You read a lot of good things in the Toulouse dépêche…
A young woman called Ingrid had the idea to go abroad to a Muslim country, the Maldives.
Islam is such a wonderful religion … that when she was hospitalised after a serious injury, she thought she was going to starve to death.
Poor thing, she had to do a forced Ramadan!
So much for eating Madame white tourist, in Rome behave like a Roman, in the Maldives behave like a Muslim and keep Ramadan.
Ah, the joys of globalisation! May that be a lesson to her …
Well, of course, “la dépêche” chose to focus on the accident itself. The Sharia is undoubtedly a detail …
Very typical of journalism that is satisfied with the anecdotal, the mixed up, and never delves deeply into the matter.
At the moment it’s in the Maldives, but soon Sharia will be introduced for everyone at home thanks to the “NUPES” (party the GREENS, ed.)…
REPORT. Ingrid’s trip to Sri Lanka turns into a nightmare
“I felt I was being sucked into it. And then the propeller tore my calf. Then the other leg. I screamed and luckily I was able to hold on to the ladder,” she reports. The passengers on the boat thought it was a shark attack.
Yet everything had started well for Ingrid ten days earlier. When she flew to Sri Lanka with her travel partner, she had no idea that she would not arrive back in France until mid-May. “We had signed up for the Amazon Raid. This is a combination of trail running, kayaking, cycling, canoeing and archery. It is reserved for women and has a purely humanitarian orientation,” she said.
(…) Ingrid had planned to laze around on the Maldives for three days afterwards. According to the motto: After the effort comes the pleasure. For many tourists, the Maldives are a little paradise on earth: blue skies, white sandy beaches, coconut palms and warm sea. “I was tempted to go on a day trip by boat to see sharks and dolphins. 300 euros is expensive, but I thought it was a great idea.”
She was in a boat with a guide, the helmsman and six female passengers, most of whom had participated in the Raid. She was swimming around the boat and suddenly the drama happened. For unknown reasons, the pilot hit the throttle again while Ingrid was swimming in the immediate vicinity.
Ingrid was caught by the propeller, her legs were bleeding, but she found the strength to get back on board. There is no first aid kit, but fortunately a woman on board who works as a nurse is a great help. “The three hours to port were endless with unbearable pain”.
At the quay, she is transferred to the emergency room of the local hospital. She underwent surgery, got braces and lay in bed for days, suffering from hunger.
During Ramadam, it was impossible to eat during the day. And on her own, she could not rely on her family, thousands of kilometres away, to bring food. In mid-April, she was brought back to France, where she is being treated as an inpatient at Toulouse University Hospital.
Ingrid’s story is not a sequence of whining. The mother of two daughters and self-employed hairdresser is working hard to regain her physical fitness.
“My strength is to actually believe in it. To come back stronger. Walking, of course. Hoping to run a marathon again one day. The next bone surgery is scheduled for mid-June.