French constitutional court vows to block Zemmour or Le Pen’s immigration laws if either wins

Conservative candidates Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour, if elected, will not be able to end mass immigration to their country without the Senate’s approval, the president of the Constitutional Council, France’s constitutional court, has warned. The news that French courts will block a democratic referendum related to immigration reveals just how powerless people across Europe have become to decide the demographic fate of their countries, as the severe watering down of Switzerland’s referendum vote to implement immigration quotas previously showed.

The idea that France’s top court can decide against the will of the people despite a popular referendum is a perversion of what the court originally stood for. In fact, in 1962, the French constitutional court declared itself incompetent to rule over the constitutionality of laws “adopted by the people following a referendum” since they “constitute the direct expression of national sovereignty.” However, in 2000, the French Constitutional Court partly reversed its 1962 decision by limiting its scope. It marked one of the many decisions that have transformed France from a semi-presidential democratic regime to what looks more and more like a government by judges.

The 2000 ruling is especially notable given what is at stake in the upcoming election. Both Le Pen and Zemmour have declared that they will hold a referendum on ending mass immigration. Perhaps even more importantly, a majority of French say they support such a referendum. Given polling showing seven out of ten French citizens are in favor of ending immigration, there is also a good chance such a referendum would succeed in favor of Le Pen or Zemmour.

The Constitutional Council’s decision to block such a referendum even before it has taken place has been confirmed by Laurent Fabius, who was appointed to the post of president of the Constitutional Council by his friend, Socialist President François Hollande, in 2016 when he was Hollande’s foreign minister.

The Constitutional Court would not only squash an immigration referendum, but would also block the project of the VIth Republic, which is promoted by the best-placed left-wing opposition candidate, Jean-Luc Mélanchon.

In France, the constitutional court is highly politicized, much more so than in Poland, which is nevertheless the country accused by the EU institutions of having a constitutional court that is too politicized and therefore not independent enough to make it legitimate.

In Poland, the Constitutional Tribunal judges are elected for a nine-year term by a simple majority vote in the Sejm, the lower house of parliament, from among persons with legal education and recognized professional experience in the legal field. In France, the Constitutional Council judges are appointed in groups of three for nine years by the President of the Republic, the President of the National Assembly, and the President of the Senate, each of whom alone decides on the choice of his or her own Constitutional Council judges. Those judges are not required to have any knowledge, competence, or experience in the legal field.

The incumbent president of the Constitutional Council, Laurent Fabius, is an old socialist apparatchik. The institution he presides over has authorized, despite their obvious unconstitutional nature in some cases, all the restrictive and discriminatory measures imposed by Emmanuel Macron and his government as part of their strategy against the Covid-19 pandemic.

Even today, France is one of the few EU countries to still make extensive use of a vaccine pass scheme, despite such apartheid-style scheme having proved useless during the current Omicron wave of the pandemic. At the same time, the French branch of the American company in charge of advising the French government for its strategy against Covid and its vaccination campaign, the McKinsey firm, is directed by Victor Fabius, Laurent Fabius’ son.

The first step of the Constitutional Council’s ongoing judicial putsch on the democratic institutions of the Fifth Republic that had been drafted by General de Gaulle and confirmed by the French people in a referendum was carried out in 1971 when the Constitutional judges integrated the preamble of the 1958 Constitution, the preamble of the 1946 Constitution and the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen into what they called the “constitutionality block.” This way, those judges transformed the Constitutional Council, without asking the French people or its elected representatives, into the guardian of fundamental rights and freedoms based on the general principles it would from that point on derive from those documents.

In 2018, under Laurent Fabius’ presidency, the Constitutional Council further extended the “constitutionality block” to the principle of “fraternity” contained in the motto of the French Republic: “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité.” The case it was ruling over was about aiding illegal immigration for humanitarian purposes. Thus, France’s Constitutional Council has now made it illegal for the legislative and executive branches of power to punish citizens and organizations engaged in supporting illegal immigration when their activity is non-profit related. The guardians of the French constitution thus decided, without having been elected and without having presented their proposals to the voters, to give legal force to the Republic’s motto, considering that the word “fraternity” in that motto implies “the freedom to help others, with a humanitarian aim, regardless of the legality of their stay on the national territory.”

