Yesterday’s attack on the Islam-critical activist Michael Stürzenberger who is a member of the citizens’ movement Pax Europa has cancelled out and replaced the grotesque hype surrounding the allegedly right-wing extremist party singers from Sylt faster than the left-wing state and its propagandists would have liked. The web is overflowing with reports and videos about the latest bloody incident across Europe. As with all the Islamist atrocities of the last ten years, which have met with more or less undivided approval from many supposedly ‘well-integrated’ German Muslims and in some cases (as in the case of Antonio Rüdiger after the beheading of French teacher Samuel Paty, who at the time liked a violent post directed against Macron by Islamists) were even met with expressions of sympathy from celebrities, all the Jew-haters, Hamas fanboys and young Muslims from the most integration-denying milieus are of course showing their enthusiasm again.
The internet is packed with tweets and posts of satisfaction at Stürzenberger’s fate; many of those who had attacked, spat at and cursed him during his hundreds of appearances in German marketplaces see today’s crime motivated by hate as a kind of just punishment and overdue atonement for his ‘Islamophobia’. He is also often labelled a ‘Mossad agent’ due to his pro-Israeli stance.
The most disgusting example of the frenetic Muslim enthusiasm for the bestial attack comes from the following video blogger, who gives free rein to his cheers in a video liked by countless German Islam fans.
While left-wing journalists still seriously doubt whether it could really have been an Islamist attack, the fellow believers of the Afghan perpetrator, who has been living in Germany as a refugee for 11 years, are applauding it unquestionably as a jihadist hero’s day against a blasphemer and infidel. The perpetrator himself acted with ice-cold intent; the full video of the incident shows how he walked around the scene for several minutes, took photos and then deliberately attacked out of nowhere.
What the above footage glorifying this act as well as the countless examples of support for terrorism show are precisely those cases in which the German state must finally act if it does not want to perish completely: such individuals have no place in Germany. The same should apply – in an even more severe form – to all those who are out of their minds and express support here, as the Caliphate demonstrators would have to face if this country were still in control of itself: Throw out these time bombs and demagogues! This is no longer a question of remigration, it is a question of the self-liberation of subjects who have never been allowed to live in this country and who have forfeited their right to live here.
If they are immigrants who are tolerated here, their permits must be revoked and they must be deported immediately (the same would apply all the more to illegal immigrants), no matter where they come from – even if they come from a ‘non-safe country of origin’. And if no destination country comes into question, they should be immediately taken into custody pending deportation. However, if they are German dual nationals, they would have to be denaturalised and also deported. If they were ‘only’ Germans, they would have to be subjected to the full rigours of the rule of law – incitement of the people, glorification of terror, approval of criminal acts. Of course, the dysfunctional German constitutional state does not allow for all of this, or it lacks judges who would be prepared to administer justice in this way; but this would be the task of an overdue new policy in this country. In a further step, it would also be necessary to examine the extent to which Islam itself should not be scrutinised insofar as it is possibly not a religion in the sense of the Basic Law, but an ideological totalitarian world view that should have no place in the public sphere.
Islam is a political system masquerading as a religion.
Neandethaler skull of that pedophile worshipping retard with an IQ of a slug.
Mohamad aka: Lothar Schmalfuss, a disgusting war mongering pedophile was a cardinal in Rome.
A filthy degenerate sand monkey & son of a bitch.