Muslims dressed in black provoke the German population with an Islamist march through Ludwigshafen

Several hundred people march through the city centre of Ludwigshafen on Tuesday at noon. According to the police, it is a registered rally of the Shiite Afghan Association Ludwigshafen. The participants – including many women and children – are largely dressed in black. The marchers wave flags and carry posters and flowers. The crowd sings and chants slogans. The participants are commemorating Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. He was killed in 680 during disputes over the leadership position within Islam and is considered a martyr by the Shiites. The march led from Bahnhofstraße through Amtsstraße, among other places, and is expected to end at Berliner Square. According to the police, there were sporadic traffic obstructions.,-muslime-ziehen-durch-die-city-_arid,5391048.html

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