The French Constitutional Council has thus become an American-style Supreme Court, which was not its role under the 1958 Constitution. This was done without a vote of the people, only by virtue of decisions made by politicians appointed to their positions by their political friends, and without introducing the democratic process that presides over the nomination of Supreme Court Justices in the U.S.

Today, as reported in the weekly L’Express on Feb 23, “for candidates with ‘breakthrough’ programs, the obstacleswill not stop after the presidential election (…): Even if he or she has the 500 endorsements required to run for president and wins the election and then the legislative elections in the wake of it, the new president could find himself or herself prevented from implementing his or her project if it is Marine Le Pen, Éric Zemmour or Jean-Luc Mélenchon.”

Whether it is a matter of deporting illegal immigrants or abolishing family reunification, it goes against the principles recognized as “constitutional” by the French Constitutional Court, even though such decisions are not covered in the 1958 Constitution which was approved by a vote of the French people. They are indeed covered by the “constitutionality block” invented by the Constitutional Council. Therefore, the laws promised by Le Pen and Zemmour, who planned to bypass the Constitutional Council using a referendum like General de Gaulle once did, amount, in the eyes of Laurent Fabius and his colleagues, to changing the French Constitution, which means that a vote of both houses of parliament is required first.

The problem is that the upper house, the Senate, is not elected by direct universal suffrage. It is made up of representatives of local elected officials — the electors — with a six-year term.  It is renewed by half every three years.

As a result, even after a landslide victory for his or her party in the June legislative elections, the new president elected in April could see his or her reforms, particularly in the area of immigration, blocked by a Senate populated by the cronies of the major parties that have alternated in power for decades and have transformed France into a multicultural and increasingly Islamic society.

No wonder a majority of citizens consider that democracy does not work well in France. According to a December poll, half of the French people even think that the state of democracy has deteriorated further under the presidency of Emmanuel Macron, himself a former socialist minister under François Hollande, just like his fellow crony Fabius. Even The Economist, the English liberal weekly, ranked France as a “failing democracy” for the second year in a row in 2021.   Facebook   Twitter   Reddit

German public broadcaster leaves Ukraine coverage to Open Society

Especially in times of war, it would be important to get the most reliable and factual information possible, but, “the first casualty of war is always the truth”, as US Senator Hiram Johnson stated in 1914. Today, German public broadcaster ARD in particular relies almost exclusively on “experts” from the Open Society Network in its reporting, which is financed by George Soros to the tune of 32 billion dollars.

Experienced war correspondents are in short supply at ARD right now. On 1 March, ARD reporter Danko Handrik preferred to report from the Slovakian border, where Arabs and Africans are conspicuously over-represented among the “Ukrainian refugees”. called ARD “only willing to report under certain conditions”.

Reporting from Kiev was journalist Anna Kosstutschenko from the English-language Ukrainian foreign channel UATV, who joined in from her bathroom. UATV belongs to the oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, patron saint of Ukrainian President and clown by profession, Vladimir Zelensky.

In ARD’s “Brennpunkt” on Tuesday, presenter Ellen Ehni conducted a tearful interview with Darya Romanenko, head of the civil society NGO “Drukarnia” from Kiev-occupied Slavyansk in eastern Ukraine. Drukarnia is part of the “Deutsch-Russischer Austauschs e.V.” from Berlin, which works closely with other civil society NGOs and was banned from Russia in 2021 for exerting “foreign influence”, a euphemism for regime change operations. Romanenko was identified by ARD only as “an employee of a peace organisation”.

Afterwards, “ARD-Brennpunkt” featured the Ukrainian MP and former education minister Inna Sovsun, who at length reported from Kiev on Russian special forces allegedly shooting children. “Whenever Putin opens his mouth, he lies,” Sovsun declared. Putin wants to destroy “Ukraine” and “the idea of democracy in the world”. It is not clear what kind of audience this child-like depiction was intended for.

Sovsun is a staff member of the think tank CEDOS, which in 2020 received $115 000 from George Soros’ International Renaissance Foundation and $17 000 from the German Green Party’s Heinrich Böll Foundation. In 2016, CEDOS received 124 000 US dollars from the Open Society.

