What. Where. Why.
You won’t find any of those ‘Ws’ in any story that the media is interested in covering up, rather than covering.
Take the stabbing of small children at a Catholic school in Dublin, allegedly, by an Algerian Muslim. You can read entire stories about what happened in Dublin with nary a mention of these key elements of the story.
A FOX News story on the incident would read as quite baffling because it entirely covers the riots after this latest incident of Muslim violence without actually explaining why anyone might be rioting.
Protesters and rioters clashed with police officers and a police vehicle was set ablaze in Dublin, Ireland, Thursday evening after a knife attack that injured five, including three children.
According to Irish media outlet RTÉ, rioters attacked gardaí, officers of the state police force Garda, and set a garda vehicle on fire.
Okay, but why is this rioting taking place? What’s the connection between the ‘knife attack’ and the riots?
The riots came hours after a knife attack outside a school in the heart of Dublin around 1:30 p.m. A 5-year-old girl was receiving emergency medical treatment in a hospital. A woman and two other children were also injured. A 6-year-old girl sustained less serious injuries, and a boy was discharged from a hospital, officials said.
The media can’t tell you that the stabber was allegedly an Algerian Muslim and so it also can’t explain why people might be rioting. The result is a ‘Pravda’ like story in which you can only understand things by reading between the lines and inverting the official denial.
Irish police said they weren’t treating the case as terror-related, adding that a man in his 50s, who was also hospitalized with serious injuries, is a “person of interest.” No further details about the man’s identity were released by authorities.
If you’re an average person, this whole story makes no sense. Someone stabs some kids and people riot. But if you’re versed in reading Pravda journalism, you understand that the man’s identity is very important… because the media and the authorities aren’t telling you who he is.
And the one thing the media is telling you, that the case is not terror-related, should be viewed with suspicion.
Nowhere in the story does it get around to mentioning salient facts such as the Muslim attacker targeted children in a Catholic school.
The attack occurred shortly after 1 p.m. near Parnell Square, just off the city’s main boulevard O’Connell Street. The three children, who were lining up in front of their crèche prior to the incident, have been taken to hospital. A five-year-old girl is in a critical condition at Temple Street Children’s Hospital. In total five people have been hospitalized, including a 50-year-old male suspect who is now in custody. Irish media reported that the police ruled out a terror motive. The Catholic school is an Irish language-speaking school called Cólaiste Mhuire, which means St. Mary’s College
And what were the rioters saying?
The area where the attack occurred is ethnically diverse, but predominantly working-class, and host to a major asylum centre as well as a string of hotels turned into refugee accommodations. Certain media sources have described the attacker as an Algerian national.
Shortly after 5 p.m., crowds of young men from nearby housing estates began to gather on the street where the knife attack occurred and quickly engaged in verbal and physical altercations with awaiting police.
Authorities were shortly overwhelmed by the mob with chants of “Ireland for the Irish” and “Get ‘Em Out” heard as mobs of young men began to rush police and attack squad cars. The badly outnumbered police retreated northwards with abandoned vehicles left to be burnt by the gangs.
Now there’s actual context and the story makes sense.
Whatever your political views, any reasonable person has to acknowledge that the thoroughly censored mainstream media version of the story makes no sense. There’s no context and there are no explanation. What, why and where are solely lacking. Rioters inexplicably clash with police after a stabbing. Why?
The level of media censorship is so extreme as to make it impossible to understand what’s going on. And that’s no longer media bias, it’s simply political censorship.