Unbelievable scenes took place in a Viennese supermarket: three Afghans went on the rampage in a grocery shop in Meidling, shooting goods and attacking customers and employees with their fists and feet.
“News from the madhouse of red Vienna!”, commented Gerald Grosz on X about the unbelievable scenes that took place in a supermarket in Vienna’s Meidling district on Thursday July 4th. A 4.27-minute mobile phone video that is currently circulating online is causing fear and anger. The video, which was made by a shocked witness on his mobile phone, was uploaded a week later, on Thursday evening.
A group of three men, according to the police Afghans (22, 23 and 25), are said to have entered the grocery shop in Wolfganggasse, two of whom – for unknown reasons – first started rioting in the fruit and vegetable department and then threw goods across the room and kicked shelves. Customers tried to avoid the riot but were nevertheless drawn into it, with one user posting on the internet about the footage: “Madness. Now you have to have close combat training when shopping.” Another says: “Welcome to Vienna, the new adventure playground, where shopping becomes an adventure, everything Dadada.”
An employee bravely tried to calm the situation down again and again. A man (36) and his female partner (47) were also attacked and injured by the three Afghans, as the police confirmed to “oe24”. They first punched the 36-year-old, then threw fruit and vegetables at him. In the meantime, several vicious insults were hurled. The couple, who were chased to the checkout and beaten up there, had to be treated in hospital afterwards. The man suffered a concussion, a bloody wound and bruises, reports “oe24”.
The Vienna police arrived at the scene a few minutes after the alarm was raised. “The three suspected perpetrators were reported on suspicion of assault and damage to property. One of the three, a 23-year-old man who was apparently under the influence of alcohol, was provisionally arrested for aggressive behaviour. The motive of the men is still unclear”, police spokesman Markus Dittrich told the newspaper “Heute”.
Unfassbar: Afghanen randalieren in Wiener Supermarkt und verletzen Kunden | Exxpress
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