‘Our Allah will punish you all’: French company responsible for the costumes for the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games receives death threats

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On Monday the 26th of August, a complaint was filed at the police station in the eighth arrondissement of Paris. The representative of the company in charge of making costumes for the closing ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games filed a complaint about death threats. According to information obtained by Valeurs actuelles from a police source, the company received several emails with death threats from the beginning of August. These death threats were justified in the name of Allah, the justice of Islam, the Quran and the Islamic State.

One letter provided to us by our informants reads, among other things: ‘Let the kyafir and the servants of Shaitan know that our Allah will punish you all for your disbelief and wickedness. The day of retribution will soon come and you will realise the power and rightness of Islam.’ The author of these letters also called on his addressees to ‘humble themselves before the will of Allah’, otherwise they would have to expect the ‘eternal torment of hell’. ‘Allah is just and merciful only to the believers, while the kafir and the unbelievers are doomed to damnation and eternal torment. Repent before it is too late, for Allah is all-powerful and does not forgive the blasphemers,’ says another letter. According to the same source at Valeurs actuelles, the Olympic Committee was informed of the incidents on August 23.

[Info VA] « Notre Allah vous punit tous » : la société en charge des costumes de la cérémonie de clôture des JO menacée de mort – Valeurs actuelles

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