On “ARD-Brennpunkt” on 28 February, presenter Ellen Ehni spoke with Gwendolyn Sasse from the Centre for Eastern European and International Studies ZOiS, who was allowed to speculate about Vladimir Putin’s state of mind. Sasse was an assistant professor at George Soros’ Central European University and met with Goran Buldioski, head of the Open Society Think Tank Fund, and other CEU leaders in 2014, for example, for Merkel advisor Gerald Knaus’ European Stability Initiative.

Ehni then spoke with Giessen-based lawyer Ario Dehghani of the law firm Redcliffe Partners, who lives in Ukraine. Dehghani works with the Anti-Corruption Research and Education Centre (ACREC), which received US$200 000 from Open Society in 2017-2020.

On Monday, Tagesschau interviewed Rebekka Krauß from the association “Space-Eye Regensburg”, an offshoot of the Open Borders NGO “Sea-Eye”, which was launched in November 2018 by Sea-Eye founder Michael Buschheuer.

None of the guests interviewed were labelled as employees of George Soros’ controversial Open Society Foundation.

France: An illegal migrant is convicted for drawing a DAESH flag in the deportation prison

Because of drawings found in his cell in the Centre de rétention administrative (administrative detention centre) Mesnil-Amelot, the arrested man stood trial in Meaux for publicly glorifying terrorism.

Sadiq was accused of glorifying terrorism and damaging his room at the CRA (Centre de rétention administrative) in Mesnil-Amelot. He was taken into police custody and brought before the Criminal Court in Meaux on Wednesday February 23, 2022 to stand trial on immediate summons. He was eventually acquitted but fined.

The Moroccan national, who was staying illegally in France, was placed in the Mesnil-Amelot CRA on Monday February 14, 2022. Three days later, a search of his room revealed several suspicious facts, some of which came under the category of “criminal offences”.

The alerted police officers made the findings and then the seizure: a small drawing of the DAESH flag stuck to the top of the door, a drawing and inscriptions in Arabic scratched on the cupboard door, and numerous sketches of people and weapons (Kalashnikov, knife…) found on him.

In the dock, the accused remained consistent in his statements. He admitted to having made the drawings – Japanese comic book heroes according to him – but denied being the author of the flag and the inlays in the

Africans and Arabs threaten fleeing Ukrainian women and threaten them with knives to prevent them from boarding trains

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Human tragedies are taking place at the Kiev train stations and the Ukrainian-Polish border crossings: while Africans report being discriminated against when entering the EU, videos show men preventing Ukrainian women from boarding the train and even pulling them out again.

Another video even shows a man standing in front of a train door with a knife and only allowing certain people to board.

A photographer told the newspaper Heute about the Polish border: “There are quite a lot of people of Arabic origin and black Africans. Like a man from Cameroon who worked in Ukraine.”

In one video, an Arabic-speaking man can be seen “selecting” the travellers and preventing many people by holding a knife from boarding. At the train stations, there are increasing conflicts between Ukrainians and migrants. The latter feel disadvantaged when leaving the country and speak of racism.

Several Polish media reported protests by the local population against the entry of the migrants. More than half a million refugees from Ukraine have arrived in Poland since the war began – some also continued their journey to Austria and Germany. In Berlin, almost one thousand people are said to have registered at the first arrival centre so far. In Vienna, 1600 people from Ukraine have arrived so far. However, considerably more are expected.

German Federal President pays tribute to RAF terrorist Ensslin as a “great woman in world history”

Gudrun Ensslin, co-founder of the “Red Army Faction” (RAF) and one of the most important terrorists of the Federal Republic of Germany, was one of the leading cadres of the so-called “May Offensive” of the RAF, a series of attacks that claimed four lives and injured 74 in 1972. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier apparently has a different view of the left-wing extremist, who was sentenced to life imprisonment for multiple murders and took her own life in Stammheim prison in 1977: In a congratulatory letter on the 80th birthday of the director Margarethe von Trotta, who made the benevolent film “Die bleierne Zeit” (The Leaden Time) about Ensslin’s biography, he counts Ensslin among the “great women of world history” who had a “pronounced will to change”. Steinmeier’s letter states:

“‘Film is part of life for me – I film to survive’, you once said. With your own characteristic style, you make new perspectives possible, especially on great women in world history who faced the fractures and impositions of their respective times with great intelligence, personal strength and a pronounced will to change social as well as political conditions. Be it the lives of Gudrun Ensslin, Rosa Luxemburg, Hildegard von Bingen or Hannah Arendt – you have dedicated unforgettable cinematic portraits to all these women and many others. Films like ‘Die bleierne Zeit’ or ‘Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum’ have become milestones of German cinema history. They will remain in our cinematic memory forever. With your work, you have contributed to the cultural reputation of our country. For that I say thank you today.”

