Letting social engineers talk children into pretending to be members of the opposite sex is so 2021. The trendier kids have moved on. If you can identify as a different gender, why not as a different species?
Michelle Malkin reports from Jefferson County, Colorado:
On Oct. 13, the county school district’s records custodian coughed up a 36-page document filled with emails between parents, school officials and other parties chronicling the need for costumed critter control. I obtained and verified the hair-raising trove. Back in February, a parent had informed JeffCo’s ”chief student success officer” Matt Palaoro about rabid furries at Wayne Carle Middle School who wore ”cat/dog ears, tails, fur gloves, collars, and leashes” while threatening peers who objected. The parent’s son reported that the costumed students would ”hiss, bark, scratch, and meow” at students who objected to the behavior.
Another child reported that the herd of furries would ”walk on all 4s in the hallway” and ”also eat with their face in their food.”
Liberal establishmentarians like John Oliver have responded to this phenomenon by declaring that it does not exist and mocking those who have noticed that it does.
Despite the long electronic trail of complaints and alarms, left-wing activist and Colorado Times Recorder propagandist Heidi Beedle slammed GOP gubernatorial candidate Heidi Ganahl in a hit piece titled ”Ganahl Falsely Claims that Kids Are ’Identifying as Cats…All Over Colorado & Schools Are Tolerating It.’”What Beedle and the publication fail to disclose is that Beedle is—not making this up—an apologist for furries who penned a 2,000-plus word celebration of the ”oft-misunderstood community” in 2018 for the Colorado Springs Independent. She highlighted a 16-year-old ”wolfdog” named ”Avedis” whose parents drive him to ”all-ages meetups” and quoted ”Chip,” a ”DenFur” convention staffer who explained that ”[w]hile furry is not an exclusively LGBTQ phenomenon, it skews pretty gay due to its obvious LGBTQ appeal.”
Maybe the LGBTQIA+ crowd will add an F at the end. Here’s were it fits in with the rest of the alphabet:
”Furry allows you to try out different identities,” the wolfman told Beedle. ”If you’re not sure if you’re gay, you can roleplay as a gay character. If you’re not sure if you’re trans, you can roleplay as a different gender. Furry allows you to experiment.”
Furries comprise a vibrant community of perverts, who hold conventions where they can hook up with strangers to have sex with while disguised as animals. As with LGBT, this community can now expand into an underage demographic.