Naked in Vienna, Austria: Suspected Islamist “regulates traffic”, injures policewoman

X/Leo Lugner

He stood stark naked on the street with his finger raised and shouted “Allahu Akbar”: a suspected Islamist caused a stir on Perfektastraße in Vienna on Wednesday. In a subsequent police operation, he injured a female officer.

On Wednesday, an incident on the corner of Perfektastraße and Brunner Straße in the Liesing district of Vienna caused quite a stir: A man was standing there naked and holding a blue towel, possibly a prayer rug, as reported in the Austrian TV programme “oe24”. In the middle of the street, he seemed intent on “directing traffic”. The suspected Islamist also shouted “Allahu Akbar”.
The man appeared extremely upset when officers arrived and was difficult to calm down, according to the police. The man now known as the “Naked Man of Liesing” slightly injured a policewoman during the police operation.

X/Leo Lugner

Leo Lugner, district party chairman of the FPÖ, also commented on the incident on social media. “Vienna: diverse, tolerant and cosmopolitan – even in the 23rd district, on the corner of Brunner and Perfektastrasse,” he wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

Splitternackt in Wien: Mutmaßlicher Islamist “regelt Verkehr”, verletzt Polizistin | Exxpress

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