Muslim private high school Al-Kindi in Décines-Charpieu, France, targeted by prefecture for pro-jihad books and teachers who glorify terrorism

According to Lyon Mag, the private Muslim high school Al-Kindi in Décines-Charpieu is facing an administrative procedure that could lead to the cancellation of its association contracts with the state. An inspection report found serious shortcomings, including the irregular use of contract funding for non-contractual activities and non-compliance with pedagogical obligations such as the prescribed timetables.

Among the more worrying elements is the presence of books that justify violent jihad, advocate violence against homosexuals and convey a backward-looking image of women. The house rules also stipulate special clothing for girls, but not for boys. In addition, a teacher is said to have supported controversial personalities on YouTube who are associated with the glorification of terrorism.
These findings prompted the prefecture of the Rhône department to initiate adversarial proceedings, with a meeting scheduled for December 12 to give the school management the opportunity to respond to the allegations.

Lycée musulman sous contrat Al-Kindi à Décines-Charpieu (69) : livres pro-djihad, enseignant faisant l’apologie du terrorisme dans le viseur de la préfecture (MàJ) – Fdesouche