A map recently published by German poll aggregator Wahlkreisprognose shows that in the former East Germany Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) has a clear lead in almost the entire former German Democratic Republic while the western part is overwhelmingly dominated by the conservative CDU and its Bavarian sister party CSU.
In other words, the country is sharply divided along what was once formerly West Germany and East Germany (GDR).
In the map, the Institute has colored Germany’s Bundestag constituencies according to party preference. The black color represents the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the blue color the Alternative for Germany (AfD), the red color the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), and the green color the Greens. The fainter the color, the smaller the lead of the party in the constituency, and the darker the color, the more dominant the party is.
The CDU dominates in western Germany outside the big cities, and the AfD in eastern Germany outside Berlin.
The CDU and AfD are perfectly aligned with the former border between the former German Democratic Republic and the former West Germany.
The exceptions are minimal: In the north of Leipzig, the CDU has a narrow lead, while in the south the new party of Sahra Wagenknecht leads, the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW), which has split from the Left Party. The BSW also holds a nose-to-nose lead in the former Karl-Marx-Stadt, now known as Chemnitz.
Overall, the CDU scores 27 percent nationwide in the new poll, while the AfD has 19 percent.