Screenprint The Federal President (webpage now deleted)

The corresponding tribute to Rosa Luxemburg is also hardly fitting for a head of state: Luxemburg was one of the communist functionaries who led a coup in Germany in 1919 to establish a communist dictatorship on the Soviet model.

The Federal President’s Office’s handling of the congratulatory letter is also embarrassing. The Federal President’s page does list it as a catchword.

When you click on it, however, the text no longer appears – but only the message: “Error 404 – Page not found.

Steinmeier’s spokesperson said after the first protests, which were spread via social media: “This is clearly a mistake. A convicted murderer does not belong among these people. We apologise and will correct the congratulatory letter.” Rosa Luxemburg, however, obviously continues to belong to the great women of world history.

After his re-election as Federal President, Steinmeier had exclaimed: “I am not neutral when it comes to the cause of democracy.”

Islam is the Only Winner in the Ukraine War – A tough choice between Muslim Europe and Muslim Russia

Russia, with a birth rate of 1.5 children per woman, has invaded Ukraine, where the birth rate is 1.2 children per woman, to determine which nation with below replacement birth rates will go extinct the fastest. In the long run the only winners of the war to determine whether Ukraine will belong to the 1.2 or 1.5 people will be the Chechen and other Muslim soldiers doing the fighting.

The Chechens have a birth rate of 2.5. Their religion and mosques are more likely to inherit the territories they are fighting over than either the Russian or Ukrainian Orthodox churches.

Medieval Europe was able to recover from devastating wars and plagues, and a life expectancy rate of around the age of a postmodern grad student, because of high birth rates. But just as the Europeans discovered how to fight truly catastrophic wars, birth rates declined. World War II broke Europe when the previous world war didn’t because the dead were never replaced.

The UK birth rate during WWI looked like the Chechen birth rate. By WWII, it dropped below replacement rate. Today, like so much of Europe, it’s artificially bolstered by the British version of the Chechens, Pakistanis and other Muslim immigrants. Germany went into WWI fueled by an aggressive birth rate of 3.5. By the end, despite desperate Nazi eugenics, it had dropped below replacement rate. It looked like the Ukranian one until the Muslim birth rate kicked in.

Russia went into WWI with a birth rate of around 7, by the time the Soviet Union collapsed it had also fallen beyond replacement rates. Like the Europeans, its birth rate is artificially inflated by a growing Muslim population, legal or illegal, even in major cities like Moscow.

Every Ukrainian and Russian death is another loss that will never be demographically replaced.

Western Europe and Russia have dueling visions for Ukraine and the territories of the former Soviet Union. Europe would like them to join a wonderful union based around peace, tolerance, and importing millions of Muslims to balance out all the peaceful tolerant Europeans. Putin would like to induct them into Greater Russia which will unite Islam and Christianity.

Europeans claim that they can have a tolerant society built around the demographic growth of a religion that murders unbelievers. Putin claims that a new Christian Russian empire will be built on a multifaith alliance with a religion that has spent centuries destroying Christian empires.

Putin contends that, “we have Eastern Christianity and certain theoreticians say that it is much closer to Islam than Catholicism is.”. The Communist era left more “certain theoreticians” than dead dogs in Russia. Historians might point out that Islam destroyed far more of Eastern Christianity than of the Catholic world. But, much like the Europeans, a childless Russia has to turn to Islam to get the proles and the cannon fodder to keep the lights and the wars going.

Vladimir Putin likes to play the defender of Christianity. A defender of Christianity wouldn’t send Muslim soldiers to invade a fellow Christian country. But then again the Europeans pretend to be defenders of tolerance and yet they’ve filled the continent with a religion of intolerance.

So there’s plenty of suicidal hypocrisy to go around from London and Berlin to Moscow..

Putin argues that, “Russia was built up as a multi-national and multi-confessional state.” The European Union contends the same thing about its own goulash of nations. The problem is that the “multis” will ultimately give way to just one uni. Or, more accurately, one ummah.

