approximately 1000 years. In 1769, Captain James Cook mapped the islands, now known as New Zealand, which was followed by the arrival of explorers, missionaries and sailors. The 1840 Treaty of Waitangi, ensured Maoris were given rights in this new addition to the British Empire. This was followed by extensive British settlement over the remainder of the 19th century. About 1.3 million people immigrated in 1907 which was the peak year for new arrivals.

Some Nazi war criminals, escaping justice in Europe after WW2, settled in New Zealand. New Zealand now champions human rights, but has refused to open files on its Nazi fugitive immigrants. One fugitive Jonas Pukas, served as a machine gunner with the 12th Lithuanian Police Battalion which massacred tens of thousands of Jews. Pukas settled in Auckland in 1950 and reportedly smiled as he described Jews “screaming like geese” and how they “flew into the air as they were shot.”

Another immigrant was Willi Huber, who had served in the ruthless Waffen SS. Huber remarked in an interview with police detective Wayne Stringer, that Hitler was “very clever” and that he had no inkling of the massacre of Jews in Poland and Russia where he served, despite the Waffen SS being pivotal in the extermination of Jewish communities. Huber never expressed remorse and in fact was honoured by having a ski run, restaurant and commemorative plaque at Mt Hutt named after him.

New Zealand (NZ) does not invest in Holocaust education, is not a member of the IHRA and also has not adopted the IHRA definition of antisemitism as other democracies have.

Canterbury University located in the city of Christchurch, accepted a Master’s thesis that concluded “the Nazis did not exterminate Jews in gas chambers or have extermination policies as such.”

While New Zealand voted for the 1947 UN Partition resolution that paved the way for Israel’s establishment, relations have not been smooth and indeed deteriorated over the years.

Unlike Australia, New Zealand does not designate Hamas/Hezbollah as terror organizations and declines to condemn terror attacks against Jews and Israelis. New Zealand does not have an embassy in Israel but does maintain embassies in Iran and Turkey, both of which support Islamic terrorist organizations.

The New Zealand Sovereign Wealth Fund divested from Israeli banks, hence making the government party to the BDS campaign.

Relations between Israel and New Zealand have also been cool because of New Zealand’s support of disproportionate UN resolutions against Israel. Notwithstanding its strong support for human rights, New Zealand tends to vote with totalitarian and Islamic regimes. Together with Senegal and Malaysia, New Zealand co-sponsored the anti- Israel UN Resolution 2334 which was particularly damaging to Israel.

Occasionally the anti-Israel animus becomes absurd. In 2011 an Israeli backpacker was killed in the Christchurch earthquake, leading to claims of him being a Mossad agent.

New Zealand is seeking a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the USA. Representatives and senators surely need to be aware of some the above issues before an FTA is signed.

‘We all have to be anti-racists’ – Germany just created the new position of anti-racism commissioner

For the first time in history, Germany has an anti-racism federal commissioner, with the federal cabinet entrusting the Minister of State for Integration Reem Alabali-Radovan with the post.

As commissioner for anti-racism, Alabali-Radovan said she wants to work on strengthening the state and creating an active civil society that would oppose the roots of racism. She added that racism is a “crime against humanity.”

“Racism is a danger for our country because it attacks our unity in diversity and our democracy. That’s why fighting racism is everyone’s business. We all have to be anti-racists!” demanded the SPD politician.

Alabali-Radovan announced that she would set up a nationwide advice center against racism. In addition, a national action plan against racism will be presented, Junge Freiheit reported.

“I also support new projects for better prevention, education, and research so that we can strengthen civil society throughout Germany in the fight against racism. We must also advance diversity in all areas of society and break up structures so that we remove the breeding ground for everyday racism and structural racism,” Alabali-Radovan noted.

She also is pushing for a “diversity strategy,” which would be implemented in the country’s federal administration, and attempt to make the “diversity of society” match ministries and other authorities.

There has already been such a push in cities like Berlin, with the Left Party and the Green Party pushing to have 35 percent of all government positions going to migrants and those with “foreign roots.”

The announcement on the creation of anti-racism commissioner comes shortly after far-left German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced that there would be a push to teach kindergarten children about the dangers of “far-right extremism,” but It is still unclear what would be defined as “far-right extremism.”

German politicians determined to wreck German economy

Apparently, German politicians want to leave no stone unturned in order to further sabotage Germany’s already problematic energy supply.

The chairman of the foreign affairs committee, Michael Roth, told RTL that new gas contracts with Russia had become “inconceivable” as a result of the Ukraine crisis. He could no longer imagine deepening economic relations with Russia.

Europe gets almost 40 percent of its natural gas supplies from Russia. Gas prices in the EU have already skyrocketed in recent months, reaching an all-time high of 2 190 percent in December. Recent developments around Ukraine sent natural gas prices skyrocketing by more than 40 percent on Thursday. According to the London ICE exchange, the gas price briefly exceeded the mark of around EUR 1 398 per 1000 cubic meters before falling to around EUR 1 294 per 1000 cubic meters.

German politicians have been preparing their population for rising energy costs for weeks and make no secret of the fact that these are also a consequence of political decisions. Federal Foreign Minister Baerbock declared at the beginning of February that Germany was prepared to pay “a high economic price” for further sanctions against Russia.

This is now taking shape as a result of important decisions made by Germany’s political leadership. After Chancellor Scholz ordered the suspension of the certification process for the Nord Stream 2 Baltic Sea pipeline, the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, predicted that gas prices in Europe would double to EUR 2 000 per 1000 cubic meters.

France: Muslim spits at priest outside Saint Michel church this Sunday as he blessed the presbytery (VIDEO)

Translation: Today, Sunday February 27, a Muslim spat on the priest who was blessing the churchyard after Mass in front of the Saint Michel Church in Bordeaux!