By Jack Hellner
Greenie leftists for years have been saying the Antarctic is melting.
Well, based on this latest news from AFP, the Antarctic ice is not melting as fast as predicted.
Runaway W. Antarctic ice sheet collapse not ‘inevitable’: study
Both the North and South pole regions have warmed by roughly three degrees Celsius compared to late 19th-century levels, nearly three times the global average.
The global temperature has risen less than two degrees Fahrenheit in the last 150 years.
There is no scientific data that show that this small rise is caused by:
- An exponential rise in coal and oil use.
- An exponential rise in gas-powered cars, machinery, trucks, and planes.
- An extra six million people breathing out CO2.
- Cows breathing out methane gas.
- Gas grills and furnaces.
- Power plants that greatly improve our quality and length of life.
The rise occurred because a 400-year-plus “little ice age” ended around 1860.
A small rise in temperature occurs cyclically and naturally after ice ages happen.
The ice isn’t melting more slowly than predicted because:
- Politicians and bureaucrats signed the Paris Climate accord.
- The UN has had multiple gabfests where a huge number of politicians and rich people fly in private jets to discuss climate change.
- Worthless pieces of paper called carbon credits are bought and sold.
- Solar panels and wind turbines taking up huge pieces of land.
- People are being forced to buy expensive, impractical, inefficient vehicles powered by a flammable pollutant.
Here is a hint as to why the ice is meting slower than predicted:
Antarctica had a record cold winter in 2021. This could not have occurred if everything that we are told causes warming actually did.
Antarctica’s last six months were the coldest on record.
A small rise in temperature occurs cyclically and naturally after ice ages happen.
The ice isn’t melting more slowly than predicted because:
- Politicians and bureaucrats signed the Paris Climate accord.
- The UN has had multiple gabfests where a huge number of politicians and rich people fly in private jets to discuss climate change.
- Worthless pieces of paper called carbon credits are bought and sold.
- Solar panels and wind turbines taking up huge pieces of land.
- People are being forced to buy expensive, impractical, inefficient vehicles powered by a flammable pollutant.
Here is a hint as to why the ice is meting slower than predicted:
Antarctica had a record cold winter in 2021. This could not have occurred if everything that we are told causes warming actually did.
Antarctica’s last six months were the coldest on record.