Germany welcomes in a million Muslim migrants and Putin’s puppet in Belarus imports Iraqi migrants by the thousands and orders them to invade Poland. It’s as if the Gates of Vienna were being recreated by manics competing to burn their own civilization down the fastest.

Three years ago, the Chief Mufti of the Council of Muftis of Russia told a conference held in the Russian parliament on the subject of the “History of Islam in Russia: Understanding With a Look into the Future,” that the Muslim ”population will increase to 30 percent in a decade and a half.”

Dimitry Smirnov, Chairman of the Patriarchal Commission on Family Affairs, Protection of Motherhood and Childhood for the Russian Orthodox Church, agreed with the Chief Mufti. “Muslims have more children. Not Tatars, but Caucasians. The Chechens have eight children and the Ingush. The Russians will run out by 2050. Other nations will live here: Chechens, Ingush, Arabs.”

Asked if there was any hope, the archpriest said, it was “already too late.”

Time to invade Ukraine then. And then the Europeans and the Russians can argue over which future Islamic bloc, Greater Muslim Russia or Greater Muslim Europe, should control Ukraine.

Whatever casualties the current war will bring, the Russians and Ukrainians are killing themselves much faster than each other with over 600,000 abortions per year in Russia and under 75,000 in Ukraine. Both countries also have some of the worst suicide rates in the world.

Russia has the third highest suicide rates in the world and Ukraine has the seventh highest suicide rate for men. These are not the characteristics of people who believe in the future.

Behind the dueling campaigns of propaganda, the total saturation of lies, are these grim realities of despair and death. The spurious nationalism is a facade for the hard realities that Ukrainian and Russian boys are dying in a pointless war whose only winners will be the migrant hordes flooding out of the ‘Stans’ and out of Asian and Muslim Middle Eastern nations to replace them.

In the short term, European and Russian leaders and oligarchs expect to derive some temporary benefit from this latest episode in the death throes of our civilization.

In the long term, they are dooming us all.

Whatever the various sides claim to be fighting for, a Greater Russia, democracy, or nationalism, the only thing they’re really doing is accelerating their own defeat.

China and the Islamic Ummah need only watch and alternately cheer both sides on.

Much of Russia’s land, like America’s land, has already been leased out to China. While Putin chases Ukrainian territory, Russia proper is owned by China and colonized by Muslim migrants. Russia’s takeover of Crimea spurred Chinese investment in the area. Whatever Ukrainian territory Putin takes will ultimately benefit Chinese industries and their Russian middlemen.

But there’ll probably be a board seat in there somewhere for Hunter Biden or Neil Bush.

America, like Europe, Russia, and the rest of what once passed for the civilized world, have become profoundly unserious, crowded into social media echo chambers, shouting trending hashtags, and refusing to think in any terms longer than their attention deficit disorders.

There are always distractions to pass the time, to funnel away our outrage into the things that don’t matter to avoid thinking about the truly big things that do. Wars are wonderful distractions. Especially wars that don’t involve us and in which our only stake is a hashtag and a position.

But unless we start thinking seriously about the future, we won’t just lose, we will cease to exist.

Pro-Russian Mayor in Eastern Ukrainian City of Kreminna Found Shot Dead in the Street After He Was Detained by Officials

France: Corsican freedom fighter Yvan Colonna was the victim of an Islamist-motivated murder in prison for making negative remarks about the “Prophet”

Yvan Colonna

Franck Elong Abé, the alleged attacker of Yvan Colonna, who has been described as rather “silent” since the beginning of his police custody, is said to have finally started to talk: to investigators on Thursday afternoon, he explained his crime with a “blasphemy” of the Corsican activist who had “spoken badly about the Prophet”. The day before, the 36-year-old Cameroonian, convicted of “criminal association in preparation of an act of terrorism” and imprisoned in Arles prison, had brutally attacked his fellow inmate Yvan Colonna when they were alone in a gym.(…)Libération

The Corsican independence movement activist was still in a coma in Marseille on Thursday morning and was in a stable condition, according to his lawyer Patrice Spinosi, who is also the Colonna family’s lawyer.

The day after the violent attack in Arles prison that put Yvan Colonna in a coma, the anti-terrorism prosecutor’s office announced it would take over the investigation. The activist, sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of prefect Claude Erignac, was the victim on Wednesday of “strangulation with bare hands followed by suffocation” while he was doing strength training on his own, according to Tarascon prosecutor Laurent Gumbau.BFMTV

Franck Elong Abé 

According to our information, the suspect for the attack on the murderer of Prefect Erignac on March 2 had provoked several serious incidents in other prisons. An investigation was opened for “attempted murder”.

The family of Yvan Colonna expressed “their anger and incomprehension” in a statement circulated by their lawyer Patrice Spinosi on Wednesday evening. “She wants to hold the state accountable for the murderous attack to which he fell victim. How could such a “particularly conspicuous” inmate be so brutally attacked by a fellow inmate? Where were the guards whose job it was to prevent such attacks?” the statement continues.

The news caused horror at the head of the prison administration and led to an emergency meeting attended, among others, by Naoufel Gaied, head of the mission to combat violent radicalisation in the prison administration. Aside from the personality of the victim, an independence activist convicted of murder and considered a model prisoner since his incarceration in July 2003, the personality of the attacker raises at least as many questions as the circumstances of the attack and his prison record, which has been rather chaotic to say the least.Le Monde

A report on the flight: Rapes perpetrated by Arab, black African asylum seekers – Ukrainian authorities ‘abandon’ women in no man’s land

The interview was conducted by our Hungarian correspondent Elmar Forster

Why did you flee Ukraine?

We fled because it became absolutely life-threatening for me and my two children from the second half of last week. There is a military airport in my home town. Soldiers were transferred there for years. The airport is only a few kilometres away from our home. It was destroyed by some guided missiles on Thursday morning. The impact of the missiles made the earth shake. We witnessed the missiles as if they had hit directly in our front garden. At the same time, Belarusian troops with tanks arrived at the borders of our town.

Why did you flee to Austria?

We fled to Austria because relatives live here and we are safe and cared for here. However, the decision was not easy , as my son goes to school in Ukraine and my daughter is studying at the university. I was also involved in the care of my grandmother, which can now only be managed by my mother and my aunt. I am very worried about my parents and relatives.

How did you experience the escape? When did you make the decision to flee?

The escape was an ordeal. A relative brought us by car as close as possible to the Polish border. However, he was turned back by Ukrainian law enforcement officers far before the border, as men fit for military service are not allowed to leave the country. So we were “abandoned” and had to walk a long distance, probably about 30 kilometres. We were on the road for two days and of course had to get rid of all our luggage.On the way, we encountered many women, some of them very exhausted, some of them collapsing because they had to carry small children, some even babies in diapers. We helped them as much as we could. During the march we had nothing to drink. We were therefore pleased when we finally crossed the Polish border without any problems, where we were immediately welcomed very warmly and given the best first aid. Many thanks to our Christian Polish friends and neighbours!

The Selinskyi government distributed weapons among the civilian population… Was this action useful or is it not even dangerous for internal security?

The distribution of arms to the civilian population was correct and very effective. Without this measure, the defense of Kyiv and other cities would have collapsed long ago. Putin had imagined a blitzkrieg – a complete misjudgment! In his February 21 speech, he insulted and challenged every single Ukrainian. He is now getting his comeuppance. Ukraine will not be conquered in this way. Internal security has been destroyed by the Russian elite’s attack. It has turned Ukraine into a field of ruins. But the Russians have not managed to turn the brother nations of Ukrainians and Russians into enemies. In any case, self-defence is always legitimate!

Reports are beginning to leak out to the West that the Ukraine crisis is also being misused by Arab and African refugees as freeloader…

Unfortunately, the horror stories about the behavior of some Muslim refugees are true. I’ve experienced it myself: On our flight we met larger troops of Syrian, Maghreb, black African young men . They were admitted to the Ukraine after 2015 , received a scholarship for the universities of Kiev, Kharkov and Liviv/Lemberg and were cared for by the Ukraine for years.

As we fled, we encountered a group of such men. They insulted us as infidel sluts, unclean creatures, and “riffraff cursed by Allah”…Then they confronted us while doing so. As we were not impressed, some of them opened their trousers and announced that they wanted to rape us. We, the women, clasped each other so that none could be torn out and separated. I was scared to death, the children screamed – but we managed, thank God, to put our attackers to flight.

We are grateful to be warmly welcomed in Austria. We will certainly work diligently where we can. Natalia